The Palm Graveyard


Battery Meltdown

Victim: Ernie Goyette
Date added: 10/7/1999


My PalmPilot Personal edition organized my life. I had it for almost 3 years when one day I turned it on and the screen flashed on and then... nothing. I knew my batteries were a bit low, so I bought some new ones fearing that since I hadn't synchronized in a while, I was about to lose a lot of data. When I was replacing the batteries, however, I noticed an oily substance on my hands. After further investigating, I found that the Ray-O-Vac alkaline batteries leaked (last time a battery leaked on me was in my GI-Joe submarine pack in about 1975)! Apparently the juice from the battery shorted the thing out, so I was "forced" to buy a Palm IIIx (with a different battery brand). Without my Pilot, I was missing appointments and felt totally out of sync...
-Ernie Goyette
LTG Online

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