The Palm Graveyard


Choose Your Bathroom Reading Material Carefully

Victim: Chris Swanson
Date added: 11/9/1999


I work at a busy hospital. To catch up on the days events and return e-mails, I go to the bathroom. It's dual function really. No one bothers you there and you can take care of both businesses. So, I'm sitting there returning an e-mail when....splash! My PalmIII is in the abyss. In the time it took me to decide if I REALLY wanted to retrieve it, it had died a horrible death. I did finally fish it out (I hadn't actually begun any other tasks yet, luckily). I rushed it back to my desk and disassembled it. I blew out all the water with compressed air, but it has no use. I called 3Com and told them what happened. When the laughter subsided, they agreed that it was a one time fluke and replaced my Pilot for free. So, be careful if you get a reconditioned Pilot from 3Com. You never know what adventures it has seen in a previous life!

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