Comments on: Review: m100 series color set
Brando brings the ever popular iMac look to the m100 & m105 with his stylish new color cases. The m100 series falls into the same style genre of the iMac, so why shouldn't it have a spiffy colored case design as well. Now it does.
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RE: pretty cool, huh?
PalmPowered @ 5/29/2001 3:09:22 PM #
Just think, you could buy two and mix and match the colors as well. I wish they would come out with an anodized black case for my m500 that I could swap out.
Power Up!
Power Up!
RE: pretty cool, huh?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2001 3:36:57 PM #
You want anodized black? Get the IBM version of the M505 :)
RE: pretty cool, huh?
Whoops!, I must have added an extra infopalm by mistake!
I've corrected it, it was originally rated at 4.5.
PalmInfocenter webmaster
Neat, But Not The Neatest
SuccessWizard @ 5/30/2001 10:28:08 PM #
I still think the best case idea is the Lego Palm VII. When I get my VIIx, I may just upgrade -- everyone likes Lego!
Mike Lohsl
Palm & ACT! Advisor
Mike Lohsl
Palm & ACT! Advisor
Color Cases
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2001 3:06:03 PM #
Why don't they make any replacement cases for the IIIc? Its a color models so why not have a cool color case?
RE: Color Cases about making one for the Handera 330 as well? I am getting one and i personally LIKE the silver faceplate, but i seem to be standing alone...;)
RE: Color Cases
SilliconMan @ 5/29/2001 6:05:37 PM #
I know, a nice clear case for the IIIc would be wonderful...and some cool buttons too...oh man it makes me jealous.
Palming away.....
Palming away.....
RE: Color Cases
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2001 10:47:20 PM #
if you looked at their site you would see that they do make color III cases dumbass
RE: Color Cases
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2001 11:14:33 PM #
and if you had two brain cells to rub together you'd know that the IIIc has a different case than the rest of the III line.
you bore me
touch my monkey
you bore me
touch my monkey
RE: Color Cases
I have seen a metal casing for the Palm IIIc, but it was priced over 200$usd, so I thought I would get a CLIÉ instead of wasting that money!
RE: Color Cases
I just wrote to last week asking this same question. I own 2 IIIc's and would love a new case for them. The answer I received is that there are no plans for a color IIIc case due to low volume (case not shared with other Palm models). The IIIc is the red-headed step child of the Plam family (appologies to red-headed step children), it's hard to find cases, screen protectors, etc. for my favotite Palm.
Looks cool
It looks cool. The question is whether or not it is compatible with the new Palm m1. I guess we will have to wait anb see.
Screw the color cases
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2001 5:43:35 PM #
Screw teh color replacement for the IIIC how bouta ny case jebus ive looked through the net and all i acn find is the $200+ aluminum case palm should release A case any case ...........if anyone out there has a uncracked IIIC case please feel free to contact me
RE: Screw the color cases
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2001 11:00:26 AM #
I've used the color cases... they look nice, but don't hold up. AND-- don't forget--- they void your warranty. Important stuff when you have your palm drop on a hard sidewalk. Just my 1/50th of a dollar.
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pretty cool, huh?
And, that light blue must be pretty light. It looks clear from the pics, not light blue.
Certainly, though, if I had an m100/105, I'd snag one of these for it. That black casing of the m10x is lame.