Comments on: Review: Sony PEG-T415 Part I
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RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
But you asked so I'll show you the two best ones I could get. This is PG Pocket:
Here's a comparison shot with a Visor Pro:
These pictures haven't been modified at all. This is exactly what came from my fairly limited digital camera.
News Editor
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
There are no conditions that I have found in which the T415's background is paper white.
News Editor
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
RE: Pictures of the screen?
Pre production?
RE: Pre production?
RE: Pre production?
RE: Pre production?
RE: Pre production?
RE: Pre production?
It looks like I'll go with Sony's 760 (which I've used & really like) or the Handera 330 (which I've seen and really like). (No, not a PocketPC -- I tried an iPAQ -- nice machine, but not for me).
Take Care All!
-Brett Blatchley
Pfafftown, North Carolina, USA
B&W is possible
Hope it's mature technology!
about the stylus
Atleast I can say that I don't have bleeding thumbs like those poor unfortunate m505 users and their unrelentingly tuff to remove stylus
RE: about the stylus
I suggest you take a piece of clear tape, and put it on the top of the Clie. that will make your stylus very tight like a..... :) it works quite well.
RE: about the stylus
RE: about the stylus
Perhaps Sony wants to boost sales of replacement styli, since their 3-pack sells for $3.00 more than any other company's.
RE: about the stylus
RE: about the stylus
Mr. CaN
RE: about the stylus
Sony's WebSite for the PEG-T415
RE: Sony's WebSite for the PEG-T415
RE: Sony's WebSite for the PEG-T415
RE: Sony's WebSite for the PEG-T415
RE: Sony's WebSite for the PEG-T415
Up their sleeves
RE: Up their sleeves
also nobody has conformed or denied that the preproduction modle is going to be like the final
RE: Up their sleeves
If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
stuff ? That's not right !
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
"screen images simulated"
It's the same throughout the site, there are no official photos of 'real' screens for any new Sony Clié.
}:8) Supermoo
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
I had not been to the Sony Vaio website, but as ssummer pointed it out. These “Actual screen captures” are taken in such controlled conditions that they might as well be computer generated. Also notice how the resolution of the photo was dropped to make it look even better.
}:8) Supermoo
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
> controlled conditions that they might as well be
> computer generated.
Just to be clear on this, these and most ?Actual screen captures? are 99% likely to have been done through the Palm emulator on a PC. So yes, they are computer generated.
RE: If it is true, then it's a poor B&W screen
Article: Why the change of font? and size?
Can you make the article's font Arial looking and 1 font size larger just like what you usually use?
RE: Article: Why the change of font? and size?
Nice job, Sony. This is what Palm should have had for the 505 rather than a rehash of the V.
RE: Wow
> true, it looks like a great screen, too.
Ummm ... did you actually read the article?
RE: Wow
RE: Wow
RE: Wow
...and go through the product tour you will see that it says "Actual Screen Captures" on most of the screen shots.
Capture vs. image
RE: Better reserve your "Wows"
Sony's trying to take advantage of 2 things:
1) the ignorance of consumers visiting the site.
2) blind loyalty to Sony.
RE: Are they going to release a color version?
Get real--the grayscale will release right around Thanksgiving, just in time for Christmas. Perhaps you can hope for one at Christmas 2002.
BTW, the Yankees lost...
Besides the screen
* Can you compare the sound quality to say an iPaq?
* I'm curious how long the battery lasts with a mono screen.
* Sonystyle lists a "Clie Paint" program, I assume that's like BugMe/m500 notepad/TealPaint...?
Too bad all of the Sonys have bad buttons...
Thanks! Looking forward to the actual review.
RE: Besides the screen
...In accordance with the prophecy...
Wireless Modem
RE: Wireless Modem
"Yes, it would be compatible. The PEG-T415 uses the same connectors as the other Clie's, you would not have any problems connecting the Targus Stowaway keyboard with the T415.
The T415 is more superior to the other models and can be pre-ordered currently at"
Have you tried connecting things like the keyboard? I'd like to know if Sony is telling the truth or not. Thanks!
RE: Accessories
RE: Accessories
RE: Accessories
RE: Accessories
the T415 had a dif connector than the other clie. I have yet to find a keyboard that works.
RE: Accessories
News Editor
RE: Accessories
Sound comparison
In part II, could you maybe compare the speaker of the Sony to the enhanced speaker of the Handera? Since this is the only other PDA with an improved speaker. (Well the Kyocera as well)
RE: Sound comparison
Also, is it capable of recording voice memow through a microphone like the H330?
You're all missing the important point !!!!!!!
I think it has been more than one year since we have first met this never going outtastyle wallpaper and it's important to PIC websurfers to anchor to real, solid realities in this world of fried USB chips.
RE: You're all missing the important point !!!!!!!
now you've forced me to.
About IR remote
- can the IR port be used by other software such as Omniremote ?
- is it possible to record the IR codes of a unknown remote controller ? (learning function)
- is it possible to make a batch command, for instance to title a MD from the Clie ?
Pre-production unit
Also, what is the real point of this device, just that it is .05 microns thinner than any other PDA? Big deal! Why not make it a little thicker, but still thinner than a 610, and put the color screen in it? The 610 is already priced at $299 from websites such as J & R, so the 415 at $299 is no bargain. And what is the deal with so-called "high-end" black and white PDA's? If that isn't an oxymoron, than I don't know what is. Black and white was high end in 1950, not 2002!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on people. Would you buy a "high-end" laptop or TV with a black and white screen? That's what I thought.
RE: Pre-production unit
Also, I can pick a hundred reasons against your current PDA as well, so don't start flaming. If you want to do so much on your PDA, why don't you just buy a laptop instead? BTW, I will not buy a "high-end laptop or TV with a black and white screen". That's what you thought, wasn't it? But guess what? I'll buy the T415.
RE: Pre-production unit
I agree with you.I can't understand the fan with the small color PDA screen - buy a notebook if you want portable color ;) Also I think the main function of the PDA is to be your assistant...
RE: Pre-production unit
1. More memory/storage - my friend works at Best Buy and tells me the 128MB memory stick is selling quicker than any other MS.
2. More speed - Palm already has plans to move to the StrongARM.
3. Better means of user input - just look at all the folding keyboards/thumbboards/etc on the market.
4. Expansion - those SD/MS/CF slots on your PDA ain't there for the looks.
5. Better audio - HandEra and Sony have obviously come to that realization.
6. Better video - higher resolutions, more color. Again, HandEra and Sony seem to have a clue.
RE: Pre-production unit
RE: Pre-production unit
Size is reaching a point of diminishing return - sure you might be able to make a PDA the size of a nickel, but the screen is just going to have to be a certain size to be functional.
The T415 might be the thinnest PDA out there but for those that wanted thin, I never heard anyone complaining that the M500 was just too damn thick for their needs. Again, thinner is cool and all but user demand for a PDA millimeters thinner than the M500 is just not there. Maybe being half the thickness of a M500 would deserve some attention but the T415 sure doesn't...
And finally, weight. We are pushing the edge of how light these PDAs can go. I never heard anyone say "damn, my M500 is just too heavy, I need something lighter".
So to sum up, the T415 may be "smaller, thinner, lighter" but by how much that anybody really cares?
RE: Pre-production unit
- JohnJohnTheLeprechaun! JJTL!
Can you record voice messages ?
Screen is O.k. for me, style of T415 is very cool !!
I think that The picture can not tell the real situation if you didn't see it with your eye. I agree with Ed that the screen is quite too dark but I have to admit that it went along with the style that Sony try to build it up and I like it (In my opinion, my feeling like when I saw the m505, it is dark but not too dark to see for me). also, the letter on the screen is too thin to see in some angle because Sony use the same font that they use in N series.
If you carry it in your hand, I think that you will like it. It fit in your hand and also it is thin and look cool !!!
Hello !!
It's so funny...
Instead of facing that reality, we got some people now saying "uh, well I didn't want the T415 for the screen, I wanted it for the looks" or for the "other features" or "it's just a pre-production, it's going to get better". PUHLEEZE.
If Palm was to pull some crap like this you wouldn't hear the end of it. I am a 760 owner, I generally like what Sony is doing for the PalmOS market, but damn let's face it, the T415 is only marginally better than the M500 and the slim Visors...
MS Slot
RE: MS Slot
Looking at all the Clie models that came out this year, I wonder what Palm has been doing instead.
Sony T600C
Moreover, there will be new camera and GPS memory sticks. The new T600C will have 16-bit color and 16mb RAM.
Palm Confusion...
For instance; I was dead set on buying the Ipaq, until I heard that Sony was coming out with a color handheld to compete with the ipaq. So I waited... Then the Sony 710 came out... I was like "wow". But then I went to the Sony website and read that the 760 was being released. The only thing that was new was the os on it. Now it was time to choose. The only thing to decide now it was on wireless capabilities. Ipaq has it... Sony has mylo... What is that bulky hunk of junk attached to the sony clie. I prefer the Sony product. But if they do not come out with something better than that monstrosity. Then I will be forced to go with Ipaq.
Do you know if Sony is coming out with some type of wireless solution for their pda.
SuperConfused Man
RE: Palm Confusion...
But bluetooth built-in Clie should be the most obvious way to go
Saw the 415 today at Best Buy in Arlington, VA
I bought a 320 a few weeks ago, but was prepared to return it and upgrade to a 415. Then I read these comments on this site and it scared me a little bit, since the quality of the display is the reason I'd be upgrading.
I just got back from seeing, holding, and using the 415 at Best Buy. I think the detail was good, and the brightness was just fine. The only reason I didn't buy it was that, in the store at least, that particular screen was flickering and I didn't want to deal with that quirk.
Also, I agree with what some people wrote here: The buttons along the front bottom are small and not easily recognizable compared with the 320, 610, and the 760. I know I wouldn't like it in the long run.
So, that's my two cents' worth of comments. Take it with a grain of salt if you really had your heart set on the new 415.
Black t415 on Sony Webpage
Just thought I'd mention that you can now order a t415 in black from the SonyStyle webpage.
RE: Saw the 415 today at Best Buy in Arlington, VA
RE: Saw the 415 today at Best Buy in Arlington, VA
I thought the screen was much better than the 320. And I assume the flickering was just that particular unit malfunctioning or maybe it was the overhead lighting causing the effect.
Today, anyway, I decided to go way past my budget and I ordered a 610 from Dell.
MP3 support on T415
RE: MP3 support on T415
RE: MP3 support on T415
News Editor
Vibrating alarm
RE: Vibrating alarm
RE: Vibrating alarm
RE: Vibrating alarm
Some T600/T400 pics
of the new T600/T400, take a look at
RE: Some T600/T400 pics
Part II?
RE: Photos
Part II
News Editor
RE: Part II
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Pictures of the screen?