The Palm Graveyard


Tried to catch it with my foot

Victim: Tibor Lovey
Date added: 10/29/2001


Tried to catch it with my foot When my wife and I got back from summer holidays a month ago, we were very tired from the long drive home. We unpacked and planned to take a nap, but I wanted to check something on my faithful companion - Visor Graphite. I used to keep it in a leather case and when I wanted to put it back in, it slipped through my fingers and fell to the floor. I tried to catch it with my foot, however it managed to fell screen down, right on a clip on my slipper.

I held my breath when I picked it up, hoping it survived (it fell a number of times before), but no luck as you can see. Well that was the end of my faithful companion. The company offered to deliver a new one for about half the price but I refused. I bought a Palm m105 instead with flip and a sturdy PalmGlove case. Hopefully that will be enough to keep it safe.

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