The Palm Graveyard


Juggling in the air

Victim: Chris Hoover
Date added: 9/21/1999


The preamble to my story starts about six months ago. I used an HP 200LX as my 'Box of Brains' as I was fond of calling it (more affectionately: Bob). I was getting out of the car one day, holding my cell phone and HP in one hand, while I locked my car with the other. I fumbled the HP. In a attempt to save my brain, I tried catching it with my other hand. Alas, instead of catching it, I had the misfortune of batting it back into the air, on an arc away from me. It hit the ground with a sickening sound. Battery, flash ram card, and battery cover flew through the air. I quickly reinserted the batteries and turned it on. It was funtional, but the right half of the screen no longer worked and some severe case cracks and road rash.

I borrowed my brother's cast-off Pilot Pro and found the software to transport the data from the HP to the Pilot. No data loss. Just the end of an era for a much loved and well traveled companion.

Fast forward to August 30th, 1999. My Pilot Pro was nestled all snug in its JetPack. I had just exited the car while visiting a client. I was walking to the front door when I heard that same sickening sound! I quickly turned around to see my pilot on the ground, still in the JetPack. I quickly retrieved it, turned it on, and it worked! I went to pull the stylus out, only to find that the pilot had landed on that corner, and the stylus had forced the case apart, and the stylus was wedged halfway into the case! Used my trusty leatherman (the OTHER indispensible tool) to pull the stylus out, and all seemed okay. The only problem is that it now drains batteries in about 1 hour. Sigh.

My new Palm V is wonderful, though...

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