The Palm Graveyard


Life after watery death

Victim: Clym Escudero
Date added: 8/16/2000


The teamleader of my group at work has a Palm Vx and works from home. One day last week, he decided to to sit in his back yard and enter a slew of tasks, appointments and other miscellaneous items on his Palm while his family was enjoying the back yard. Well, he got distracted, set his palm unit down, did other things and forgot about his Palm unit . . . and then the rains came. The unit sat out in a downpour for about a day and a half. Doh!

When he found the unit, it was still water logged and (obviously) refused to turn on. He decided to hang on to the unit for a while to see if it dried out while he pursued the possibility of getting the new IPAQ. Well, yesterday (about a week after the debacle and a week full of ribbing from the rest of us -- recommending the otter box and other waterproof cases), he decided to charge the unit . . . and it worked!!!

As I type this, he's reloading his apps and sync'ing everything back into his unit. LOL!

Who knows how long it'll last (I'm wondering if something will rust/leak/degrade over time), but this is one of the most extreme stories of resurrected Palm units I've heard of. :-D

This makes me wonder if there are any other stories like this out there? :-)

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