Star Office on Palms & PDA's

Sun Microsystems recently acquired the Star Office Suite and is now developing it for use on Palms, WAP Phones and the Symbian Platform. It should be available by May 2000, read more in this ZD UK article. It will also be file compatible with MS Office.

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Great Idea

Christian @ 10/17/1999 8:18:17 AM #
I would be great to get Star Office on a Palm Device.


Christian Griebel

How Modular is it?

mjoyce @ 10/18/1999 5:31:29 AM #
For an Office Suite to work on a Palm (or even more so on a WAP browser), it'll need to be very modular: so Star Office will provide the basic engine for rendering, text editing and saving files, but Palms would only have a few basic features, clamshell systems would have a few more, etc. Users (and IT departments) should be able to choose which features they need. Squeezing a full blown package into a Palm might be possible, but it's pretty stupid.

Microsoft almost realise this in the way they've differentiated their HPCs from Palm-Size PCs in stripping features off the keyboard-based systems. Unfortunately, they tended to strip off any feature that Palms don't have, rather than working out which features were appropriate to their OS (Example: Palm apps have no "close" or "exit" functions, so neither do PSPC WinCEs: shame about the memory wastage!)

What's left in a WAP version?

Kris @ 10/19/1999 2:01:23 AM #
I'd like to see what features of Star Office would be left in a WAP version. What would you want in an office suite on your mobile? Seems a little pointless...

The Palm version would be worth it though.



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