Save 20% from PalmGear With Module Madness

Handspring has launched a promotion called Module Madness. Ten developers are offering a 20% instant rebate on 23 different Springboard modules on PalmGear. The promotion will last until November 6.

Included is the Xircom 802.11b wireless Ethernet module and modems from Xircom and CardAccess. The MiniJam MP3 Player is also on the list.

Pocket Express is offering four modules, including their Entertainment Pack with eight games like Tetris Classic.

Also included are the 8 MB and 16 MB Flash Modules plus the Backup+8MB Flash Module from Hagiwara.

Visit PalmGear for the full list.

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wow! what a deal!

palmcoder @ 10/3/2001 9:38:22 AM #

I can finally get that 802.11b SB for the low, low price of $299! Yes!

I told myself that I wouldn't buy one until the price dropped to 2X's the price I paid for my friggin' HandSpring.


RE: wow! what a deal!
Buffalo @ 10/3/2001 9:45:15 AM #
My thoughts exactly. I've been very disappointed with the cost of the modules that have been put out so far. For example, the Wristband Thinmodem is $79.96 This is about 40% of what I paid for my Deluxe. Even worse, some of the modules are down right stupid, ie the massage module. I bought my visor because was reaseonably priced and seened to be expandable through the springport. What I've now found out is that the springports are not reasonably priced.

RE: wow! what a deal!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 9:49:06 AM #
Its $240 after you take off the 20%. Not cheapo but not $300
either. Your paying the high price early adopters always
pay. If thats to much, stick with wires.

Bluetooth WAN modules will be out soon for half this or less.

RE: wow! what a deal!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 10:50:32 AM #
About the Xircom 802.11b module...

I bought one back in July for under $220 over at 2BuyStore. It currently lists at $219.77. Here's the url to the page:

Just thought you might want to know.


RE: wow! what a deal!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 12:55:43 PM #
insanely expensive. Why can't they just make a driver for the CF wi-fi to work with the CF/SB adaptor? that way at least the CF can work also in laptop, etc.

RE: wow! what a deal!
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 1:36:55 PM #
Because all the current Springboard CF adaptors can only support CF RAM. Part of the problem as I understand it is that the Springboard slot does not provide enough power to handle many CF cards.

The inventory's gathering dust...

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 1:43:54 PM #
While the Visor Prism markdown is warranted after this long (especially with the possibility of something new on the horizon), this seems to be an admission that demand is not nearly what HS expected. Let's face it, SB modules are generally VERY overpriced, even after 20% off. Consider the following scenario:

Visor Prism $300
Stowaway Keyboard $100
802.11b Springboard $240
TOTAL: $640 + taxes, shipping, etc.


Compaq iPaq $450($500- $50 Compaq rebate
Stowaway keyboard FREE(Circuit City rebate)
802.11b CF card $200 (that's list price, BTW)
TOTAL: $650 + tax, shipping, etc.

There's more for your money in LOTS of place besides HS and the Springboard standard. Evidently, people are realizing this, which is why PalmGear has to drop prices to empty their warehouse space.

RE: The inventory's gathering dust...
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 2:50:24 PM #
if you get the PCcard expansion package instead of the CF, you can shave another $100 on the Wi-fi PC card. The expansion pcakage I believe is the same price by now.

RE: The inventory's gathering dust...
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/3/2001 3:04:07 PM #
How long can you use this setup with the iPaq before it needs a recharge? I'd guess maybe two hours or less before it needs to sit in the cradle for a few hours. Sorry, wireless access that has to stay close to a wall plug isn't wireless enough for me.

Don't forget you'll need to the sleeve, too. Have they made any cases yet that will hold the iPaq *and* its sleeve? There weren't the last time I considered buying one of these.

RE: The inventory's gathering dust...
tychay @ 10/3/2001 6:03:45 PM #
Vaja makes leather iPaq cases that fit over IPaqs with CF or slider sleeves.
They also make Palm cases.

I agree with the rest, I''d also imagine there would be less support headaches with the Springboard because the software would be on the module itself. You could do more with the iPaq once you got over those headaches, but there is no one application I could think of which isn''t available on Palm, unless it is some custom vertical where all your programmers that the only IDE out there is Visual Studio.

I also think that the iPaq is a bit larger and heavier, which probably doesn''t mean much since the original poster is implying everyone is going to have to carry a portable keyboard anyway.

I can also knock off $200 from the Handspring''s price by getting a Deluxe. You could knock off some bucks off the Compaq by doing the same, but not that much. It is interesting to note that the original poster is claiming that that springboards are overpriced and then goes on to compare a BUNDLE with ONE springboard to a competing PLATFORM. (I think the price is high too, but let''s compare apples to apples).

Hopefully, bluetooth will make these wireless devices much cheaper. But since Microsoft''s still seems to be playing follow-the-leader in wireless, I''d expect you''d be waiting a long time to find an easy-to-install bluetooth hub for a good price.

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san jose, ca, usa



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