iambic Mail Can Send or Receive Any Type of Attachment

iambic Mail 3.0 has been released. It can directly send or receive email with both POP and IMAP support or synchronizes with Windows PC e-mail applications. The new version includes VFS support which allows users to send and receive any type of attachment on the handheld device. It also offers hi-res+ support, Short Messaging Service (SMS) support, and a filtering feature to automatically redirect incoming emails to different accounts. It is available now for $20.

iambic Mail allows users to receive emails with any type of attachment, like photos, Microsoft Word Documents, etc. and save these files to an external memory card. However, it doesn't come with viewers or converters for these files. Likewise, it can email any type of file on the memory card.

Users can create multiple accounts on the handheld and set incoming emails to automatically redirect to the appropriate accounts.

Iambic has increased the speed the application downloads and uploads data as compared to previous versions.

A free upgrade to version 3.0 is available for customers who bought iambic Mail within 60 days of this release. For customers with earlier versions, the upgrade is $10.

The application is also offered as part of iambic's office suite, which sells for $40, and includes TinySheet and FastWriter.

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big_raji @ 8/8/2002 10:09:41 AM #
I've been looking for a mail program that doesn't require a special conduit for every single attachment. This is great!

Now I can save jpgs to memory card and view them in Acidimage...

For all the people that have suffered through my "What's Wrong With This Picture" Signature:

RE: Nice!
big_raji @ 8/8/2002 11:01:28 AM #
Hmmm, perhaps online it will download all attachments, but the conduit still only synchronizes supported attachments.


Oh well...

For all the people that have suffered through my "What's Wrong With This Picture" Signature:

Can retrieve messages online from palm?

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 10:11:38 AM #
Can it? Because i am confused with the description saying that it can syncronize with the desktop conduit..... So can i go online with my palm and retrieve the messages directly?
RE: Can retrieve messages online from palm?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 10:24:09 AM #
Yes, iambic says it can do this in several places on their site.
RE: Can retrieve messages online from palm?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 1:50:50 PM #
Anyone know of an IMAP client that hotsyncs personal folders BESIDES the Inbox? I've been looking for this for quite some time.

Mem Card not needed for attachments with InBox To Go (FYI)

nrosser @ 8/8/2002 11:56:06 AM #
I've been using the preview version of DataViz' Inbox To Go program, and I wirelessly retrieve attachments with my Kyocera 6035 (yes, I'm hurting on space, thank you) without having to use a mem card. So - for those who don't have a mem card and still want to get and view and EDIT and SAVE attachments, you might wanna consider Inbox To Go. I've used many many wireless mail programs (tho not Iambic Mail, I must admit, yet I'm a fanatical ActionNames user), and I really like Inbox To Go. Just another option to consider. Esp if no mem card, like me, yet (waiting on 7135).

RE: Mem Card not needed for attachments with InBox To Go (FYI)
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 1:24:58 PM #
Yep, Inbox to Go (particularly with the new 5.0 Docs to Go) is pretty much the complete solution for me. It supports every attachment I need (with the possible exception of video for the porn my friends love to send me).
InBox To Go will have monthly charge
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 4:27:42 AM #
Regarding Datavis's email app. It's only free during beta then it goes to a monthly billing. How trick is it actually in checking emails? Doesn't not actually check your own email account, rather your decktop PC (sorry Mac folks) checks emails and then forwards it to their server for your palm to check. Sure wish Palm hadn't bought MultiMail... it handled attachments directly, they were on a road to great software and then got bought and caught in the big corp slug.
RE: Inbox To Go
nrosser @ 8/9/2002 1:09:58 PM #
Answering that last post re how Inbox To Go works - well, I think it's pretty 'trick'. I get all the same mail that hits my Outlook inbox, as well as the ability wirelessly download attachments. Maybe I'm not getting your question, but it works great for me, as the only mail I care about is what comes to my Outlook. Yes, you have to leave your PC on and connected to Exchange, but that's the case with Aileron from Corsoft, and TreoMail, and Palm's mail service (unless the IT dudes will put a server behind the firewall, which won't happen where I work).
I love it!

The last time i tried SMS,,,,,,

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 3:17:13 PM #
I think SMS only works with the treo or palms with internet connectivity.

Does it work like uniSMS or funSMS now?

RE: The last time i tried SMS,,,,,,
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:31:42 PM #
SMS is SMS. You don't need a Treo or Internet connectivity to do it. Any Palm with an SMS app and compatible phone via IR/BT/Cable can send/receive SMS...
RE: The last time i tried SMS,,,,,,
big_raji @ 8/8/2002 11:41:29 PM #
I think the first guy is saying that Iambic Mail's SMS feature only works with the Palm branded SMS program and driver, which is only available for Palm branded pdas and the Treo.

A Clie with a 3rd party SMS program wouldn't be able to use SMS in Iambic Mail.

For all the people that have suffered through my "What's Wrong With This Picture" Signature:

RE: The last time i tried SMS,,,,,,
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:56:15 PM #
you can use sms on a computer - why fight it?

Not very useful

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 5:11:18 PM #
Well, IMHO, this is not very useful. The whole point of having email on your palm, is so that when you are away from your computer, you can continue to work.
The ability to veiw JPGs is nice because I have AcidImage and it works with original JPG files.

But the word and excel is only half useful. I say half, because you do have the ability to send out excel files from your palm. Thats nice. And for those who download your emails every morning onto your palm before you leave, yeah I can see it doing a certain task.

But I use email programs to receive email when I'm away from my computer (such as an airport). Now if you're away from your computer and you receive an email attachment, but can't view it, you haven't really gained much.

Anyways, just an opinion.

RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 8:57:02 PM #
Do you have a url to AcidImage?


RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 10:48:51 PM #
Yep, the website is:

Red Mercury is the name of the company and the image viewer is AcidImage.

RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:51:50 PM #
try blackberry - it rocks
RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 12:28:31 AM #
"Now if you're away from your computer and you receive an email attachment, but can't view it, you haven't really gained much."

I agree. Having it on my handheld and not being able to do anything with it is not much better than the free email app that comes from Palm. That app gives me the message and leaves the attachment on the server so I can grab it when I get back. The difference for me is nill. I may consider Inbox To Go for my work email, but with 700+ messages I'm a little nervous.


RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 12:34:55 AM #
"try blackberry - it rocks"

Yes, but I was not aware you could do Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or html attachments on those. Not trying to be cute, just not sure if the RIM technology had changed much from the 1 inch text only screen that I was familiar with.

RE: Not very useful - office suite
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/10/2002 6:45:05 PM #
Overall, Iambic Mail is ok, but I am obligated to buy the whole office suite and the datebook (AN) if I want to have a fully-functional email software. That sucks...
RE: Not very useful
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/12/2002 9:26:42 AM #
Corsoft's Aileron lets you send and receive attachments and will handle file-type conversions so that you can receive Excel and Word files and then open them in, say, Quickoffice, D2G or WordSmith for editing.

Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 10:37:11 PM #
I will continue to put my money where my mouth is: Let us not forget that this immoral company, iambic, is the same company that tried to screw Steuart Dewar and Pimlico Software by pulling that stunt on May 2, 2002, in which iambic registered DateBk4.com and DateBk5.com and directed them to iambic's page for its own calendar application, Action Names Datebook. For those who need a refresher, search PalmInfocenter for "iambic Registers Domain with Rival's Product Name" - it's all still there.

I said at the time that I will *NEVER* buy anything ever again from iambic. I AM STICKING TO IT!!! No matter how good this product may be, iambic WILL ***NOT*** GET !!!ANY!!! OF ->MY<- MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

I recommend that all of us help iambic remember where the power is - with the consumer - by NOT buying this, or ANY OTHER iambic product. They think that their stunt is over? We should show them that memories are long when they screws Steuart - and us!

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:35:45 PM #
Well said. Iambic will soon learn that many people have long memories, especially when it comes to dishonesty and unscrupulous tricks...

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:49:31 PM #
I for one really don't care much about that domain name fiasco. If an unregistered domain name exists, and you grab it, then more power to you. It's been done many many times, and if a company doesn't have the foresight to reserve the domain names which are identical to their product names, as far as I'm concerned, it's their fault, not the company that ends up reserving it.

Having said that though, I was very interested in iambic Mail, and downloaded the beta of version 3. It would often corrupt the display on my Treo 270, and the scroll bar of the message list didn't even work (although the scroll bar of the message viewer did). I sent an e-mail to support@iambic.com mentioning that I was a prospective customer, and asking if these bugs were known and being adressed. They didn't bother to respond, which is really pathetic. If you can't answer a simple pre-sales question, you don't deserve my business. THAT, and not the silly domain issue, is why it is unlikely that I'll ever purchase an iambic product.

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 6:59:56 AM #
heh I didn't know there was such a thing as datebk fanatics.
It's just software. If it works use it. Don't make love to it
RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dew
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 10:11:20 AM #
Yawn. Yes, lets dwell on a minor event that lasted all of a few of days and ended with an apology. Maybe some people should move on with their lives. There are much bigger fish in the real world.
Steuart Dewar forgave iambic
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 1:10:09 PM #
Steuart Dewar, head of Pimlico Software, has circulated an email stating that he has accepted the apology from Vidal Graupera, CEO of iambic, for his company's recent actions and would like the Palm community to do the same.


RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 4:36:42 PM #
iambic may have apologized to Steuart, but they haven't apologized to ME, and it's *MY* money they want! They have clearly shown their colors, and a weak attempt to obfuscate the truth of their ways will not have the effect they desire. Hence, I, too, will not deal with this, or any, company that behaves unethically. Nope! They ain't gettin' MY hard earned money. They must EARN it, and iambic has a **VERY VERY** long way to go before they earn any of MINE!

Although I can hear the irrational hypocritical whiny liberal leftist whacko commies complaining already, can you say Enron? Can you say WorldCom. Xerox?

How about iambic?

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dew
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 8:02:49 PM #
> I, too, will not deal with this, or any, company that behaves
> unethically. [...]
> Although I can hear the irrational hypocritical whiny liberal leftist
>whacko commies complaining already, can you say Enron? Can you say WorldCom. Xerox?

Well, I sure hope you don't have any Microsoft software. At least the companies you've mentioned haven't been convicted of anything (yet).

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/10/2002 9:29:57 PM #
>Well, I sure hope you don't have any Microsoft software. At least the companies you've mentioned haven't been convicted of anything (yet).

And Palm was convicted of STEALING Graffiti from Xerox so I guess you can't use a Palm anymore.

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dew
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/11/2002 10:00:34 AM #
The only legal way to resolve an unsettled patent dispute is in court. Stealing would be an inappropriate description of the Palm/Xerox situation, and hardly comparable to the criminal/ethical issues being discussed in the previous comments that are more applicable.

Still, when you start thinking about these much more serious issues, the unethical holding of a domain name for a few days is pretty trivial.

RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dew
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/11/2002 5:09:46 PM #
iambic apologized to steuart, he accepted the apology yet you want to keep bringing it up. Fine, whine all you want but you have to apologize to US for having to listen to your silly whining!
RE: Let us not forget that iambic tried to SCREW Steuart Dewar
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/12/2002 4:10:00 AM #
Actually, I *DON'T* have to apologize to you. On the contrary, if have the right to say as I wish, and, if you didn't want to read any of this, you only HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME for being too STOOOPID to stop reading this thread and move onto the next thread.

Does this work on a HandSpring?

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:38:48 PM #
RE: Does this work on a HandSpring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:48:31 PM #
sorry, only works on palm 4.1 and above
RE: Does this work on a HandSpring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/8/2002 11:49:33 PM #
ouch - i guess i have to upgrade

nuff said

RE: Does this work on a HandSpring?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 5:28:15 PM #
Nonsense. It works on all Visors.... Palm OS 3.0 and above.

HIRES+ Really???

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/9/2002 1:08:16 AM #
Tried it and must say: ok it has some sort of HIRES+ but constantly jumps back on normal HIRES (on NR70V) quite annoying, when you change options within the application, eg prefs...

Why does it not stay in full screen mode like Datebk5?


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/10/2002 9:33:01 AM #
How come it does not offer multi account for sending? What if I have business address and private address ? (email address)

How come how come how come how come....

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/11/2002 1:32:45 AM #
Yes this makes no sense to me whatsoever. I dumped it from my Treo as soon as I discovered that you have to select one email account as your default. Whats the point haveing the return email address settings in the account setup if only one of them can be used?

I like the package overall though.



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