Quickies: Screen Repair, 7 Hexes, myWorkbench, and Much More

STNE Corp. has lowered its prices on screen repairs. Palm V, Vx, and IIIc screen repairs are now just $69 while Sony ones are now $90.

7 Hexes is a Myst-like game that it's developer, R. Zane Rutledge, says will be available soon. It was demonstrated as TickTock at PalmSource in February. -mtg101

Toysoft has released myWorkbench 3.0, the latest version of its application for managing files on the Palm and on external memory cards. New feature includes the ability to view Microsoft Word docs, HTML, .c, .cpp, .h, text and csv files using external plugins. It costs $18. -PR

sfr GmbH is looking for beta testers for visual Key Palm OS. This is an alternative to text passwords. The app displays a graphic of the user's choice and the user taps particular points of the graphic with the stylus. The order and the positions of the chosen spots form the key. -PR

neohand has released Amy Reiley’s Pocket Vineyard 2.0. The new version has an interactive vintage chart, a glossary of 500+ wine terms, a food pairing companion, monthly recommendations from Reiley, and a database to store the user’s personal tasting notes. It costs $20. -PR

The San Francisco Palm User Group (SFPUG) meets today, August 22, with MindJet, who will present its mindmapping program for the Palm OS. -Tony Ching

The Klang Valley Palm User Group (KVPUG) in Malaysia will be discussing the "mobile lifestyle" at their meeting on 24 August. They will be showcasing the nLiven software which allows users to check what's happening around Klang Valley. -Soo Kah Kiong

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7 Hexes

sandbuck @ 8/22/2002 9:28:28 AM #
OS4 or OS5?

RE: 7 Hexes
Ed @ 8/22/2002 9:34:25 AM #
I put this quickie in there because I saw the demo of TickTock at PalmSource and was blown away. It was running on OS 4 at the time. It is possible that the reason it hasn't been introduced before now is Rutledge decided it would be better under OS 5. I know it requires a hi-res screen. I've been trying to get in touch with him to see if he'll say any more about it.

If Palm wanted to bundle a game with its OS 5 handhelds to give people a reason to upgrade, it couldn't go far wrong with 7 Hexes.

News Editor

RE: 7 Hexes
big_raji @ 8/22/2002 9:35:19 AM #
I doubt we'd be seeing any "OS5 Only" programs at this time.

RE: 7 Hexes
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 10:10:53 AM #
Ed, if the game is "Myst-like" wouldn't it sort of be "too much" for people used to playing stuff like checkers, blackjack and Tetris on their Palms? That is, of course, assuming it's bundled with each unit sold. I'd think Sony would be a more likely candidate to snap the game up for bundling purposes. Is there anywhere that we can see some actual game screenshots or whatnot? Do you maneuver around the game in real-time (ie "Real Myst") or is it a series of static screena like the original Myst?

I'd think Bejeweled or something of that nature would be a good choice for Palm to include with OS5...or even a revised version of the rather lackluster Palm Games Card.

RE: 7 Hexes
maven @ 8/22/2002 11:42:24 AM #
I've seen this game, and I too was blown away. The game is just beautiful, and cannot be compared to most Palm games.

The game interface Zane designed is very much like the original Myst, with a few twists of his own. I'm looking forward to seeing it released.

BTW: For those of you who didn't know, Zane is an artist, film-maker, and author with some impressive credits, including work on American McGee's Alice.

RE: 7 Hexes
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 3:48:09 PM #
Woww, I cannot wait to feast my eyes on this game! This might finally be the nail in the coffin for my m505...Alice was a pretty good game and was a knockout in regards to the visuals and art/character design. I'm hyped!

Come on Palm, roll the new 'uns out!

RE: 7 Hexes
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/23/2002 12:22:33 AM #
I think the keyword list contained within the webpage answers this question rather nicely:

<meta name="keywords" content="7hexes, seven hexes, 7 hexes, palm, game, myst, graphic adventure game, zane rutledge, time game, palm os 5, palmos5, hi-res, arm processor">

RE: 7 Hexes
ardiri @ 8/24/2002 12:58:55 PM #
the first release will be ARM/OS5 only; more spefically hi-res (320x320). the future plans are definately to provide a lo-res version and hi-res versions for the older m68k processor family. however, you should not be surprised if the movies/speed are available in the m68k version as they will be in the ARM version :) last time we chatted, this was the plan - it may be subject to change though :)

rest assured - this product will be very nice :) i'll let zane discuss details/screenies/teasers with you all *g*

sit and wait :)

// az

Visual Key

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 10:20:35 AM #
Sounds like Gridlock except with a picture instead of a grid.
RE: Visual Key
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 10:55:36 AM #
Please test visual Key, and you will compare it never again ;-).

You can use any picture you want. Visual Keys are realy impossible to decrypt.



RE: Visual Key
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 12:39:41 PM #
that sounds really creative. Maybe i'll try it out.
RE: Visual Key
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 1:34:38 PM #
Impossible to decrypt? That starts to make it sound like snake-oil.

By tapping on areas of an image to generate the key, you wind up with keys that look like this: (10,200)(300,34)(25,87)(44,80). This is no more "impossible to decrypt" than any other sequence of numbers. Actually, it's worse, since you will need to add some error-padding (or else expect the user to have pixel-accurate pointing ability).

It's a novel idea for key generation, and may make keys easier to remember for some visually-oriented people, but it hardly means that the keys are "impossible to decrypt".


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 12:43:52 PM #
I went to their website. Its too bad they dont offer repairs to the screen for the Palm M500.
Also, their links are terrible. I clicked on the M500 16mb upgrade, and it took me to a Sony link.

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/22/2002 3:02:08 PM #
I used the site to order an upgrade- only thing that was unclear (to me anyway- duh) was that your shopping cart order and payment really start the process (STN them e-mails you shipping authorization to them). I appreciate PalmInfoCenter making this info available.


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