Quickies: SJ30, Handango, Super Names, Entourage, Super Duck

Sony Japan is going to introduce the PEG-SJ30 in that country on September 14. The price will be 29,800 yen (about $250 US). This is the only member of the redesigned S-series to be announced in Japan so far. Sony Japan also announced the GC10 Game Controller; no mention has been made of the folding keyboard yet. -Eugene

The Handango Rewards program allows customers to earn points redeemable for prizes and free software. Customers receive 10 points for every $1 spent. -PR

Stand Alone has released Super Names 2.0, the latest version of its address book app. It allows users to add an unlimited numbers of fields to each address and link an address to any other address, or to an appointment, to do item, or memo. It supports hi-res and hi-res+. It sells for $20. -Ed

The conduit to allow Mac OS X users to HotSync contacts, tasks, notes, and calendar events to and from Entourage X and their Palm is available again. It was released earlier but withdrawn last month after the original version proved to be very buggy. It is a free download. -Ed

Ellams Software has released Super Duck 3D, a game in which a duck wanders through 14 levels looking for power stars. It costs $12. -Ed

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Handango Rewards

Beavis @ 8/28/2002 8:49:01 AM #
For only 1000 points, I can get this neat rubber band, and for 5000 points, I can get a "Chinese Finger Trap".

RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:16:00 AM #
Hyperbole aside, how much do points get?
RE: Handango Rewards
big_raji @ 8/28/2002 9:38:22 AM #
From what I quickly saw, with 1000 points ($100 spent), you get free e-mails with special offers. 2500 points ($250 spent) gets you a $10 gift certificate. 5000 ($500 spent) points gets you a $25 gift certificate.



RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:55:53 AM #
Free Emails! Yea!! Not that I don't already get those from all the developers I told to tell me when they release a new version or have new news. If these software writers are showing/selling their software on Handango, then they get to send out a email every month of great software deals on Handango. No news of their own, just a big email Handango put together for them. Pretty bad when you get a dozen of those every month. Everyone needs to make money and this may be a way of Handango paying the developers more, but how about just upgrading their software and letting us know?! Handango once again helping themselves, er... everyone.
RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 11:35:55 AM #
Hey folks,

Wanted to clarify a few things.

1) All emails from Handango are completely optional.
2) When you sign up for Rewards emails, you also get 10% off your next purchase.
3) At 1000 pts, you do qualify for special offers that come mostly from our OEM partners, but again, it's your choice to opt-in or not.
4) The emails from developers come from developers, not Handango. Though we help some developers create email offers for their customers, the developer sends it to their own opt-in list; we require that it's an opt-in list before we help put together the email. If you receive it several times, it usually means you're opted in to multiple developer lists.
5) Yes, we're trying to build our customer base and the mobile software market, and we're serious enough about that to take on the cost to build this program as well as the cost of the rewards themselves. But, the rewards program is really first and foremost a way of thanking our loyal customers. Last year, several thousand folks would have qualified for rewards; these are the folks that keep the mobile software economy humming, and we wanted to let them know we appreciate their business.

As always, we're open to feedback on the Rewards program or anything else.

Clint Patterson

RE: Handango Rewards
big_raji @ 8/28/2002 12:46:32 PM #
> 5) Yes, we're trying to build our customer base and
> the mobile software market, and we're serious enough
> about that to take on the cost to build this program
> as well as the cost of the rewards themselves. But,
> the rewards program is really first and foremost a
> way of thanking our loyal customers.

Well, I think the rewards program is a great way to reward customers that were going to buy Palm apps regardless of rewards. Unfortunately, it doesn't motivate me personally to go out and purchase any apps that I wouldn't normally have purchased.

I'm still extremely frugal when it comes to buying PDA software, and can't envision myself spending more than $50 in an entire year on Palm apps. That translates to 500 points, and isn't valid for anything of value.

Of course, that's just me.


RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:25:08 PM #
And don't forget about "Datebook on Clock" and "DataKeeper". Updated DAILY now for the last 3 months! What a grand service Handango provides. Care to explain this practice? If I can't actually tell which apps are updated and which are re-posted daily for "cheap advertising" purposes, then the "updates" status of the site is useless.
RE: Handango Rewards
big_raji @ 8/28/2002 1:46:32 PM #
> And don't forget about "Datebook on Clock"
> and "DataKeeper". Updated DAILY now for the last 3
> months!

I haven't noticed that...? Are you sure they weren't "Featured Products"?


RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:54:34 PM #
Handango.com / Palm / Updated (Last 7 days).

Been showing up almost every day for the last several months. Several users complained by posting in the reviews about the practice, and then Handango removed all but the 5 star reviews from the products plus allow the developer to continually (automatically) touch the products each day so that they are redisplayed as updated. This HAS been brought to Handangos attention, and they seem to not only allow it, but promote it due to the fact that only THEY could have removed the same remarks that pointed out what the developer is doing. Someone even has an email from the developer where the developer pretty much replied "If you don't like it, then do it yourself with your own products". Handango just turns a blind eye, or they have a vested interest in this software getting reposted like this every day. I don't think it's fair to other developers who truly have updates and want people to notice.

RE: Handango - Maybe You Can Help Me
sford @ 8/28/2002 1:56:38 PM #
Hey everyone,

Wanted to share a recent experience w/ Handango and get your input on whether I'm being unreasonable. At my last PUG meeting, Handango provided shirts, (outdated) software, and discount coupons. I used one of the coupons to order about $60 worth of software, but forgot one program I wanted. When I went back *a few minutes* later to try to order it as well with the coupon, I got a "Sorry, one-time use only" message. I emailed Handango's customer support, explained my honest mistake, and asked for a break and they said, "Unfortunately, no, it was a one-time use only discount."

Now, doesn't it seem in a case like this that *good* customer service would have been to cut me a break, since the time span between purchases seems to indicate pretty well that it really was just a stupid/honest mistake on my part? OR, am I just asking too much? What do you think?


RE: Handango Rewards
EnocH @ 8/28/2002 2:10:30 PM #
I agree that they are rather harsh. I once emailed Bluenomad requesting a discount for Wordsmith which had expired which i received as I was a user of Backupbuddy and Quikbudget(Wordsmith is co developed with Quiksense). The first time I emailed customer service, they flat out turn me down. But i persistent and emailed sales instead and I got it! My point is, they have every right to turn us down for our folly but giving a 2nd chance does make us proud of the company. (And getting the right person helps!)

God Bless,

RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 2:40:44 PM #
In defense of the DtbkOnClock guy, I actually like the program, but a few nuances keep me from getting it. All those updates ARE updates, bug fixes, rather, but he just doesn't put it in the update description. He did that for a while, anyway, maybe he did go crazy for download/purchase exposure.
RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 3:08:48 PM #
No, if you watch his posts on Handango vs. PalmGear (where you are required to have a reason for an update) you'll notice that the posts to Handango are daily, and it's posted to Gear only where there is a true "fix". I've notice this annoying habit also on Handango from this particular developer. There is no way the guy can have an update to each of his products every day for the past 3 or 4 months. Like "clockwork", if you watch, his apps are posted daily. It's not crazy, it's slimy. I've downloaded it a couple times because I thought there were changes, but the .prc files and everything else matched up byte for byte. No change.
RE: Handango Rewards
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/30/2002 12:05:06 PM #
Thanks for the feedback!

Regarding developers reposting their products for exposure. Obviously, this practice dilutes the value of the updated list to the customer, and as such, it's not at all in our best interest. We recognize something as an update only when a new file is uploaded to the site. However, it's impossible to tell a valid update from an invalid one without engaging in a costly application review process for each update. Until we find a better automated solution, we're handling this on a one-by-one basis, so if you see anyone obviously violating the policy, please email partners@handango.com and someone will contact that developer.

Regarding reviews, we limit reviews to user comments on the product. Comments unrelated to the app, its functionality and its support, don't have a place in a product review.

Regarding the user group package and discount. I'm sorry! Email me, and I'll get you an updated 10% code. Our CS team didn't know you were with a user group, or they would have honored this request.

Also, sorry that you thought our software gift was outdated! One of the risks of putting software on CD is that it doesn't update itself! However, all you have to do is register the software and you can download the most up-to-date version. It says so right inside the package!

Again, please feel free to email me directly with any questions regarding the Rewards program or other subjects.

Clint Patterson


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:22:31 AM #
If it is $250 there then is it going to be the same here?

I was going to pick up the SJ20 but now I think I will wait!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:23:12 AM #
Ed @ 8/28/2002 9:28:19 AM #
Sony Australia is offering the SJ30 for $750 AU, which converts to $400 US. Sony Hong Kong lists the SJ30 at $2,500 HK, or $320 US. What handhelds cost in other countries has little or no bearing on what they sell for in the U.S. Typically, they sell for less in Japan than they do here.

News Editor
big_raji @ 8/28/2002 9:41:17 AM #
> What handhelds cost in other countries has little or
> no bearing on what they sell for in the U.S

Tell me about it. Sony Canada constantly releases stuff here at greatly inflated prices. It's always cheaper for me to buy from ecost.com, even after shipping and handling and duty...


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:58:31 AM #
I was going to get the SJ30 to upgrade from an S320, but then I noticed that a refurbished N760C from Sonystyle was just $250. It might be bigger than the SJ30, but its got MP3 playback (comes with earphones), a normal-speed MS slot, the same resolution (320x320) hires screen, backwards compatibility (forwards compatibility?) with my S320's stowaway keyboard, the same good buttons as the S320, AND comes with a hotsync/recharge cradle! I think its great deal for anyone looking for a not-just-released hires handheld, mine should be here by this afternoon...
don't be silly
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 10:26:15 AM #
29,800 yen = USD $250 but they're not going to sell it at $250 in US.

That never happened.

The price is $299. Definately confirmed.

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 12:49:03 PM #
...Which means it will sell for $499 CDN... at a conversion rate of 1.54, Sony Canada pockets an easy (extra) $37 for each SJ30 sold...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:55:24 PM #
> ...Which means it will sell for $499 CDN... at a
> conversion rate of 1.54, Sony Canada pockets an
> easy (extra) $37 for each SJ30 sold...

True, but it's all relative. Every dollar above cost is a really a dollar in Sony's pocket (easy or hard.) Products are released based on supply and demand and other factors, some of which vary from country to country.

Somewhere there's one country where it's the most expensive, they have the most reason to complain! ;)
(maybe it's Canada I don't know!)

RE: N760C
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 2:00:47 PM #
Hey, congrats on your N760C purchase- it's really a great handheld especially for $250!

I guess I might consider it (getting an SJ20), damn maybe I just will get a N760C. The battery life is great, it has a nice color screen, and it's still reasonably small (meaning small enough for me.)


PEG-SJ30 sells for about 340 Euro in Germany
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:14:59 PM #
sj30 sells for about 340 Euro in Germany
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 7:09:22 PM #
I work in a store in Australia that sells the SJ20. The screen has a really bad memory effect, I think due to the white backlight.

Be warned.


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:29:42 AM #
Are you sure this application is designed for Palm OS? The UI hurts my eyes.
RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:53:02 AM #
Pretty funny... have you tried loading it onto a Palm OS device? Especially a HR Clie? It works and looks very nice there. I've had the previous version loaded and it was pretty good, but this is a huge jump forward when I loaded this one up yesterday (Tuesday). I'll try to get some notes up here on the good/bads I find playing today.
RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 10:36:13 AM #
It totally f***** up my DatebookDB yesterday. I added a birthday from SuperNames and then removed it. After that nothing is like it was, appointment disappear only to show up later, Unfiled category doesn't work etc. etc. I might have had bad luck but I'm not installing it again...
RE: SuperNames
PR @ 8/28/2002 10:58:47 AM #
i tried loading it on my 515 yesterday, and i agree. it's hard on the eyes. maybe with a high res it would be better, but it's too cluttered, even with the tabs taken away. good features, but i don't like the UI one bit...

RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 11:59:55 AM #
This looks like a beta release. It's full of bugs (try beaming a contact from it). There will be a 2.01, wait for that. Frankly I don't why they rushed it out so soon. Their beta testers must have been sleeping. Yes, I'm pissed that beta testers were hyping this app instead of testing it.

RE: SuperNames - What were they thinking?
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:18:43 PM #
No Zen of Palm here! Hurts my eyes too. Guess I'll have to buy a Clie just to run the thing. :o
RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:58:50 PM #
> No Zen of Palm here!

There is no Zen of Palm in any program or any PDA. The Zen part of it is in the user's experience.

Which could mean using the built-in datebook, or it could mean using this program. Personally for me, ActionNames does the most for me.


RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 2:14:09 PM #
Ah, exactly Grasshopper! Zen of Palm is all about the user's experience! My experience is that I will need Lasik surgery if I keep looking at this screen! Happy to hear your experience is better. ;)
RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 5:12:48 PM #
Even on a Clie it looks ugly.
RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 6:06:52 PM #
Remove ABC bar and Tool bar, and ledger, it will look nice and neat.

The fuctions are by far the most satisfactory among all the other address book programs, but this 2.0 version is too slow in NR70V. Even too slow after Speedup to 88 MHz

RE: SuperNames
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 7:53:22 PM #
If it's too slow on a 66Mhz NR70, I hate to see what it looks like on a regular Palm.

Super Names 2.0 bugs

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 12:54:20 AM #
Is it just me or does it seem like this program was rushed out? I can't get it to beam a contact and the screen is all distorted in group view. Maybe it just doesn't like my NR70.

RE: Super Names 2.0 bugs
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 7:09:44 AM #
Believe me, this wasn't rushed out. We've been testing for about 4 months now. We've definitely missed a few bugs, but are working hard to fix them. We've tried to make this application as flexible as possible (you can make the screen as gaudy as you like, or almost exactly like the built in Address Book, for those that think it's ugly), as a result, there are configurations that eluded us and are cropping up now. We should have 2.01 out on friday, which will fix the majority of the bugs and user interface issues raised. Thanks for supporting us!

Ben Gottlieb
Stand Alone, Inc.

RE: Super Names 2.0 bugs
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 10:06:31 AM #
Hi Ben,
nice to see that you are actually watching this thread. I understand that even through excessive testing you will not be able to find all the bugs - so I'm patiently looking forward to Friday (and the coming Fridays...)

However what really annoys me, is the missing sync facility with Organizer or Outlook for the extra fields build in. You've been promising this feature for as long as version 1.4x but all I saw was "Coola" - which is of little help if one uses regular desktop software (by the way, who is Coola ?).

RE: Super Names 2.0 bugs
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 10:25:37 AM #
Coola was a failed company that wanted to be a 'clearing house' type website for info. We've removed this functionality, 'cause they went out of business. As for an outlook conduit, it's not as easy as it sounds ;-) We are working on this, but it's not even close to done. Sorry.

Ben Gottlieb
Stand Alone, Inc.

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