palmOne Handheld User Romance Survey and Contest
Scratching your head over what to give that special someone for Valentines day? In a joint collaboration between palmOne and PalmInfocenter, PIC readers have a chance to win one of three palmOne handhelds by completing a Handheld User Romance survey. All participants will be randomly selected to win one of two palmOne Zire 71 handhelds. The grand prize is a palmOne Tungsten E coupled with a box of chocolates or a dozen red roses (sent to a person of the winner's choice), awarded for the best judged response. Read on for more details!
The contest has now ended. The winners will be announced by Feb 14th! Stay tuned for more upcoming contests at PalmInfocenter!
Participants who complete the survey by Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2004, will be automatically entered into a draw to win one of two Zire 71 handhelds from palmOne, Inc. Winners will be selected at random and contacted via email. The grand prize of a Tungsten E handheld and box of chocolates or a dozen red roses (sent to a person of the winner's choice) will be awarded to the participant who submits the most compelling, truthful story about using their handheld or smartphone in their love/romance/dating life.
The survey has been optimized for mobile devices and can be taken on an Internet-connected handheld or with a desktop browser. Users can take the survey by visiting the PalmInfocenter Mobile edition, or by clicking here.
Responses must be received by the end of Feb 4th 2004 PST. All submissions may be used for promotional purposes, at the discretion of palmOne, Inc.
Official Sweepstakes Rules
1. HOW TO ENTER: Sweepstakes ends Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2004. Participants who complete the survey by that date will be automatically entered to win one of two Zire™ 71 handhelds from palmOne, Inc. A Tungsten™ E handheld and box of chocolates or a dozen red roses (sent to person of the winner's choice) will be awarded to the participant who submits the most compelling, truthful story about using their handheld or smartphone in their love/romance/dating life.
2. JUDGING: Potential winners of Zire 71 handhelds will be selected at random from all eligible entries received by palmOne, Inc. Only one Zire 71 handheld prize per person or household. Odds of winning depend upon the number of eligible entries received. The prize of a Tungsten E handheld and box of chocolates or a dozen red roses (sent to person of the winner's choice) will be selected by palmOne, Inc. Decisions are final in all matters relating to the sweepstakes. The prizes will be awarded.
3. NOTIFICATION: Potential winners will be notified via email. All entrants consent to the use of their submission for advertising or promotional purposes for this and similar promotions, including online announcements worldwide and in perpetuity in any media, now known and hereafter devised (including and without limitation, the Internet) without additional compensation, except where prohibited by law. Upon request, the winners will provide consent to such in writing.
4. PRIZES: (2) prizes of a Zire 71 handheld (Approx. Retail Value $249 US each). (1) prize of a Tungsten E handheld (Approx. Retail Value $199 US) and box of chocolates or a dozen red roses, sent to person of the winner's choice (Approx. Retail Value $50 US). No prize substitutions, cash value, transfers, or assignments of prizes allowed, except by Sponsor, at its sole discretion. All taxes on prize and any incidentals and other expenses associated with the prize and not specified herein are the winner’s sole responsibility.
5. GENERAL CONDITIONS: All entrants agree to be bound by these official rules and the decision of the judges. By participating entrants release, discharge, and hold harmless palmOne, Inc, and its respective subsidiaries, divisions, branches, affiliates, and agencies from and against any liability, claims, or damages arising out of their participation in the Sweepstakes and/or the acceptance, use, misuse, non-use or possession of any of the prizes.
6. ELIGIBILITY: Employees of palmOne, Inc, their subsidiaries, affiliates, prize suppliers, and advertising and promotion agencies, and their immediate families (spouse, parents, children and siblings and their respective spouses) and individuals living in the same households as such employees are ineligible. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. This sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, provincial, state, local laws and regulations. 7. RESPONSES: Only one response per person for email and/or IP address will be accepted. Multiple responses or any other attepts to create more that one respose will cause disqualification.
8. SPONSOR: palmOne, Inc, 400 N. McCarthy Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035.
Copyright ©2003 palmOne, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. palmOne, Zire and Tungsten are among the trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or licensed to palmOne, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All other brand and product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners.
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Would Not Accept
"Your survey response was not accepted. We already have a response for this account on file."
Anyone else have this problem?
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
(Why do some people say you can kill two birds with one stone when it's hard enough killing one bird with two stones?)
RE: Would Not Accept
RE: Would Not Accept
Geekzone - mobile, wireless, handhelds
Tyler Puckett
Palm m505 and m125.
64MB SanDisk SD Card
My story
Mine is drawn out over the last year of highschool.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.
international readers
Tungsten T|3, Nokia 6310i
Johannesburg, South Africa
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- I got one -Tuckermaclain
Totally Cool!
"Your HandHeld HeadQuarters"