UPDATED: Disussion Forums Temporarily Offline

The PIC Forums have now been resotored.

The PalmInfocenter discussion forums have had to be temporarily shut down while we're experiencing high server load. They will return once things can run more smoothly with the traffic. The forums are the most resource intensive system on the server. An announcement will be posted here when they return. In the mean time the news article comments are still open. Thanks for your patience. -Ryan

Article Comments


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Some churn!

mikecane @ 12/9/2004 12:50:18 PM #
I haven't even had time to get down there to see what's going on. All I know is that PIC has had some amazing latency today!

RE: Some churn!
Admin @ 12/9/2004 1:38:40 PM #
it should be much better now that the forums are down.

Let me know if its still really slow for anyone here.

Need Help?

BartVB @ 12/9/2004 2:47:45 PM #
Let me know if I (one of the phpBB Developers) can do anything to help.

Jabber, the next-generation IM system. www.jabber.org
RE: Need Help?
Admin @ 12/9/2004 5:32:44 PM #
wow totally I'll be in touch
RE: Need Help?
reinbeau @ 12/9/2004 6:15:34 PM #
The comments page is now all messed up for viewing in Mozilla 1.7.3. Text over message boxes, etc. Hopefully you'll have some help now, Ryan, and everything can get back to normal!

Ann - happily using her Garmin iQue3600
RE: Need Help?
G M Fude @ 12/9/2004 6:27:50 PM #
I think BartVB just made it onto Ryan's Christmas card list...

Server Overload?

Captain Hair @ 12/9/2004 10:32:46 PM #
We overloaded the server? All right!

"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."


Nechasin @ 12/10/2004 8:32:20 AM #
Help! I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms!!!

Your mind resembles the wings of an Ostrich, It enables you to Run, though NOT to Soar! -- Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay
RE: Withdrawal
Admin @ 12/10/2004 8:44:32 AM #
Sorry guys!!! A little problem happened turning them back on, shouldn't be much longer (1-3hrs tops).

Everyone in my audience would be on my holiday card list if it didn't kill so many trees :P

RE: Withdrawal
Sleuth255 @ 12/10/2004 8:50:43 AM #
We tree-huggers generally send them out via email now. ;)

Should be back Sat Afternoon

Admin @ 12/10/2004 6:40:49 PM #
VERY Sorry everybody, looks like we need another day to calm down if possible :)

Time for a new server.

RE: Should be back Sat Afternoon
Strider_mt2k @ 12/10/2004 11:45:33 PM #
ETs probably writing on the walls at home by now!

RE: Should be back Sat Afternoon
ibrown @ 12/11/2004 9:25:35 AM #
> ETs probably writing on the walls at home by now!

No, he just phones home. On the other hand, I am up the walls now because of enforced forum rest. NOT what the doctor ordered!

RE: Should be back Sat Afternoon
Strider_mt2k @ 12/11/2004 9:28:48 AM #
I'm suprised how much I miss the forums.

Like when you get used to a noise being there, but then it stops.

Interesting what you hear in those moments.

PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?

Gekko @ 12/13/2004 7:13:13 PM #

PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device? Which will we see first?

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Admin @ 12/14/2004 7:56:05 PM #
sorry all, I've been a bit under the weather with a cold this week.

The forums will come back online when I'm a little more rested.

appreciate your patience!


RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Gekko @ 12/14/2004 9:20:22 PM #

Sure, "NAGEL"!

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Gekko @ 12/14/2004 10:51:28 PM #

>"sorry all, I've been a bit under the weather with a cold this week."

Ten Tips to Prevent Colds and the Flu
From Elizabeth Quinn,Your Guide to Sports Medicine.

Coughs, colds and the flu are common during winter. With more of us spending time indoors, it's easier for germs to spread. So, to avoid becoming another statistic, keep in mind the following tips to preventing the spread of illness.

1. Wash your hands frequently. This is often your best defense. Wash the entire hand using warm water and soap. Don't forget to clean under fingernails. Wash for about 10 seconds.
2. Avoid putting your hands near your eyes, nose or mouth, unless you have washed. Most bacteria and germs are spread from a surface to your hands to your face. Few germs are transmitted through the air.
3. Clean your 'shared spaces' more often than other times of the year. Remember phones, keyboards, steering wheels, office equipment and other items used by several people during the day.
4. Get a flu shot. Flu shots are especially beneficial for those with wekened immune systems, the elderly or those who come in contact with a lot of people. Check with Health Services for more information.
5. Get enough sleep. During sleep, your body's immune system goes into high gear to protect you from illness. Lack of sleep can reduce immune functioning making you susceptible to sickness.
6. Drink more water. In the fall and winter, it is easy to overlook your thirst and get dehydrated. Make sure you consume 8 glasses a day.
7. Continue a moderate exercise program. Try to maintain a 3-4 day a week exercise routine. Consistency is key.
8. Eat healthily. A good rule is to eat 10-15 calories per pound of "desired body weight." If your ideal weight is 170 lbs, then consume 1700-2550 calories a day (1700 for sedentary individuals and 2550 for extremely active types.)
9. Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol can be dehydrating which, in turn, may decrease your resistence to bacteria.
10. Finally, listen to your body. If you are less than 100% you will feel better and recover faster if you let yourself rest.


11. Avoid shaking hands whenever possible. If you must shake hands, wash your hands immediately after.
12. Avoid sick people.
13. Avoid crowds during cold and flu season.
14. Avoid public buffets and baskets.

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
UZI4U182 @ 12/15/2004 4:53:28 PM #
hey, easy on ryan, i have a horrible cold as well and I can see where hes comin from.

kinda hard to avoid crowds at school =(

Main PDA: NX70v + WL100

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Admin @ 12/16/2004 6:48:38 PM #
I was very sick this week and am still resting, again apologies. this is a complex issue. -Ryan
RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Gekko @ 12/16/2004 6:56:04 PM #

Nagel must be helping you.

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
jack1 @ 1/2/2006 5:01:44 PM #
well great to see the comments on the sports medication.
Well done but i think main problem is the immune system.This causes lots of diseases.For example liver problem,Digestion problem etc.Immunity plus sideeffects are very few so i think this will better. [SPAM LINK REMOVED] please look at this page this is showing the all the details about the drug.

RE: PIC Forums Active or a Cobalt Device?
Foo Fighter @ 1/3/2006 12:43:56 AM #
ROFLMAO! Oddly enough, the spambot's comment above seems strangely relevant to this old thread about Cobalt.

Editor, http://Pocketfactory.com
Contributing Editor, http://digitalmediathoughts.com


Gekko @ 12/17/2004 5:37:29 PM #

Is this site DEAD?

Strider_mt2k @ 12/17/2004 8:35:48 PM #
Activity certainly has dropped off, hasn't it?

twrock @ 12/17/2004 10:18:32 PM #
The 5 Stages of Grief:

1) Denial and Isolation.
2) Anger.
3) Bargaining.
4) Depression.
5) Acceptance.

In general, I think we are at stage four.


cstamper @ 8/15/2008 10:50:55 AM #
Just hoped to somehow get attention, even though the post is old...

The forums seem to be down again. Sometimes I can access it, by IP(I use open dns, fwiw).

My problem or your's?


Admin @ 8/15/2008 11:00:50 AM #
PIC itelf was down a few hours this morning due to a glitch, which has been corrected.

The forums are online now but are admittedly slower than they should be. I've been trying to sort out a performance issue with them that came up after the server move and am still looking into it.




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