Astraware Helps With Disaster Relief
During the month of January, Astraware will be donating 100% of the profits from original Bejeweled sold for the relief efforts. Read on for more details...
Alison from Astraware writes, We all came back to the office after Christmas and agreed that we wanted to do something to help everyone affected by the disaster, and we thought this would be a good way of helping. If people already own Bejeweled, we’ve added a link to the webpage so they can make a donation directly through Oxfam, if they’d prefer.
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RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
It would look way less like a token offering for press.
I would have jumped on regging B2 if that were the case.
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
Personally, I really don't mind how you go about helping, just so long as you do what you feel you can:
I'm not going to drop into an argument about which product, or whether it was 100% of one title or a slice of many, since that would be very much missing the point. This was simply our team's genuine way of doing something as a group that might make a difference, in addition to our individual efforts.
If you don't feel this is a worthwhile effort, you don't like the title, or you can find a more efficient way of helping, then move right along.
Speaking with some other developers, I think there might be more of these kinds of offers over the next couple of days. Please do look on these in the spirit in which they are intended - a genuine attempt to do something reasonable to help. If every developer who offers something gets flamed for their trouble, it might not go very far!
Howard. ( CEO / Astraware - )
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
I think I heard that Ford is donating 100% of the profits for all of their NEW 2003 model year cars they sell.
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
THere's still the Hogmanay sale similar to the Holiday Countdown Sale going on till jan 15th. Bej was on sale for only $10. Good deal. Maybe it'll crop up again. Even if u have to buy it at $20, some ppl may instead to opt for 5 games for $30 (Popcap Games pack #1 - bej, seven seas, mummy maze, alchemy, atomica)... which brings up another question, do any part or whole of the popcap games pack #1 sales goes towareds the relief?
[signature0]the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse[/signature0]
[signature1]My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71.... so ends the "marathon", for now[/signature1]
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
- If you're more concerned with offsetting your donations against your tax burden, then please - go and donate directly and then file whatever triplicated forms you need to. In the UK, a direct donation gets the equivalent of income tax added back in direct to the charity by the treasury - perhaps someone will educate me about how it really works in the US.
i think the original poster was more outlining the point that astraware can use all "donations" as a tax offset. for example, if $10,000 USD is raised from this effort, astraware can offset $10,000 USD of other income as a taxable deduction.
in reality, giving away a freebie doesn't cost anything to astraware; unless - for ever copy sold popcap games is paid a royalty (regardless where the final money does go).
while i've donated to red cross directly - i recommend people do the same; leveraging the disaster for economic/advertising profit is shameful. while travelling back from australia on vacation i was seated next to a lot of swedish victims from the disaster; most people dont want money, they want their families back.
Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer
RE: Would have been more impressive if its V2
why should the smaller guys take the cost? for every copy you purchase to make a donation - remember, some fat guy in a suit is making 40% of every transaction. - if you dont know, its time to read up on it.
Aaron Ardiri
PalmOS Certified Developer
Both Handango and PalmGear agreed without hesitation to also donate their usual commissions from the Bejeweled sales.
I'm sure the trolls, cynics, and assorted tin-foil-hatters will be finding a way to twist this, but I expect the majority see this in the way it is intended.
RE: Clarification
Had from Astraware I presume....
U look different w/o your South Park jesus avatar :D
RE: Clarification
"What is called generosity is usually only the vanity of giving; we enjoy the vanity more than the thing given." - François duc de La Rochefoucauld
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Would have been more impressive if its V2