Sandisk Announces 4GB SDHC Ultra II Plus card
For users unwilling to pay the price premium for the flashy and slightly faster Ducati edition we reported on back in July, Sandisk has just announced the release of a “standard” Ultra II version of their 4GB SDHC Plus card.
Sandisk’s MSRP of the new Ultra II SDHC Plus card is expected to be $79.99, with general availability occurring in October. This is not only more affordable buy than the $129.99 Ducati version of this card, but also a wiser purchase as well. No current Palm device can approach the full speed of even a class 2 SDHC card, so the Ducati card's higher speed rating would only be realized when copying and writing files to a PC or perhaps during HD video capture camera operations.
While rated approximately one-half the speed of the previously announced Ducati cards, these cheaper Ultra II cards still offer read & write speeds of approximately 10 MB/s, far in excess of the Class 4 4 MB/s rating for HC spec of the format that appears on the card’s label.
This Ultra II card is certain to be of interest to users of the Treo 680, and 1.10 versions of the 700p, as both of those Treos have full-size SDHC-compatible card slots. In addition, Palm’s upcoming Foleo Mobile Companion is reported to have a full-size SDHC slot as well.
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RE: Does anyone els ethink this is getting ridiculous?
RE: Does anyone els ethink this is getting ridiculous?
--'s 4gb card (slightly OT)
Thinking about Vista? Think again:
Want an alternative? Try this: or
RE:'s 4gb card (slightly OT)
In theory that card should work on the LifeDrive, 700p, 680 and most likely the WinMob Treo 700w/wx as well. And, uh, the Foleo as well, in case someone out there's still hoping to snag one.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE:'s 4gb card (slightly OT)
Here's the link directly to the card:
As you can see, the list of compatible devices is extensive.
Thinking about Vista? Think again:
Want an alternative? Try this: or
The best the TX can do is a 4GB SD 1.1 (*NOT* SDHC) card. The LifeDrive and Treo 680 and 700p can also handle 4gb SD cards. The two Treos (with ROM 1.10 on the Treo) can also handle 4gb SDHC cards.
These are unofficial non-spec cards so you won't find 4gig SD cards from Sandisk, Toshiba, Lexar etc.
Newegg currently lists two 4GB SD cards. One is from Transcend and the other is from OCZ. The Transcend is $53 shipped after $15 mail in rebate and the OCZ (likely a better quality card) is $68 shipped.
The SD consortium & the big SDHC manufacturers are rumored to be cracking down on the smaller Asian firms producing non-spec 4GB cards so I'd grab one while they are still reasonably affordable and widely available.
I personally have a 4gb Patriot SD card that i use in both my TX and 700p with no issues whatsoever.
Don't be surprised if your PC or printer's card slot freaks out with the 4gb card. I've had mixed results using 4GB cards on my various PC readers. But a general rule of thumb is that any SD reade claiming to handle SDHC will also take ak FAT32-formatted 4gig SD card with no problems.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
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Does anyone els ethink this is getting ridiculous?
That is to say, it'll take MORE than an hour to read the drive at full speed.
I used to giggle at the old Star Trek (what's THAT?) shows where The Good Captain would insert a rectangular something into the computer to retrieve some enormous set of data:
[the little rectangular thingees to the left of Scotty's hand are them]
The amount of data on one of those Hollywood cards is miniscule compared to this.