YourCall for Palm OS Updated

YourCalliambic has released an update to YourCall for Palm OS. YourCall works as a powerful call management system and communication enhancer. It provides tools to help you capture your post-call dialogue and offers a variety of useful follow-up actions you can take after you hang up. It simplifies the steps you take to return calls, add contacts, schedule meetings, tasks, memos, e-mails, and SMS linked to your last telephone conversation by automating excess start-up steps. Version 2.2 adds the ability to select and send a predefined text message after a call and includes a number of stability and localization improvements.

YourCall v2.0 is available now with a free trial period. It starts at $14.95 for the Standard edition, which is focused on post call activities. The Professional edition, that takes the entire call experience (before, during and after) to a higher level, is $19.95.

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