Comments on: Rumor: Info on Two New Palm Handhelds

Update: Palm Inc has officially introduced the Zire Handheld.

Quoting a "reliable source", has some leaked information on two new handhelds it says are coming from Palm Inc.

High-End Model
According to this source, the first Palm OS 5 device to come from Palm will be called the Tungsten T, which will be available at the end of October. It offers an SD/MMC slot, Bluetooth, and voice recording. However, one thing that makes this info suspect is the source says the Tungsten T will have the sliding bottom piece from the Oslo, which other sources say Palm has decided to not use.

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Oslo out; Tungsten In

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:24:15 PM #
Yes, Oslo will not be released, but the device (with the sliding part) will, cos we change the name from Oslo to Tungsten!

- Carl Y.

RE: Oslo out; Tungsten In
Ed @ 8/27/2002 12:31:00 PM #
As I said in the article, I was told by a source I trust that Oslo is dead. There wasn't some tricky name change. The whole idea of the sliding bottom part was dropped. Still, all we have to go on at this point is rumors and the rumors have been especially contradictory about this model.

News Editor


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:34:03 PM #
I wonder if the Zire will have a white backlight?
RE: Zire
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:36:54 PM #
yes Zire!!!!
RE: Zire
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 9:43:47 PM #
All these new models' name seem to be pulled out from the periodic tables (A tabular arrangement of the chemical elements according to atomic number as based on the periodic law)
RE: Zire
nategall @ 8/28/2002 2:51:23 PM #
> All these new models' name seem to be pulled
> out from the periodic tables (A tabular
> arrangement of the chemical elements according
> to atomic number as based on the periodic law)

what insight! what knowledge! what a poorly written description of the periodic table.

first its the "periodic table", not tableS
second, the placement of items on the table is based upon the properties, for instance, the rightmost column has completely filled electron shells, the column tell you the state of the electron shells.

but, who cares.

third, i don't think they are element names (but i might be wrong there)

nategall says "blah!"

RE: Zire
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:19:04 PM #
W is Tungsten I think...the rest are not elements....

I can't believe these names!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:25:59 PM #
Where on earth did they ever find these names? Did they simply open a swedish/danish/norwegian dictionary and just pick the three ugliest sounding words I've ever heard.

On another note, I'm now convinced that they WILL indeed release the OSLO but they've been confident in saying that the "oslo will never be released" probably because that's true, it will be called the Tungsten T (yuck!). Maybe they should call it the TT (no audi has that)or the T sqaured (sounds geekish)or T2 (a pretty good movie) or whatever.

one last note: Release in Late October? Come on guys I was hoping it would be early september. Hurry it up with the OS5 stuff already.

RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:38:28 PM #
Sorry, the dumbest name was already taken: Clié.

I'm happy that Palm is going away from combinations of letters and numbers for product names. I've always thought that was kind of dumb. You can't build a successful marketing campaign about around "Go buy a TD7645321C!!!"

RE: I can't believe these names!
kozmo @ 8/27/2002 12:49:30 PM #
Of course they need names for new PDAS, since the firm will not be called Palm anymore... so here goes bye-bye anything like Palm M600, since they would have to call it just M600... Tungsten T is okay... what about Tunguska - that place in Siberia, where an asteroid crashed some 100 years ago? :)
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:56:50 PM #
"You can't build a successful marketing campaign about around "Go buy a TD7645321C!!!""

I think you can. Try "BMW M3". I'd buy one.

Tungsten is also known as...
kozmo @ 8/27/2002 12:56:51 PM #
... Wolfram!

A hard, brittle, corrosion-resistant, gray to white metallic element extracted from wolframite, scheelite, and other minerals.

In Sweedish Tungsten means heavy stone... hope it won't be a brick like handera ;)

RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:56:57 PM #
Kozmo is right - It is the company name that is changing. When AT&T spit you did not have an
AT&T and AT&TSource because once the companies are separate they are forced to fight for their trademarks. Palm will probably remain the name of the OS however the Palm hardware company will have a different name.
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:00:19 PM #
Tungsten is a kind of lighting that is fluorescent like.
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:20:45 PM #
Tungsten is an aweful name no matter what it means.
Zire sounds much better to me.
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:42:33 PM #
Name sucks and so BMW's.
RE: I can't believe these names!
jjsoh @ 8/27/2002 2:04:28 PM #
: "You can't build a successful marketing campaign about
: around "Go buy a TD7645321C!!!"
: I think you can. Try "BMW M3". I'd buy one.

Oh no, another car analogy! Hehehe.. Just kidding. Though I really wish we could stop using cars as an example, this does illustrate a good point.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but BMW M3 is universally recognized. When someone speaks of a BMW M3, everyone worldwide knows what car he's talking about. If you speak of a Mitsubishi 3000GT, people in the USA know, but what about Japan? It's called the GTO over there. Who would know that besides car enthusiasts and/or hobbyists? The general public probably doesn't.

Which brings me to my point. When you speak of m515 or m500, that translates to the same product worldwide and is easily recognizable no matter where you are. Hence, marketing may be more effective instead of having to localize names to fit each respective market in each country.

So wouldn't more neutral naming schemes (i.e. letters and numbers) work better to make it easier to both domestic and international market? Sure it loses that personal touch.. that certain "quelque chose."

Then again, I'm no marketing major so what do I know. :)


RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:44:59 PM #
Tungsten - its one of those 2 1/2 syllable words that makes your brain has to pause in the middle of pronouncing it. Not catchy by any means.
RE: I can't believe these names!
quacksalve @ 8/27/2002 3:32:36 PM #
My husband laughed and called me a nerd yesterday when I said I wanted an m515 to replace my m130. (Apparently he likes nerds, though, so I'm okay with that.)

I'm not sure asking for a Tungsten T is any cooler though.

RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:24:16 PM #
tungsten is the material that is found in the coils of light bulbs. maybe palm has a bright idea for the new release. like strong battery life and vibrant true 16bit screens... i know palm will prevail.
mofo muffin!
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:52:16 PM #
At least Sony is being creative with their name.... CLIÉ (Communication, Link, Information, Entertainment)
Maybe it's a new channel strategy
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:55:57 PM #
The new names reflect a strategy to sell their handhelds at IKEA i/o the typical Best Buys and CompUSA. That way they get 100% of the furniture shopping market to themselves.
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 5:05:26 PM #
If Ikea ever started selling PDA, these would fit right in!
RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 9:41:25 PM #
"tungsten is the material that is found in the coils of light bulbs. maybe palm has a bright idea for the new release. like strong battery life and vibrant true 16bit screens... i know palm will prevail.
mofo muffin!"

Too bad that tungsten may not be as strong as it is after a period of usage. I do hope that Palm can really pull this one out as soon as possible coz with the way other manufacturers are coming out their palm os devices, it better pray that the loyal group of customers will go back to Palm handheld.

RE: I can't believe these names!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:38:59 PM #
Tungsten is also used in the manufacture of long rod penetrators in countries where depleted uranium is banned.

4.1 ???

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:42:45 PM #
Please let's bury the defunct !
RE: 4.1 ???
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:55:16 PM #
Stop trolling. There's no point in running OS5 if it doesn't do any of the new things OS5 supports. This is your basic address book / organiser. This is all some people really need.
RE: 4.1 ???
useybird @ 8/27/2002 1:57:07 PM #
Are you kidding? The m100 is better than this poor excuse for a Palm handheld. If the LEH was color it would probably be 8-bit like the IIIc. This LEH is a step backwards and an embarrassment to the Palm name.

Senioritis: The chronic inflammation of the Senior.
RE: 4.1 ???
abosco @ 8/27/2002 2:22:39 PM #
Useybird PLEASE stop bringing this subject up. You were wrong in the forums and you do not need to bring it up elsewhere. Just drop it and move on.

(This program has performed an illegal operation and needs to close) "But I only went to! Oh..."

False rumor

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:30:56 PM #
Palm needs to change their company name not their product name. Palm's recent trademark applications (if read carefully) reveal that these new trademarks are replacement names for the company not product names. The reason is simple. Once the external spit is completed federal and international trademark laws will not allow Palm and Palmsource to dilute and confuse each others trademark without the threat of losing those marks. There is no way that both companies can retain the word Palm in their name. Therefore, after the split one of the divisions will have a completely new name.

RE: False rumor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:51:46 PM #
+1 Insightful
RE: False rumor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:23:00 PM #
Why can't they do both? If they change their company name to Handhelds-R-Us, they don't have to release the Handhelds-R-Us m600. Handspring has always had different company and product names. It wasn't called the Handspring Prism, it was the Visor Prism from Handspring.

It's also possible that PalmSource will licence the word "Palm" to the Solutions Group, allowing them to become PalmSolutions, or something like that.

RE: False rumor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:52:27 PM #
Very good reasoning however I doubt that Palm would allow their corporate name te be controled by a license. They may license the name Palm for some things but for legal reasons one division must drop Palm from it's name. I seriously doubt that the new trademarks are to be used for product names. Those names are needed at least as alternatives prior to the split.

Right now tt looks like the hardware division will be the one to change names.

Bluetooth and 802.11

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 12:46:04 PM #
Bluetooth, wasn't that a failure? How about they release a 802.11 MMC/SD card? One cool thing about Bluetooth is you can chat within range of another person having a Bluetooth module. Sony sure is making a lot of people angry by not even releasing any information with their Bluetooth peripheral for the Clie` series
RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:24:28 PM #
How could bluetooth have failed when it hasn't even be tried extensively?
RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:30:08 PM #
The 802.11 vs. Bluetooth debate has reached Holy War status. It is almost as bad at Windows vs. Mac or Palm vs. PPC.

What the 802.11 fans aren't taking into account is that it isn't suitable for a handheld yet. The battery drain is too much. You can get 802.11 add-ons for your PPC and they all need large external batteries to give you anything like usable battery life.

Bluetooth may be 1/10th the range and 1/10th the speed, but it is about 1/20th the power requirements.

It almost mirrors the Palm vs. PPC war. 802.11 promises much more capability but it is large, expensive, and runs out of power too soon. Bluetooth has less capabilities but what it does do, it does very well and in a small package without draining its batteries.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:12:09 PM #
>>Bluetooth, wasn't that a failure?

Yes - thats why Palm is releasing a device with built in BT, HP has already released a BT ready iPaq, and BT phones are on now the market with many more to follow. Yes a complete failure. Stop trolling.

PS - There's really no war here - they are meant for different things. Don't believe me? Then tell me: when do you expect 802.11b phone or - better yet - wireless 802.11b headphones? Get over it kiddies.

802.11 NOT a one-size-fits-all technology
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:38:35 PM #
Right on the mark guys. Although with all the 802.11 hype we will see more pda makers coming out with (enterprise orientated; as i call it) pda's with integrated (battery sapping; runs 1 hour 45 with) 802.11. We will see new 802.11 products like 802.11 SDIO cards, 802.11 phones etc. with "lower power" (?) as they call it. I wonder. 802.11 wasn't developed for being a wireless low power technology, so it has to come from somewhere????? Less Mbps????

More on: 802.11 NOT one-size-fits-all technology

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
dmkozak @ 8/27/2002 3:39:54 PM #
One problem with anonymous posting is you don't know if it is the same person posting the same thing over and over. If you are not the same person who continually posts "isn't bluetooth a failure?", then you are, simply, ignorant of the bluetooth facts. Or, if you are the same person who continually posts "isn't bluetooth a failure?", well, I'd love to call you a troll, but since you have been told time after time how bluetooth works, it's strengths and weaknesses, you can only be lower than a troll and you should be referred to as that portion of carbon-based life forms' anatomy designed to facilitate the excretement of waste!
RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:40:22 PM #
"What the 802.11 fans aren't taking into account is that it isn't suitable for a handheld yet. The battery drain is too much. You can get 802.11 add-ons for your PPC and they all need large external batteries to give you anything like usable battery life."

Pardon? with powersaving on my Symbol CF card uses at most 20-40 mA. Just about any other i/o device I use is going to use that much as well if not more. Certainly the back/sidelighting on any PDA is going to use at least that much (and as much as 2-3 times more), and be used as much or more as the WiFi radio. And yet we don't decide that back/sidelighting isn't suitable for a handheld yet.

PocketPC's may well need supplemental battery support even when using the same WiFi cards, we use on PalmOS PDA's, but that has more to do with what the StrongARM processor is doing in the background than the actual current draw of the radio itself. And that's not a factor on our hardware, as evidenced by the results.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:13:26 PM #
"More on: 802.11 NOT one-size-fits-all technology"

Raging Bull is an app descripter for the site in this case. The article is liberally dosed with factual errors, mistaken extrapolations, and hyperbole. My real world experience with it is substantially different.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11-Original Poster
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 6:52:42 PM #
Okay, you have to trust me as I am the original nieve person who posted this subject thread. Well, first thank you for clearing the air, now I am educated about the problems with each technology. My argument is that Bluetooth has it limits and so does 802.11. I have heard the transmission distance is only 30 feet. 802.11 on the other hand is well over 300 feet on average and you can sniff out for access and surf the web on somebody's network. As to the power issue with 802.11 how about handheld makers start putting solar paneling on the back so you can recharge anywhere. Problem solved. Of course they could just be powered by 2 or 4 replaceable AA batteries. Wish list!
Bluetooth and 802.11, USB vs. Firewire
epall @ 8/27/2002 6:53:04 PM #
I think the difference between Bluetooth and 802.11 is very similar to the difference between USB and Firewire. USB and Bluetooth are flexible, cheap, and small but they are low bandwidth (but USB2....). Firewire and 802.11 are high power, high bandwidth.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11: Bluetooth Motherboard Upgrade
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 8:27:41 PM #
I think it is then time to upgrade PC motherboards with Bluetooth built-in support. Yes, motherboards with built-in Bluetooth are already in the market. Dont wait for XP use Linux for support on Bluetooth.
RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 9:24:17 PM #
> I think the difference between Bluetooth and 802.11 is
> very similar to the difference between USB and Firewire.

A more appropriate comparison would be USB 1.x and wired 10 BaseT Ethernet. USB/Bluetooth is lower bandwidth, has standard device "profiles" and supports plug-and-play "device" discovery. 802.11b is wireless Ethernet. It is by definition the wireless equivalent of the wired networking standard. Higher bandwidth, but networking only (unless you build some other protocol on top that isn't part of the standard).

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
dvgb @ 8/27/2002 9:39:10 PM #
> As to the power issue with 802.11 how about handheld makers start
> putting solar paneling on the back so you can recharge anywhere.
> Problem solved.

Solar panels aren't quite the miracle product you seem to think they are. At least not yet. At this point, you'd have to have a solar panel much larger than the back of the palm to do you much good. Maybe someday.

> Of course they could just be powered by 2 or 4 replaceable AA batteries.
> Wish list!

The HandEra 330 is powered by 4 AAAs, but many people feel this makes the housing too large. AAs would be even worse.

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:16:17 AM #
> The HandEra 330 is powered by 4 AAAs, but many people feel this makes the housing too large.

It's the same size as a III*, which only ran on two AAAs. I don't think the addition of the extra batteries makes it 'too large' when it dosen't make it any larger.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 7:47:21 AM #
The 802.11 vs. Bluetooth debate has reached Holy War status. It is almost as bad at Windows vs. Mac or Palm vs. PPC.

Don't forget vi vs. emacs! Or Linux vs. *BSD. Or...

Flame on, brave wariors!

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 8:30:49 AM #
Bluetooth is great for short distance communication with peripherals and other devices, think of it like a IR that does not need aiming.

802.11 is Ethernet without the cables. In a 802.11 network a Palm device will probably be a smart client of some kind of server. Palm OS today is not very well prepared for this allways-connect scenario.

PS: I develop applications for Symbol's Palm devices, including those with integrated 802.11.

RE: Bluetooth and 802.11
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:53:39 PM #
What's Symbol doing with Bluetooth besides working with UPS and resolving the potential 802.11b/Bluetooth signal conflicts!?,10801,62459,00.html

What happened with Symbol’s baseband processing, software, and systems expertise to develop complete Bluetooth sub-systems?

What's the update on the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Joint Proposal by Mobilian Corporation, Symbol?

Zire will be Palm's new name after the split

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:05:44 PM #
Palm will change their name to Zire, Inc. after the split.

I agree that due to the split it will Palms' name that changes rather than a product name. They will need a new ticker, name, marketing campaign et.

Zire M100

Not bad!

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:18:03 PM #
Apart form it just being a dumb name, it looks like the web site is already taken!
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:24:36 PM #
The Zire web site may be taken but all 4 letter domain names are taken. Just take a look at Palm's US and UK trademark registrations for Zire and somewhat for Tungsten (Zire is being applied for in the European Community - hence the e in from of one of the UK's trademark numbers). They are way too broad to be product registrations.
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Token User @ 8/27/2002 1:54:06 PM #
Besides "Zire" being (IMHO) a lame name, it doesn't convey anything about what the company does. Not that that is such a big problem with a decent marketing budget (maybe the spokesdog would be available after his current gig doing credit cards).

However, if you have a look at the USPTO web site, and do a search on "Palm, Inc" as the Owner, you come up with other names that are not currently in use :

Veld, Zire, and Tungsten are all known.
How about Versamail (registerd at the same time as V,Z,&T), PalmSkins, HandWare, and EventClub.
Unfortunately, PhoneStick and BodyGuard have both been abandoned.

HandWare would be a better option for a PDA hardware company, except for the similarity to Handera. The fact they had PhoneStick registered is interesting too.

Just an opinion, but why do they need to change their name again after a split? Lets look at the telco industry ... Bell South, Pacific Bell, Bell Atlantic, or perhaps ATT, ATT Broadband, ATT Wireless. Seperate entities, common brand recognition.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:08:43 PM #
I think you are wrong. The best names convey nothing about the brand i.e. Nike, Dell, Xerox, Compaq. These companies picked a name and build a brand around it. Can you imagine Nike having a name that suggests footwear. I am quite certain that many people did not like the name Nike however the made it their own and no other company may tread on their trademark. The idea is to pick a catcht name that means nothing and then build a brand around it. Product names should often be suggestive but not corporate names.
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Token User @ 8/27/2002 2:18:43 PM #
I agree - Zire would be fine, but would need MASSIVE marketing to establish brandname recognition if it were to change.

A little corporate history :
Nike was founded by Phil Knight and was originally Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS) - importing "tiger" brand shoes from Japan.
Xerography became commercially available in 1950 by the Xerox Corporation. Xerography comes from the Greek for "dry writing".
Compaq Computer Corporation was founded in 1982 by a group that wanted to build Compact (Portable) Computers .

Nike is unique in that list, but Xerox and Compaq have names that reflect what they do (or did).

Eitherway, its a moot point. The main point of my post was why are people focusing on "Zire" as a company name? There are plenty of companies that are traded as seperate entities that split off from a common company and maintained some of their parent companies identity. IBM do it, AT&T, and Bell do it too.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Beavis @ 8/27/2002 2:25:52 PM #
Compaq has their name because their original PC was compact.

Dell is named after Michael Dell

Xerox was the company founders opinion of the band Zeer. Zeer Rocks!!

Nike- Don't know how they came up with that name.

Will we all DeZire the new palms?

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:35:50 PM #
Nike, for what it's worth, comes from Greek's the name of the goddess of victory.

I know tungsten is an element, but I've never heard of the other two words...anyone know what they mean?

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Token User @ 8/27/2002 2:55:02 PM #
Veld is a real word ...

Pronunciation: (velt, felt), [key]
the open country, bearing grass, bushes, or shrubs, or thinly forested, characteristic of parts of southern Africa. Also,veldt.

Kinda cool for a wireless device - images of roaming open country, and having the PPC monkies throwing dung at you.

Zire is an dead language from the polynesian area of the south pacific. Not a great start for brand name recognition - being dead before it was launched.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:56:19 PM #
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:04:55 PM #
Here is just a piece of Palm's UK trademark of Zire!

It does not read like just a product to me.

Palm, Inc.
5470 Great America Parkway,Santa Clara,California 95052,
United States of America


Class 42:
Research, design and consultancy services in the field of information technology, mobile computers, embedded computers, computer software, telecommunications and electronic communications networks; computer services;
providing search engines for obtaining data on electronic communications networks in the field of handheld computers; providing an interactive web site featuring news and information about handheld computers, desktop computer and handheld computer software, mobile telephones, digital technologies and wireless services for handheld computers via electronic communications networks; hosting websites for others featuring personal calendars, address books and scheduling; computer hardware, software and firmware design services; online publication services; online game services; providing an online magazine in the field of handheld computers and wireless devices; services of an application service
provider featuring data security software applications which secure, project, encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, monitor, track and transmit electronic data, electronic mail, communications and copyrighted material in electronic form.

There are a bunch of other classes in the full application.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
jjsoh @ 8/27/2002 3:16:18 PM #
: Apart form it just being a dumb name, it looks like
: the web site is already taken!

Hmm.. does the whois on that domain show up as iambic?

(Note: To the humor impaired, please don't flame me. It was a joke. ;) Ah what the heck, flame me if you want. Hahaha..)


RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Token User @ 8/27/2002 3:47:48 PM #
Good find on the UK trademark application - it doesn't sound like a hardware company either, more like a portal company or a consulting group (Palm Solutions Group?)

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:56:57 PM #
I posted just a piece of the trademark application. The full application covers a wide variety of products and services. It is also word for word exactly the same as the pending UK "Palm" trademark application. That is why I believe that they are changing the company name. Here is the rest of Palm's (Zire)trademark application from the UK.

Relevant Dates

Filing Date: 23.07.2002
Earliest Priority Date: 24.05.2002
Priority Country: United States of America

Class 09:
Computer hardware, software and firmware; computer peripherals; operating system
programs; handwriting recognition computer software; personal information
management computer software; data synchronization programs; ebooks; games;
server software; mobile communications software and application development tool
programs for personal and handheld computers; modems, computer cables; computer
styli; mobile and embedded computers; handheld computers with wireless e-mail
and wireless access to electronic communications networks; tablet computers;
mobile telephones; pagers; personal communication devices and portable media
players; user and instruction manuals for all the aforesaid goods in electronic
format; downloadable electronic publications.

Class 35:
Advertising and promotional services; arranging and conducting trade shows in
the fields of computers and computer peripherals, wireless communications and
information technology; advertising and promotion of the goods and services of
others by placing advertisement and promotional displays in an electronic site
accessed via electronic communications networks; promoting the goods and
services of others by providing a website at which users can link to a wide
variety of online retail stores; the bringing together, for the benefit of
others, of a variety of goods enabling customers to conveniently view and
purchase those goods from a general merchandise Internet website; computerized
online ordering services featuring the retail distribution of books, music,
games and computer software; computerized online ordering services featuring
retail distribution of handheld computers, software, accessories, peripherals
and services therefor.

Class 38:
Telecommunications services; digital transmission of voice, data, images, audio,
video, signals, messages and information; providing multiple-user access to
electronic communications networks for the transfer and dissemination of
information; providing news and information via electronic communications
networks; providing wireless telecommunication connections to electronic
communications networks; wireless digital messaging; paging services; electronic
mail services; electronic bulletin-board services; leasing telecommunications
equipment, components, systems and supplies; electronic transmission of
electronic data, electronic mail, digital and electronic communications and
copyrighted material in electronic form featuring encryption and decryption;
electronic transmission of computer software of others by means of electronic
communications networks.
Class 42:
Research, design and consultancy services in the field of information
technology, mobile computers, embedded computers, computer software,
telecommunications and electronic communications networks; computer services;
providing search engines for obtaining data on electronic communications
networks in the field of handheld computers; providing an interactive web site
featuring news and information about handheld computers, desktop computer and
handheld computer software, mobile telephones, digital technologies and wireless
services for handheld computers via electronic communications networks; hosting
websites for others featuring personal calendars, address books and scheduling;
computer hardware, software and firmware design services; online publication
services; online game services; providing an online magazine in the field of
handheld computers and wireless devices; services of an application service
provider featuring data security software applications which secure, project,
encrypt, decrypt, authenticate, monitor, track and transmit electronic data,
electronic mail, communications and copyrighted material in electronic form.

Names and Addresses

Proprietor: Palm, Inc.
5470 Great America Parkway,Santa Clara,California 95052,
United States of America

Incorporated State: Delaware
Incorporated Country: United States of America
Residence Country: United States of America
Customer's Ref: EH/MS/25955
ADP Number: 0795086001

Agent: Lloyd Wise
Commonwealth House,1-19 New Oxford Street,London,WC1A 1LW

ADP Number: 0000117001

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Token User @ 8/27/2002 4:29:33 PM #
I still think Veld would be the more likely contender for a name, as the patent app has everything Zire has plus:

IC 016. US 002 005 022 023 029 037 038 050. G & S: Instruction manuals; printed publications in the fields of computers and computer peripherals, wireless communications software and firmware development and information technology

IC 036. US 100 101 102. G & S: Credit card services; financing services; investment services, namely, investment of funds for others; warranty services, namely, underwriting warranty programs in the fields of consumer electronics products; insurance administration; financial services for electronic transfer and storing of financial and monetary value; online and wireless financial trading and brokerage services, namely trading in the field of equities and securities

IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Arranging and conducting educational conferences in the fields of computers and computer peripherals, wireless communications and information technology; providing educational information via electronic communications networks in the fields of computers, computer software, mobile computing technology, data communications and wireless communications; electronic publishing services, namely publication via electronic communications networks of the text and graphic works of others, namely, literary works, reference books, textbooks, digests, booklets, magazines, pamphlets, brochures and journals, recorded directly onto the hard drive of handheld computers

IC 16 - Wireless services
IC 36 - Provide credit card and warrantee services.
IC 41 - Training and trade show/exhibit services.

These strengthen the corporate objectives.


RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:30:32 PM #
Don't read too much emphasis on the wording of the trademark applications. These generally include anything the requesting company can possibly think of that their product might have anything to do with, ever. Basically, they are locking out anyone from using Tungsten, Zire, and Veld on any product or service having anything to do with handhelds, computers, or even electronics. They are just covering their butts. There is really no way to figure out which of the 500 uses mentioned is the real one.
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:38:51 PM #
Ummm you are looking at the US trademark - Zire has the same US trademark classes as Veld or Tungsten. The difference is that Palm went forward and registered for an international trademark for Zire and perhaps Tungsten. When they moved to make an international trademark they left out Veld. Veld is off the table. Zire is trademarked in the US, UK, and EU.
Tungsten / Newton connection
bcombee @ 8/27/2002 6:09:52 PM #
Tungsten is an odd name, but there's an interesting connection to the past here. Tungsten is the element used to make filiments in light bulbs. The Apple Newton's logo is a stylized light bulb (see A lot of the people that came into the Palm OS world early worked on the Apple Newton.

Not that I'm implying anything, but this is interesting. With PalmSource flying their new logo lately, I wonder what the logo for the new "Palm" will be.

Ben Combee, CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at

Palm (Solutions) may change its corporate name
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 10:27:18 PM #
Ed - What is your opinion on this...
It seems to me that Palm (hardware) will need to change their corporate name. This is assuming the obvious, that after the split Palm OS retains the Palm trademark (otherwise PalmSource would need to change their name).
After the external split both companies will be completely separate entities. It is inevitable that eventually they will be producing some software or services that compete such as internet service or Palm applications. The trademark owner would have a legal obligation to vigorously protect the trademarks that they own or face losing them. The company that does not own the Palm trademark would limit their product options unless they change their corporate name. It seems that Palm has thought of this considering the new trademarks recently added to their portfolio. With a new corporate name they could sign a long term license agreement for Palm branded handheld computers while selling their own software add-ons and gadgets using the new corporate name. This would allow both companies to innovate going forward without concern with trademark limitations and/or litigation. Conclusion: "New Company Name" would sell Palm Handhelds and also "New Company Name" branded software, add-ons, internet connections and other services. Palm Source would sell the Palm OS, Palm applications and Palm services.
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 5:23:32 AM #
I can see the logic in using Zire as a brand....

Tungsten the d-Zire-able PDA..

Maybe I should copyright this?


RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
formerlyanon @ 8/28/2002 6:55:55 AM #
wow, the last newton was amazing for its time. it rivals pocket pcs in terms of mhz. although i dont think apple would bloat it down.

My palm III was 50p from a charity shop, and introduced me to pdas
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 7:01:06 AM #
I remember an interview where Paul Simon talked about a song he'd recently written--Mrs. Robinson. The interviewer asked what some of the lyrics meant and offered his own really deep ideas. Paul said that he had no meaning in mind, and that critics would decide what he meant to say. Seems the ame with Veld. The Newton theory is especially nice. Hope Palm is reading this thread.
RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
Servo @ 8/28/2002 7:57:21 AM #
"Compaq Computer Corporation was founded in 1982 by a group that wanted to build Compact (Portable) Computers."

Actually, the official line from the company is that it's short for COMPatibility And Quality. Which seems to be corroborated by the fact that it's almost always written in upper case [by the company] -- which would suggest it's an acronym.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 2:37:21 PM #
Interesting that COMPAQ should stand for "COMPatability And Quality," because most of their latest stuff, IMHO, is total crap.

Just because thousands of people buy it doesn't make it a good product. As P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute," and you needn't go further than your nearest iPaq owner to find one.

RE: Zire will be Palm's new name after the split
MacPrince @ 8/29/2002 9:53:58 PM #
Not to mention that the Newton ran on ARM processors, like the Palm OS 5 handhelds will.

Two Buttons

abosco @ 8/27/2002 12:57:37 PM #
Ed, I would like your opinion as to why Palm would include only two application buttons on the Zire. I really see no reason to change the standard button layout other than adding a D-Pad for gaming. I recall Palm saying that they wanted to include a D-Pad because gaming is a big part in handhelds, so why would they only have two application buttons and no D-Pad? That seems deconstructive for gaming, but then again people who may buy the Zire might not care for gaming. So Ed, I would just like to know your personal opinion as to a reason why Palm would decide to do this, as I cannot think of any.

(This program has performed an illegal operation and needs to close) "But I only went to! Oh..."
RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 3:19:32 PM #
I agree. I've said it before so I'll say it one final time. Most of my coworkers/friends (the ones that own a PDA) are your typcial PDA owners (or at least what I imagine "typical" to be)...certainly not the average PIC reader! They keep their contacts and occasionally play a game or occasionally use YAUC.

In almost every instance, the few that know/care to install additional apps onto their Palms have put GAMES on. Usually a retail purchased Astraware/Handmark type of game or some shareware/freeware that someone else beamed to them (very seldom to these folks download programs off the web).

Now, after I showed a Handspring owner the Entertainment Pack springboard (with Tetris and Lode Runner) and an m505 owning friend my MMC Palm Games card with Simcity, they were totally thrilled. I cannot see how Palm hopes to win new users with a unit that will play games very poorly (at best). At worst, this new low end unit will be unable to play action titles such as Zap, Jetfighter, Serious Sam, etc. that will require input from all hardware buttons. Unless the programmer/publisher makes a patch available for this stripped down model, then there are going to be a lot of pi**ed off Palm newbies out there...why may never buy another Palm or PDA ever again because of dropping 30 bucks on Rayman at Best Buy when they bought their PDA (because it was a fun game back in the day on their Playstation). Imagine the frustration when they get home and realize it will not: 1. Fit in the limited ram of their new model 2. If it does fit, it is unplayable due to the lack of butttons. A dreadful mistake, one that might appear minor but could be the nail in Palm's coffin. If that is the case, then they have done it to themselves. A buddy who spent 4K+ on an Alienware about 3.5 years or so ago was bummed when he realized that a new $400 E-machines can play games better than his PII machine can (it's never been upgraded). Why can the handheld market not have this sort of progress--this two steps forward, two steps backward stuff is not doing the industry in general any good. PPC keep ramping up the clockspeed and features at the expense of battery life and Palm units keep dropping screen sizes, colors, and buttons in the name of $. I'd rather play my games on a leftover IIIe than on this new unit. UNLESS, of course, Palm is going to borrow a trick from Sony and release a very attractively priced ($20 or so) clip-on gamepad for this new unit (bundled with a really cool action game--something by Ardiri, perhaps?) Now that would, actual sales potential aside, at least win Palm back some respect from those that post frequently to this site!

P.S. Has anyone got any further info on the Sony gamepad, while we are on the topic?

Ok, end of rant!

RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 4:10:23 PM #
less buttons + lower cost? Remember this is a low cost handheld. palm wil try to take out as much things as possible out of it.
RE: Two Buttons
ahecht @ 8/27/2002 4:39:25 PM #
How much can two buttons cost. If I don't order in bulk, I can get surface mount buttonsfor around $.75 each. I'm sure palm could include them if they wanted to. My theory is that this palm has a D-pad and two buttons, and that in apps that don't support the d-pad, the right and left act like the inside two buttons. In other words, the D-pad counts as 4 buttons, giving this palm the same 6 buttons that most other palms have.

RE: Two Buttons
Ed @ 8/27/2002 4:59:24 PM #
I'm not thrilled about this but I'm chalking it up to the razor-thin margins Palm is likely to get on these. If they are going to charge less than $100 (which I think means $99.99) their profit margins could be as small as $5. Leaving out a couple buttons could save them $1. Doesn't seem like much but it is when you consider it is 20% of the entire profit. $1 saved on a device they sell 2 million of is not an insignificant amount of money.

You can't say this will make the handheld totally useless for games. In fact, the buttons aren't used at all on many of the most popular Palm games, like Bejeweled. However, you are correct that they will make life difficult for people who want to play action games.

News Editor

RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 6:06:09 PM #
This HAS to be an incorrect rumour. It would cost $0.10 extra to add 2 buttons for gods sake. And to save 10 cents (so maybe i'm wrong - 50 cents? still..) they would cripple a lot of 3rd party apps and %85 of games? No way.
RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 6:21:26 PM #
No, sad to say, we just WISH this was an incorrect rumor. I am 98% sure it'll turn out to be TRUE. Ed knows how Palm thinks (err, fails to think) and while I'd not have a problem at all with a 2 button configuration on a $49.99 model, this one's probably gonna sell for $89.99 (absolute minimum) and probably $99.99 without a software bundle or a cradle. pales in comparison next to even the m100 or IIIe. After all, what good does OS 4.1 do you if you have no SD slot, only 2 megs of ram, etc etc?

Now, if the D-pad part of it ends up coming true, then more power to Palm. Of course, it's about a year too late for a move like that but we can always hope the developers release updates for action titles like V-Rally, Siberian Strike, Zap, Biplane Ace etc to support the D-pad and 2 buttons. I always thought long ago that Sony or Handspring should have just relocated the existing 6 hardware buttons and made it resemble the old Sega Master System controllers. Remember those? You had a d-pad on one side and 2 fire buttons on the right. No "Start" button, no "pause" button, nothing else. My complaint is not with current Palms having only 6 buttons but rather the layout of those buttons. I only use 3 of my 4 hardware buttons for launching apps (they get far more use for Zap 2016) anyway. I'd not have a problem rememberng that "left" on the D-pad launched my to do list and that "right" on the D-pad launched memo pad.

If the Zoomer had it 8-9 years ago then Palm should have such a button configuration by now!!

RE: Two Buttons
mermogoat @ 8/27/2002 8:55:41 PM #
I highly doubt that this would have a D-Pad. Why bother with one if you only have 2 megs of memory and no expansion? It's pointless. You could barely fit AstroCommander or some other big action game to take advantage of it along with the default stuff that comes in the RAM.

And also, if it is a low end sub-$100 device, it won't have color. This thing isn't for gamers, who are the only people who would want or need a d-pad.

RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 9:48:30 PM #
I used to worked in the manufacturing plant in Malaysia that produces Palm Vx and the entire BOM (bill of materials) of one unit from raw to assembled is around USD$35.
RE: Two Buttons
formerlyanon @ 8/28/2002 6:42:03 AM #
maybe it is a bait, people buy it, and if they dont care about it, and use it as a organiser, they are happy, and if they want more because of poor ram and (most importantly) few buttons, they will have to spend more.
i use my palm III for a lot of games, the buttons are very good, and the ram is a little restictive, although the poor screen (2 bit) makes the big games not much fun anyway. jack flash got me an extra 500k which was useful. the only game which i am annoyed about is grand theft auto, i can fit the demo, with a tiny amount of free space, which isnt worth it. my friend has a m105, and i am jelous when he complains of having only 3mb of ram spare. he also has a better screen.
on the subject of game: Why cant handmark make a uk board for monopoly! i cant tell the colours of sets, and the names mean nothing to me! i will not get that game until they do a uk version! i like their scrabble (altho i really dont know if po, we, etc should be allowed, and cant fit the definitions)but does anyone know of a better monopoly game or uk patch? i tried minipolis, which was good but too easy.

My palm III was 50p from a charity shop, and introduced me to pdas
RE: Two Buttons
Lungboy @ 8/28/2002 10:05:58 AM #
just imagine how much they could save if they took out the touch sensitive screen and serial port!!!

Eagles may soar but at least weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.
RE: Two Buttons
rueyeet @ 8/28/2002 11:51:26 AM #
Y'know, I give credit to the idea that the new low-end Palm will have a d-pad. Remember, the leaked Oslo image seemed to have a d-pad, and while the sliding bottom concept has been ditched, maybe the d-pad was a keeper. That would make it do-able to have the d-pad make up for the other two hardware buttons, and depending on how workable the configuration is, may just please the gamers.

That said, I can't see why they'd only put 2 MB in the thing. I know from trying to fit even a modicum of apps onto a Palm V that this just isn't enough for anything except basic PIM functions. Eliminate the software advantage of the Palm OS and you might as well be picking up one of those crappy little imitation touch-screen electronic organizers for $20 at Rite-Aid. It'll do the same thing, for FAR less than "under $100". One would think that would severely undermine the appeal of this low-ender to new handheld users on a budget.

Visible ''Inferiority''
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:23:42 PM #
Having only 2 buttons also "cosmetically" suggests to its owner than a year or so down the line, it may be time to "upgrade" to one of those new-fangled models with 4 buttons!!

It's almost like an exagerrated form of built-in obsolescence!

Let's not forget that this unit is for Mr. Six Pack, and Mr. Six Pack has a very difficult time differentiating all PDA models, let alone least judging by what I've seen in the people who are scratching their heads at Best Buy and Circuit City....

RE: Two Buttons
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 5:13:14 PM #
It's simple product differentiation. Same with 2MB and no expansion. They don't WANT anyone who knows what the other two buttons were for buying this. Those people are supposed to buy more expensive models.

And, of course, there isn't a "d-pad" on it.

Hey, this is a lame PDA. That's what it's supposed to be.

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 6:43:08 PM #

The narrow-minded folk around here STILL don't seem to get it.

They keep comparing this device to an m100, or an m105.

Neither of those units are PROFITABLE at a price point of $80, or even less!!!


You think $100 is a low price point? This thing will be selling for $80 by next Summer! And Palm will STILL turn a profit on it!

Joe Average will have his PDA, and will be THANKING Palm for making it!!!

It's not for you, me, or anybody else on these forums!

Might I add, that this PDA, when sold for around $60-$80, could provide an EXCELLENT tool for teaching 1st graders how to organize. I'm not trying to be funny.....this unit will put PDAs in the hands of many people who simply either can't AFFORD one at all, or can't justify them at their current price points.

I never wanted a planner when I was a junior in highschool, but when my Dad gave me his old one, the first damn thing I did was plan out my homework, tests, due dates, list phone numbers, etc.

People are so narrow-minded on these forums sometimes, it's flat-out frightening.

Why doesn't this run 5.0? WHY DO YOU THINK, JACK*SS?!?!?

Good luck selling a 5.0 device for $80 in 2002. Not gonna happen!

People still don't understand that the more the Palm OS penetrates the market, IN ANY ITERATION, the more choices we'll have in the future, and the more true utility we'll get from our PDAs.

Enough of this.......

RE: Two Buttons
rueyeet @ 8/29/2002 12:24:00 PM #
Joe Average Six-Pack will not be thanking Palm for making anything, because he probably won't buy it.

He'll look at this low-end Palm, and he won't know or care that it's underpowered and missing two buttons. He'll only see that it can replace his calendar and little black book, for most likely $50-100.

Then he'll look at the one in the drugstore that is pretty much the same thing. Those cheapo imitations have a touchscreen, PIM functions, and PC sync too. It can do everything the Palm can do for him, but it'll do it for only $20.

And precisely BECAUSE he doesn't know anything about the Palm OS, and doesn't want to be bothered with technical particulars, he's going to buy the $20 imitation...not the Palm.

If Palm's aiming for people who don't differentiate or don't care, they are aiming for a market where they can't compete on price, and where their advantages....brand recognition, the flexibility of the Palm OS...don't matter. Why position themselves to lose? That's why this unit doesn't make sense to me.

I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 1:24:25 PM #
They can use Mr. T in the ad campaigns!!!
RE: I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:18:38 PM #
And I'm just waiting for those young, bright posters who won't get this joke...

But seriously (though still a bit off-topic): did Palm ever had TV commercials for their products? Or Sony for their handhelds? Or is this market really so corporation-oriented that they do not need such forms of promotion?

Ah, anyway..."Tungsten T - with a tungsten-reinforced case! Soon coming to a titanium Thinkpad or magnesium iBook near you!"

RE: I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 2:40:26 PM #
Palm's past TV and print advertising:
Re: I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!
iebnn @ 8/28/2002 8:26:05 AM #

-Alex E., owner of Green Dragon
RE: I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!
Ed @ 8/28/2002 8:49:07 AM #
Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh, Alex. That is now the backdrop picture on my computer.

News Editor
RE: I Pity Da Fool Who Mess With My T!
iebnn @ 8/28/2002 8:53:46 AM #

Rejected Marketing Campaign
iebnn @ 8/28/2002 1:41:17 PM #
Had to take a break from coding for a minute :)

Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 5:12:33 PM #
If this new low end handheld is actually downgrading below the m100 model, it may actually turn out to be much less than $100. Palm may be doing this to introduce their handhelds to people who would like an organizer, yet aren't willing to put even $100 towards it. But, if you could get one for somewhere around $50, I'm sure many other people who wouldn't have considered it beforehand might be willing to give it a chance...


Just my $00.02

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
mermogoat @ 8/27/2002 5:17:13 PM #
Oops, forgot to log in.

Also, this handheld, if it only has two hardware buttons, might be significantly smaller in some aspect if it is only meant to be an entry level organizer.

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 5:22:57 PM #
Maybe this is too bizzare, but I think it's going to be something really, really durable, you toss in your purse, or glove compartment, and perhaps not even graffiti. Some device purely to hook palm users with the simplest functions of keeping up with stuff.

-Davy Fields

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
Haber @ 8/27/2002 5:40:31 PM #
Something really durable that you can toss in your purse/glove compartment and doesn't have graffiti (or keyboard, I would imagine). Isn't that the same thing as those cheapo "PDA" knock-offs that they offer as free gifts with magazine subscriptions and the like? Palm would be very, very, very stupid to do this (not that they haven't acted it before). Why dilute the brand name by selling a Palm that isn't even a Palm?

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 10:07:56 PM #
If anyone here follows the PC video card market, a similar situation is going on now as we shift gears to the next gen of vid cards: I recently got an ATI 8500 64 meg and an All in Wonder 8500DV card. The 8500 (andLE) actually benchmark better than their "replacement" (ATI 9000 Pro) but because the fab costs are much lower for ATI to produce the 9000, the whole 8500 line is being shelved--and the 9700s will occupy the high end. People will see "9000" and assume it's naturally faster than the 8500, when it's actually far from the case. Similar case in point with Nvidia and the Geforce4MX could get any number of GF3 flavors for that were faster than the GF4MX, and in the case of the GF3ti200, cost the same or less.

At any rate, I think that there will be enough Palm m105's lingering around on the store shelves between now and the start of the holiday shopping season for at least a few users to get a "better deal". When the 2-button low end unit appears, then it will hopefully push the m125's price down to $120 or $130 or so. I've always maintained that an "M110", basically just the 105 w/ OS 4.1 and the UC (but no SD slot) would do nicely for the low $100 price range. Or perhaps if the new cheap-o unit is going to sell for around $90, then a similar model (but with SD) to bridge the gap between it and the m125. Greyscale is dead for power users but for students and new users to the OS, it's still perfect. Do you think it would be possible to get the power consumption down low enough so that unit could function effectively for a few weeks on a single AAA?

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/27/2002 11:30:43 PM #
There may have been some early market research which said some significant percentage of Palm handheld users, maybe over 10%, used almost nothing except the Calendar and ToDo list applications. Most of these users never came close to filling up a Pilot 5000 (which had only 500k of memory). These users never installed games, so they'd never even notice the missing buttons. A $49.95 unit with only 2 buttons (Calendar and ToDo) and 2 Megs would work great for this market segment. 10% of 20 million buyers is not small potatoes, especially if the demand curve is where selling at half price would more than double the amount of purchasers.

I once was working on a project which had the potential to sell a million units. I was wondering whether to work on seeing if it could be manufactured with one less 3 cent part (a bypass capacitor). My boss came over and said "What's $0.03 times a million?". Then he said, "How does that compare with your salary for a entire month?" I got the point.

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
abosco @ 8/28/2002 12:24:22 PM #
An m105 with OS 4.1 would accomplish nothing besides the ability to write "USES OS 4.1" in big letters on the box. Is there anything that it could do for an m105? No.

(This program has performed an illegal operation and needs to close) "But I only went to! Oh..."
RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 10:39:51 PM #
Abosco, you really like to try and misread everyone's postings and create a stink, don't you? Go back and *reread* what I posted earlier.

I specifically referred to a potential m105 with OS 4.1 _and_ (more importantly) the Universal Connector. Do you know how many times my friend who works at Best Buy has tried to convince (usually failing to do so) that just because the m130, 125 and 105 all look the same, they use two different power sources/connectors/styli. Imagine how angry some "joe six-packs" (since that seems to be the preferred name around here) users get when they get home with what they think is the right cradle for their new m105...and realize it's only for the UC units. That's the kind of sentiment Palm cannot afford to be spreading right now, especially with the holiday buying season coming up. I think tha they already missed a big opportunity by not putting the 100 and 105 out to pasture earlier and releasing a cut-down, UC-enabled OS4 unit for the back to school crowd.

All of this little quirks might not seem like a big deal but eventually someone at Palm HQ is going to realize that joe-six packs are where the growth lies, not with PIC readers and corporate purchasing directors. Consumers just want stuff that "works"--note the recent popularity of GameBoys and DVD players. Push a button and there it goes. No reading of fine print required. If Palm can just hang in there for another year or two with the UC standard, then they earn some goodwill around these parts. The usually clueless retail sales clerks will hopefully start differentiating the models by saying "Sonys are cooler and do more but the Palms are easier to use and better for beginners". Palm should strive to be the Macintosh of the PDA world (as far as the public opinion about ease of use).

RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 10:54:37 PM #
I agree with the posters who maintain a sub-100 device with only 2 buttons is a good idea.
Speaking as an m100 user who plans to upgrade soonish, I have to say that without a low-end model, i would never have bought a palm.
In fact, my initial interest in using palm over a slightly cheaper "knock-off" pda was because palm had such rock-solid outlook syncing.
Before I became interested in the potential my pda had for being more than just an extension of my computer, thats how i used it.
And you know what? If i had paid 50, maybe even 60 or 70 bucks for a cheap palm with 2 megs last january, maybe i would be quicker to upgrade now.
But being out 100+50 (keyboard)+50 (case and screen protectors) im not so quick to upgrade quite yet.
But palm's plan is BRILLIANT...hook em on a total impulse buy (if it was 50, i could pay for it with a jar of change in my foyer...)
and then when they REALLY want to get down with the cool stuff, its not even a hesitation to upgrade.
As a college-age student, I dont have a lot of money to throw around. Not all college students have unlimited budgets and credit cards from mom and dad.
This is not to say that plenty wont buy an OS 5.0 device ASAP...just that plenty more would rather order in pizza while stoned. and you cant eat a brand new m515.
RE: Sub $100.00 may not mean $99.99
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 9:18:34 AM #
I think a lot of folks posting here are giving Palm too much credit for wanting to be fair and reasonable with their new low end unit's pricing. At $50, ANY Palm PDA is a great deal, 2, 4, however many buttons. Heck, 1 meg would even be adequate for many entry level users....doesn't anyone remember how little ram the Pilot 1000,5000, Personal, and Professional had?

Anyway, I really, _really_ doubt that this new Palm's going to retail for any less than $89.99. Palm wants to sell this thing for m100/105 prices, but turn a nice profit on each unit. Then, in a year or so when the unit's about to be discontinued and is down to $60 or so, it'll still be profitable. Fact it, between the time of the new unit's release and the time when all inventories of m100/105 are extinguished, those units are a better deal, even though it's not an apples to apples comparison. So to summarize, in a year's time, after the low end unit's price has dropped considerably, it will be a good deal, as long as the price is around the $50-60 level. But for right now, assuming it's priced between $90 and $100, there are better alternatives out there. I really wish Palm would retain the styling and form factor of the m100s, though (although it'ss unlikely). I think that many first time buyers buy based on what their friends are using (ie m100 series) and when they walk into the store to make their first PDA purchase, they will naturally tend to gravitate to "what my buddy has" even if the similarities are in case dimensions and styling alone. I wonder how much smaller the low end unit's screen will be than the m100's?

Names and units

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 12:18:02 AM #
The names will be Fargo and Cub. Fargo will be the upper-end model and Cub will be the sub $100 model. The third wireless model will roll out at the beginning of November following the end of the i705 rebate offer.

Will be glad when OS 5 ships...

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 8:13:45 AM #
...and these rumors are all put to bed permanently.

Oslo, TO BE or not TO BE, that is the question...

Palm's new handheld, TO SLIDE or not TO SLIDE, that is the next question...

Sony, TO BUY or not TO BUY, where Palm is concerned...


m5xx Form Factor

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:22:25 AM #
What I would love is a Palm with the m5xx form factor, HiRes screen (320x240 at least) and a 66mhz processor. And Yes, running OS 4.1.
RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:35:09 AM #
Looks like Sony will fulfil your wish. That is a description of their next (rumored) PDA.

RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 9:58:14 AM #
I seem to distinctly recall seeing the words "Palm" on the previous poster's message, so I am assuming he's like myself and already has invested a load of $ into m5xx accessories and doesn't want to reinvest/face obsolesence within a few months of buying a new product.

I want exactly the same thing, but I'd be happy with just a standard lo-res screen and greatly improved battery life. Just as long as it's brighter, faster, and has more ram than my 505, I'll be happy. I have no need for OS 5 at the moment. I have much more of a need to continue to use all of these UC peripherals and styli and m500 hardcase. I had to basically give away $300 of Vx series peripherals and I am not going to be burned least allow me to get two or three good years out of this formfactor and connector!

RE: m5xx Form Factor
abosco @ 8/28/2002 12:30:11 PM #
Hey buddy (the last person to respond), ever hear of the m515? It fulfills all of your wishes. M5xx series, twice the RAM, better battery life, brighter screen, and runs OS 4.1 for a slight inprovement in speed.

(This program has performed an illegal operation and needs to close) "But I only went to! Oh..."
RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 1:37:45 PM #
Yep, that the way I went too, and glad of it. Stopped deleting stuff from RAM to make space every week since getting the m515, my car charger and extra cradle for charging at home are gathering dust, and other handheld owners complement on screen clarity and brightness. I have to check which pocket I drop it into because it is small enough not to notice. It's tough and elegant at the same time.
RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/28/2002 4:21:27 PM #
Sigh...the bitterness on this board. Aside from having a brighter screen and more ram, ther 515 doesn't have enouygh compelling reasons for me to upgrade, at least not while the price is so high. Had palm cut the price of it down to $250 or so during their last wave of cuts, then I'd have been all over it. What I meant by "slight improvement in speed" was not the fractional increase 4.1 gives, but rather a "m525" type unit, one with a 66mhz dragonball and a better battery (to accomodate the faster CPU). Had Palm simply not bungled the 505's screen/launch and been able to release the 515 a few months later (and incorporated a 66 mhz cpu) I think their current situation would be far rosier.
RE: m5xx Form Factor
jjsoh @ 8/29/2002 10:27:08 AM #
: It fulfills all of your wishes. M5xx series, twice the
: RAM, better battery life, brighter screen, and runs OS
: 4.1 for a slight inprovement in speed.

Well, all except for high resolution. BT is a plus, but if I could just get high res on my m505, I'd be ecstatic!

As for the memory, yes, 8MB for me wasn't enough, but thank goodness for 16MB upgrades. Oh, an OS 4.1 update is also nice. I'm thankful for flashable ROM, as well. :)


RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/29/2002 3:36:06 PM #
"Had palm cut the price of it down to $250 or so during their last wave of cuts"

If you look hard enough you can find deals for the 515 everywhere. I recently found an open box 515 for $300, got the $25 dollar rebate as well $100 dollars for my Vx so end up paying about $175 for the 515, and it was only missing a stylus :) There are tons on Ebay and some for cheap you just have to look thats all.

RE: m5xx Form Factor
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/30/2002 4:07:51 AM #
about the form factor:
i used palm pilot professional, palm V and now the m505. the form factor for the palm V/m505 is lasting for more than about 3.5years. i can't imagine such product with the same form factor can last so long (although it was a successful design). i am tired to see the same appearance in my pocket even if Palm improved the functions.
about the future hardware:
the apparant changes of OS5 will be the built-in hi-res support and sound ability etc. i wonder if palm only released the model with 175MHz CPU & OS5 with an out-dated appearance, i will have no interest in buying palm at all. simply a sony T665 will have the hi-res & sound abilities.


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