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Palm Gameboy Emulator: Gambit

Maven's Update on The Palm Gameboy Emulator
Maven, the developer working on the Palm Gameboy emulator project, recently released a long awaited an email update on his progress. The full text is below. If you want some background information on the project see this PalmInfocenter exclusive story that broke the news about the Emulator.
Exclusive Screen shots!
Here are two actual screenshots of the Palm Gameboy EMU: Gambit
The addictive Tetris... forget ever doing anything productive on your palm again.

Palm Gameboy Screenshot            Palm Gameboy Screenshot

Thanks for your interest in the Gameboy emulator!  I just wanted to bring all of you up to date on what's been going on.

Actually, after 6 months of being to busy to work on it, I finally have a beta version working with Tetris.  I had to completely rewrite the code for speed -- It's tight on a Pilot.  The emulator is 100% assembly language, hand-tuned and runs close to full speed on a regular "Palm OS Device" (I personally liked "PalmPilot" better, but oh well).

Speaking of names, the working title of the emulator has changed from 'PalmBoy' to 'Gambit'.  What do you think?

I've had LOTS of interest from people (no real surprise there), but what was surprising was where some of that interest came from. More on that later...

Anyway, I'm sorry to say I can't distribute any beta copies of the emulator at this time, but as soon as I have more news, I will let you know!  I am hoping real soon....

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