The Palm Graveyard


His Palm died, mine revived

Victim: Juan Xavier Larrea
Date added: 10/28/2001


One day, my Palm m100 just couldnt hold all the programs I needed in its poor 2MB. So a friend of mine and me decided to buy 8MB chips to upgrade my m100 and his Palm V.

I desperatly waited almost 3 weeks for the chips to arrive, then the day arrived. My m100 was ready for surgery, it was opened,soldered...i went out for lunch, but when i arrived my palm was DEAD! It justs didnt turn on. I felt like dying, my old friend just died! Next day we checked it up again. the problem was to jumpers not very well soldered. it was fixed. it LIVED AGAIN!

Then it was my friends Palm V turn. Same process as my m100... but,sadly, it died. We checked for jumpers not soldered right nevertheless it was useless. His Palm died. Right now im sitting along my m100 reading a word document while my friend,well...he is using his old Palm III and his Palm V is in a box being sent to an specialist . Perhaps it will resurrect. Who knows? We pray for it. Amen.

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