The Palm Graveyard


Sudden And Massive Covert Battery Drainage

Victim: Rich Anderson
Date added: 4/14/2002


It's not exactly a death, per se... but it IS quite odd.

I have a Palm 3e, and recently, it went through an odd phenomenon that I like to call "Sudden And Massive Covert Battery Drainage" - in which one day I use my Palm, and have a full batter indicator, a day later and it won't even turn on. I lost all my data.

So, I change the batteries, and HotSync it with my Linux box (my primary PC), and it even nicely re-installs all my old programs. I am asked to reset, and am greeted by the famous P start-up screen and then the preferences dialog. All is good, it seems. I set the date and time, and push "Home."

Oh sh*t.
The screen displays one simple box:

Fatal Error
Line:2982, Nill ID

So, all I can do is pull the batteries out and wait for the memory to wipe itself out.

I ougha boot back into Windows and sync from there. See if that fixes anything.

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