Comments on: No Future WebOS Devices Coming to Sprint
With Sprint now firmly out of the picture for future WebOS devices, 2009's Palm Pixi carries the dubious distinction of being the final "Palm" device on Sprint, concluding a legacy that began with 2002's Handspring Treo 300. Verizon and AT&T remain committed to HP's WebOS lineup, with both carriers stocking HP's latest offerings such as the Veer 4G, Pre 2 and TouchPad 4G.
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RE: Sad day for Pre - Holdouts
great news!
Dan Hesse is a smart man! a wise man doesn't step in the same dog shit twice.
as a Sprint customer i say that this is great news and was a smart business decision! Sprint can not afford to dick around and waste resources on a failing flailing OS and platform. they already made that mistake once and get burned in the ass for it. the need to stick to winning platforms backed by wining organizations - ie Android and possibly iPhone. Sprint offers the best value by far of all the carriers and as a customer i don't want to see that value jeopardized by Sprint wasting resources on a dead platform. let the other carriers dump resources into the webOS black hole.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Sad day for Pre - Holdouts
Ironically , Sprint had a nice big ad for a Sprintified Treo / BB knockoff with a larger than "square:" screen. Oh, the irony for a company that refused to lead.
Pat Horne