Comments on: Palm Eisenbach, we can rebuild it...

I have been trying to get on the Palm Eisenbach website for the last few days with no luck. Then this afternoon there was a tombstone saying that the Harddrive had a FATAL crash and repeated tries to retrieve the data were unsuccessful. :-( was a great resource of Palm OS freeware, once the site is back up help lend a hand and start to rebuild.
Good luck Andre!
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It's the Administrator, Stupid.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2000 5:31:21 PM #
"Their work also has become a victim of the fatal crash."

How about "Their work also has become a victim of the poor computing practices." Let this be a lesson to all.

The harddrives can't make backups. E-Genuises make backups." CLASS=NEWS> would've avoided this.

Now, now...

Franco @ 1/27/2000 12:01:55 AM #
Probably not, just inexperienced. I agree with you to a certain extent 'I.M.', but then again you have to take into account the LIFE factor: s*** happens. I've had backup media go bad on me several times, that's why I always keep two copies of every backup tape, Zip, whatever.

The important thing is to get on with it, Palm Eisenbach was a pretty darn good site, it served a purpose. When the time comes I definitely would be willing to assist in bringing the site back to it's formal glory.


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/28/2000 6:04:29 PM #
I agree that you should be careful about back ups, but then again, there are always problems that you cna never account for. Awhile back, even>Fortune" CLASS=NEWS>>Fortune City had consecutive hard drives fial. They said that when calling the manufactuers, that possablitiy was almost non exsistant, but it still happened.
Franco is right the point really is the Palm Eisenbach was a great site, and now it's gone. I'll do what I can to help reuild it as well.
Remember that we are a community, and if we don't help one another, we'll end up like W****** C*. Well at least you get my point. One thing that has characterised the Palm Comunity is that they always help each other, lets not keep that tradition going.


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