Comments on: Palm's IPO is ready to roll

CNET has a detailed article on the upcoming Palm IPO and the current state of the Palm Economy. Palm plans to raise over $386 million at a price of $14 to $16. Palm will have a market capitalization of $9.1 billion when it goes public, compared to 3com's $15.9. They chose none other than the Nasdaq ticker "PALM." Palm sees itself as the leader of troops of developers and partners working in concert to create an army of users accessing Internet-based services and communicating wirelessly all on devices running on the Palm operating system. Also worth noting is that they mention, Sony is expected to introduce a device or phone with wireless Internet access and a color display. Take it from me this IPO will be HUGE!
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Yeah it'll be huge

Xuli @ 1/31/2000 6:12:26 PM #
I think it is going to be huge, even if many of the Internet plays that are hitting the market now are losing market value or are not expected to garner much values (i.e. I think ti is funny that for once everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of an IPO from a company that actually has a product and also has, *GASP* profits to compliment its sales.

Converting an Old Pilot Cradle for Palm V

Ed @ 1/31/2000 11:51:24 PM #
Does anyone know if this is possible and will it work? I have 2 Pro's cradles.
RE: Converting an Old Pilot Cradle for Palm V
atomic212 @ 2/1/2000 12:12:49 AM #
Yes see" CLASS=NEWS> they manufacture a Palm V adapter that will allow you to use all your older III or Pilot accessories including the Pilot cradle.


Mark Wallace @ 2/3/2000 10:39:34 AM #
The last date I heard was that te IPO/spinoff would be 1 Feb.
Obviously that's not so. When will they spin off? When can I place the order for 100 shares of palm stock??


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