Comments on: More Details On PalmSource May 2005 DevCon

PalmSource today officially announced it will hold its annual Developers Conference May 23 -26, 2005 in San Jose, California. This year the Company has added a Mobile Summit. Early registration is now open as well.
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just_little_me @ 2/3/2005 4:48:33 PM # Q
>>> Conveniently located at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, California

I guess if you live in San Jose or environs it's convenient... it's a 14 hour int'l flight for me... but as always I'll be there. Hopefully they'll have more interesting stuff to announce than last year...


RE: Convenient?
RhinoSteve @ 2/3/2005 9:14:35 PM # Q
And for me ... one bus ride away!
RE: Convenient?
mikemusick @ 2/6/2005 12:02:45 AM # Q
'Bout the same here... it'll be a 45 minute train ride for me this time, versus a six-hour plane trip for the last one (I moved, the conference didn't).

But I'm probably not going. Yet another three days of rah-rah and empty promises like we got the last time around? And I'm paying for this? Thank you, no.

RE: Convenient?
voice of chaos @ 2/6/2005 9:57:43 PM # Q
I'll be there (and it is a 7-hour plane ride for me). Will spend most of the time in the lab.

Yeah, the presentations can get rah-rah, but will be interesting to see how they play the China MobileSoft acquisition (and what they might have to offer in the lab). Remember, China MobileSoft has a Linux-based product; by virtue of the acquisition PalmSource has diversified and now has a second, incompatible offering (or third if you count Cobalt - I don't as nothing has shipped with it yet...).

And, hey, there's always meeting up with the other developers in the bar...

PalmSource May 2005 DevCon is REALLY a CON...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 2/7/2005 2:30:03 AM # Q
Sure the conference is just around the corner. But I'm not going unless:
1) I get a full set of Lite Cubes this time
2) I get a refund for last year's Cobalt Snowjob/Blowjob
3) I get to ask David Nagel some questions at the Stump the Experts session
4) I get to be the guest of the lovely Dianne Hackborn this year, and my wish is her command
5) David Nagel publicly admits that ONE THIRD of the current PalmSource employees will be "downsized" in the coming months


For those of you in the Bay Area, please mark this on your calendars:

The Butch-Femme Socials Presents
A West Coast Winter Wonderland
February Social!
An Enchanted Formal Winter Ball
(Please dress as formal as you want to be!)
Saturday, February 19
7:30 p.m. until Midnight
Norton's Vault
500 Sacramento Street (at Sansome)
Downtown San Francisco

Parking at Embarcadero One, Sacramento & Battery or Montgomery BART station come up on the Sansome Street side and it's four blocks.

The evening will include a fabulous D.J. spinning all sorts of dance music - from rock & roll to swing, and country-western to ballroom. There will be a wonderful spread of hors'deourves for your noshing pleasure.

Singles arrive early! We'll start the evening off with some fun singles mixer games by your Butch-Femme Socials host Rope!

Fabulous raffle prizes!

Presale tickets: $15.00
At the door: $20.00
Presale tickets also available at,

Tickets available at all Butch-Femme Social Events (Oakland Butch/Femme Social at the Bench & Bar, Jan. 27th)

E-mail for additional information.

Hope to see you there!

(Mike Cane: you're invited too, Sweetie!)

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

RE: Convenient?
Strider_mt2k @ 2/7/2005 6:32:01 AM # Q
Make sure you get lots of photos.

Or maybe not...

RE: Convenient?
just_little_me @ 2/7/2005 7:48:36 PM # Q
>>> 3) I get to ask David Nagel some questions at the Stump the Experts session

That implies Dave is an expert at something... as someone who briefly worked for him I'm not so sure that's true...!

Hopefully no-one will roll out beach balls this year in a lame attempt to rev up the party... mind you that game with the colored paddles was kinda interesting.


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