Comments on: Sky Force Reloaded Released

Sky Force Reloaded for Palm OSHot on the heels of their superb multi-platform overhead shooter Sky Force, Infinite Dreams has announced a sequel, Sky Force Reloaded. Reloaded features 8 totally new levels with new graphics, enemies, weapons and sound effects. There is no demo available at this time, but you can get the gist of this action game from the original or check out this video of game footage. It is currently available for $9.98 USD.
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Does it support 320x480?

asiayeah @ 6/23/2006 10:37:22 PM # Q
The previous version only runs 320x320. Does the new version runs in 320x480?

With great power comes great responsiblity.
RE: Does it support 320x480?
Alfa @ 6/24/2006 9:31:45 AM # Q
I think it supports 480x320. Look at the screenshots here:

looks like it
ackmondual @ 6/24/2006 1:51:58 PM # Q
The screenshots there are 256x336 for both PPC and pOS. That is roughly 1:1.5 screen ratio, but don't know why they couldn't retain the native PPC and pOS formats format.

Poke around and Infinite Dreams uploaded a video demo of their game onto Google Videos. THAT is clearly 320x480!! Yah!!

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RE: Does it support 320x480?
hkklife @ 6/24/2006 6:39:46 PM # Q
Sorry gang...I am playing it here on my TX and the playfield is siomething like 320*280, same as the first Sky Force.

There's a big white "Sky Force Reloaded" logo/banner/splash area underneath the playfield on my TX. So while the menus and whatnot are fullscreen on the TX, the actual game's playfield is much less.

I'm working through the game now and should have a review for PIC by next week or next weekend or so.

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RE: Does it support 320x480?
KultiVator @ 6/25/2006 5:29:26 AM # Q
The small playfield is a result of the developer using their own cross-platform game engine to reduce the workload of bringing the game out on the various mobile platforms (Palm, WinMob, Nokia System-XX). Lowest common denominator wins!

Still, I wouldn't let that deter you too much - as this game is one of the best shoot'em ups on Palm OS - the graphics are small but very detailed with great animation.

The game plays a lot like a cross between Amiga classics SWIV (SilkWorm IV) / Xenon / Hybris with a smattering of 1942 thrown in for good measure. I can't think of any other Palm game that has as many sprites on screen at once.

For about £5 (GBP) this is an essential purchase for anyone who enjoys old-school shoot 'em ups and anyone who likes to see the Palm hardware (like a T3/TX) pushed hard (e.g. check out all of the transparency, shadow & partical effects - which are pretty icing on an already tasty cake!).

With this a tejpWriter, my TX & T3 have had a good week for new software!


No prisoners to worry about either :)
ackmondual @ 6/28/2006 11:19:17 AM # Q
the small screen size is still a bummer, but at least this time around, you don't have to worry about rescuing prisoners. Those of you who played the first will have to agree that spotting for a prisoner, roughly a 2x2 white dot with a single pixel going back and forth showing them waving their hands is difficult to spot even for "eagle-eyed" gamers.

People got good at rescuing prisoners simply b/c they memorized where they would show up in a level and stopped shooting appropriately

"Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an error, but that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn

the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse

My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 _GOLDEN_ screws) + zodiac 2

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Level saves :)

Braja @ 6/26/2006 10:58:58 PM # Q
I was initially bummed that the resolution hadn't changed, but one thing has: you can jump to any level you have passed when starting a new game. This alone makes it a good upgrade to the original, plus the fact that the new levels are great and the price is very reasonable for a quality game. If only it could use my whole TX screen I'd be immensely stoked about the game, but as it is I'm pretty happy with it.

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