Comments on: Pennovate Notes and CalenNotes Updated

Pennovate Notes for Palm OSPennovate has just released updated versions of both Pennovate Notes and CalenNotes for Palm OS. Notes is a note taking paper replacement app. It allows you to take down notes in your own handwriting in a large paper sized format. The latest update features a GUI facelift and a new IntelliScroll feature that automatically forwards the page so you can continue to write as you reach the end of the screen.

Pennovate Notes is available with a 15-day fully functional free trial and costs $19.95 to register.

CalenNotes uses the same digital ink technology in a calendar/time management format. It allows you to create, manage and schedule on your PDA in your own handwriting. It also comes with a free trial and costs $24.95 USD to register.

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VampireLestat @ 8/25/2006 12:42:12 PM # Q
hmm... definately got my attention.

Looks interesting. Installing demo now.

RE: hmm...
VampireLestat @ 8/25/2006 12:49:33 PM # Q
I wish there was anti-aliased pen lines in these kinds of programs; like in Windows Mobile's Notepad drawing.

The lines would look smoother, more natural and more legible.

Strange the programmers have not thought of that.

RE: hmm...
ackmondual @ 9/1/2006 4:14:18 PM # Q
can Palm even do that? AFAIK, ClearType used by WinXP on LCDs monitors actually changes the pixels so they display 2 colors at once..... or something in those lines. With a low res device, maybe, but it doesn't seem feasible with hi-res devices since the pixels are at least 3x smaller than on monitors.

And if possible, please PM me after u reply. Really wish we get notifications on these news threads

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My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71 --> Tungsten T3 (with 4 _GOLDEN_ screws) + zodiac 2

RE: hmm...
freakout @ 9/2/2006 3:43:36 AM # Q
Palms can do it. Give Fontsmoother a whirl someday; it looks great.

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Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
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Looks pretty cool but...

razorpit @ 8/28/2006 12:12:08 PM # Q
I'm finding it harder and harder to spend money on Palm applications. In my eyes the future of Palm is starting to look bleak and I have to ask myself is it worth it? In days gone buy I'd have no problem spending $45 for these two programs but now I question how long would they be useful? How much longer are we going to be "blessed" with Garnet and will this software work on whatever replaces it?

Maybe I'm a little paranoid but I can't be the only one who feels this way. Am I?


RE: Looks pretty cool but...
Perfekshunist @ 8/28/2006 2:43:20 PM # Q
I can understand your concern, but I actually feel kind of the opposite way. Browsing the usual sites for the latest Palm software, I sense that there are fewer and fewer novel applications for the Palm. I see a lot more software tailored toward Treos (I won't even consider a Treo until it gets a larger screen) and the usual glut of specialized databases, but little truly innovative Palm software. I remember way back when, right after the original Pilot was introduced and programmers were just starting to write third-party software - almost every day brought software that introduced new capabilities to the PDA.

I've been in touch with a couple of developers about adding new features to their Palm software, and they seem more in a "wait and see" mode about what happens to the Palm platform before they invest any more time and effort. They definitely have a lot more to lose continuing to develop for a sinking platform than I do investing in a few Palm applications. It's really a vicious circle that will continue until Palm sends a very clear message what will happen to the platform.

I'd still be happy to pay for well-written applications that add more functionality to my Palm. In the worst case scenario (say, Palm going completely belly up), I'd buy a few more Palms to keep me going until another good PDA platform came along. I plan on using Palm PDAs for the foreseeable future, so I'm OK with continuing to invest in Palm software.

Now to go install and try out this software...

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Whats better?

ChiLLFiRe @ 8/30/2006 5:59:18 PM # Q
-Im currently using the write anywere software that is similar to this... I like to try this, if it works well...

-installing in progress...

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