Comments on: Destaller Pro Software Updated

Destaller Pro v2.7.5 is currently on sale for $12.95, regualrly $14.95 and comes with a free trial.
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RE: Destaller rules
1) can u or anyone else comment or provide links on how this compares to other alternatives like Uninstall Manager + CleanUp and CleanUninstaller + CleanData?
2) Does this also work to clear "crap" already left over from previous installs and removals?
3) can you exclude deletion of certain prefs and extra files by application? E.g., I deleted a game via FileZ so i kno it's save files are still there. Is Destaller robust enough to exclude those save files and settings? Can also apply to prefs to be excluded later on bef i delete those apps
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- My comments -katana
- My comments -katana
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
Destaller rules
Apart from that, this app is well worth the money.
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