Palm Infocenter Headlines on Your Site

Palm Infocenter's headlines are now available for personal and non-profit syndication. You can include the latest PalmInfocenter news headlines and articles on your site using a JavaScript client-side include. It takes moments to set up and can be customized to match the look and feel of your own pages.
Read on for an example and full instructions...

Simply cut and paste this line into your HTML page where you would like the output to appear.


It will display like this:

You can customize the look and feel by preceding the include line with an html FONT tag. Alternatively you can use CSS elements; each link in the output has a class name of "PIC".

If you would rather use a server-side include we have a backend text file available here:

If you decide to include out headlines on your site, please send us an email and let us know. We will be compiling a list and will link back to each site that includes our headlines.

Commercial Orgainizations and for Profit website must first contact us and agree to our terms of use policy.

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Thanks, Ed, Ryan, et al!

GregGaub @ 8/3/2001 4:42:08 PM #
I've been wanting something like this for a while for my PUG site, but no other news sites offer the same thing (that I've found). Most just give the headlines and a single link to the news site, not direct links to the news articles. Thanks a kajillion!
I'll send an e-mail anyway, but I'll be including PIC headlines on SeaPUG at

Headlines on your site

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/3/2001 5:19:11 PM #
Is there anyway I can get the headlines on my Yahoo site, or something similiar. That would be great. Although Palm headlines are the most important I also like to look at Sports and Business headlines.

RE: Headlines on your site
Admin @ 8/3/2001 5:39:45 PM #
If my yahoo (I assume that's what you mean) let's you add content from third party sources and uses a common format then we may be able to arrange it.

Editor in Chief


I.M. Anonymous @ 8/3/2001 5:40:37 PM #
Why not use an RSS file such as sites like That would make things much more cross platform and wouldn't rely on Javascript.

And for the RSS reference:

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/4/2001 5:25:03 AM #
I think that's a great idea, is already doing this. You're already providing backend.txt so RSS shouldn't be a problem.


We have linked to you

CarlBrooks @ 8/4/2001 4:24:44 PM #
Palmloyal has linked PIC to its Quick News Page.

Keep up the good work!


IPUG linked

xash @ 4/3/2002 1:31:21 AM #

The Indian Palm User Group website now has Palm InfoCenter news.

This is a great feature for PUGs. I second Greg's sentiments.

Find the IPUG news page at :

-ashish gupta.

The Indian Palm User Group.



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