Palm Treo 650 & Treo TripKit Giveaway
PalmInfocenter is giving away a brand new Palm Treo 650 smartphone fully loaded with the new Treo TripKit. To enter the giveaway, simply post your most unique PDA or smartphone related travel story. Read on for the full details.
Thanks to everyone who participated, the contest is now over. Roger S. from Tucson, AZ was the winner. Feel free to reply to comments on this story now
To Enter
To enter the contest simply post your most unique PDA or smartphone related travel story in the comments section below. Your entry must be a PDA/smartphone related story, all other comments will be removed. You can discuss the giveaway here in the forums.
One story will be choose at random on December 14th to select the winner. One entry per person only, multiple entries will be disqualified. The contest is open to PalmInfocenter readers worldwide.
Treo 650 Giveaway
The winner will have their choice of carrier Treo 650 smartphone and the Treo TripKit. The Treo 650 is a full-featured phone, a Palm OS organizer, with messaging, email and web access capabilities in a compact design.
Treo TripKit
The Palm Treo TripKit combines everything the executive traveler needs in one great package. This very limited edition package, valued at $299, includes a Palm Bluetooth headset for those hands free moments, vehicle power charger to keep your battery fueled up, an extra battery for when one is just not enough, stylus with pen and international chargers all neatly stowed in a lush leather roll-up, plus an exclusive new elegant Treo leather case.
Please Note
The winner will be contacted via email. Please make sure you have a valid email account on file or we will be unable to contact the winner. You can update/add your email address with the preferences form. Alternatively, you can post your contact email address with your contest comment entry. PalmInfocenter will only use your address to notify the winner.
Registration is required to post a comment. The contest will be open until December 13th 9:00 PM PST. The winner will be announced shortly thereafter.
Treo 650 and Treo TripKit provided by Palm.
Article Comments
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Treo Camera Did Pretty Good For Me
One friend even used this shot on the cover of an Arabic instruction book he's selling now. Not bad work for my trusty old sidekick. That said, sure wouldn't mind upgrading to that 650!
geocaching success story
Geocaching is a hobby where you use your GPS to get you to the general vicinity of a hidden contain -- the geocache -- and then you use clues from a web site -- the cache description -- to find where the container is hidden.
Some geocachers are very clever at hiding things and it's very useful to have their clue with you. Once, when trying to find a particularly difficult geocache deep in the redwood forests of Northern California, I read the clues from my Neo several times and searched for a long time with no luck.
I had hiked many miles to the secluded area of an open space preserve and wasn't looking forward to returning empty handed, so I searched for longer than I normally would for a hidden geocache.
Finally, I put my Neo down on a pile of pine needles in an old tree stump, and walked off to see if I could get lucky. Having no luck at all, I returned to the stump and picked up the Neo.
Doing so, I accidently brushed away some of the pine needles. They were covering the geocache. I had set my pda down on top of the cache I couldn't find, and wouldn't have found it if I hadn't picked it back up.
Marty Fouts
Linux kernel developer
Available for work after 2 Dec 05
Bluetooth GPS, all the way.
I live pretty far off the beaten track. Very far. You can smell the cows, that's how far. Around here, the roads can be tricky, and if you get on the wrong one you can find yourself making a major detour. I once saw a road which couldn't be driven along because of the inconveniently large creek passing through the middle of it, right overtop of where the road used to be. I should note that this was not on the map, but then I think the mapmakers were scared off by the banjo music. There are also roads where you can drive for ten or fifteen miles without a single turnoff, driveway, or anything else to turn around in.
Context over, on to the story. I was even farther out than usual that day, down somewhere in Alleghany or Cattaraugus county on my way to Pennsylvania. I had decided to take the scenic route.
This was my first mistake.
On my map, it was only flagged as County Route 400-something (I can't remember the exact number). The fact that nobody wanted to name it should have been a hint. It looked innocuous enough, but once you were actually driving along it, you got to realize how far into the wilderness you were when you saw the road going up a steep hill, with no guardrail--and the asphalt of the road was literally starting to slide off the edge of the hill.
Once you're on one of these roads, it's very hard to get off of them, because the rare connecting roads usually look exactly the same, and there are few to no road signs. You could get lost with remarkable ease. I actually drove past a few houses that were so far from civilization that I think the owners were people who had gotten stuck out there some time in the 1980s and never made it back. I think I saw a "Re-Elect Reagan" sticker on a rusting Oldsmobile.
Here's where my trusty handheld and Bluetooth GPS came in. With an exact location for myself, and a full set of maps on the handheld, I was able to plot a set of roads that would return to civilization, then follow them precisely. Although I must say, I am glad that I went that route--it was a spectacular view, not to mention another addition of my list of places to hide out from the law and/or dispose of bodies.
Rescued in southeast Asia by my Palm
A couple years ago, during the depths of the .crash, I got involved in this project to bring telecom and data service out to a remote village in rural Laos. The prototype was built here in the US, and we did some basic testing and integration here as well before flying the system, myself and a couple other geeks over there to do the local integration and then set it up.
The foundation I was volunteering for had their office about 10 miles outside of the city of Vientiane, the capital. Like many cities in small developing countries, Vientiane goes from bustling downtown with paved roads to wooden/cement block shacks and dirt roads in nothing flat.
One day I was at the foundation office, in deep geek mode arguing with a couple of the PCMCIA wireless drivers we were going to use for the systems and totally lost track of time. Afternoon became dusk which became dark and when I looked at the clock on my laptop and it said "23:30". I packed up, locked up and headed out the door into pitch black darkness. There was a streetlight about half a mile away, but other than that it was completely dark. This is not a part of the world where everybody has or can afford electricity, so the complete lack of light from the houses across the street wasn't terribly surprising, but still annoying.
I could either wait in the pitch dark for a passing tuk-tuk(a 3-wheel motorized pedicab, nobody has a real car this far out), hope he didn't hit me before he stopped, or I could walk back into town and hope I was not set upon somewhere along the way.
I decided to wait. Walking back in the dark was likely dangerous and if nothing else I could always let myself back into the foundation office and sleep on the floor.
I wait 30 minutes before one zips by, completely oblivious to me.
About 20 minutes later, the same thing happens. Finally, after more than an hour of waiting and occasionally frantic waves, one driver sees me and pulls over. I gleefully run the few steps over to my anonymous rescuer hand over the card of the hotel I'm staying at. He looks at me, nods, and says something in Lao that I didn't understand. I say "15,000 Kip!", the amount I'm willing to pay for the ride. This is about $1.50 US and what I can get a ride for during the day. It's ridiculously low for nighttime, but I'm trying to appear adept at haggling and in control of the situation.
He shakes his head and repeats the same phrase. We go back and forth on this a couple more times, neither of us understanding each other. He looks like he's getting ready to be done with my pasty white geeky ass and take off when I remember my Palm.
I whip out my M505 and go to the NotePad application. The backlight blazes out into the comparative dark and lights up the road around us. I'd only been there a couple days, but the one thing I'd picked up on was that everybody seemed to know Arabic numerals and how to use a four-banger calculator regardless of whether they knew English or not. Commerce is truly the international language.
So I move over to where he's standing and in plain sight scribble "15,000" on the screen, then hand it to him. He shakes his head, scratches out the 15,000 and writes 70,000, which is WAY more than I even have on me. He hands it back. I scribble out the 70,000 and write 30,000 and hand it back to show him. He scribbles that out and writes 45,000. That's fine with me(being precisely what I have on me), so I nod demonstratively, grab my PDA, throw my pack into the vehicle and jump in.
We zip off into the night, stopping briefly to pick up a local, who I notice gets on for all of 5,000 Kip, and about 20 minutes later, I'm at my hotel. I get out, grab my backpack and empty my wallet, placing a sheaf of 5,000 Kip notes in his hand. We nod and smile at each other, before I head into the hotel and he zips off into the night.
T3 helped win ebay auction
Every year my wifes family hold a family reunion camp in the middle of Wales (UK). We don't go to a dedicated campsite, one of her uncles owns a peice of land literally in the middle of now where.
Before leaving for our camping trip I had been watching a few items on ebay, one item was quite rare to find on ebay and had lost auctions on similar items before, and I didn't want to loose this one! I checked with wife's uncle who had a house about 25 miles away and asked if I could head over there on the night the auction was due to finish and watch the item, which was ok with him.
The auction was due to finish 3 days into the trip, but come that evening I suddenly remembered about the auction but didn't have enough time to make the trip. So armed with my T3 and bluetooth phone, set out to fine some signal to dialup.
I was luckey to find a spot with 2 bars, and using Web Pro, connected to ebay and watched the end of the auction which I won.
Returning back to camp happy, I told those who were interested what I was able to do with my Palm and I think I sold about half a dozon units that night!
Look forward to reading more of your stories, they are all pretty cool
The Treo's (secret) most important feature revealed!
After arriving, I was able to use the Palm Zagat app to find a decent local restaurant and then used the Directory Assistant app mentioned above in Gekko's post to find a local bank + used an online map service for directions to the bank + restaurant. A friend had emailed me about a (clothing optional!) beach, so I then headed out that afternoon with a beach towel, sunscreen, a bottle of water and my Treo. The beach was in a VERY secluded area and was only accessible by going down a steep, unmarked trail by a cliff. The beach turned out to be one of the nicest I've ever seen and besides a couple of topless co-eds frolicking together in the surf, there was no one to be seen along what was probably over a mile long perfect stretch of sand. Eventually the perky Sappho Girls tired of frolicking on the beach and headed back to (I assume) frolic in private. So then it was just me and the beach. What a rough life. I dozed off to the sound of the waves and woke up a couple hours later as the sun was setting. I was reluctant to leave this perfect beach, even though it was getting dark. Eventually I headed back to my car. As I walked down the beach, suddenly the clouds came out and it was pitch black. The tide also had risen, wiping out the pathway around some sets of rocks that came out from the cliff dividing the beach into sections. Great. I literally had to feel my way over the rocks. "Perfect Beach" had suddenly become "The Beach From He11". Eventually I came to the end of the beach and realized I must have passed the place where the trail back to the road started. The trail had been almost impossible to find in daylight and now I was having to find it in the dark! I realized I was probably going to have to find somewhere on the beach to sleep until sunrise and hope high tide didn't wipe out the beach (and me along with it). Then I remembered I had my Treo with me. If you ever owned a Treo 600, you'll know it probably has the brightest backlight ever put on a PDA. (It's bright enough for cops to use to blind people in roadside checks...) I turned the Treo on and within 10 minutes I found the trail. With the Treo lighting the was I was (barely) able to follow the narrow trail back to the road.
Sure you can use a Treo to do everything a desktop computer does. But most importantly, it also makes a GREAT $500 flashlight!
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm eCONomy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
NetFrontLinux - the next major cellphone OS?:
Travel story
Beam Me Up
As was often the case, when a consultant wasn't on an assignment, I went on a sales call with one of our business development people to help out with some short term configuration management work.
The sales meeting went fine (I was still learning the art of "consultant speak"; you know, lying, without really lying) and we had managed to almost convince the client that we were the right firm for the job. As we were nearing the end of the meeting, Ellen (the sales woman) reached into her pocket to get a business card and was shocked to find that she didn't have any.
I pulled out my Palm and said, "Does anyone have a PDA I can beam the information to?"
Lucky for us, the client (decision maker) had just purchased a shiny new Palm III the day before and was excited to use it (his first PDA). As he pulled out his PIII (with the nifty new form factor and flip lid) he told me that this would be his first beam!
The beaming went smoothly, I was able to give him both mine, and Ellen's information, and the next day we were informed that we had won the project.
I'm at least a little convinced that his excitement at having his first beaming experience swayed him to pick us for the project.
miknny AT yahoo DOT com
Lost in Chicago...looking for pizza
That's when it got interesting. We wandered over a couple of blocks (his memory wasn't spot on) and found ourselves staring at an empty storefront with "CLOSED" sign in the window. That Giordano's was no more.
Chaos erupted. There we were, 10 strangers in a strange land huddling together in the sub-freezing night with nary a cab around. Everyone got out their cellphones and then stopped, realizing they didn't know anyone to call for directions to the nearest pizza joint.
Then I pulled out my Treo 650, fired up Handmark Pocket Express, and searched for "pizza" near the address we were standing. I found a Giordano's a few blocks away, pulled up the map of it (one tap), and off we went. 20 minutes later, we were feasting on hot 'za.
Whenever I see people from that group, they always mention my "amazing, magical phone" and tell others about how it saved our lives...or at least our evening. :-)
Are we gonna make it?
Gadget geek
Sure I did all the boring but essential stuff via the personal organizer functions: Packing list via HandDbase, flight scheduling on the calendar (checkout FlightStatus for checking your flight's status on the road).
But a lot of folks don't know how much real computer stuff a Palm can do if you know a little hackery... I made a homebuilt powered serial cable and was actually able to log into the serial console on our test bed system while they were setting up in the particle accelerator. The portability of the Treo serial rig was really handy to run into the chamber between tests and make sure the system was still functional between bombardments. You know you are a serious geek when you impress the guys running a particle accelerator :).
Prepared for All But the Ride
On the flight from NY to Columbia, I put the thin m505 in my back pocket for the ride. I must have been sitting on one of the buttons for the 4 or 5 hours because before we landed I pulled it out and it was dead. Charged it in the hotel and it was totally dead and had to be hard reset. I had no backup and almost all my data on the card was accessed by 3rd party apps that got lost in the drain.
Needless to say, that was a loooong week with basic PIMS and no data. The word "backup" became part of my vocabulary after that.
Pat Horne;
Wish I Was There
Now, while it is always wonderful to be with family, there are times when it is preferable to be on a warm beach with a cocktail chasing the ladies.
My friend was chilling on the beaches of Bahia, doing just that. Since I could not join him or his friends, he snapped several photos with his Treo 650 camera and sent them to me via MMS, including a quick video of everyone wishing me well.
I felt that I was transported thousands of miles from our Nation's capital to the warmth of Brazil.
I responded in kind, snapping a few pictures of the Capital Building in the crisp November light of late afternoon, along with a video of me bundled up in fleece.
Global communications via a handheld device such as the Treo 650 brought friends and strangers closer together, wirelessly.
Travels in the Carribean
How the Gaijin found Akihabra
Tokyo is a fun place to visit, but can be daunting for a westerner. I was over there for business, and decided I would try to find the Sony store in Ginza, and visit Akihabra (Electric City) to find a Clie NX70V to replace my Visor Deluxe. The irony is that:
1. The only way I had to navigate the subway system was using an english version of subway maps I downloaded.
2. Translation dictionaries and pointing at the screen a lot (icons, Romanjii, and really bad pronounciation guides).
3. I could only find Japanese versions of the Clie.
At the end of the day it highlighted just how critical a device like this is for international travellers -
* Translation dictionaries (I have also used Italian and French in my travels)
* Maps (subways maps in particular)
* Currency conversions (update before travelling)
* Expense tracking (one thing I really miss form the Visor).
~ "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." - DV ~
my husband's new Treo...
We quickly figured it out and he has been loving it ever since.
LOL :)
Christmas White Elephant
When my wife started unwrapping her “gift”, I noticed that the giver used a Palm IIIxe box for it (the top of the line model at that time). I managed to whisper to her to go along with me, pulled my own IIIx out of my pocket, turned it on and somehow passed it to her unnoticed to slip into the box as she was finishing unwrapping it.
You should have seen the look on the face of the gift giver when my wife pulled a functional Palm out of the box instead of the white elephant. Her agitated declaration of "I can't believe you left the Palm in the box..." to her husband alerted the rest of the guests that this was not what was intended to be given and was a very expensive mistake.
Sensing a quickly growing discord between the couple, my wife pulled the real “gift” out of the box and I confessed to the trickery, to the great relief of the gift giver and much laughter from the rest of the guests.
God save the Queen (and my Treo)
Back in 2002, I was preparing to take my first trip overseas with my new girlfriend. We were headed to London for a week-long getaway that I wanted to document and share with everyone back home (I was really proud of myself for finally crossing the "pond"). So my plan was this: I would take photos with my brand new Minolta DiMAGE F100 digital camera, pop the SD card into my Palm m505, download the pictures to SplashPhoto, then swap out the SD card with my Palm Bluetooth SD card, connect to my SE T68i, send the pics as attachments in the new version of Snappermail, pay ridiculous data roaming charges, and share my joy with everyone. Even though it sounds absurdly confusing now, I determined after testing this setup several times stateside, my cobbled together solution would work just dandy.
Well, on day one in London after visiting the National Gallery and the British Museum, I figured I was going to give the system a go with my own works of art. After downloading the pictures and doing the SD card dance, I connected to the internet only to find that my version of Snappermail was only good for 30 days!! I had bought the damn thing a month before, but in the early days of the program, they had these weird forced upgrade periods. Don't ask me why.
Needless to say I was freaking on the inside while trying to keep cool in front of my girlfriend, who was already figuring out that the guy she was dating was in fact a really big closet nerd. I hunted down an internet cafe to download the latest version of the software, but remembered I had no way to get the program onto my Palm. The whole plan was foiled. Foiled by a thirty dollar piece of software.
Now did the rest of the world cry out in protest at the lack of photos of me pointing at various crap in England? No. But I was certainly quietly bummed out the rest of the time.
Moral of this story is, I'll take buggy hardware that does everything in one place most of the time, over four things that work perfectly apart but might not play together because of a minor glitch any day of the week.
When somebody else is traveling...
So, it's a travel story, but it's somebody else's travel. I hope that still counts.
Palm Travel Story
Zodiac as a flashlight
When I went to see Elizabeth Town with a couple of my friends, my good friend Hilary dropped her ring onto the floor. Of course this is a movie theatre and so it was nearly pitch black. I pulled out my trusty Zodiac and turned the backlight all the way to max. I then started scanning the floor in hopes of finding her class ring. I kept trying to find it, but I had no luck. Then I saw a little flash of light coming from the row in front of us (the theatre had stadium seating). I stuck my hand down the crack between the seats and I got her ring back!
The world will end in 2006. Just as it was predicted in the bible along with the release of Microsoft Longhorn.... :p
My travel story
Cutler Ferchaud
Travel PDA use
I've never travelled without my PDA!
First trip was with my Handspring where I used it to keep a journal of my travels. It worked quite well but grafitti is very slow.
next trip, i had upgraded to an M505 and had a stowaway keyboard too. This was awesome. Journal entries were a snap. Plus metro made travelling a bit easier in HK and LA.
I had the m505 for a while. It made a good adhoc photo album, street finder, and journal book. I wish i got a travel charger cause lugging the stock cradle was a nightmare!
When my m505 drowned, I started travelling with an ipaq1910. Oh man, that was fun.. dismal battery life, unreliable alarms, no keyboard again, The only thing it was good for was mapopolis. Too bad it was SLOOOW..
Now I have my h4150. Wow.. what an improvement. Mapopolis works great, metro got be through the subways of paris, excel kept track of my money, calculator helped convert euros, and the built in wifi let me send a few emails here and there through unsecured hotspots! Woot. I dunno howmany times I checked for free wifi in europe.. but it was great. net-addicts rejoice!
The crushing of my Palm
m100 and mapquest
We used my trusty old palm m100 to track all the directions using mapquest and such. We had a very successful trip (minus a seriously weird speeding ticket).
The parade I never marched...
We departed Rickenbacker ANG Base at 7 AM and started north. Even 100 miles out, we could see the massive storm front looming. I busted out my snazzy two-week old Treo 650 and browsed to The storm wasn't to Maumee yet, but there was a nice thick swath of red just to the north in Toledo. An hour out, it started to pour rain on the highway. Whip out the Treo, and see that Maumee is getting drenched, and it doesn't look like the nasty weather will be stopping any time soon. So, the Commander pulls out his cell phone to call the parade coordinator and discovers that his phone's battery has died. Insert panicking here.
The phone number is back on base, but there's nobody there that can get into his locked office. And while he carries a car charger in his briefcase, the old beaten Army bus doesn't have a car outlet (we've been issued buses without gas pedals - just a stick sticking out of the deck). But... if it was cancelled, there was an email out there in cyberspace screaming to be read. I remember that the commander's email is a Yahoo account. I pull up Yahoo Email on my Treo and approach him, asking him to put his info in. He gives me that "What the hell is this thing?" look.
I tell him that it's a Palm Pilot cell phone. More weird looks. "It has internet."
"Can you go to Yahoo on here?"
"It's already there."
I prompted him again to enter his username and password and he realizes what I'm saying. Check your email because your phone isn't working. So, he logs in and finds an email saying that the parade has been canceled. He announces the cancellation to the bus full of half-drunk Army bandsmen and is met with cheers.
The driver pipes up, "Where do we turn around?" Again, Treo comes to the rescue. Within a few minutes I've pulled up a map showing an exit where we can stop and get breakfast and start on the two hour trip back to Columbus.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
"My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
President John F. Kennedy, Inagural Address, January 20th, 1961
Biking with my Palm.
Extended travel- in China
When I first moved to China I had a difficult time of it, perhaps the most depressing year of my life! The main problem? Communication! Not knowing how to say 'lightbulb,' much less being able to order food or make friends can really take it out of you.
Now I'm not one for a lot of studying, so the language thing was coming along slowly until I began to hear/ read about this interesting device called a Palm and this dictionary program 'Plecodict' (then called 'Oxford Dict'). A trip to Hong Kong to pick up a 2nd-hand Clie and a bit of downloading later I was a new man! No more scrawling pictures in busy markets or flipping pages during conversation, with my trusty b/w Clie I was a one-man translating machine! Unfamiliar road sign? No problem, just scribble in the character with the built-in handwriting recognition. Never heard that word before? Hah! Writing on the palm was so much faster then a paper dictionary, not to mention lighter and smaller! I could even save words into the flashcard file to practice later.
When the Clie's screen went funny it was followed by a Tungsten W (a mistake- took a half a year of searching to cobble together enough programs to read Chinese SMS. Though I did enjoy being able to type words into the dictionary while biking through traffic! ) then my current T|E, which is hard at work every day. Besides translating my Palms have gotten me through Hong Kong's labyrinth of subways (MetrO), entertained me on 24 hour train rides (Handstory and Palmreader), helped me introduce my life to strangers and friends (Photobase) and stored all the little bits of information that I can't live without.
When I first bought a Palm it was a cool gadget- now I'm studying TCM at a University here and I can't imagine what I would do without it!
traveling with my palm
What Language Was That?
One of our stops was to a traditional Japanese hotel--a ryokan. While there, we met a French family that spoke neither Japanese nor English. Luckily, we had the French-English lexicon, too, and we acted as "translators" for the other family. (OK, so maybe I remembered a few words of French from high school, too.)
Having also loaded up with the Metro subway maps, the Japan Rail schedules and a few e-books (for the train rides), I didn't miss my computer at all. I even used my WiFi card in Tokyo (which seems to have hot spots just about everywhere) to keep in touch by e-mail with our son back home. (Now, if someone could just create a VoIP application for the Palm, I'd be all set!)
My T3--don't leave home without it.
Stolen T3
Oh well, that gave me an opportunity to upgrade to a Treo 650. Good things come in unexpected places.
Treo: Phone. Web. Email. Chick Magnet.
Ever since Schoolies, my friends and I have made an annual tradition of renting a big house somewhere, splitting the bill ten ways and having a week of drunken madness in a new place. This year we picked Runaway Bay, Queensland. One night we decided to drive over to Surfer's Paradise and check out our old Schoolies stomping grounds. We wound up in a bar watching a *hideously* ugly man (think the love child of John Candy and Michael Jackson) and one of the most stunning girls I had ever seen covering a bunch of old pop songs from the 80's. I wasn't the only one who'd noticed - every other guy in the bar (young crowd, as always in Surfer's) was doing their best impression of a cartoon character; eyes bugging out and tongue unfurling onto the tables in front of them. My friends included.
After about half an hour, their set was over. Count Ugula went to the bar to get drinks, and the girl was sitting on her own at a table near the stage. I couldn't help myself, and I knew I didn't have much time before someone else tried it. I stood up, walked over, and sat down next to her. I was greeted with a faint look of disdain.
"Excuse me," I said, "but if you let me sit here and talk to you for just five minutes, my friends are going to be insanely jealous. May I?"
That got me a laugh. I was in! Or so I thought. The conversation very quickly started to splutter and die, and I could tell I was about to crash and burn, when she received a message on her phone (some old-model Nokia). She tried to send a reply as we were talking (a *really* bad sign) and wound up cursing at it.
"I've got no credit left. Can I use your phone?" she asked.
Uh-oh, I thought. This is it - the point where I show how much of a nerd I actually am and get written off, like so many times before....
"Sure", I reply, and tentatively pull out my Treo.
"Oh my god," she laughs as she takes it in, "What the hell is that? Like a mini laptop or something?"
"Kinda, yeah," I reply. Then I remember one of the more useless but crowd-pleasing PalmOS apps I'd installed recently - minordemon's Gaydar. "Actually, it's my Gaydar."
"Your what?"
"I'll show you..." I pass the Treo. "Point it at your mate there." Count Ugula is leering at a barmaid. "And press the button on the screen."
The result of this "scan", of course, always comes up Gay. Anyway, I thought it was kinda amusing, but she thinks it's one of the most hilarious things she's ever seen. She wants to try it on everybody. After we've "scanned" everyone in the bar, she demands to know what other stuff the Treo can do. I give her a quick rundown. She insisted I stay for a couple of drinks. I mock-grudingly accepted while the voices in my head clapped, cheered and rioted in the stadium.
We wound up getting very drunk, taking pictures of other people in the bar and then defacing them with the stylus (Media lets you draw on pictures). I invited her back to the house... and she said yes.
My Treo got me laid.
Beat that.
Tim Carroll
Your friendly customer service robot
(and big Treo fan)
Treo avoids boredom on business trips
I also love listening to podcasts on my Treo when traveling.
Tourists in Salisbury
We were resting on the garden in front of the Cathedral, it was a warm sunny afternoon. A friend from Italy called my brother on his mobile phone and we described him the marvellous place. He was so interested that my brother asked if he could send him a picture. At that time we had no camera-phone, but I had a solution: I took the SecureDigital card from the digital camera and inserted it in my Tungsten T, then we wrote a greeting message, attached the picture and sent it with the GPRS connection of my SonyEricsson T68i, through Bluetooth link with the Tungsten T.
My brothers already knew the versatility of Palm handhelds, which I have been using since 1999 for study and all my personal activities, but that time they were really impressed.
Treo was a lifeline after Katrina
Light in the Darkness
I whipped out my Zire and used the backlight to guide me out of the garage.
A Palm is - Life in the Palm of Your Hand

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- My comments -katana
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -richf
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
- Palm phone on HDblog -palmato
- Palm PVG100 -hgoldner
- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
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