The Palm Graveyard


Batteries In Backwards

Date added: 9/7/2002


I did a battery change for my Palm IIIxe. My mistake was when I replaced the batteries I put them in backwards. This cleared 9 months of information from it. No worry, just do a hot-sync to recover it. I did and recovered everything. I had notice that I had multiple users both with my name. I decided to delete one of the user files and do another hot-sync. The file I deleted, to my ignorance, had all the information in it, the one left behind had nothing. I did the hot-sync after the delete and lost everything again. I called Palm Helpdesk and was told the file was gone. I decided after this incident to buy a Memory Safe unit as a second place the keep all my information. I to this day, 1 year later, find myself looking for lost information. Lost Virtual Space Forever!!

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