The Palm Graveyard


Calculator Heaven

Victim: Stealth
Date added: 12/21/2000


Calculator Heaven On December 20, 2000, I had left a local pizza place to go home in my mother's car. For some odd reason, the holdster for the calculator broke clean away from hy belt and landed in the snow. A few hours later I noticed it was missing. Fortunatly, someone found the unit on the street, took it home, found the identification card inside and called us. We immeidatly went to pick it up. I was overjoyed, until I opened the unit up. I almost became ill. The screen was smashed, and the unit itself was slightly warped; it had obviosuly been stepped on pretty hard or run over by a car(s.) Get this, the AAA batteries were destroyed to boot. The calculator I had used since the 8th grade was destroyed. It was unceremoniously buried in our basement trashcan that night. Fortunatly, I kinda wanted a HP-48G, and now I have a good excuse to get one! Please say a little prayer for the unit, light a candle, ect...

If there is a calculator heaven, I'm sure it is there now.

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