Comments on: Palm webOS 1.3.5 Released, Full Changelog Now Online

Further to this morning's news, webOS 1.3.5 is now officially available for Sprint Palm users and the full changelog has been posted on Palm's support pages (Pixi here, Pre here). No GSM or Bell love yet, so far as your correspondent can discern. Thanks to Palm's use of a new compression method, it weighs in at a tiny 13mb and now has a new "unpacking" step when installing.

The most interesting fixes? Posted after the break, along with the Pre changelog.

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Impressive Palm

LiveFaith @ 12/28/2009 6:51:17 PM # Q
Very impressive to see Palm bringing these kinds of updates in rapid succession. This shows a lot of attention for end users. Service after the sale. Kudos Palm.
Pat Horne
RE: Impressive Palm
SeldomVisitor @ 12/29/2009 4:00:06 AM # Q
It is nicer that Palm is releasing minor updates "regularly" rather than waiting for a more significant update. I think THIS update, however, got a little over-hyped.

RE: Impressive Palm
bhartman34 @ 12/30/2009 8:38:07 AM # Q
I don't really think this was over-hyped. Sure, it was eagerly anticipated, but the removal of the app limit alone sort of justifies that. The initial app limit was small enough that it was beginning to really limit people adding apps to their phones. Eliminating that problem is a big win.

Potentially, it's an even bigger win for developers. If a developer is just making his/her way to the App Catalog, and the app limit is still in place, that's potentially one less customer they can have for their app.

The WebGL improvements are also significant. Sure, WebOS doesn't seem like it supports WebGL right now, but at least there are the underpinnings of it. That's kind of a big deal.

About the only disappointment I could see with this update is that it doesn't include a video recording app. PreCorder has been available for a while now, so even if the people at Palm didn't want to invest the time into it, they could at least release PreCorder as-is in an update, or into the App Catalog. (Yes, I know there are reasons they wouldn't want to do this, but like I said, if I was looking for a reason to complain about this update, that's the best one I could think of.)

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Downloading Right Now

DarthRepublican @ 12/28/2009 7:00:13 PM # Q
The download seemed to take forever. It's "unpacking" now which also seems to take forever....
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
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RE: Downloading Right Now
Gekko @ 12/28/2009 8:14:42 PM # Q

how hot does your Pre get during such long update downloads?

RE: Downloading Right Now
DarthRepublican @ 12/28/2009 8:28:04 PM # Q
And it took forever to install too. And now that my Pre is back up the Photo and Video apps took forever to load the first time but on subsequent launches they have loaded fairly quickly. (Perhaps they were being indexed - I have over 3,000 pictures on my phone - the first time?) Overall, the phone feels snappier than before which is always good but then again, the Pre always feels snappier when it has been freshly rebooted. I still haven't loaded a custom theme or any patches on my Pre yet and I will have to see what happens when I have been running my Pre day in and day out to see how this update has really effected my phone.

One thing that I have noticed is that the instability that webOS 1.3.1 introduced into the MotionApps Classic emulator appears to be gone. Classic hasn't crashed once in three times that I have run it but it is still very slow to start up and my phone remains fairly sluggish for a while closing Classic. This is disappointing as MotionApps claimed to have fixed the problem with Classic and couldn't release a fix until Palm updated webOS. Now webOS is fixed and Classic is half-fixed. It will be up to MotionApps to finish fixing their program.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
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RE: Downloading Right Now
Tim Carroll @ 12/28/2009 8:34:35 PM # Q
Glad uber-unstable Classic is fixed - it was really starting to annoy me. (Right now, I have to revert to the PalmOS Calendar whenever I want to make an appointment set for a different timezone, since the webOS Calendar doesn't support them. Horrible when Classic crashed on open half the time)
RE: Downloading Right Now
DarthRepublican @ 12/28/2009 8:35:07 PM # Q
Gekko wrote:

how hot does your Pre get during such long update downloads?

Not hot at all. Certainly nowhere near as hot after it gets after an hour-long session of tethering to my laptop. I think that most of the actual "download" time is actually spent doing housekeeping in the background.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
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RE: Downloading Right Now
Gekko @ 12/28/2009 8:46:28 PM # Q

i was thinking predator time bomb self destruct hot.
RE: Downloading Right Now
Tim Carroll @ 12/28/2009 8:55:27 PM # Q
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
RE: Downloading Right Now
hkklife @ 12/29/2009 1:51:25 PM # Q
"Me too, mine's as big as a house!"

Timmay, for a young'un from down under, you seem remarkably savvy regarding America pop culture. I had no idea 1980s Hollywood had left such an indelible mark on YOUR childhood as well!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid

RE: Downloading Right Now
Gekko @ 12/29/2009 2:38:16 PM # Q
RE: Downloading Right Now
Tim Carroll @ 12/29/2009 5:43:26 PM # Q
Kris: I have my Dad to thank for that, who had no issues with letting his single-digit aged kids watch R-rated movies. Therefore the coolest movies to rent from the video shop were always the ultra-violent action flicks like Predator, Robocob, Commando (oh, Commando - Scwarzenegger's finest, IMO), Total Recall, Die Hard etc

To rant a bit: The 80s - early 90's were the Renaissance period for action movies. Nowadays plots are too formulaic (or go over-the-top purely because they can) and there's too much CGI fakery of stuff that used to be done with old-fashioned stunts and models - compare Die Hard 4 with the originals, for instance. The art of the action movie is dying out, and it's sad...

(Also, there's the fact that Australia's film industry is rather embarassingly pathetic, so Hollywood is our only real source for big-budget movies.)

RE: Downloading Right Now
nastebu @ 12/30/2009 5:14:40 AM # Q
Since we're ranting about action movies...

I do blame CGI. It's now quite normal for movies to go 10 minutes or more with no dialogue other than grunts or "watch out!" Instead of plot advancement it's just a thousand different permutations of explosions. Boring.

RE: Downloading Right Now
Gekko @ 12/30/2009 7:40:16 AM # Q

99% of what hollywood produces today is garbage. i'm boycotting them.
RE: Downloading Right Now
DarthRepublican @ 12/30/2009 8:08:41 AM # Q
Gekko wrote:

99% of what hollywood produces today is garbage. i'm boycotting them.

I watched Avatar the day after Christmas - awesome flick. And I watched District 9 on DVD recently - exciting and thought provoking.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
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RE: Downloading Right Now
SeldomVisitor @ 12/30/2009 8:33:50 AM # Q
> ...Avatar..awesome flick...District 9...exciting and thought provoking.

CGI rulz!

RE: Downloading Right Now
Gekko @ 12/30/2009 9:14:36 AM # Q
>the Pre always feels snappier when it has been freshly rebooted.

is synergy fatally flawed on the webOS and the Pre? is the architecture like an asthmatic trying to suck a golf ball through an already clogged garden hose while running a marathon?

RE: Downloading Right Now
bhartman34 @ 12/30/2009 9:34:41 AM # Q
is synergy fatally flawed on the webOS and the Pre? is the architecture like an asthmatic trying to suck a golf ball through an already clogged garden hose while running a marathon?

Not that I can tell. I've updated and re-installed most of my apps and patches, and it still seems much faster than before to me. The calendar's speed is snappier, and the phone app, in particular, is much faster. Under 1.3.1, launching the phone app was lethargic. Now, it's lightning fast. Now I can cancel a phone call before the phone started dialing, whereas before the app wasn't fast enough to launch the card before the phone dialed. I'm personally very glad for that improvement.

Now if they could just get WebGL and an official video recording app...

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DarthRepublican @ 1/4/2010 6:36:26 PM # Q
I just saw on Twitter that the next version of webOS is out. Checking the Updates app shows that is out now. I just finished uninstalling my theme and patches and I'm rebooting right now so I can install it.
Palm Apologist
Shouting down the PIC Faithful Since 2009
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titanyium @ 1/6/2010 6:59:36 PM # Q
I cant wait for it to full support flash. considering all the apps you need for the phone use flash.
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