Comments on: PDA Panache Styli Review
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RE: Please write me
Palm Infocenter
RE: 'Ding'...Thank You for Playing...
I bought a Pentopia Chameleon for my Palm Vx on the appeal of a a built in pen and springed tip. I also returned it the next day.
Too light. I like the weight of the stock, metal stylus that came with my Palm better.
Spring action is worthless - in my opinion. The spring is too stiff. I would have to press harder than I ever normally would to even gain any perceived benefit of of the spring. It is adjustable, but can only be made even stiffer. Tip cannot be dissasembled to cut the spring and make softer...
No real nub. Unless you count the "clip" that you have to grab with your fingernail. Too hard to remove from my palm compared to stock stylus.
Yeah, I'm back to the stock stylus - and happy with it. A replacement stylus should be as good or better than an original. This just was not (for me).
My 2 cents...
RE: 'Ding'...Thank You for Playing...
Stock Guy: It may be that your V has a very tight stylus slot - natually, the tightness of the holder varies from unit to unit. My stylus slips out like butter, and I find that the 'nub' (which you referred to) makes it so much easier on the thumb. I can tell by what you've written, that you remove your stylus with your finger nail - yep, you've got a tight slot alright...the Chameleon was designed to be removed with the fleshy part of your thumb...and if you've got a normal slot, it's extremely easy to do - and very comfortable; if you've got a tight slot, then I guess you're SOL. As for the weight, I guess this is very subjective - I LOVE it personally, and it (in combination with the balance) has noticably improved my speed and accuracy.
(My 1 cent)
RE: Pen/Stylus
RE: Pen/Stylus
PDA Panache Nail Stylus
RE: PDA Panache Nail Stylus
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'Ding'...Thank You for Playing...
Are you looking for a REAL stylus that snaps into your stock stylus holder, has a built-in pen, built-in reset pin, spring-loaded tip, rubber butt, superior balance, clips on to your shirt pocket and is extremely easy to remove? Look no further than the Pilot Pen Company. After meeting someone at Comdex who had this hidden gem, I immediately went out and bought one for $19 at
Check it out:
The stylus is of unbelievably high quality (that is until you read the 'Made in Japan' label on it and realize 'of course'). Once you've used the Chameleon T11V in your Palm V, you'll see that it makes everything else look like it's playing in the sandbox.