Comments on: Acer Announces First Chinese Palm (Updated)

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RE: Memory Stick
News Editor
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
News Editor
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
currently SD prevail in term of speed, is that true?? can someone provide more specs and info on these!?
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
Well, As long as you are happy with your units, why bother putting up negative comments?
As for me, reuseability is the key. Sony has integrated the memory stick in their products, quality products which I don't mind owning. If other companies decide to use the MS, so much the better -- more choices. If not, I'm satisfied anyway.
RE: Memory Stick
RE: Memory Stick
Using this strategy, Palm OS PDAs will increase, as well as, and dominate the PDA market.
RE: Memory Stick
Just my 2 cents worth of thought.
MP3 playback and built in voice recording. Can you imagine the cool software you could build for this device? SpeechToText applications. I have GOT to get me one of these! ( And take a crash course in chinese )
Not laughing anymore, just smiling big. =)
RE: Whooow!!
Maybe Acer will beat them to it.
Who would have thought.
RE: Whooow!!
I think that this is evidence that Palm's OS licensing strategy is actually viable. From many of the posts that I have read on this site and others, the general perception is that Palm is losing market share and dropping the ball in comparison to its licensees. I think that Palm has a different perspective and the perspective is a viable one. Palm is a comparatively small technology company with a excellent product and alot of name recognition. However, they do not have the capital or the scope to compete with Microsoft toe to toe, as Microsoft has virtually unlimited capital for R&D, etc. In order to survive and not be crushed under foot or become a niche product like so many other companies once Microsoft has set their eyes on that business (i.e. Stack, Netscape, WordPerfect), Palm has effectively found a way to share the cost of R&D and marketing a product worldwide thru its licensees. Thus away to survive and compete against Microsoft. In many ways this approach has been effective as Palm continues to dominate the consumer space despite some of Microsoft's best efforts and this failure may be a large part of why Microsoft is targeting the enterprise, a market segment where Palm is rather vulnerable.
Maybe Palm needs another partner aside from IBM and SAP that actually has experience with the manufacture of technology to the enterprise that can market a Palm device directly to the enterprise.
RE: Whooow!!
RE: Whooow!!
at PPC2002 launch they showed 3 form factors: phone, pda, Tablet with the glue being .Net The form factor may change but the code is pervasive. As for Palm, I thought they were slipping because of the 150 mill burn left but I hear some very interesting things are coming down the pike. This Acer development is a giant step with more localization, Palm can really globalize. They just need market help in Europe.
Go Palm! Go!
RE: Whooow!!
Make no mistake, beancounters run Microsoft, not innovators.
Ed, sorry about all this stuff off topic - it's an interesting thread, though out of place.
Cheers, V
Price of s10
RE: Price of s10
RE: Price of s10
RE: Resolution
RE: Just say no to 160x160
RE: Resolution
There's a reason the Sony Clie has been the top selling PDA in Japan since it was released. And all indications would seem to point to the fact that it's because Kanji/Chinese characters don't come out as a garbled mess like they do on 160x160 screens.
I honestly don't see much of a market left for a Chinese character PDA with only a 160x160 display but we'll see I suppose......
RE: Resolution
Actually, handhelds are even more easily used for a language like Chinese than English. Since typing in Chinese is cumbersome at best, a Chinese Palm OS with handwriting recognition is ideal.
RE: Resolution
RE: Resolution
to note the difference (they are different Chinese OSes)
I will never go back to 160x160... just can't stand it...
RE: Wireless
Bluetooth Module +
Ericsson T39 or T68 +
Blazer web browser +
Comviq GSM in Sweden GPRS service. Gives you always on wireless at only $5 a month and UNLIMITED FREE download for the next 9 months.
That is if you live in Sweden.
That is the configuration I will have next week.
RE: Wireless
>Minstrel 500
>CDPD all you can eat for 24.00
That's a great deal. Is it actually available or is it just what you are hoping for? If it's real, who's the provider?
RE: Wireless
RE: Wireless
How is the screen on the 505?
Does Novatel make a modem for the Clie?
Thanks, appreciate the help.
RE: Wireless
Where did you bought Palm 770C and Bluetooth module for it in Sweden. I'm from Romania but I'll visit Sweden next week so I would appreciate a quick answer to this one, because I could by one for myself.
RE: Wireless
I dont recommend getting an Ericsson. I hear Nokia's connect better with Palms. Better then any other brand.
RE: Wireless
Anyhow, I already have the Ericsson T39 and a Clie S-300, but I want to buy the 770C and, if you tell me from where, the Bluetooth module (is it the Bluetooth Infostick?) for the Clie.
So, wherefrom did you bought it?
RE: Wireless
News Editor
Blazer Web Browser?
RE: Wireless
Hmm... I wonder which will work better... a gsm phone from nokia, or from ericsson that actually will be SONY ERICSSON mobile phones in a little while.
Pretty easy to see the correct answer to that question, dont you think? :)
Additional information
The product is expected to sell in the middle of Nov
The article mentioned that if S10 is fully charged, it can continuously record sound for 7 hours (but normal 64M memory card can only record 2 hours). Sound can be playback for 9 hours.
The chinese Palm OS will have chinese handwritten recognization system. It also has English to Chinese dictionary (30 thousand words) and e-book reader. 80 thousand words of English to Chinese and Chinese to English extensible dictionary can be optionally installed.
Lastly, a new colour model will be available in the 2nd quarter of 2002.
RE: Additional information
When Acer first announced, they mentioned a GSM add-on. Does this article say anything about that?
News Editor
RE: Additional information
RE: Additional information
I guess there is no built-in wireless capability.
RE: Additional information
RE: Additional information
RE: Additional information
which has pictures of the same color handheld they showed off in June:
News Editor
RE: Additional information
RE: Additional information
the original article had updated the photo.The GSM wireless module is produced by ECI, Inc which is a wireless manufacture in Taiwan.
Acer will also have Pocket PC 2002
Guess they're serious about PDA, doesn't that make them the first company in the world to license both OS's
RE: Acer will also have Pocket PC 2002
RE: Yuck!
I don't much care what my handheld looks like as long is it isn't fuzzy or glowing neon green. A handheld is a tool. Did you pick out your VCR on how it looked? Or how it worked?
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
OH my god...becky, look at her....Prism.
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
Taiwan has an abundant supply of engineers.....
Just compare Acer notebooks and Sony ones, and you will know what I mean.
Oh when will they ever learn....?
RE: Yuck!
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the just have to outrun the halfling.
RE: Yuck!
RE: Yuck!
Some more pics
(Sorry, they are in Chinese)
They also reported that a colour version with 320x320 resolution may be released in early 2002, and MAY have a mono 320x320 as well. Thats interesting.
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Memory Stick