Comments on: Handhelds Go to War
Sailors on the USS McFaul, a guided-missile destroyer which is taking an active part in the attacks on terrorists in Afghanistan, use Palm V's to both perform their duties and exchange email with their families. They can access the ship's network through IR ports scattered through the ship.
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RE: Go US!
David in Pflugerville, TX
now that's just....
I'm not a military man, but even I think that's cool. If I was in the armed forces, I'd love to be able to check my e-mail using an IR port to the ship's network. Much better than waiting for mail call. ;-)
RE: now that's just....
RE: now that's just....
RE: now that's just....
We are interested to cover this story in our magazine from a technical viewpoint.
Can you provide further technical details and pictures?
Our achievement in ruggedised Palm systems:
Boris Michael von Luhovoy
publishing editor
Palmtop-Pro Magazin
DAS Magazin für mobile Anwender
Award to Palmtop-Pro in english on:
RE: now that's just....
You are correct, there is a one to one ratio when connecting to our IR ports. As far as syncing, I know they were using ScoutSync (Aether) when they started.
As far as beaming, check out out EthIR STAR products. With our SDK, you can use the OBEX protocol to send and receive data from your network. We have kiosks deployed in Circle K stores in the Phoenix area that provide free IR access and when you press a hardware button on the kiosk, it will beam out a file using obex. In this case information about services and a free Tetris clone.
I also have ActiveX objects that allow you to create HTML pages that can distribute information. Say you have a webpage that has choices of different Palm apps or docuemnts. One press of the button on the screen and the EthIR STAR will deliver your file right away.
I'm on this site many times a day, but will be travelling for the rest of the week. Send me an email and we can talk over the phone in more detail if your interested.
Porta Bin Laden?
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
BTW, I disapprove of the domain name of the second one but there's lots of stuff on the Net I disapprove of.
News Editor
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
PC Bull****
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
would be to you at the moment.
- From a non-Arabic, but still able to differentiate
Politically Correct RIP
They have twisted a beautiful religion into a tool for mind control. It is that plane and
simple. Enemies that will not negotiate deserve to be killed in order for the rest of us
to survive. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
I pledge Allegiance to the Flag,
So, if you are against Christianity, or my right to express it, stuff it for now! If not, thank you for your tolerance!
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
Site is sometimes slow due to demand ....
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
-- YOUR comments?! How the hell would we know when you're just one of countless idiots who can't be bothered to REGISTER with a NAME (even a fake one!).
The Lottery is Down?
would be to you at the moment.
- From a non-Arabic, but still able to differentiate"
-- I tried to go to the site to see if I'd indeed be offended, but the site is unreachable. Hmmm... patriotic hackers killed it -- or is it just too popular?
Powerpuff Girls vs. bin Laden
Site is sometimes slow due to demand ...."
-- you've *got* to see the one with the Powerpuff Girls going after bin Laden!
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
RE: Porta Bin Laden?
Thanks for the links. They're great!
now is handspring turn
MostWanted 1.1
...or one of the many versions of this database (the FBI 22 Most Wanted Terrorists list) I've seen on PalmGear over the last two weeks? Wild...
Handhelds Go to War
It's good to see that there is SOME forward thinking going on!
RE: Handhelds Go to War
I share your same thoughts..
Was a Merchant Seamn up until 1996 when the first Pilot was introduced.
Dman, the things I could have done with today's PDA gadgets while stuck at sea for months at a time.
lugging a laptop around proved to be utterly unsuitable for the conditions.
This news is great to hear and a great example of how useful a Palm can be while away from home.
Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
They often say that they are going to buy one soon. They inquire about what I am doing with it at any given time. They talk about how "everyone" in the Navy is being issued them now. What is interesting to note is that they were all issued Palm III's about 2.5 years ago. They are all sitting in desk drawers gathering dust now. Not one of them, that I know of, took the time to learn how to use them to help them better do their job.
As easy as the PalmOS is to use, they could not be bothered to take the time to learn how to use them. Granted our job is fast paced and frenetic. There is hardly time to get the job done, let alone learn something new, but I find that the Palm helps me to keep things straight and I wouldn't be caught without mine.
A Senior Master Sergeant in my squadron has asked me to come up with a plan to integrate PDA's into our unit. I am excited that there is interest, but not keen on the thought of a bunch of old school "Sarge's" grumbling about learning a new "Computer". I am also not so sure about setting into motion an initiative that I can see failing miserably due to apathy and indifference, with my name attached!
Despite the Senior NCO's and Officers feelings towards Palms, I find that many Junior NCO's and even Airmen are carrying them. Both in and out of my squadron they are becoming more and more popular. The BX is sold out more often then not and now has a Palm Software and accessory section! I am constantly "selling" the Palm to lower and higher ranking Airmen, NCO's and Officers. Once they see the wealth of information available within the PalmOS platform, they are hooked!
Incidentally, I use an M505 now, and have had a Palm Professional, III, IIIx and a TRGPro. I have used a Palm in my work since 1997.
An NCO with the Quiet Professionals
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
I can utilize the Palm fully even with its basic configuration of software. Having the PDA utilities ensures I operate in a professional manor, keeping a tight schedule, updating a huge to-do list, maintaining a contact list of a squadron of 400+ and keeping notes, logs and bits of info in the memo pad.
As for third party software, I use MobileDB, MultiMailSE, Route Europe, MonkeyMessenger, Noah Pro, WordSleuth, WorldMate, YAUC, MemoSafe, Lunar, CheckIt, and Countdown in my duties one way or another.
I also rely heavily on Pocket Quicken, AvantGo, SplashPhoto and FireViewer as well as a few games to keep my private life "clean, dry and serviceable"
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
I need to get a larger card!!! 32 Meg is just not enough when the PDF's and Documents are so big!
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
RE: Palms and Senior Leadership in the USAF
I work in the security industry in Australia (Far North Queensland) and I use my Palm Vx heavily for work and pleasure.
One thing I would like to know from the military users is how do you go about protecting your Palm in adverse weather conditions?
For about 6 months of the year we have very humid conditions and tropical storms that can last for weeks at a time. Usually this is the only time I leave my Palm in my car, but I would like to know what you do in weather like this.
I tried putting py palm in a plastic 'zip-up' sandwich bag but that proved awkward to use.
Any tips??
Niall Wilson
Infrared ports???
RE: Infrared ports???
News Editor
RE: Infrared ports???
The are using our multiport systems on the McFaul. This allows them to deploy one of our switches in the network closet and then use the cat 5 cabeling to light up our Infrared beams at the other side. This actually gives the Palm an IP address and lets it surf the web.
RE: Infrared ports???
RE: Infrared ports???
RE: Infrared ports???
If you need a Palm which is in this universe indestructible address me directly:
We provided the 2001 "Polarstern" polar expedition (underway now) with easy handable Palm scientific (GPS included) systems, for so harsh condition - even the extremely ruggedised Symbol could probably not withstand.
Boris Michael v. Luhovoy
publishing editor
Palmtop-pro magazine
---english text on---
RE: Infrared ports???
Multi-user internet access for Palms via infrared from 50 feet away.
Army Leads the Way
Kind of puts a new spin on the "Use stylus to tap center of target" ritual .....
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Go US!