Comments on: Visor Pro Now $250
Handspring is also offering a free bi-fold leather case with the Visor Neo.
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RE: Sony sets the price point
RE: Sony sets the price point
They are a HUGE company, and can afford to undercut others. I just hope their Customer Service in the US improves before I *really* need them, because right now they suck. - rs
RE: Sony sets the price point
I personally like being able to spend under $200 on a great PDA that has everything I want.
People are saying that tactics like this drive the true innovaters out of business, but I know I sure don't want to be paying $300 for a 2mb PDA with no special features whatsoever. Sure, there may have been a supremely feature-rich innovative PDA out there, but it would probably have been close to $1000.
RE: Sony sets the price point
RE: Sony sets the price point
RE: Sony sets the price point
RE: Sony sets the price point
RE: Sony sets the price point
I worry me that Sony might drive prices for PDAs down to where no-one can make a profit from them, then drop out. Their plan may be to sell cheap to increase their market share. If this doesn't work, they give up, only after hurting Palm and Handspring to where they can't survive. We'll be left with only $600 PPCs as an option.
RE: Sony sets the price point
There are so many example of US company over charging for everything, Harddrive, Ram, Monitor, LCD .... etc Each and every product starts to drop price when some Taiwan company steps in and start making it. Why ? because they sell it at a reasonable price. Do you think windows will be successful is Ram price is as high as 10 years ago ? that was like $100 per MB or Ram, now ?? 0.1 Dollar or less for a MB of ram. So did they drive the price so low that they killed all competition ?? hell no, they forced their competitors to lower their price what they could do pretty easily.
As for you worrying Sony will kill palm and Handspring, if they could be so easily killed, then they deserve to die.
When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
But I could not find out when it will be available.
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
News Editor
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
"Even send me this email:
Greetings from
We've recently learned from our supplier that the item you requested to be
notified about, Kodak PalmPix camera for Palm m500 series handhelds, will
not be available in the foreseeable future.
It's possible that someone may be selling this item through
Auctions or zShops. We encourage you to search for it there if you're
still interested in purchasing this item."
There is none listed on Ebay. Can you check with your contact at Kodak what's happening ??
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
I sent an email off. I'll let you know when/if they respond.
News Editor
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
RE: When will PalmPix for M500 be available?
it is not available. And even it is available, it is
not good.
We are working on a project that needs a camera on Palm
that take portrait images.
The amount is over 10k. I am wondering if there is any
camera manufacturers are interested in making such
a camera for us. Just the hardware, we can take care
of the software ourself.
Any information will be appreciated.
$250 is still too much
I see the Platinum reflection...
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Sony sets the price point