Comments on: Price Cuts for Palm VIIx and IIIc

While technically still only a rumor, its pretty obvious that Palm will be announcing the i705, its new wireless handheld, on Monday. In an effort to get rid of the last of its stocks, the company has reduced the Palm VIIx to just $100. This is the model being replaced by the i705. The $100 service rebate that was available on the VIIx has been discontinued.

Palm has also reduced the price of the Palm IIIc to $200. The company is rumored to be planning to release a new mid-range color model in a few months.

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The IIIc is still around?!

mikecane @ 1/25/2002 5:27:13 PM #
I haven't seen one in a store in months.

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 5:59:27 PM #
same here... When I see that Palm cut the price of IIIc, I was shocked! By both the news and the high reduced price !!!

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:00:14 PM #
Costco still has them - for $199.99

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:25:20 PM #
It "officially" dropped a hundred dollars.

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
Foo Fighter @ 1/25/2002 6:29:42 PM #
Palm really needs to put this lemon out of its (and our) misery. It's a terrible product. And that lovely low-res display will do more damage to your vision than staring at the sun. Every optometrist should give one to his/her patients, for return visits! =)

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 7:16:33 PM #
Foo duh?

I don't think you know what you're talking about. The Palm IIIc screen is great indoors. It sucks outside, but how many people truly use their palms outside? Most of the time people are inside somewhere, home, work, shopping, car - all of it inside. The screen is brighter than any other color screen on the market.

Sure, its only 160x160, but it was the first color Palm OS device and still holds the brightest screen compared to any of the new models.

Costco has had this model on sale for the past two months at $199.99, but now that its $100 less, maybe they'll sell their remaining stock for only $99.99.

I'd buy one again for this much. (I'm currently using a Handera 330).

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
Foo Fighter @ 1/25/2002 8:52:20 PM #
The above anonymous fool posted the following ramblings: "I don't think you know what you're talking about. The Palm IIIc screen is great indoors. It sucks outside, but how many people truly use their palms outside? Most of the time people are inside somewhere, home, work, shopping, car - all of it inside. The screen is brighter than any other color screen on the market."

First off, I owned a Palm IIIc two years ago, and while being very "illuminating", it was a $400 (at the time) retina killer. The low resolution yields a very noticeable black grid where there are gaps between pixels. This is a well know issue with all color PalmOS devices, with the exception of the Sony Clie models. At least Sony had the good sense to boost the screen resolution to a level more practical to the human eye.

Second, I want to thank you for proving your stupidity by making the following comment: "Most of the time people are inside somewhere, home, work, shopping, car - all of it inside. The screen is brighter than any other color screen on the market."

Oh my...where to begin. First of all, genius, if you are in your are OUTDOORS. And if you understood anything about LCD display technologies, you would know that the Active Matrix display in your IIIc washes out, not only in sunlight, but in ANY very bright light, including the typical fluorescent lighting in your local mall or superstore. The only way you can see what is on your screen in any practical form, is to boost the brightness level to its maximum setting.

Are you the same idiot who claimed that Ed's pics of the i705 were fakes?

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 9:20:26 PM #
>...Oh my...where to begin. First of all, genius, if you are in your are OUTDOORS....

I think that guy is driving a tank (M-60 or something) so s/he is totally covered. ;-)

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
Altema @ 1/25/2002 9:37:32 PM #
>the Active Matrix display in your IIIc washes out, not only in sunlight, but in ANY very bright light, including the typical fluorescent lighting in your local mall or superstore. The only way you can see what is on your screen in any practical form, is to boost the brightness level to its maximum setting.

No, the IIIc screen did not wash out in any very bright indoor light, unless it was a spotlight. It was perfectly viewable even under extra bright fluorescent lighting like my office, which is much brighter than mall and superstore lighting, and that was with the brightness at half. Brightness turned up to maximum setting? Not unless you wanted you wanted to signal an airplane at night or burn holes in your retinas, but that's why the brightness was adjustable. Outdoors?, now you're talkin' washout, in the car I used to shade the screen unless I cranked the brightness. Perhaps the poster mentioning the auto had severely tinted glass?

Still, I liked the IIIc while I had it, and only upgraded for expansion capabilities. Love having a 136Mb Palm, but miss the 16+ hours of battery life. Must agree that the newer displays are easier on the eyes... I don't get headaches anymore when reading ebooks.

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2002 12:51:58 AM #
Um, I happen to like my IIIc. I hate the grafitti (non)recognition. So what would be a better replacement?

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
Mike @ 1/26/2002 5:59:31 PM #
I own and use a Palm IIIc every day. I bought one when the price dropped to $329. I don't have any complaints about the readability of the screen. It's a huge improvement over any monochrome Palm I've seen, though I'd rather have a front-lit refelective TFT display now, given their better readability in bright sunlight. I've considered upgrading to a to an M505 with the recent price-drops (before this one), but all the incompatible junk that I bought to go with the IIIc gave me pause (Palm Keyboard, SmartPad, GPS, separate serial interface and recharger). But when I think about it, I don't actually use any of that stuff, so I might as well put it all up for sale as a bargain package and be done with it.

But it's been a good product and I've enjoyed it. I particularly the black on white text of the color screen for reading fiction with the backlight turned all the way down in bed at night, with the room lights turned off.

-- Mike Scot

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2002 10:48:22 PM #
The peopel who hate the IIIc obviously do not have one ;) Okay, now that I'm flame bait..

The IIIc is *great*. Original models had grafitti issues.. the halfway recent ones do not. The screen is glorious.. few peopel get bothered by the so-called grid. I've had a IIIc and a Prism, and love them both dearly. If you live with black and white, the IIIc is a huge upgrade and very inexpensive. Built in battery is certainly very nice, too. It is only problematic outside, but statistics show that 90% of PDA users use their PDA inside 90% of the time. So its bad outside.. few people care. But when outside, its unreadable essentially.

So.. lets add up. 8MB.. pretty good. Beautiful colour.. great. Makes b/w palms look like junk. Built in battery.. great. Whats to hate? Some people find the screen annoying. Most people are happy with it.

Get over it.. its a great unit, and cheap. Extremists hate it.. fine. They're allowed to. But they don't speak for the majority..

RE: The IIIc is still around?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/27/2002 6:47:10 AM #
Yeah, my dad has a IIIc, and he doesn't report any problems with it. Plus, if you look at it a lot, you don't even *notice* the grid. I used to use it a lot before i got my Clie. And the Graffiti recognition is fine.

The IIIc is dead
PalmPowered @ 1/28/2002 4:30:21 PM #
Palm killed the IIIc today. It is now listed in the Palm website's "Handheld Hall of Fame" as a model no longer in production. It is joined by the VIIx and the Vx as well.

-If you only knew the power of the Palm side-
And Yet It Lives
Ed @ 1/28/2002 4:46:29 PM #
"Killed" isn't exactly the term I'd use. The IIIc is still for sale on the Palm Store. Yes, they have stopped making it but word was that happened months ago. They are also still selling the VIIx.

News Editor


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:03:38 PM #
i was in a compusa store in philadelphia and there they were: both the palm i705 and the new sony model

RE: i705
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:13:42 PM #
I was just shopping at CompUSA in NYC (5th Ave and 37th St) -- they have a working demo of both the i705 and the T615.

So I guess Palm dropped the ball on their product announcement?


RE: i705
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:18:24 PM #
If this is true, what is "pre-order" all about ?

RE: i705
Ed @ 1/25/2002 6:34:18 PM #
Retail stores are usually shipped merchandise ahead of time in order to be sure they are on the shelves on the official release day. Apparently, lots of places either don't know or don't care that Palm doesn't want these up for sale until Monday. This sort of thing happens all the time when companies try to release a product on the same day it's announced.

News Editor
RE: i705
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 7:07:25 PM #
I went to my local staples and they didnt have it, and didnt know anything about it. Same at Circuit City, but they were unloading a truck with the T-615 on it. Said it will be on display tomorrow
Just north of NYC in Westchester.

RE: i705
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 11:07:35 PM #
They have the i705 in Huntsville, AL at COMPUSA! Went there earlier today and saw about 5 (or so) of them boxed and being placed behind the counter. I checked 'em out, interesting... But, I owned a Palm VII, then VIIx, I now have a VisorPrism with VisorPhone so I'm not interested in the i705. However, I did ask the price. It's $449 and Retailers have them now!!! I don't know what the whole on-line thing was all about, perhaps a publicity stunt?


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:30:49 PM #
Palm's registration page for i705.

i705 on Palm's Site
Ed @ 1/25/2002 6:32:25 PM #
That page even has a picture of the i705. It looks just like all the other photos.

News Editor

IIIc already less then $200!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 6:43:22 PM #
I work for a reseller, and months ago my company got an e-mail declaring the IIIc EOL. They declared there was no longer a list price, and any price could be used for the MAP (minimum advertized price)


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 9:18:30 PM #
It is interesting to note that the Palm site has the refurbed IIIc for less than the new one. I wonder how low the refurb will go.

Hmm. To keep the c3 (Vx) or not. :-)

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 9:20:20 PM #
I meant to say the new one is not less than the refrub. Sorry :)

RE: Refurb
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 9:21:13 PM #
Egad. The refurb is MORE than the new one. Sheesh. I can't type.


ImpReza @ 1/25/2002 10:30:51 PM #
This must have been Palm's sporting model with wireless capabilities for those trips up to the mountains where you need to see the sport scores. Funny, I must have missed its introduction. Oh well....I'm sure it means VIIx.

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/25/2002 10:23:02 PM #
Could a person use a VIIx with the developer's access to for free? Just wondering. :)

bcombee @ 1/26/2002 5:14:46 AM #
While access to the proxies is free, the actual wireless connection is not. Cingular doesn't give away network addresses on their Mobitex network -- you have to pay Palm (who pays them) to use the device wirelessly.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead


I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2002 3:28:39 AM #
I have personally held it in my hands and itlooks great

Not a rumor anymore!

ahecht @ 1/26/2002 3:49:47 AM # has a picture of the i705 on it's website! Check out

RE: Not a rumor anymore!
Ed @ 1/26/2002 9:43:32 AM #
That gets me a 404 error. They must have pulled the page.

News Editor
RE: Not a rumor anymore!
ahecht @ 1/26/2002 7:45:43 PM #
I am getting a 404 too. I wish I had a screen shot. It was just a pic of the i705 and the standard header that is on all of their pages. It must've been put up accidently.

RE: Not a rumor anymore!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/27/2002 6:46:06 AM #
It worked for me just now... try it again.

I'm invited to pre-order!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2002 10:23:00 AM #
Palm has sent me an email inviting me to preorder their latest exciting product, without actually saying what it is. They'll hold one of the first for me! Even after they have been shipped to retail stores Palm refuses to even tell me what I am preordering. Why does Palm continue jerk around the very people who are most supportive? Yeah, I'll preorder then watch for weeks while everybody else buys them retail. How long after the release of the m505 did Palm finally ship?

RE: I'm invited to pre-order!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/26/2002 10:07:08 PM #
lol, aren't we all. :D ;).

RE: I'm invited to pre-order!
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/27/2002 9:31:41 AM #
Palm will begin to ship the i705 on Tuesday.

interesting picture

shogun @ 1/27/2002 3:10:58 AM #
When clicking on the wireless access page link on the Palm VIIX store page.. it shows you the Wireless information page. On the bottom right of that page.. there is a picture that basically says "Palm VIIX $199". I guess they didn't finish updating the site yet.

RE: interesting picture
shogun @ 1/27/2002 3:13:35 AM #
oops.. I mean bottom left



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