Comments on: Palm Releases Memory Card Update
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RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
m505 4.0 ROM
FATFS.prc = 49,774 bytes
PRC Header Creation Date = 23-Feb-2001
PRC Header version number = 1
m505 4.1 ROM
FATFS.prc = 52,492 bytes
PRC Header Creation Date = 12-Jun-2001
PRC Header version number = 4
New Patch "4.1.1"
FATFS.prc= 52,734 bytes
PRC Header Creation Date = 17-Sep-2001
PRC Header version number = 5
RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
It is easier to understand if you use 'patch'
instead of 'update', I think.
I was confused at the beginning, thought it is hardware update.
RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
That said, I called it both terms in the article. :-) Oh well.
News Editor
RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
no confusion.
The reason I sugessted patch, because you cann't
patch a hardware. :-) only software.
So it saves you a word.
RE: Fixed in OS 4.1?
RE: Okay
Yeah, I'm a little confused on what the problem was. The page on Palm's site doesn't really explain what the symptoms may have been. I've never had a problem with a 64M Lexar.
RE: Okay
RE: Okay
RE: Okay
Before applying the update, A 1046K tealmovie .pdb took 21 sec's to copy to ram with tealmovies built in copy function. I verified that 3 times with my stopwatch.
After the update, the same tealmovie took just 11 seconds!!! I verified that twice!!
Perhaps the speed increase is greater for MMC?? well, that rocks, because I noticed that my 16 MB SD card was twice as fast as my MMC and was going to put down cash to upgrade to an SD card (128). But now that I have the speed increase of almost 100% which is what I wanted anyway, I just saved myself 200CDN!!
RE: Okay
RE: Okay
Sir Tez
IT is a rough life
VFSMark Score
RE: Okay
Made from the developer rom..
Tested with VFSmark before this update..
Got 63 on a SanDisc 32mb MMC
After the update it shows 65.
I notice that PowerRun is slightly faster..
RE: Permanent?
RE: Permanent?
Can u put the upgrade in ROM?
RE: Permanent?
128MB SD?
The 505 can't format the card, it hangs every time I try. I hard reset to get rid of the patch and have the same problem. Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this?
RE: 128MB SD?
RE: 128MB SD?
How long is it supposed to take to format a 128MB SD Card?
Inserting the card into my m505 after the failed reformatting returns:
"The handheld cannot recognize this card."
Sometimes formatting the card would return:
"Format Failed"
(This is before applying the new patch.)
So I called SanDisk and their only reply was the card must be defective. So I got the card exchanged, but I do not feel like trying to format it again and then run into the same problem again.
Another SanDisk tech support person I spoke to later said that he did not think that Palm supported formatting cards this large. Is this true?
Has anyone been able to reformat their 128MB SD Card?
Can the new Compaq iPaq reformat an SD Card?
The whole reason I wanted of reformat my SD Card in the first place was that I was getting an infinite directory loop problem when viewing the SD Card on my Macintosh using the SanDisk SecureMate SD Card Reader (SDDR33). Instead of seeing the contents of the directory (folder), I would see the contents of the /PALM directory. Therefore, I cannot see all the data on my card using my Mac (PowerBook G3, Firewire, MacOS 9.0.4).
I've read about some people having this problem with Memory Sticks on MacFixIt, but not with SD Cards. Their solution was to reformat their Memory Stick.
My new card has the same infinite directory loop problem as well, but I have not run into any problems on my Palm yet with this. McFile and Filez can see everything fine.
I searched the newsgroups and the only thing I could find is one person saying that McFile corrupts the VFS directory table and to use Filez instead when creating a new directory. Has anyone else run into this or know anything more about this?
Does anyone know of a program for the Palm that is similar to Norton Disk Doctor that can check and fix the directory table on an SD Card?
I have not contacted Palm or SanDisk on the infinite directory loop problem yet.
RE: 128MB SD?
RE: 128MB SD?
I forgot to mention that when I had trouble formatting my SanDisk 128MB SD Card, I tried it with two other Palm m505s without any success. So the problem is either with the card or the formatting program on the Palm m505.
I also went to Fry's and popped my SD Card into the new Compaq iPaq, but I could not figure out how to use it to reformat the card.
RE: 128MB SD?
I want to make this more clear. When I try to traverse the directory structure and go into (open) certain directories, it looks like an infinite directory (folder) loop problem on the Mac, but it is really just showing me the root directory (/, not /PALM as stated above) again instead of the contents of the directory I was trying to go into.
For example, if I have
when I try to go into the /PALM/Programs/ directory, I see the contents of the root directory "/" instead of the files located inside of my "Programs" directory.
Another thing I noticed is if I carefully watch the name of the "Programs" folder (the folder I am having the infinite loop problems with within the MacOS 9.x Finder), it sometimes changes names to the other folders that are missing inside of the /PALM/ directory.
Norton Disk Doctor does not find any problems with my Mac's hard-drive. I also rebuilt the SD Card's desktop by hold the Option and Command keys while inserting it into the card reader, but this did not help either.
Again, everything looks fine when viewed on the Palm m505 using Filez and McFile.
RE: 128MB SD?
I have the same problem--tried to format my new 128mb
sandisk from eCost--and my m500 doesn't recognize it
anymore nor will it format it.
sad, very sad day...(just got this card)
RE: 128MB SD? - Information Page
Further information on solutions to the SanDisk 128MB SD will also be posted to this page.
RE: 128MB SD?
Update Conflicts with TealMovie
RE: Update Conflicts with TealMovie
Card popping out?!
RE: Card popping out?!
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Fixed in OS 4.1?
And speaking of which, has anyone tried to update the m505 with OS 4.1? There isn't an "official" 4.1 upgrade for the m505 AFAIK.