Comments on: PalmSource Day 1: Sony Prototype Pics
Aside from showing it off, Mr. Yoshida gave no details on the device, including price, availability, or whether it will run Palm OS 5 or 4.
Update: Sony has officially announced two versions of this handheld. Read more about them here.
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users, if you click on the image to see it, remove the space from the url on your browser and try it again, you should be able to see it.
the space is before the image name.
RE: link
News Editor
SWEET...the flip makes sense
looks like a yopy
is this the future?
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
says who? you?
you should learn some manners, more if you are promoting your site.
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
I like how you crop out the "palminfocenter" and give no credit
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
RE: looks like a yopy
It looks like it is designed so that it can be held in one hand. But hitting the small keys with the free hand doesn't seem very efficient. I suppose it could be held in both hands so that you can type with both thumbs, like the RIM, but the screen makes it look top heavy, so thumb-typing may not be feasible. If this thing is supposed to be put on a flat surface, then thumb-typing is out, so we are back to two fingered hunting & pecking, because the keyboard looks far too small for touch typing.
Can any of the eye-witnesses comment?
Looks like the new Q-pad keyboard/case from tdevice...
I'm not sure how usable either the Q-pad or this Sony prototype you hold the keyboard with both hands and type with your thumbs like on a RIM device? If so, is the screen hinge rigid enough to keep it in place? Won't it feel awkward and unbalanced?
RE: Looks like the new Q-pad keyboard/case from tdevice...
RE: Looks like the new Q-pad keyboard/case from tdevice...
..don''t underestimate the japanese, their market
(electronic gadgets) is much much more demanding and competitive than this one, so expect a really cool pda..
In Tokyo's electronic district (Akibahara) I've seen AMAZING gadgets (cell phones, laptops, MDplayers, pdas..) from Sharp, Sanyo, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, etc) that they don't even bother to release in the States becouse "they're too advanced" i was told!
RE: Looks like the new Q-pad keyboard/case from tdevice...
It HAD to happen!
Now the new sony is a mini laptop! WOW! I'm sure it will be packed with all the goodies we need & that sony proved to deliver. Can't wait to see the final product!
RE: It HAD to happen!
- MD
RE: It HAD to happen!
You need to check your history. PC = Personal computers. The ones you are refering to in this sentence are Mainframes computers used by large comporations.
The Personal Digital ASSISTANCE evolved from Data Organizers where people just stored Addresses and telephone numbers. Like Sharp Wizard series
I think the way we look at PC will change with time. Will our PDA's replaces it? That remains to be seen! For once, the screen will kill you (on the pda that is)
since the screen is so slim and long ...... seems the supported resolution of palm OS 5 won't be only 160X160 or 320X320, or maybe Sony will just hack the **** out of Palm OS
RE: cool
Sony have agreed to use the high density screen manager.
Diga ao Falante pelos Mortos
The Killer PDA
very nice form factor and i could imagine that there's a bulit-in camera.
yup i agree that screen doesnt look like 320*320 at all.
way to go sony and make us happy.
may the holy palmostles be with you
RE: The Killer PDA
may the holy palmostles be with you
RE: screenshots?
Basically OS5 is just OS4 running on ARM chips - the 'big changes' will come in 'the next major OS release'. They're refusing to say what that will be (5.5, 6??) or give any sense of timescale for it.
Diga ao Falante pelos Mortos
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
- Satoribomb
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
1. assigning contacts to multiple categories.
2. adding more fields to contact data, ie. 2 addresses, 2 emails, etc.
3. using color effectively in the GUI which right now uses next to non.
these are just some of the problems and it seems clear non are addressed by OS 5. i use actionnames 5 but even that can't overcome some of the native problems with the structuring of the contact and scheduling facilities built into Palm. we are talking core PIM functions here NOT MP3s or video etc. also why we can't have a GUI that uses carefully themed shading of buttons, menus, hi-res icons, etc. ALL NATIVE is amazing. while i love the 16,000 apps for the Palm some things we deserve native after all these years. the reality... i love my Pilot 5000, PalmPilot Pro, Palm V, Palm IIIc, and now Palm m505... and yes I will buy the ARM 320x320 res Palm m505 replacement whenever it comes out but I am stunned that the much touted OS 5 will look and feel no different than the OS I had back on my Pilot 5000 and the same frustrating "easy fixes" to native apps will continue to burn me on basic PIM functions.
'nuff said.
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
Thanks to Ed and all the others who are giving us the 'live' coverage.
Question: I read somewhere once that there is a US law which prohibits the export of certain encryption software. Does anyone know if the 128 bit encryption (mentioned in Ed's first report) complies with that law? Is there a lawyer in the house?
RE: screenshots?
To the best of my limited knowledge, there was such a law. But the same law was taken down (or at least some of it). Windows 2000 Server and IE 6.0 are examples of software that ships with 128bit encryption already build in to them.
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
RE: screenshots?
> Developers are saying it looks like BeOS somewhat (handheld version)
> Palm says OS5 will support themes like ppc2002 does
Not to burst any bubbles, that's what I heard. I think the message about themes support was mentioned in PalmSource.
What about the actual hinge?
RE: What about the actual hinge?
And for those who are going to cite all the StarTAC horror stories of hinges breaking... well, you always hear the stories of them breaking, but you never hear the stories of them *not* breaking. I think you'll find that well over 70% of owners never had hinge problems.
RE: What about the actual hinge?
If you hold the keyboard part, using the touchscreen will be awkward because of the leverage. (Try writing at the top of a pad of paper while holding the bottom of it). The hinge will have to be really stiff not to give a little each time you tap.
If you hold it by the screen part (or at the hinge), then your thumb doesn't have easy access to the keyboard anymore, which kind of reduces the advantage of having it. (The keyboard, not your thumb.)
Are there any other vertically hinged devices that have buttons or other controls at both ends of the hinge?
RE: What about the actual hinge?
I looked at the specs there, and from what little I could see, it looks like it's going to be in the "Duo" format (I think that's right)
In other words, it looks like it's going to be a half-sized memorystick, and you'll need the duo adapter to use it.
I could just be talkin outta my arse though.
I really really want more details about this. I'd kill for an Infostick with 128mb of RAM. That would be sweet.
I asked at the Sony booth here at PalmSource about a release date, but they wouldn't give me one, or even a timeframe. :-(
RE: Brighter picture
RE: Brighter picture
go to the bottom of the page...
RE: check out os 5
(Course, it won't need to run OS5 if it has a Dragonball.)
Looks like developers, who currently have to choose between Handera's 240x320 and Sony's 320x320 in OS3/OS4 may now get another kludgy implementation of high-res to deal with.
I love my Handera -- but the buggy implementation of 240x240 for legacy apps is getting on my nerves.
Phone Capabilities.
When I first started typing this it was kinda a joke...but with Sony, you never know.
RE: Phone Capabilities.
Anyway, if they do build it like that. It'd be a killer! Think of Tero with 50x the computing power, a good quility color + hi-res screen, half the thinckness, and the ability to expand (ms camera, gps etc).
its pretty impressive... hope itll be out soon
Keep on mind, this is a non-working prototype. You might even call it a mock-up. There's no way to know if it will bear any resemblence to the final handheld.
News Editor
This is an important point. I'm surprised how excited people are getting over a non-working mock-up.
Sony Rulz the Earth???
I love it. And I don't miss him.
I guess it would not make sense for that long screen to represent a "virtual graffiti" area, as the unit has a built in keyboard. I suppose it is just due to the fact that it is a prototype that the screen is that long. Probably just there to take up space.
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
Obsolete IMO, I wouldn't mind if there was a good keyboard on this or the treo and no graffiti of any kind. Graffiti really sux. :(
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
Face it, Sony DELIVERS, what has Palm done?
New OS? Well it looks like the same OS made to work for an ARM processor. Multimedia support? Didn't Sony have that first? High resolution? (or high density screen...whatever) Didn't Sony have that first also?
New i750(or whatever)? still monochrome, still low resolution, and still not as many functions as the TREO(voice support).
So before you try to call out the Sony people, look at who has got your back...Palm?
RE: Graffiti
And still, I meet people who think the same way that I did everyday. I show my PDA off to people (Joe 6packers if you will) and they all are amazed these days at how much it can do. Wow, it shows all your email? that's cool! Wow, it can play mp3s? Sweet! Wow, you've got a digital photo album on it? That's so amazing!! And then they wanna try using it, and try writing on it, only to have me explain to them that it kinda takes some practice to learn to use it, since some of the writing characters aren't exactly the same as in English, and instantly I can see the change in their eyes. It goes straight from, cool, maybe I really do need one of these things to Oh, it's one of those geek gadgets.
With the new CPU and screen support, Virtual Writing (not Virtual Graffiti) would be a godsend for helping these things become a little more mainstream.......
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
Why not? Did you ever try to learn to touch-type on a keyboard? Learning Graffiti has a much smaller learning curve than that but the benefits are similar: improved input speed. It takes longer to write the "real" letter "A" than it does to write the Graffiti equivalent "^".
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
dude, u must be very stupid..
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
RE: Sony Rulz the Earth???
The issue with 'real' handwriting recognition has been its complexity. Would you like to write software that is capable of recognizing a word, regardless of stroke order and even if it's written in cursive? On a 16MHz Motorola DinosaurBall processor? I'd give Palm a pretty good likelihood of providing normal writing recognition in the new OS, and maybe even (depending on the results of the Xerox suit) making Graffiti an option...
New Sony PDA and the Yopy - side by side
RE: New Sony PDA and the Yopy - side by side
RE: New Sony PDA and the Yopy - side by side
:) :) :)
*Image edited from:
Could it be a Symbian phone from Ericsson Sony
RE: Could it be a Symbian phone from Ericsson Sony
Are you too dumb or just too damned lazy to read the story before posting ?
"Aside from showing it off, Mr. Yoshida gave no details on the device, including price, availability, or whether it will run Palm OS 5 or 4."
RE: Could it be a Symbian phone from Ericsson Sony
SDK - when?!
Have they announced when developers will be able to download the OS5 SDKs????
/me wants it NOW!! :)
Sony Palm Phone
RE: Sony Palm Phone
The current palm i705, RIM.. are just pathetic!
?reo Killer anyone !?
more pictures
Japanese newssite has more pictures.
RE: more pictures
O well probably need to wait for another year or 2 ~~
RE: more pictures
RE: more pictures
Better Pictures and more info
Also mentions that there is a digital camera that is built in.
Why not put the hinge on the side...
I do like the design... very innovative... :)
This thing is to fight with Nokia 76xx series
RE: This thing is to fight with Nokia 76xx series
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It flips!
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