Comments on: Bluetooth Memory Stick Gets SIG Approval
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RE: InfoStick
RE: InfoStick
it can have BT card.
I have wanted T615. I am not sure if I should return
the M515.
RE: InfoStick
Of course, I could just be insanely optimistic about Sony. Who in their right mind would really believe that Sony does anything predictable?
Besides, if you sing in french while hopping on one foot, the evil birds won't come out of your bathroom mirror.
RE: InfoStick
I tried that in English , the evil bird also didn't come out of my bathroom mirror .. :P
Gotta wait and see, probably Sony will do the announcement on Monyday.
RE: InfoStick
RE: InfoStick
The infostick was only approved recently. Although they were probably ready to release months ago they had to wait for approval.
RE: InfoStick
That's the whole purpose of palm, the carry data while traveling. Now you want to add another thing so you can hold even more data while traveling ?? O well ..
Anyways I think you posted on the wrong place, the post kinda doesnt make sense while we are talking about bluetooth.
RE: InfoStick
The pdf mentions Palm
In the annex section, prequalified components include a bluetooth stack (Palm Inc) which is basically an add-on for Palm OS 4.0
RE: The pdf mentions Palm
RE: The pdf mentions Palm
AT&T Wireless
RE: AT&T Wireless
RE: AT&T Wireless
RE: AT&T Wireless
RE: AT&T Wireless
Anyway, you can use the Moto 270c with Verizon. But this is very pricey -- I think the BT kit for the 270c itself is like $200.
Things that make you go hummmm
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
Bluetooth is not an 802.11b replacement, and it will some time before I give up my wifi card. However I am finding Bluetooth really useful.
My phone (which has Bluetooth built in) talks to the Palm (using the TDK unit) the laptop (MC bluetooth PCMCIA card) and the Headset with no problems. In fact none of the devices have a problem talking to each other.
Finding a number in the address book and in 2 taps have the phone dial the person and connect to the headset is great.
Having a wireless headset for Viavoice is also useful, and is hotsyncing upto 40 feet from your desk.
When more people start to use BT and see how useful it can be - having the benifits of all the devices around you in a PAN - then maybe more useful ideas will surface.
Anyone want to swap their T68 for a T39?
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
Is the bluetooth link between your palm and phone that useful? With my current phone, using IR is an absolute pain in the ass if I want to dial a number... I have to press just as many buttons just to activate the IR in my phone. Is Bluetooth always on on the devices?
Ideally, I'd like to have my cell phone in my bag or suitcase, and just decide to start reading e-mail on my Palm, and never have to even touch my phone once to activate Bluetooth or anything like that.
Is that possible?
Howabout the other way around? If I have my phone in my hand, and want to grab a phone number in my palm?
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
You do, however have to do some setup just once. Obviously you don't want anyone to be able to connect to your phone and start surfing on your phone bill, or tryig to connect to your palm without your permission! So, you have to 'pair' the 2 bluetooth devices with each other so they know they're allowed to use each others services. Once this is done once, you don't have to do it again.
As for grabbing a phone number from the Palm - I don't think so. Unless the phone has software to allow it to pull contacts from a Palm and the Palm has software to grab it - it's not something bluetooth itself offers. Doubtless in the future phones and palms will get applications like this - but I don't know of any releasd yet.
However - what you can do is synchronize your contacts from your Palm with your phone - there's lots of software out there to do this (but I dunno if any use BT yet). For example, I use GSMtool over IR to sync my contacts between my palm and phone.
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
I'm definitely waiting for Bluetooth anxiously... My only dilemna now is my choice of Bluetooth phone. Cost is probably going to start to be a factor pretty soon, the way I'm blowing money on tech toys. :)
I proud of my CLIΙ, but I'm too embarassed to pronounce it like anything but "KLEE"
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
RE: Things that make you go hummmm
I have the GSM data service from Cingular. While very slow (9.6kbps), it is still very very useful when I'm on the road with only my 505 (got the SD card already - its at Fry's). And also very useful when I have my PC (got the 3Com bt usb dongle) when at the airport.
March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology
Qualified Product Notice:
1.Reference to Bluetooth Specification
2.Pre-Qualified Components
-B00497 *Infostick (Sony Corporation) 2002-01-30
-B00352 *Bluetooth Stack (Palm, Inc) 2001-09-04
3.Revision History
First open
Then open 12600320-QPLN-rev_0.0.pdf 'Qualified Product Notice'
*Infostick Sony Corporation Components Comp-HW-Integrated 2002-01-30 :
Small Bluetooth module containing RF, Baseband and Link Manager
*Bluetooth stack for Palm OS Palm, Inc; Bluetooth stack add-on for Palm OS 4.0
Sony Bluetooth stick soon here? (posted awhile ago)
March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology Rises Again
Waste of Time
Though I don't know why I'm bothering. You won't read this. You won't be back until you've found another bunch of Bluetooth links and are posting them on every site you can find.
If you are going to continue this Bluetooth obsession, START A BLUETOOTH PAGE!! If people care, they will read it.
RE: March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology
Peace Out
RE: March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology
MAYBE BECAUSE THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW THAT MUCH ABOUT BLUETOOTH (a lot of people still think that 802.11 and bluetooth are competing and don't know the differences) AND APPRECIATE THE INFO (Are you talking for them?).
Post it on every message board? Oh, is that so? Are you stalking me or what? lol. Since when is posting informative info forbidden?.
So posting the following article is "....AN ARTICLE THAT SAYS THE EXACT SAME THING YOUR COMMENT DOES" ???????? Oh? Is that so?
March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology Rises Again
People who state things like 'stupid' are not interesting to me.
Like the other poster says "what's it to you"...if you don't want to read the message skip it. Is that 2 difficult for ya?
"to add something NEW to the mix." You surely did.....very informative. Posting related info to an article or message isn't that bad won't you think?
"Do you READ the articles you attach these comments to? I don't think you do." That's YOUR are THINKING 'FOR' me. Don't do that. I read EVERY article i post and i post it when it is interesting.
May you should START A "AM EASY P-OFF" page?
There are other REAL PROBLEMS in the world to be p-off about.
The thread below shows the real WIRELESS interest.
RE: March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology
RE: March 4, 2002 (TOKYO) -- Bluetooth Communication Technology
Get lost mister p-off.
I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
Palm Bluetooth whitepaper (PDF, 881kb)
Bluetooth can perform a number of automatic functions:
A PC and Palm can be set up so that when they are in proximity, an auto-sync takes place. So instead of putting the Palm in the cradle and hitting the HotSync button, just walk within a few feet of the PC and the two will automatically synchronize.
One Bluetooth-enabled phone can do three tasks. At home, the phone functions as a portable phone, using a landline. When the user is on the move, it functions as a mobile phone, and when the phone comes within range of another Bluetooth mobile phone, it functions as a walkie-talkie.
A user can compose e-mail on a Bluetooth-enabled laptop while flying on an airplane and queue up the e-mails to be sent. In her briefcase is a Bluetooth-enabled cell phone, switched off. After she lands, she switches on the cell phone, which connects to the Internet and transmits the mail while she waits for her luggage.
A field rep has a sales meeting noted in her PalmPilot, and the meeting time changes. Someone calls the rep's cell phone, transmits the new data and the phone routes the new information to the PalmPilot, which beeps to let her know her schedule has changed.
Products and accounts can be assigned a scanning code. With a swipe of a mobile phone, a sales rep can transmit on-hand inventory status and order information back to the main office.
Slip a Palm Bluetooth Card into the Palm expansion slot, and you can begin enjoying the advantages of Bluetooth wireless communications. Your can send and receive SMS and e-mail messages - and browse Web content - on your Palm handheld via a Bluetooth enabled mobile phone in your pocket or briefcase. You can also synchronise to a Bluetooth-enabled laptop computer or print to a Bluetooth-enabled printer. Finally, Bluetooth network access points let you stay connected with your corporate network from anywhere in the building. You can even collaborate with remote colleagues using chat and virtual whiteboards.
Little Bluetooth Review:
-No battery-sapping: Low power
-Robust wireless connection method with a small footprint that makes it very well suited for millions of handheld devices
(A Bluetooth chip, designed to communicate in the 10m range, consumes only 1mW of power, compared to an 802.11b chip, which consumes more than 1W. A single Bluetooth chipset is also fairly small, with a size of 8x8mm, compared to the smallest 802.11b at 30x14mm.)
-Chips will be cheap (volume)
-Bluetooth does not need a base radio station because every device can create a local network.
-Another advantage of Bluetooth as a cable replacement technology are the applications (*e.g ). Retail kiosks, pay phones, and other public access points will support proximity services.
-Bluetooth also holds an advantage concerning voice communication. Here, Bluetooth can be used in a cordless phone within a 10m range, in an office environment or home, without the need for handoffs. Other WLAN technologies need voice-over-IP to support voice communication
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
I have a 802.11b network at home and find that now many public places offer also free 802.11b access. I have several Macs and Powerbooks equiped with Airport, and enjoy high-speed internet access at every room in our house.
Last week I bought the new Palm m130 and a Bluetooth card, which I connected to my Bluetooth enabled Ericsson T39, which uses a fast GPRS connection to my phone company.
Good news: It works, but sloooowllyyyy.
Better news: It does not affect my Airport setup :-)
Bluetooth is just a replacement for IrDA, but not for 802.11b !! Its range is only a fraction of my Airport setup. Of course it is nice to have your e-mail on your palm, but surfing the net needs a much faster net access, which cannot be provided by BT on its own, you still need a mobile phone, and just dream of broadband access using your mobile ;-)
WiFi is here, ready and working. I small WiFi-Card for my Palm would let me use it at many places and enjoy the great Blazer 2.0 browser much more than now. I really hope we see such SD cards soon...
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
Compare this to a BT card which, in the case of the InfoStick, fits completely inside the device and requires no additional power supply.
RE: 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick or SD Card
I know, someone will say "Why not just use Bluetooth?" Because there are already offices, campuses, coffee shops, airports, etc with 802.11 networks up and running. Users would have to sit close to the access ports but that isn't an unbearable hassle. Also, Bluetooth wasn't really designed for full networking. It can be used for it but it lacks some features that 802.11 has.
I don't know if this is practical; I just wanted to throw the idea out there.
News Editor
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
> that is short-range and low-speed and therefore small and
> low-power but still use the 802.11 standard?
I think there are 802.11 specifications in the works for lower power devices. My understanding though is that it is probably not possible to make much lower-powered 802.11b devices that fit the standard. *note: 802.11 vs. 802.11b
RE: I would be more interested in 802.11b (WiFi) Memory Stick
However, would it be possible for someone to make an 802.11 adapter that is short-range and low-speed and therefore small and low-power but still use the 802.11 standard? I believe there would still be a market for an 802.11 adapter that has only a 30 foot range and 1 Mbps transfer speed because there are people who already want to use Bluetooth adapters, with the same specs, for wireless networking.
I know, someone will say "Why not just use Bluetooth?" Because there are already offices, campuses, coffee shops, airports, etc with 802.11 networks up and running. Users would have to sit close to the access ports but that isn't an unbearable hassle. Also, Bluetooth wasn't really designed for full networking. It can be used for it but it lacks some features that 802.11 has.
I don't know if this is practical; I just wanted to throw the idea out there.
I am currently designing chipsets for 802.11.
The quick answer is, unfortunately, a NO. The 802.11b spec has three types -- Direct Sequence (1/2/5.5/11Mbps), Frequency Hopping (1/2Mbps) and IrDa. The Frequency Hopping one is very similar to what Bluetooth is using and has the advantage of being low power and low cost while the speed is slow. The Direct Sequence one can be much faster but needs more power. The current one used worldwide is the Direct Sequence which is not compatible with Frequency Hopping one. The Frequency Hopping one is an almost obsolete technology and most of the people are using Direct Sequence (my old WLAN card was Frequency Hopping)
Even you want a Frequency Hopping WLAN, the problem is that 802.11 was designed for use in more severe environments, the requirement for 802.11 is higher than Bluetooth which was designed for low cost and operate in a much less severe enviroment (such like short range). So the cost and power consumption will be still higher than Bluetooth.
Therefore the reasons for using Bluetooth but not Frequency Hopping 802.11b WLAN are that it won't be conpatible with the currently widely deployed 802.11b network and the cost and power consumption will be still higher than Bluetooth.
Of course, there's the issue that the Bluetooth adapter which has been out forever STILL hasn't been released in America, but that's another story....
Two Slots are needed
If Sony were to add another slot I think their only choice is Memory Stick. A shame as those 512MB SD
Cards are now available. And what is BetaStick up to?
RE: why
As for your needs of memory while using Bluetooth infostick, I guess a little bit of research will tell you that infostick and any other memorystick modules has a built-in flash memory controller, so memory could be built into the memorystick module.
Name calling (e.g. betastick) is not going to make SD any better than memorystick, or make memorystick fail miserably, so maybe you could stop acting like a spoiled kid.
RE: why
Nice, but do you have a link? Does the card have to stick out? I would think it would as the SD cards are a few centimeters wider than the MS slot.
>As for your needs of memory while using Bluetooth infostick, I guess a little bit of research will tell you that infostick and any other memorystick modules has a built-in flash memory controller, so memory could be built into the memorystick module.
Good point, but it will be costly and we the storage will not keep up with the same as the memory-only cards.
So, do you think they will have two MS slots soon?
I wish I could read Japanese...
I proud of my CLIΙ, but why can't I just pronounce it "KLEE"?
RE: I wish I could read Japanese...
The Bluetooth adapter is much smaller:
RE: I wish I could read Japanese...
Communication card adapter HPD-SCCP 11,800 Yen (postage * classified by consumer tax) ' The Communication Card Adapter ' (the nMVXR make), PHS card " C@rdH " 64petit (the DDI pocket)", " the P-in Comp@ct (the NTT hR)" and so on to the adapter in order to connect " the NG ". The occasion where you connect, " the NG " substance and the adapter and the PHS card being the cable less, because it becomes united, being smart, connection to network is possible with ease. The one step it advanced, ' Mobile ' the experience with " the NG ". " AirH " card petit correspondence! " Corresponding model: PEG-N750C, PEG-N600C and PEG-N700C Size: Vertical 57mm~ side 71mm~ thickness 27mm basic machine weight: Approximately 37g (the dry cell battery it is not included) power source: Single 4 dry cell battery ~1 (Inc.) as for the nMVXR commodity information page " concerning this " AirH card petit correspondence compensatory upgrade "
RE: I wish I could read Japanese...
Now I see why I want the infostick instead of that Bluetooth dongle. That thing looks horrible. There's no way I'd be able to keep my Clie in my pocket with that thing hanging off of it.
I'd like to have one to take apart, and see if I can reduce it in size somewhat (removing all the extra casing, hotsync port connector, etc) and directly solder wires to the proper contact points on the inside of the Clie's hotsync port... That way, it may be small enough to have strapped to the back of my Clie without me noticing, and I can still use Memory Sticks.
Of course, I could just be completely nuts.
If you sing in french while hopping on one foot, the evil birds won't come out of your bathroom mirror.
RE: I wish I could read Japanese...
sorry it's in japanese
RE: I wish I could read Japanese...
if you want to translate japanese sites to english, you might want to try it works quite well. you just have to be careful with the page encoding. with my german MS-IE I had to set the encoding to "westerneurope / windows)" to get the translation working, if i used japanese (jif) encoding it didnt work. Then you just have to copy and paste the text into the textbox (even if you see mostly squares it works. you might try the page ... the description of the mini-keyboard is about the size the system can handle. if you paste longer parts of text it wont translate.
one other possibility is to use the website translator T-Zip on the same page.
Hope this helps.
Greetings from Germany,
Sony Before Palm
Mike Lohsl
Palm & ACT! Advisor
Mis understandings
Bluetooth and (not Versus) Wi-Fi articles (and more)
I have done some research on Bluetooth AND Wifi and posted some info on this on the SH board:
Bluetooth and (not Versus) Wi-Fi articles (and more: differences, coexistence....)
Recently i found this one....
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Positioning Paper
I hope people can/will use it.
Comparing High Heels to Sneakers
Comparing High Heels to Sneakers
by Margaret Dilloway of WIDCOMM's Test & Integration Department and author of "Bluetooth for Dummies," coming out in November.
Bluetooth and 802.11b are often depicted as being pitted against each other, as they are interchangeable technologies. This is not true. Nothing exists as a substitution for Bluetooth. Just as a woman may have both high heels and sneakers in her closet for different occasions, so may Bluetooth and 802.11b coexist, as they serve entirely different needs.
PEGA-MSB1 in Japan?
How come it looks different than the one above?
RE: PEGA-MSB1 in Japan?
Here is a bigger picture.
It is schedule to release in Japan in March 23
I'll be a happy Clie user...
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