Comments on: Quickies: NR Series, Palm, Universal Bridge

Sony has officially announced the NR70V and NR70 at Germany's CeBIT tradeshow. The announcement doesn't give a price or a release date for Europe but people who visit Sony's booth at the show are being told it should be available there around June. -Christian

Muchy's Palmware Review, a Japanese Palm site, has created an animated GIF file showing the demo screens from the NR series. -nXt

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nXt @ 3/16/2002 11:15:48 AM #
Ok June in Europe.. so maybe Late April or May for USA?

nXt's Clie Club
Place To Be For Sony Clie Discussion
RE: Sooo...
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/16/2002 1:14:24 PM #
June in Europe seems way too soon for a product launch there. I'd think Summer for Japan/America, and early September for Europe. I mean, seriously, most of Europe hasn't gotten the 610 yet.

RE: Sooo...
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/16/2002 1:28:22 PM #
Not sure if you read the initial release info, but it stated clearly that in Japan, the handhelds would be available in March (no camera) and April (camera version). Using the T615C as an example, you can figure a 4-6 week delay before it's in the US. So, late March-early April for the no camera version and mid April-early May for the camera version would be a reasonable assumption.

RE: Sooo...
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/16/2002 2:30:57 PM #
They should launch this product ASAP, as in early autumn we will see introes of new Palm5 handhelds,

RE: Sooo...
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/16/2002 3:16:31 PM #
Europe wont get the 610c... but we have had the n770c and have got the T series at very cheap prices.

RE: Sooo...
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 3:19:09 AM #
Does it look like Europe will be getting this one before the United States? That would be a change of pace. Not necessarily one I like (Being a US resident), but a change of pace nonetheless.

So long, Palm!

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 7:05:52 AM #
Sterile as Sony seems, at least it's customer support is consistant!
I have watched Palm pull back from it's customers in so many different ways, you get a real "Enron" vibe!

My next handheld will run a Palm OS, but it won't be a Palm product! I really like the look of this NR series, and it makes my wonder what the hell Palm has been doing with it's time. Oh, wait! I know! IT'S BEEN LOSING MARKET SHARES!!!

So long, Palm!

RE: So long, Palm! - why are you an idiot?
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 9:04:32 AM #
Do you always just jump on the lastest news item and compare any company to it? How the hell does Enron have anything to do with Palm? It doesn't, other than you being stupid about both of them.

If you hate Palm so much, just shut up and leave. I'm getting really sick of people like you who use a company's products, but then root for thier demise. What is wrong with you? In the days of the wild west (and today still in Texas), yellow-bellied turncoats like you would be force-fed a lead salad at high noon. Some might say those are the good ol' days!

As far as Sony support being consistent, it's consistently NOT THERE.

BTW: Palm has just announced they will be replacing cradles for all m50x users that have a static discharge problem, AT NO COST to the consumer. You think Sony would ever do something like that? I DON'T THINK SO.

RE: So long, Palm!
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 10:05:33 AM #
"Palm has just announced they will be replacing cradles for all m50x users that have a static discharge problem, AT NO COST to the consumer. You think Sony would ever do something like that? I DON'T THINK SO."

ok that's good news, where did you find the replace cradle news. And did you ask palm why they waited for like more than a year before replacing it / releasing a bug fix ? I mean the next generation of M505 has already released, and now they are fixing bugs for the version they already replaced/retired, and you call that good support ?? And of course it has to be AT NO COST !!! Their customers paid for the product and the product is supposed to work, not fry my motherboard, they are lucky that no lawsuits was filed against them.

Have you ever had such a big problem with sony's product ?? I don't think so, but for you sony can do no right so there's no way anyone can start a civilized conversation about it with you.

Palm is already behind......
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 11:58:23 AM #
As far as the products indicate, Palm is not the leading Palm device producer in terms of technology and innovation. Sony has done so many wonderful things to the Palm (leveraging their technology in LCD/Screens, design and music) that it is really hard for Palm to compete.

In my personal opinion if Palm wants to get an edge, it must turn Palm into a BDA (Business digital assistant) other than PDA. For personal productivity and enjoyment it just doesn't have the muscles to compete with the entertainment giant, sony.

Norm Lowe

Palm should replace all m505s with m515s
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 12:01:49 PM #
"BTW: Palm has just announced they will be replacing cradles for all m50x users that have a static discharge problem, AT NO COST to the consumer. You think Sony would ever do something like that? I DON'T THINK SO."

Yeah right! you must be a Palm employee.. after a year and thousands of complaints they finally decided to do something decent,after the m505 have been discontinued!!
The m505 has so many flaws that Palm should send the m515 to ALL m505 owners because that's what it was supposed to be right?

RE: So long, Palm!
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 12:13:12 PM #
How do you think Palm financed 515 ? By getting suckers to buy the 505. Here is a tip: NEVER BUY THE FIRST MODEL OF ANY NEW PRODUCT !!! IF YOU DO YOU ARE DOING R&D FOR THE COMPANY AND NOT GETTING PAID FOR IT!

RE: So long, Palm!
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 12:19:41 PM #
Actually it's more like you are paying to do the R&D for the company :P

Palm Is Napalmed
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/17/2002 8:40:59 PM #
Palm did botched it through their own fault. It took them nearly a year to accept that their cradle is faulty. Now, how much will that cost them in terms of bad publicity and loss of faith? I think far more than it will be to replace the cradle in the first place!

Whether you like the new Sonys or not is irrelevant. If you cannot see that they are doing much more for the Palm platform than Palm itself then you are nothing but a blinkered ostrich with its head in the sand.

Sony service
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/18/2002 3:48:06 AM #
I don't know how Sony operates in North America, but as a former manager of a Sony Centre in the UK all I can say is that their service over here is second to none.

Over here, the dealer offers front line support. As teh retailer, it was in our interest to keep customers happy. Usually problems were sorted out quickly and easily. If there was a problem, for example a "camcorder "stopped working for no reason" and once opened up it appeared full of salt or sand (due to a tumble at the beach usually) We'd sit down with the customer and explain that this probably wasn't a warranty repair. Having said that, Sony frequently carried out the repair as a gesture of goodwill.

OK I am biased but.... I still think Sony service is excellent

RE: So long, Palm!
nategall @ 3/18/2002 10:58:44 AM #
uh, here in the US all the support service sucks. But, let me qualify that. Their sonystyle web site SUCK SUCK SUCK (repeat.).
I have tried to buy items from them several times, but after placing my order on the web and trying to follow up with email, nothing happens, when you call support, they say that the web site is not very good, and they start over. But the people are very nice and try to help, it doesn't stop them from shipping you multiple items which then you must return for a refund of your money, because they have also billed you multiple times.

nategall says "blah!"
RE: So long, Palm!
nategall @ 3/18/2002 11:03:03 AM #
geesh. that is amazingly shortsighted of you, and overly simplistic. "You" are not the only person in the world, nor does the world revolve around "You". What may be best for "You" is not the best for "Me".

I hope that was simple enough for "you" to understand.

Now, this next part may be a little complicated, so i will go slow. Since the world does NOT revolve around "You" or any single person, it is impossible to have a "BEST" item. Yes, I know this is hard to accept, but it is true. This leads to the fact that there can be many choices available for people. It allows them to find what is "Best" for them. There are many people who's "Best" option is the cheapest item they can get. There are other people who can get their parents to buy them anything if they whine enough, like "You".

Sony is doing some wonderful things with the Palm products, and I love them for it. Anyone who can bring me more choices I like. Palm does not seem to be pushing as hard, but overall, they make nice, simple products; which for many people are the "Best-Fit" to what they need. Sony is also trying to get into this simple line with the S3xx series.

> "I have watched Palm pull back from it's customers
> in so many different ways, you get a real "Enron" vibe!"

Nice to pull a topical and timely news reference, but next time, try and have it make sense.


do you mean PalmOS or Palm hardware?

And, statistically speaking, it is easy to double you market share when you have very little of it. Not saying that Sony is definitely going to be a significant market force, but you cannot base the outcome on this on the fact that Sony's share went from 4% to 6% while Palm's fell from 65% to 60%.

Once again, true statement, just pointless.

nategall says "blah!"

full screen

I.M. Anonymous @ 3/18/2002 11:02:07 AM #
nice screen shots, but I would have thought that at least the apps made by sony (like the Remote Commander) would make use of the whole screen...instead the virtual graffiti is up the whole time.

Is the only virtue in being virtual is so that it can flip around once you pivot the screen?



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