Comments on: Palm To Release Wireless Handheld with GPRS
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RE: No Voice?
I think the Dot Com Bust showed us the being first to market doesn't automatically mean success. I think it would be better for Palm to release a smartphone when there is real demand for it. So far, I don't see much demand.
RE: No Voice?
RE: No Voice? YES !!
If you have no voice in your Palm, you can take a phone call AND look up your address book, calendar etc...
If you have no voice, you also do not smear your screen all the time -)
VisorPhone and Treo are NOT the big hits Handspring and Hawkins would have liked, so Palm is very clever to find something else, more in the Zen of Palm !
RE: No Voice?
RE: No Voice?
I think there will always be a market for good PDAs that do data only. The cute cellphones can remain in thepocket and communicate via bluetooth or some other future standard.
But just to cover all angles, Palm would do well to release some combo (voice/data) models as well.
GPRS-Only Service?
As far as I know, if you want GPRS, you also need GSM service and a phone number to pay for. If you already have a phone with GSM and GPRS, you would probably have to pay for a second GPRS connection for your Palm.
I suppose you could always swap SIM cards between your phone and your Palm, but that would really suck as well.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
Check with U´r provider if they have twin cards to ..
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
And Daren Ng is not from the Phillipines, he's from Singapore.
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
The Philippine Palm Users Group
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
The definition of a smartphone is a handheld with voice capabilities.
> And Daren Ng is not from the Phillipines, he's from Singapore.
If you read the article again, you'll see that it doesn't say Daren Ng is from the Phillipines, it says is a Philippine website.
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
RE: GPRS-Only Service?
in Turkey, the flat rate is ~3USD (5.000.000 TL) for 'Telsim', and the GPRS service of 'Aria' is completely free :)
RE: Ed, Correction
News Editor
RE: Ed, Correction
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: Ed, Correction
Just FYI Ed
RE: Ed, Correction
Why F
RE: Ed, Correction
How do I know this? I am Filipino myself.
RE: Ed, Correction
learn sth everyday
RE: Ed, Correction
my teacher and a student did the same thing about sputnik... its really quite dumb and childish actually...
Where's the AnyKey?
Successor to the i705
RE: Successor to the i705
RE: Successor to the i705
RE: Successor to the i705
It is video #5 and is called "New color Palms head to store shelves – March 4, 2002"
Palm i725???
Anybody know anything about the i725 smartphone???
RE: Palm i725???
The info in that article isn't 100% (it calls the i705 the i700) but pretty much everything else has proved to be correct.
p.s. It's just a side note but my original source of info last August on the i725 was someone who had seen a presentation on them put on by Palm, not an Italian site.
News Editor
RE: Palm i725???
One device
One device + one charger + one set of earphones capable of connecting to corporate network, with reasonable equivalents to Excel & Word and able to entertain with games/music for when I just cannot think any more.
must not weigh as much as a brick
must not be as big as a brick
must be able to last 48 hours w/o recharge
must be able to turn off the wireless bit when on a plane
Thankyou. Dave
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No Voice?