Comments on: Quickies: MemStick Case, Stowaway, RhinoSkin, Palm Tipsheet

CliéSource is now offering the Super Slim Memory Stick Case, which holds four memory sticks. It is made of aluminium in silver or gold coloring. It costs $8. -Reggie

According to a spokesperson, Think Outside is planning to release a version of the Stowaway folding keyboard for the Sony T series in the third quarter of this year. -Ed

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Very nice case!!!

C @ 5/8/2002 10:52:45 AM #
It's nicer looking then the case that you can purchase form sony for memory sticks. I'm gonna get some.

RE: Very nice case!!!
Sweetlu @ 5/8/2002 10:58:18 AM #
I wonder if you can store business cards as well. Too bad no one offers a similar case for SD/MMC cards as well.

RE: Very nice case!!!
mikeliu @ 5/8/2002 11:36:32 AM #
heh do memory sticks really need a case? I always thought that their strong point was their sturdiness and I've never heard of one breaking before.

I've got a case for mine. It's called my wallet......

RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 11:43:50 AM #
I've found this website,'memorycard' , that offers a metal case for SD/MMC cards. Seems like they have cases for memory sticks and CF cards too. Hope it helps.
RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 12:00:54 PM #
On the comment above regarding and SD case. I can't believe someone has finally come out
with a case for the SD cards!! I have been looking for this for sooo long, but I have to say the
cases in the website above is a little disappointing. The case is expensive for only holding
2 cards. I need a case that can hold maybe 5-8 cards. If I could get that, I'd buy it in a
second. I wouldn't mind paying $20 or so bucks for it.

RE: Very nice case!!!
Sweetlu @ 5/8/2002 12:35:14 PM #
Scroll down and take a look at the key chain case it holds 5 SD cards, or click on the following link:

Thanks for the tip, too bad they don't offer an SD version of the flat MS plastic case.

RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 1:19:50 PM #
"do memory sticks really need a case?"


1. wn u hav a clie & ur usng the ms for mp3s and trtng thm as albms
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh

RE: Very nice case!!!
Altema @ 5/8/2002 2:38:03 PM #
"1. wn u hav a clie & ur usng the ms for mp3s and trtng thm as albms
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh"

Of course, you could just get one big card and forget the extra case...


RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 5:13:03 PM #
"Of course, you could just get one big card and forget the extra case..."

i alrdy hv a 128, 62, two 32s, one 16, and one 8. stl w8ing 4 the 256 :)

Can I buy a vowel?
big_raji @ 5/8/2002 7:56:26 PM #
"1. wn u hav a clie & ur usng the ms for mp3s and trtng thm as albms
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh"

What happened to your post? Yikes.

Anyways, I'm happy to see the $8 price tag on this. At least it's not that overpriced. I saw a similar case for Memory Sticks for $25. Yikes.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 8:52:41 PM #
I think that the prices on are in S$ not US$. So, after converting from Singapore Dollars to US Dollars, the prices ain't that expensive. But unless you're buying a few items, shipping seems rather costly for just a memory case....

RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 9:11:53 PM #
"What happened to your post? Yikes."

jst prcticng shrtcts 4 txt msgng. lol. :)

RE: Very nice case!!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/9/2002 10:21:18 AM #
> jst prcticng shrtcts 4 txt msgng. lol. :)

U r fny

Finally, a keyboard for the T Series

Roy @ 5/8/2002 10:57:29 AM #
Although it looks like not until September. But there's hope. As it looks right now, I have not seen a single keyboard that is compatible with the T 615c(or any ohter T series device) Except for PocketTop Infrared keyboard, which I am not so sure about, too new a concept. And it's not out yet anyway.

RE: Finally, a keyboard for the T Series
jimski @ 5/10/2002 1:53:38 AM #
I have been using an iBiz Keyboard with my T-615 for a couple of months. You will need to track down a serial cable to connect to the keyboard though. This combination also works with my new NR70V. While not exactly portable, it sure beats taking meeting minutes using Graffiti.

Hope I can find a portable Bluetooth keyboard (along with a Bluetooth Memory Stick) long before September.

RE: Finally, a keyboard for the T Series
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/10/2002 8:00:59 AM #
Since when do you need a keyboard to plan games?

3rd quarter of the year?!?!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 10:59:08 AM #
Haven't the T-series handhelds been out for MONTHS!!! Third quarter of the year seems a bit slow on the uptake. Considering that the adapter is the same for the T and NR series, you'd think they would be lightin' a fire under it! Oh well...
RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
bcombee @ 5/8/2002 11:05:07 AM #
There are three things they have to do to support the T and NR devices:

1) Secure a supply of connectors and design the new stand. Make sure its stable both with the conventional T devices and the higher center-of-gravity NR devices.

2) Adapt their keyboard driver software to deal with Sony's particular quirks.

3) Find a way to deal with the low voltage levels on the T/NR series connectors. This problem is similar to how they have to deal with the non-standard RS-232 on the Handspring Visors.

Nothing too hard here, but still a bit to go through. Considering that they'd not committed to this project until recently, this isn't too bad.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
bookrats @ 5/8/2002 11:28:20 AM #
I'm wondering if their delay in starting production was due to waiting for the Clie NR70 model to come out. I assume they want to make a keyboard that supports both the T-Series and the NR70 (since they use the same serial connector.)


Jeff Meyer

Why can't they just do one keyboard and replease differen...
popko @ 5/8/2002 12:33:02 PM #
Why can't they just do one keyboard and replease different adaptor as new devices are released? Having to wait for months at a time for a new keyboard is bad, having to spend $100 on new keyboard evey time I change handheld is even worse.

RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 1:06:57 PM #
I'd think that if you are changing handhelds that often, THAT would be your biggest expense.
NR and T Series Cannot Share Same Cradle
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/8/2002 5:17:12 PM #
I have both and I know that the fit is not quite right due to slightly different dimensions. This is important if you want to use it on a keyboard and avoid disconnects or worse yet a tumble to the floor!! Just another design roadblock for Think Outside courtesy of Sony.


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