Comments on: Quickies: MemStick Case, Stowaway, RhinoSkin, Palm Tipsheet

According to a spokesperson, Think Outside is planning to release a version of the Stowaway folding keyboard for the Sony T series in the third quarter of this year. -Ed
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RE: Very nice case!!!
RE: Very nice case!!!
I've got a case for mine. It's called my wallet......
RE: Very nice case!!!
RE: Very nice case!!!
with a case for the SD cards!! I have been looking for this for sooo long, but I have to say the
cases in the website above is a little disappointing. The case is expensive for only holding
2 cards. I need a case that can hold maybe 5-8 cards. If I could get that, I'd buy it in a
second. I wouldn't mind paying $20 or so bucks for it.
RE: Very nice case!!!
Thanks for the tip, too bad they don't offer an SD version of the flat MS plastic case.
RE: Very nice case!!!
1. wn u hav a clie & ur usng the ms for mp3s and trtng thm as albms
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh
RE: Very nice case!!!
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh"
Of course, you could just get one big card and forget the extra case...
RE: Very nice case!!!
i alrdy hv a 128, 62, two 32s, one 16, and one 8. stl w8ing 4 the 256 :)
Can I buy a vowel?
2. wn u hav a clie & u hav a collectn of bks -- a case is a librry
3. wn u hav a clie & u travl a lot and u use it for maps with a gps -- 1 ms cnt hld evrythng
4. wn u hav a sony dgital cam & u tke pctures a lot -- 1 stck is nt engh"
What happened to your post? Yikes.
Anyways, I'm happy to see the $8 price tag on this. At least it's not that overpriced. I saw a similar case for Memory Sticks for $25. Yikes.
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: Very nice case!!!
RE: Very nice case!!!
jst prcticng shrtcts 4 txt msgng. lol. :)
RE: Very nice case!!!
U r fny
Finally, a keyboard for the T Series
RE: Finally, a keyboard for the T Series
Hope I can find a portable Bluetooth keyboard (along with a Bluetooth Memory Stick) long before September.
RE: Finally, a keyboard for the T Series
3rd quarter of the year?!?!
RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
1) Secure a supply of connectors and design the new stand. Make sure its stable both with the conventional T devices and the higher center-of-gravity NR devices.
2) Adapt their keyboard driver software to deal with Sony's particular quirks.
3) Find a way to deal with the low voltage levels on the T/NR series connectors. This problem is similar to how they have to deal with the non-standard RS-232 on the Handspring Visors.
Nothing too hard here, but still a bit to go through. Considering that they'd not committed to this project until recently, this isn't too bad.
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
Jeff Meyer
Why can't they just do one keyboard and replease differen...
RE: 3rd quarter of the year?!?!
NR and T Series Cannot Share Same Cradle
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Very nice case!!!