Comments on: Rumor: Is the Treo 90 Handspring's Mystery Device?

Last month, Donna Dubinsky, Handspring's CEO, said her company would be releasing a new device that is not a Visor . She said it would borrow some of the design characteristics of the Treo line but not be a wireless device. Recently, rumors have been circulating about a Treo 90, which has a built-in keyboard but no Springboard slot.

There appear to be some basis for these as, a Canadian webstore, now lists the Handspring Treo 90.

Update: The Treo 90 has been removed from CompuSmart's webstore. However, a screenshot of what was there is available.

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Back In The Game

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 1:31:05 PM #
HS is back in the game. They need to compete with this years models, lol.

Hopefully, this will be like the Edge, with a built in keyboard, and color hi-res screen. :o

RE: Back In The Game
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 4:12:24 PM #
yeah right, high-res screen keep dreaming. Get real!!
RE: Back In The Game
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 4:22:02 PM #
So is it official that their latet and greatest PDA innovatin is chicklet keyboards?

This is a sad day in Palm-dom

RE: Back In The Game
Mathrocks314 @ 5/16/2002 4:56:56 PM #
I’m glad to see their doing some thing that’s non-wireless. It's good it has an expansion slot. Still high-res would be cool…

RE: Back In The Game
msmasitti @ 5/16/2002 6:05:10 PM #
HandSpring has learned from their, and Palm's mistakes. Lets see it fixed. BTW, I started this thread I just wasn't logged in at school.

CLIE Moderator
RE: Back In The Game
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 12:37:38 AM #
No surprise that Handspring is moving away from Graffiti. Isn't Palm getting its ass sued over a patent issue with Graffiti? I think (is it Xerox?) Palm lost the suit in court too.

Memory cards are a good idea. A faster cpu like 66MHz would have been nice if it kept power down the same or lower than 33MHz. Also nice would be if it has the same bottom connector as the Visor so we can use cables and keyboards.

RE: Back In The Game
Kesh @ 5/17/2002 8:41:11 PM #
Yep, Palm got sued by Xerox in regard to Graffiti, and lost. It's now in appeal.

Treos have a different connector than Visors, but at least all the Treos have matching connectors. So anything that attaches to a Tre 180/270 should attach to a Treo 90.

This seems natural

fkclo @ 5/16/2002 1:32:01 PM #
It is not too much a surprise, because :-
a. Handspring is obviously moving away from Graffiti Silk Screen
b. Springboard can get beyond OS3.5x
c. Expansion / external storage is becoming a standard feature for PDAs. SD is the norm now.
c. A similar form factor provides a family look (except the flip), and reduce production cost.

Now, what is going to be the fate of Visor, and all those springboard developers. Kind of sad to think about.

I heard that it will be in champagne colour, though still colour casing.

RE: This seems natural
fkclo @ 5/16/2002 1:41:09 PM #
Sorry, I mean plastic casing.

Well, there goes the Springboards :(

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 1:33:05 PM #
If this rumor is true, it would be safe to assume that there will be no more Visor's and the Springboards are out too.

I guess this move is understandable since the size of the modules is too large to support being used within a communicator-type of device. Although, I hope this means there will soon be a TREO 270 that sports an SD Slot. If this rumor is true, the engineering has already been done to make this possible. Expansion is my only hang-up with the TREO communicators and if future communicators have SD(i.e. like a TREO 370), then I'd be a happy camper.

If the Communicator products (like TREO 180/270) eventually do include the SD cards, I'm curious if they would also support cards like BlueTooth, 802.11b/a or if they will be storage-only support. That would be awsome to be able to go anywhere and tap into an 802.11b(a) network/LAN for local traffic and GPRS/CDMA when outside of a LAN.

Very interesting Rumor Ed, Thanks!

RE: Well, there goes the Springboards :(
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:22:22 PM #
No network administrator would allow this device on their network. Being that it would have access to corporate resources AND have an unregulated (except by the user) link to the outside world. This creates a huge security hole.

Just my $0.02.

RE: Well, there goes the Springboards :(
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:53:32 PM #
> I hope this means there will soon be a TREO 270 that sports an SD Slot.

My guess is the SD slot hardware went in where they had taken out the wireless modem. There isn't room in the casing for both. The Treo is really small. Certainly no room for a springboard port.

SD status confirmed inadvertantly by a third party...

alanh @ 5/16/2002 1:43:20 PM #
Do a search for "treo 90" on google. One of the links listed is for:

Google's cache of the item is more telling:

Quoted in part:

BackupBuddyVFS is designed to work with organizers that support the Virtual File System (''VFS''), such as the Palm m125, m500, m505, m705, Handspring Treo 90, and the Sony Clie. Please note: The Handera 330 is not supported at this time.

Picture at pdabuzz

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 1:45:27 PM #
There is a picture and more details at 12 bit color, SD, and it looks like in the picture there is indeed some type of flip cover which I think is great as integrated screen protection is something that is lacking in most PDA's.
RE: Picture at pdabuzz
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 1:51:57 PM #
The picture looks too much like someone photoshopped a 180.
RE: Picture at pdabuzz
GregGaub @ 5/16/2002 2:57:17 PM #
Ok,it might be doctored, but I don't think so. For me, the hinge gives it away. The Treo 180 hinge is a big bulky thing, because it has to be strong enough to support and use it as a phone up to your ear, as well as have the wires/connections for the speaker in the flip lid. The Treo 90 won't have the speaker in the lid, and won't be used as a phone, so the flip lid needs only to attach to the main body and cover the screen (and probably the keyboard keys).

While it seems silly to call it a Treo without wireless built in, I guess you can still do all the same stuff as the 180 or 270 if you have a cell phone and IR link, or a BT cell phone and a BT SD card stuck in the Treo 90.

As for the overall design, I like it. I love my Treo 180, and have looked and and liked the Palm m130. But I've grown to really like the keyboard on the 180, and think that a non-wireless device can benefit just as much from the thumb-board. If they can keep this at the same price as the Palm m130, I think the m130 will have a hard sell against the Treo 90, if only for the fact that people won't be as afraid of the keyboard as much as they often are of graffiti.

I'll pass if its not HI-RES`

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:30:04 PM #
not for me if its not hi-res.

btw, does treo means it has wireless support?

RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:43:56 PM #
I'm with you on that one! High res rules
RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
Ed @ 5/16/2002 2:48:06 PM #
Sorry, I edited the article to make it clearer that Handspring said from the beginning that the new device wouldn't be wireless.

News Editor
RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 9:55:49 PM #
isnt treo suppose to be.. 3 in one device? or the SD expansion is replacing wireless connectivity. i wish its hi-res. i might just to wait for the next t-600 series model with good battery life and good buttons.

any news on palm? any rumoured new device?

RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
ijablokov @ 5/17/2002 1:20:26 AM #
Are you sure it doesn't have built-in wireless DATA? I thought this version would be similar to a Palm i705, which is a wireless data device not a wireless voice+data device. Isn't that the point of calling these devices Treo (3 functions).

RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 4:39:53 PM #
Palm will move on to OS5 and has hi-res screen soon , so who cares about the 160x160 low res outdated stuff.
RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 8:00:59 PM #
There are lots of people out there who 1) may not be as up-to-speed on OS 5 and 2) may be more focused on the meantime. I can't speak with certainty for anyone else, but I'm in the market for a new device now, and while I may wait for OS 5, part of me is also thinking I should wait until OS 5 has been out for a while. If I have a need now that is not being met, the appropriate thing is not automatically "Wait for OS 5."
RE: I'll pass if its not HI-RES`
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 9:52:17 PM #
The benefits from OS5 will be difficult for most consumers to understand not to mention take advantage of. If the Treo 90 turns out to be what PIC is reporting it will be a great product for HS. Clearly the Treo 180 and 270 are the products they are targeting toward the enterprise market while the Treo 90 would seem to be targeted more toward consumers. Hi-Res or not, consumers will love this product because of the keyboard and color screen. Given the success of Palm's new M130, HS coming with a product like this is a great move!


I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:33:57 PM #
It looks WAY too thick. And where IS the high-res? $300 for a thick, low-res PDA? Heck, soon the Clié T615 will be that much and all its missing is a keyboard. What a ripoff.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:49:01 PM #
shiver, shiver.....

Is it me or is that thing ugly?

RE: Ick!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:12:27 PM #
> soon the Clié T615 will be that much and all its missing is a keyboard

The T615C will soon be discontinued and Sony will have a new model that costs at least $400. Hi-res is great but $100 cheaper is great, too. And a keyboard thrown in.

Sony has great high end and ok low end models but nothing in the middle.

RE: Ick!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 11:40:33 AM #
"$300 for a thick, low-res PDA?"

Yep, it's called the Palm m130.

RE: Ick!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 12:15:56 PM #
m130 costs $250 moron
RE: Ick!
RedJess @ 5/17/2002 2:24:27 PM #
"m130 costs $250 moron"

I think we could all do with less disparaging remarks on this site. He didn't do anything to deserve that misquoting a price is hardly worth the label of moron. Oh and the price on the Palm website is $279.

RE: Ick!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/19/2002 1:58:27 PM #
Why would anyone buy an 8 MB 160x160 pixel color PDA for 279.00. (Audiovox Maestro 32MB 320x240 dual expansion slots: 299.99) What is Palm thinking?! For competitive pricing the 130 should cost 220.00 to 240.00 at most.

It's true

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:32:54 PM #
I mentioned the Treo 90 on Monday in my article on the rising Palm OS marketshare. I had spoken with someone a month ago who told me he had one. He explained every detail. It made a lot of sense in light of Donna's previous cryptic comment. However, I never could get him to send me a picture of it so I was uncomfortable posting the information. Then when it made its way on to a couple of online retailer sites over the weekend I decided to mention it in Monday's article.

I think it is an excellent move on Handspring's part and will compete nicely with the Palm m130.

RE: It's true
Ed @ 5/16/2002 2:41:49 PM #
The article Steve mentioned is here:

I'll admit, I skimmed it on Monday but missed the Treo 90 reference.

News Editor

RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 5:06:44 PM #
You didn't miss the reference Ed, it WASN'T THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Steve is such a hack, if you check the google cache for that page, you'll see he didn't know it was the "Treo 90", nor that it had an SD slot. If Steve's "source" explained it in "every detail", he certainly missed the major detail. Truth be told, Steve is simply lying about knowing anything.

The information he had was exactly what Donna said, a new organizer based on the Treo line, nothing else.

Steve always wants people to think he's in the know, but instead he's simply in the pocket. He has been, and always will be a compulsive liar far too caught up in trying to seem important.

RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 5:50:29 PM #
sounds like someones a bit jealous of steve. could it be wes?
RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 6:34:39 PM #
I admit, when I read the article the day it was posted, I did not notice his mention of the Treo 90. But I'm not 100% sure that it wasn't there, maybe I just missed it?
RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 6:53:27 PM #
Heres what is in google's cache from that page. You can find it yourseld by searching for "Palm OS is HOT".

"Handspring's Treo 180 communicator is the first Palm Powered device to include a full keyboard and Handspring is expected to release a color version, likely under the Sprint name, this summer. Rumor has it that Handspring will also release a new Treo inspired organizer, thinner that the Treo communicator and with a color screen, but not wireless."

Make up your own mind on who's telling the truth here. (Do it quick though, no doubt Steve will have the cached version removed soon since it proves he is not being honest about the original article.)

RE: It's true
dúnadan @ 5/16/2002 7:09:31 PM #
Your quote from Google's cache exactly matches the article as it now reads. How is Steve lying? He said he mentioned this PDA, not that he named it.

Why would you be such a hater as to check Google's cache in the first place? Some people.

RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 7:26:23 PM #
"Your quote from Google's cache exactly matches the article as it now reads. How is Steve lying? He said he mentioned this PDA, not that he named it."

Appears the truth may have caught up with Steve after all, but don't take my word for it, ask Ed who I'm sure read the article today when Steve brought it up.

The previous version contained "Treo 90" as well as the details about it having SD.

RE: It's true
dúnadan @ 5/16/2002 9:27:08 PM #
Even if what you are saying is true, that wouldn't make Steve a liar. He would still be someone that mentioned the Treo 90 without naming it. What's wrong with updating it to contain the more specific info? I am not affiliated with Brighthand, but I have noticed that Steve is careful not to release information prematurely.
RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 9:46:51 PM #
He did NOT mention the Treo 90 in the original article as a previous reply already stated. I find it a little disingenuous to make a general statement about a new Treo (which is already general knowledge), and then to come to this board and brag was the first to mention the Treo 90. Seems to me he's trying to claim the scoop, but he clearly has no basis for doing so.
In fact, the entire article was directly based on a Palm press-release on May 13, but I don't see any credits or reference to it.

Smells like lack of (journalistic) integrity

RE: It's true
big_raji @ 5/16/2002 10:12:43 PM #
"Even if what you are saying is true, that wouldn't make Steve a liar. He would still be someone that mentioned the Treo 90 without naming it. What's wrong with updating it to contain the more specific info? I am not affiliated with Brighthand, but I have noticed that Steve is careful not to release information prematurely."

I personally don't care too much either way, but it's still a little sneaky.

I'm going to put up a webpage stating the following:

"Sony is soon releasing a PDA to replace the discontinued T600C in Japan. It will build on the same features as the T600, but with extra features as demanded by the consumer."

Then, Sony will announce/release a new PDA, for example, the T700C, in late June. Is it then ok for me to change my webpage to say the following:

"Sony is soon releasing in late June a PDA named the T700C to replace the T600C in Japan. It will build on the same features as the T600, but with extra features including 320x480 screen and MP3 player"

...and THEN claim that I had the story first?

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 11:18:59 PM #
Ok, everyone needs to chill here. Steve Bush is not a bad guy, first of all. He is however someone who has always been desperate for attention and respect. I have no doubt he changed the article to include a Treo 90 reference and then came here to claim it had been there the whole time. Nor do I have any doubt that he changed it back after feeling guilty over what he had done.

This will continue to happen at Brighthand and if you are planning to exist in the same community as he does your just going to have to accept it. Do you have any idea how many times the message board has been closed down with a message from Steve something along the lines of "I can't take it anymore. I'm considering closing the site, please pay attention to me and e-mail me begging me to keep it up" (The last part was a paraphrase on my part).

Point being: Don't make a federal case out of it. In the end Steve's a good guy with some...uh...problems. He's not a grinning villain twirling his mustach in the corner.

RE: It's true
dúnadan @ 5/17/2002 12:09:33 AM #
I only recall the Bhand forums closing once with a message like that. It seems to me that Steve B takes more abuse than is his due including frequent unfounded shots at his journalistic integrity (which incidentally seems to be above average). I remember when Steve thought that a fake brightness hacks worked for the m505. He said so on Bhand, and instead of taking it as a simple mistake (anyone could imagine such a hack working - basic placebo effect), a bunch on people jumped on him for intentionally deceiving the world of PDA people. Steve, if you're reading all this nonsense, the best advice I can give you is to ignore all of this and keep on doing what you're doing.
RE: It's true
big_raji @ 5/17/2002 12:14:09 AM #
Oh well. Never knew that about him. That's probably more information than you should've shared. :P

He's got a nice site though. Was kind of surprised that it's mostly a solo effort.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: It's true
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 11:24:07 AM #
I remember Steve, last year, posting that he would have to shut down BrightHand and that he was broke. Basically, in his posting he sounded like he was begging for funding. Sounded pretty pathetic actually.

Now, he is posting garbage on other websites in hopes of redirecting traffic to Brighthand.

and you people like this guy??

Ed, if I were you, I would stop allowing people to post their PDA websites next to their name in these forums. It is obvious that you use advertising to pay your bills and if someone wants to post their PDA website in a forum, you should charge them an advertising fee. Its only fair.

Steve, stop mooching off other peoples info. Again, its pathetic.

they still need a ''bridge'' product

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:37:57 PM #
It's too bad Handspring hasn't been clever enough to do a Visor with both a Springboard and an SD slot. Of course, they still haven't been clever enough to provide flash ROM and OS upgrades either. Anyhow, priced right, this should provide some nice competition for Palm's latest offerings and keep them in the #2 spot.
RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:43:47 PM #
I think Handspring has been very clever to accept the fact that the Springboard slot is dead. Adding one to a PDA makes it way too big. Lots of Visors got sold but few modules. I know several people with Visors and none of them owns any Springboards. "Too expensive" they said.

Visor was smart to move on. Adding a Springboard slot would have decreased sales, not increased them.

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 2:52:03 PM #
> I think Handspring has been very clever to accept
> the fact that the Springboard slot is dead.

Sure, but then there is nothing to make you different from any other Palm. Plus, you're then dumping the people who have bought into your Springboard concept. The people who have bought into the Springboards probably have the most money to upgrade anyhow. The people you know that didn't buy Springboards probably wouldn't buy SD cards either, or upgrade their PDA at all for that matter.

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:09:56 PM #
> Sure, but then there is nothing to make you different from any other Palm.

It will be the same price as an m130, much smaller, have more memory, and a keyboard. I'd buy a 90 before a m130.

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:51:54 PM #
much smaller than a m130? sure, the treo in some dimensions is smaller than the m1xx series, but MUCH smaller is a gross overstatement.
RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 3:57:54 PM #
Palm says the m130 is 4.8" x 3.1" x .9" = 13.3
According PDA Buzz, Treo 90 is 4.2" x 2.8" x 0.7" = 8.2

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
Kesh @ 5/16/2002 6:11:54 PM #
I've owned two Visors so far, and the *only* Springboard module I've ever bought is a MemPlug SD/MMC. I've considered buying a Snap 'n Type keyboard for it now.

The Treo 90 would not only give me both the features I had to add onto my Visor Prism. The only drawback is that it sounds like this model is only 12-bit color, rather than the 16-bit of my Visor Prism. However, it sounds like you'll actually be able to see it outdoors. :)

I would snatch up one of these in a heartbeat... if it weren't for the PalmOS 5 devices coming out this year. I'll wait and see if they can make a 'Treo 100' with these features and an ARM processor.

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 7:58:27 PM #
Remember that if you like Graffiti. This is not a device to consider! No graffiti. BTW, flashing ROM is not a issue here because I think this would be Palm OS 4.1 and CPU is not capable for Palm OS 5.0!
RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 9:24:41 PM #
> because I think this would think this would be Palm OS 4.1

Handspring has never done an OS 4.whatever device, and I doubt this would be either.

RE: they still need a ''bridge'' product
Kesh @ 5/16/2002 11:24:37 PM #
>Remember that if you like Graffiti. This is not a device to consider! No graffiti.

I like Graffiti... but I would rather have a keyboard. Or both (virutal Graffiti). Either way, I think it's pretty clearly stated in the review that this does use a keyboard. No offense intended, I'm just not sure why people keep repeating it...

Treo 90 mentioned by

Stefan D. @ 5/16/2002 5:36:12 PM #

Please have a look to . There is the Treo 90 mentioned on an archived Website by Google from This might be another hint that the Treo 90 will be coming soon.

With regards

Stefan D. from Mannheim, Germany

RE: Treo 90 mentioned by
Ed @ 5/16/2002 5:46:41 PM #
Thanks but this has already been covered. Please read the thread titled "SD status confirmed inadvertantly by a third party..." above.

News Editor


atrizzah @ 5/16/2002 6:10:28 PM #
I think this design has huge potential. I think its one of the best forms since the 3 series. I like the idea of the keyboard, but I cant see doing away with grafitti quite yet. What I'd like to see, if its plausible, is a Treo 90-like unit with the keyboard able to fold down to expose the bottom third of the screen, which would be a grafitti area. It would probably be best to have a non virtual area since it would be covered up a good portion of the time anyway.

Anyhow, as much as I want an NR70, m130, or Treo 90, I can't bring myself to dish out the cash so close to the emergence of OS 5. I just hope the first OS 5 units are as innovative as whats been coming out lately so I can finally replace my broken IIIxe.

Peace Out

RE: Possibilities
Token User @ 5/17/2002 10:58:40 AM #
Personally, I think the engineering in the Sharp Zaurus 5500 is perfect (though reliability of the mechanics of the design is yet to be seen), with the unit normally usable like a regular PDA, and the button section sliding down to expose a keyboard.

An alternate design to the new Clie, just as servicable.

However, many PDAs have the same look and feel as each other, so giving consumers a choice is welcome.

I would consider this unit. I have a phone with bluetooth (Ericsson T68), so this would give me a nearly ideal combination at an acceptable price point. I'll be checking out the unit as soon as its released.


No Graffiti!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 7:23:24 PM #
I think this is a no graffiti device. Good for beginners. Not for Advanced Palm Users. Well, advanced Palm Users will buy Sony NR70V anyway or wait for Palm OS 5.0 devices.
RE: No Graffiti!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/16/2002 9:38:10 PM #
In my country the Graffiti Treo seems to outsell the Keyboard Treo. Shows that it is the advance users who are buying rather than the novices. When you come to think of it, novice users probably start with a low end Palm like the m105 or m130, or a hand-me-down.
RE: No Graffiti!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 12:36:01 AM #
We dont need you Russians.
HE is a very stupid company. THey abort springboard modules. HAH! There goes the previous users of HS...they wont be able to use new .. with ..., nevermind, its hopeless.
Just buy a Sony. High-Res will dominate.
I can write in graffitti so much faster than anyone can type on the Handspring keyboard.
HS was always dead, however I now have solid proof why they were and still are such a bad company.
RE: No Graffiti!
Kesh @ 5/17/2002 3:34:50 AM #
Why do you think 'advanced' Palm use requires Graffiti? Personally, I've been using a PalmOS device for about three years now, and I'd gladly trade up to a keyboard device rather than a Graffiti one. Why? I'm a writer! Even with a small keyboard, it's faster for me to type than to write strokes onto the Graffiti pad.

It's not a good assumption to claim that keyboards are for newbies and Graffiti is for 'power users'. You aren't going to show that one is fundamentally better than the other.

RE: No Graffiti!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 9:21:03 AM #
Alreight, I was wrong, but my point is, HS might be be able to keep up the 2nd position. This model offers no improvements except for the 16mb/keyboard, both of which an SD expansion, and a stoaway would be able to provide.
An SD slot is mainly used for memory. If 16mb is provided, there would be no need for more memory, hence, no need for an SD slot.
Treo Tip: Use Jot for Graffiti
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 10:11:42 AM #
I'm using Jot on my Treo to give me the best of both worlds. The Jot program allows me to use either Graffiti or Jot language on either the screen or the Graffiti area (which is nonexistent on the Treo). I just set it to use Graffiti on the screen and use the keyboard primarily for navigation.

Bill Dyszel, Author
Palm for Dummies
Handspring Visor for Dummies

RE: No Graffiti!
Kesh @ 5/17/2002 8:47:51 PM #
>An SD slot is mainly used for memory. If 16mb is provided, there would be no need for more memory, hence, no need for an SD slot.

No need? Kinda like how we would never possibly need more than 640 Kb of RAM in our computers? :)

Trust me, it's quite easy to fill up 16 Mb of storage. I have an 8 Mb Visor with about 2.5 Mb free right now, and a 32 Mb SD card. I've got 10 Mb on that, and can easily use the other 20, just as soon as I can get a card reader on my computer to copy the files (too big to Hotsync!).

There's always need for more storage space!

RE: No Graffiti!
TDS Computer @ 5/17/2002 10:11:16 PM #
Wow, so Jot will allow you to use Graffiti on devices with no Graffiti area! This is a nice compromise! I never realized that Jot could do that... It makes this interesting device a little more valuable. Unfortunatley, I have about $500 worth of nifty Springboard modules that are going to keep me from buying this little guy.

Visit us at

SD is not IO in Treo 90

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 1:07:53 PM #
The SD slot in Treo 90 doesn't support Input Output (SDIO) thus all hardware expansion cards like Bluetooth card won't work.
I think this is because it doesn't make sense to have it since SDIO offer is almost zero.

RE: SD is not IO in Treo 90
twizza @ 5/17/2002 1:54:44 PM #
wouldnt that be determined by the os that hs would use. i am sure that if they are marketing this as a communicator that the treo 90 would have this ability. it seems silly to just make a handheld communicator and not have it able to communicate wirelessly outside of infrared.

RE: SD is not IO in Treo 90
TDS Computer @ 5/17/2002 10:14:40 PM #
Handspring would be shooting themselves in the foot if they shipped a device with SD that did not support SDIO. This would be a silly mistake. Lets all hope you are wrong oon that point.

We remaining Handspring fans would be very disappointed if they killed our Springboard AND did not replace it with something useful like SDIO.

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''Treo'' means 3 functions, right?!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 3:53:50 PM #
Wasn't "Treo" selected as the name of this new family of products because they have three functions: (1) PDA, (2) phone, (3) messaging? That's why they're not "Visors," right?

If so, then one of the following must be true:

(A) "Treo 90" is not the name of this new product (if it's only a PDA), or

(B) "Treo 90" is the name of this product, but it's the dumbest name yet (if it's only a PDA), or

(C) The "Treo 90" has all three of these abilities.

So, which one is it, (A) or (B) or (C)?

RE: ''Treo'' means 3 functions, right?!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 6:59:15 PM #
if there is a god - it´s got built in blue tooth - and then hs rules

$459.99 is more expnesive than NR70V JP version

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/17/2002 10:59:03 PM #
as Titile.
Will the specs. of Treo 90 be superior to NR70V?
RE: $459.99 is more expnesive than NR70V JP version
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 3:07:59 AM #
459.99 Canadian
RE: $459.99 is more expnesive than NR70V JP version
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/18/2002 11:11:21 AM #
"The Treo 90 is listed at $460 CAD, or $295 US."

In Canadian dollars, the NR70V is $1,000.

Screen Dimensions

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/20/2002 9:04:01 PM #
Just wondering if you had any specs on the screen size.
(Larger/Smaller than the 188??)


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