Comments on: Sony Announces PEG-T650C in Japan

Sony Japan has announced the Clie PEG-T650C. The T650C is essentially an updated version of the T600C and includes an MP3/ATRAC3 player. It uses a slightly improved screen but does not have virtual Graffiti and sports the 66 Mhz Dragonball SuperVZ processor.

T650C is quite similar to the T600C/T615C/T625C. Its casing is the same size, it uses the same buttons, has the same HotSync connector, etc.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:10:43 AM #
this is cool, a small form factor plus mp3 player, but im waiting until sony can include 802.11x inside their pda, then ill buy one.
Am waiting for integrated Bluetooth
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:28:35 AM #
...before i buy one.
RE: Wireless
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:12:43 PM #
integrated Bluetooth is more pratical than

I think when OS5 device shipped, some companies will
have BT built in.


RE: Wireless
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 4:26:00 PM #
"Integrated Bluetooth is more pratical than

Matter of opinion....I have 802.11b at home and would prefer this over Bluetooth......

RE: Wireless
TypeMRT @ 5/29/2002 5:04:18 PM #
"Matter of opinion....I have 802.11b at home and would prefer this over Bluetooth......"

until battery life drops by at least 20-30% (my guess based on power needed for 802.11b vs. BT)

RE: wireless
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 2:07:29 AM #
"until battery life drops by at least 20-30% (my guess based on power needed for 802.11b vs. BT)"

until your clie is out of range by 100-200% (my guess based on range limitations of BT vs 802.11b)

RE: Wireless
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 2:50:13 AM #
Its all in how you use it... when will people figure out that Bluetooth and 802.11b arent competitors...

802.11b is for wireless Local Area networks... and it works great... its higher power, but faster and longer ranged. If your connecting to an existing wireless network 802.11b is probably the way to go.

Bluetooth is for wireless personal networks... linking your phone to a headset, or your pda to your phone... its limited to 30ft range but its cheap to make (once it gets going) low power and designed to not only link to a network but link to alot of non computing devices like headsets and such.

So if your at home or work and need access to your network... then 802.11 fits the bill... if your on the road and need connectivity to the internet then bluetooths the tool for the job.

Virtual Graffiti?

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:17:13 AM #
I love the T-series form factor but rather have virtual graffiti then MP3.
RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:21:17 AM #

do your ipaq sporting friends tease palms?
to run the massive amounts of applications (10?) that support it?

get real.

a 320x320 screen, integrated memory card reader and MP3 in such a small package walks on basically every other competing device, with possible exception to the casios.

if grafiti goes, put a keyboard in. the screen's fine.

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
BiffK @ 5/29/2002 10:22:02 AM #
Yes, me too. I was really anticipating this one. I keep putting off buying a new Clie (I've got a S320 which works well, but is far from cool.)

The rumors about this one really intrigued me. MP3 is cool, but I know I wouldn't use it beyond it's gadget function. I am really impressed though by ActionNames and WordSmith with the NR70's Virtual Graffiti. I was really hoping this one would have that. (I'm not terribly fond of the clamshell design.)

Well... maybe the next one... (Though by that time I will probably have broken down and bought this one...)

-Biff K

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
BiffK @ 5/29/2002 10:25:49 AM #

Sorry for the multiple posts, but me and the last guy must have posted at just about the same time (wasn't there when I first looked.)

Kind of a harsh reaction to dashed hopes! Yes there are few (but growing) number of applications that use it but:

You get a keyboard that does not have to be taped on (IE Fitaly Stamp) and does not take up space on the screen.

You get a (small but handy) feature where a shadow of your line is drawn when you write graffiti (makes your graffiti more accurate.)

Have you actually SEEN WordSmith, ActionNames or any other of the "10 applications" that support it actually on the NR70 screen? I don't have one, but I spent an hour annoying sales folk at CompUSA while I loaded WordSmith and ActionNames to see how much more scree real-estate you get... you get ALOT of screen real-estate. You can just about fit a whole page of a book in the WordSmith doc reader page, this is far better for e-book viewing.

You can see the graffiti area at NIGHT. I got the lighted stylus for this on my good old S320 and would much rather it were backlit.

You can add a skin to it to make your palm look "cooler."

It looks really "cool!" And if all you wanted was function, you could get by with a M100.


-Biff K

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:56:14 AM #
>"get real."

C'mon. You have to admit that what Sony is doing is a little crazy these days. They have introduced two non-standard video formats, and are not favoring one over the other. That's great for innovation, but the problem is that there is now a slight problem developing software for these new formats -- and software is the chief advantage of the Palm OS. With Sony's new formats, the already existing formats of 240x320 and 160x160, and the upcoming OS5 format, whatever that is, there is bound to be a lot of 1) market confusion and 2) lack of compatibility. Niether is good for Palm, nor good for Sony in the long run. I won't buy a Sony if there's not going to be software that takes advantage of the new screens, and if the existing software has problems running on it.

Ultimately, I agree that a soft graffiti area is better. Let's face it more display is better whenever you have an application running I wish Sony would stand firmly behind that hi-res standard and push it with all their corporate might, so that it becomes the de facto standard for OS5 units.

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:39:37 AM #
For those who are concerned about NRseries compatibility and updated software, I'd suggest you check out my posts in the Files section of the Clie_Users_Group and nXtClieClub at YahooGroups. The following companies have already committed to making their screens compatible:

Astraware, StandAlone, Datebk5 (as long as he doesn't run into any unforeseen problems), SplashData (they all use SONY's!), DDH Software, MobiPocket, HandsHigh... not to mention excellent apps that already support it like McFile, AcidImage, and iSilo.

I wouldn't worry too much about NR series support. From the responses I got when I inquired with the developers of my favorite apps, many of them are switching to the SONY platform anyway! I think SONY support is only going to continue to grow... I could be biased though -)


RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:45:49 AM #
Sorry, above post should have said to check out my posts in the "messages" section!
RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:14:29 PM #
Why the hell didn't Sony use the screen with virtual graffiti? With that. this device would have been awsome- AWESOME! I was looking forward to the features you get with virtual graffiti eg full screen apps display, keyboard function, and best of all customizable skins!!
They should have followed through on this. Now I may just decide to wait and not buy this.

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:19:22 PM #
>> and software is the chief advantage of the Palm OS.

This is true before Sony.

But it is not true anymore.
Sony's screen is the best. And its form factor and
its features is the best too.

Don't worry about the software, they will come.

Sony is doing all the right things so far for Palm


RE: Virtual Graffiti?
dmunz @ 5/29/2002 12:25:04 PM #
Virtual Graffiti => lighted, use in the dark.

nuff said


RE: Virtual Graffiti?
Altema @ 5/29/2002 12:48:06 PM #
"Virtual Graffiti => lighted, use in the dark."

M505 had a lit graffiti area (non-virtual of course) but no one seemed to notice.

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:08:57 PM #
>>M505 had a lit graffiti area (non-virtual of course) but no one seemed to notice.<<

Well, the backlight was so dim it was hard to tell it even WAS lit.

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
dmunz @ 5/29/2002 4:35:19 PM #
>>M505 had a lit graffiti area (non-virtual of course) but no one seemed to notice.<<

Actually, I did. That was my only regret about going from the m505 to the T615C. I noticed it right away. In total darkness, I could used my m505, I don't have that option with the Sony T615C. Oh well. I'm holding out for the OS5 units anway.



RE: Virtual Graffiti? going separate ways =band for palm OS
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 7:53:29 PM #
it does seem that sony is going crazy and palm is going the other way. both arent united in one path making it confusing for developers and consumers.
RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:59:01 PM #
>>They have introduced two non-standard video formats, and are not favoring one over the other.

Honestly. Do any of the people who post stuff like this actually READ what sites like PIC have said on this subject? These are not two seperate and incompatible formats - they use the same API!! In other words - 320 x 320 Sony compatible software will work fine in 320 x 320 on the NR series - it just leaves the grafitti area in place. They use the same API, it's just that virtual graffiti is a seperate API issue. If i am writting software that can take advantage of virtual grafitti, i have my code check to see if the device it is running on supports this feature, and if it does then i can use the above mentioned API (or any of the native Palm OS UI APIs) to make use of the extra space, by extending the 'y' values beyond 320. It is a bit of a pain in the ass to have to do extra code to support the new feature - but the great thing about Palm OS is that if i decide its not worth it - then it will still run fine on the device (in this case sony) but without the feature. Whats the problem? Why are you b*tching? If you don't want one - don't get one. Its not as if developers headaches about supporting this feature are going to effect applications on devices that don't have this feature. So don't get one. Why troll around complaining loudly about how "Sony is evil cause they hack the OS! Blah, blah blah....."? Dont you have anything better to do?

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 5:45:30 AM #
the m515 grafitti area is slightly illuminated due to some light escaping from the top (right side has a LED too). Even with the PDA turned off, I can still see the grafitti outline in total darkness. It glows sligtly. The T615 does not even with the brightness turned to highest. I own both, I prefer the m515 for extendad day usage because I can use it under the sunlight and its longer battery life. I only uses the T615 in the house when I am reading an e-book or something.
RE: Virtual Graffiti?
cykalan @ 5/30/2002 6:24:06 AM #
if the t650 screen is exactly same as NR70, it would also be completely viewable under sunlight w/o backlight.

"The T615 does not even with the brightness turned to highest. I own both, I prefer the m515 for extendad
day usage because I can use it under the sunlight"

Read your manuals before you ask!!

RE: Virtual Graffiti?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 8:29:31 AM #
I think it was kinda silly of them to put the MP3 player and not the Virtual Graffitti in the T650 when there was a separate accessory for the MP3 feature already. 'Nuff said.

Did you people notice this ?.

cyjackal @ 5/29/2002 10:19:15 AM #
Was wondering wheather you people noticed the "smaller" graffiti box on the clie t650 compared to that of the t615, might b due to the new button functions allocated on the left side of the graffiti box. Mmm, can anyone tell me what it is for ?....

when you guys check out the pics of the t650 on the site, did you notice the "smaller" graffiti box on the clie compared to that of the t615, might b due to the new button functions allocated on the left side of the graffiti box.

RE: Did you people notice this ?.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:25:29 AM #
That is a "standard" japanese graffiti area. The US version will look normal.
RE: Did you people notice this ?.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:26:14 AM #
I think you are refering to the width of the graffiti area.....on the Japanese Clie's there are additional silkscreen buttons....therefore reducing the size slightly.

''Slightly Improved Screen''?

big_raji @ 5/29/2002 10:30:42 AM #
First off, let me say that I've NEVER seen a T615 screen in person. I've also never seen a NR70 powered on, since it wasn't charged in the store. (I'm in Canada)

I've heard all the stories about how the T615 screen washes out the color, has a yellow vertical band, etc, etc.

I've then heard all the stories about how the NR70 screen has the best screen since the n610/n760 screen, and is greatly improved over the T615.

Then, I've heard the story that the T650 will have the same screen type as the NR70. If this is true, why is it only described as a "Slightly Improved Screen"?

What's Wrong With This Picture?

RE: ''Slightly Improved Screen''?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:47:00 AM #
I saw the NR70 at Future shop. It's really amazing, each half is very thin and the keyboard gives you a satisfyng click.. but for $1000 CDN it's a total rip off. It's either a uber PDA or a crappy laptop... and the distinction is hard to make. I'm going with my Fido p280+Treo 90 and the upcoming Apple 10GB hard drive digital camera/MP3 player...
RE: ''Slightly Improved Screen''?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:21:59 AM #
I have both the T615 and the newer NR70. The T615 isn't horrible although the accusations have some truth to them.

The NR screen is great and is better than the T615.

I think people would give the T650 screen better grades if it was also larger, but people are confusing the issue of screen size and the issue color quality into the same disucssion.

RE: ''Slightly Improved Screen''?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 7:56:27 AM #
If your in Canada and want an NR series - and you don't need the camera - do yourself a favour and order it from ecost and it will cost you for a NR70 about $860 - taxes and shipped to your door. I have had mine for almost a month and love it. I had a 615c for 2 months, sold it and have never been happier. I in my no tech assesment find the battery life far better than the 615c (wonder how the 650 battery life will be).

email me at if you have any questions about ordering the NR70 into Canada (the only model available in Canada is the 70v for some unknown reason).

RE: ''Slightly Improved Screen''?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 11:51:42 AM #
That's because Palminfocenter always hesitate to give SONY CLIE a full credit it deserve. They did this before when they reviewing T615c's battery,SONY BC-10 battery adapter..etc.. Don't be surprised about what they did because you can tell why from its name, they are "Palm" Infocenter.

needs thumboard

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:37:54 AM #
I would have been interested if it had the keyboard from the NR70.. but it's moot because the PEG-T6xx is not sold here in Canada...
RE: needs thumboard
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 8:35:10 AM #
Uh...if you want a keyboard so bad, then buy the NR70 series...that's what it's there for.


Worst Battery Life Ever?

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:49:15 AM #
Does this thing have the same dimensions as the T615? It seems that they have added a number of power guzzling features (including the improved screen). If it's the same size, I am afraid the battery life of this thing will be about a half hour of continual use.

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:45:45 AM #
With screen's backlight on, only one and a half hours mp3 playback with screen turned off, only 4 and a half hours mp3 play backfor normal pim usage, sony claims the battery will support 10 days, that is, less than 5 hours continuous usage according to their equation. What an awful battery life, i mean, awfully BAD!
RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:17:00 PM #
The sad thing, people will still buy it, so little encouragement for Sony to improve. I for one am hanging onto my 710C until I see a similar unit with battery life that's at least close!
RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:20:24 AM #
Considering the fact that the NR70 is powering a much larger screen and a 2x faster processor, 'only' a 25% decrease in battery life is more than acceptable.

Even the m515 suffers from average battery life. And an NR70 in a T615C shell will set records for poor battery life, since Sony will have to go with an even smaller battery.

Battery technology is moving pretty slowly compared to the technology of the devices that they are supposed to power -- you can rest assured that what's in your NR is the best battery solution that Sony could feasibly implement. They want to make the ultimate PDA as much as you want to buy one, maybe even moreso.

Future Palms will have even worse battery life - that much is certain. Just look at PPCs. Or do you think that the battery makers aren't supplying PPCs with their best technology because they hate Microsoft? Or maybe the PPC OS somehow makes the hardware draw 50% more power?

There is no magic battery solution that will make your 3.8" color screen, 66Mhz PDA last as long as your old 2.2" monochrome 16Mhz Palm V. Sorry to say.

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 8:54:00 AM #
>" Or maybe the PPC OS somehow makes the hardware draw 50% more power?"<

Actually, because of all the bloat and overhead of the PPC OS, that is exactly the case.

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
Altema @ 5/30/2002 11:31:37 AM #
"Even the m515 suffers from average battery life"

8 to 10 hours is better than average. I've been able to get 15 hours and 51 minutes of runtime before the first low battery warning, which equals 31 days of average use.

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:04:44 PM #
..isn't this a typical palm argument,

oh if you add feature, it will be BIG, bloated, and no battery life.

and out come big color screen, than small and thin while maintaining all the big screen and processor.

next come the battery. I am willing to bet soon PPC will come out with 10-12 hrs battery straight.

There are some do it yourself battery replacement for iPAQ that would double the life to about 10-12 hrs continuous already. (That would bring it par to m505 with that dim, tiny and wash out screen)

so how about it eh? innovation is not just reinventing old whining and excuse like Palm Inc does, but actually solving the technical problems.

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
Altema @ 5/30/2002 7:46:20 PM #
"There are some do it yourself battery replacement for iPAQ that would double the life to about 10-12 hrs continuous already. (That would bring it par to m505 with that dim, tiny and wash out screen)"

Ah yes, have soldering iron, will travel. Or you could go with the $80 external battery packs, which are the same size as a Palm and attach with a cable. That must look cute and professional. Here's the iPaq stats on tested battery life:

3.5 hours - Normal use with medium backlight
2.5 hours - Normal use with high backlight
1.5 hours - Normal use with Microdrive
1.5 hours - Wireless web browsing

As far as the discontinued 505 screen, yes it was dim, but some of the iPaq users I know keep their screen just as dim to save battery life. And they still use it like a real Palm. And they still have to recharge every night. Ironic, is it not?

RE: Worst Battery Life Ever?
Midknyte @ 5/31/2002 2:37:50 PM #
You're kidding right? (I know you aren't...) But I get 4-6 hrs of surf time on a Vx + Novatel modem (or a week of standby and grabs now & then) Mind you though, that is not true with the out of box configuration settings, I will admit...

No remote wand

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:07:52 AM #
Based on the pictures i've seen the T650 probably won't come with a remote wand. Looking at the earphone jack, it wont accomodate anthing other then the regualr earphones. Maybe Ed can confirm this.
RE: No remote wand
BiffK @ 5/29/2002 12:00:39 PM #
There's a couple of pictures if you follow the links and none of them appear to have the remote.

-Biff K
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:26:35 PM #
doesnt have a remote wand. thats just a volume control nob. oh well...
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:00:35 PM #
In the accessories page it appears you can buy the remote wand separately and have it attach to the universal connector on the bottom
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:55:22 PM #
Why the universal connector? Most portable audio remotes plug in through the headphone socket just fine! (I'm not disputing this, since I haven't seen the image, but this approach seems strange.)
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 4:09:27 PM #
the t650 only has a headphone jack, not a headphone and a remote jack like the nr70...cost cutting feature.
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 8:21:27 PM #
Cost cutting feature? I don't think so. It's more of a space issue.
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:13:46 PM #
what space are you saving? 2 cm? a remote control would bring the price of this unit up, thats why it isnt included. I am hoping the T665 will keep a $399 price tag, but i doubt it...its gonna cost $449.
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 5:54:03 AM #
2CM IS A LOT!!! It's obviously about space. Its not only about the larger jack for the phones, it's also about the circuit board that translate the wand for the clie. With the small space, improved battery life and screen there is very little to work with. Also as a mid/high end unit, it should have at the very least what the other "audio clies'" have.
RE: No remote wand
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 10:49:18 PM #
not increasing the thickness by 2cm, but the length of the remote jack is about 2 cm. it would cost money to include this feature...

when this device is released, its gonna cost $449 with its current feature set. more features would increase the price, thus forcing it to compete with the doesnt want that.

Same Battery as T6xx?

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:13:27 AM #
the battery for the t6xx series sucks. it's a palm, not a pocket pc. i suppose the battery can at least last for a week....
RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:31:47 PM #
it is a tradeoff.
Some people prefer long battery life, some people
prefer color screen and faster response time.

I prefer color screen and faster response time.

Do I wish M515 has longer battery life? I do.
But give me the choice of Vx and M515, I will
always pick M515.

In fact, consumers already give their votes. Most people prefer color screens.


RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
Altema @ 5/29/2002 12:53:23 PM #
Actually, if you use the M515 the same way that you would use a Vx, not using the light unless it was really needed, the 515 will outlast the Vx. Is worth the extra screen tilting to catch the available light? Depends on the scenario. For everyday use I would not bother, BUT, it's nice to know that you can go for an entire month without charging if you have to...

RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:18:22 PM #
I don't think we are talking about color Palms in comparison to greyscale, but just how the battery life on the COLOR devices is going down, not up. Everything else is getting better, but at HUGE losses to battery life. It totally sucks.
RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
Altema @ 5/29/2002 2:28:54 PM #
I see your point, but I was attempting to highlight that we have a color device with faster CPU, expansion, and yet still maintain reasonable battery life if we do not go overboard. Unfortuately as you mentioned, we seem to be heading toward the "who cares if it dies in the middle of the day" attitude.

I wonder if we are going to include extension cord weight on the new models...

RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:21:39 AM #
Considering the fact that the T650C is powering a 2x faster processor, a decrease in battery life has to be expected.

Even the m515 suffers from average battery life. And an NR70 in a T615C shell will set records for poor battery life, since Sony will have to go with an even smaller battery.

Battery technology is moving pretty slowly compared to the technology of the devices that they are supposed to power -- you can rest assured that what's in your NR/T-series is the best battery solution that Sony could feasibly implement. They want to make the ultimate PDA as much as you want to buy one, maybe even moreso.

Future Palms will have even worse battery life - that much is certain. Just look at PPCs. Or do you think that the battery makers aren't supplying PPCs with their best technology because they hate Microsoft? Or maybe the PPC OS somehow makes the hardware draw 50% more power?

There is no magic battery solution that will make your 3.8" color screen, 66Mhz PDA last as long as your old 2.2" monochrome 16Mhz Palm V. Sorry to say.

RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
gaardii @ 5/30/2002 6:20:40 AM #
Hi MaShoutPosse,

Your point about future Palms having worse battery isnt valid. The following is taken from the recent ZDNet article at

"Microsoft has made big improvements in Pocket PC power efficiency over, say, a laptop. But a Palm device carrying out the same functionality as a Pocket PC will still use about half the power," said Kyle Harper, business manager for Motorola's Wireless and Baseband Systems Group.

Gordon in Edinburgh
*Sony, or not Sony?: that is the question*

RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:36:02 PM #
It turns out, paper and pencil daytime runner actually uses only 0.000001% battery energy compare to Palm for same functionality.

(Well DOH.........what functionality are we talking about? for each single thing palm can do there are 100 tings more PPC can do)

...and let the brawl begin about yes but my palm can pick my nose in two taps less than your PPC.

RE: Same Battery as T6xx?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 7:05:17 PM #
>>>>for each single thing palm can do there are 100 tings more PPC can do

What? The motorola guy was talking about Palm OS 5 running on the ARM architecture. So tell me troll - name ONE thing that a PPC can do (aside from waste system resources) that a Palm OS 5 device wont be able to do. Just one goddamned thing. I use and like PPCs on a regular basis - but look forward to PalmOS5 devices that will have the same capability but (hopefully) use less power, AND do so in an OS that is lighter and more intuitive.

Not so boring...

ssummer @ 5/29/2002 10:42:32 AM #
At first I was going to give the T650C a big yawn when compared to the T615 but looking at the big picture (the entire PalmOS market minus the T615), it really sounds like it is going to be a great PDA with a good feature set.

A lot of people are saying they don't need/want a MP3 player. I was like that too when I got my N760 (I got a very good price on it otherwise I would have quickly gone with the N610). I was never one for portable music. But to be honest with you, I use the MP3 player a lot more than I thought I would. On flights along with a $5 set of earbud earphones, I am often listening to music while playing games or doing my other PDA related stuff. I'm glad it has MP3.

However, to me the 66MHz Dragonball is the greatest feature. Sure, I'd rather hold out for the faster OS5 units, but I'm getting to feel like a viable OS5 unit is not going to be out anytime soon:

1. Handspring with the release of the Treo 90 has just showed that their effort to put out a OS5 unit will be half-hearted at most and too little too late.
2. HandEra is not one for speedy innovation (they innovate, it just takes them forever, and if they continue with their one-horse show, I doubt their first OS5 unit would even be color).
3. Palm will most likely be first to market with an OS5 unit but given that they have yet to put out a hi-res screen and it took them until the release of the M130 to even get color right, it's a huge learning curve to get over (not to mention OS5) which makes me feel like their 1st gen OS5 unit will be nowhere near what a lot of people are expecting. Then you take a look at the M505 and how long it took them to get it right with the M515, their 2nd gen OS5 unit won't be out until the earliest 2003...
4. Sony is quick to innovate but take a look at how long the 66MHz Dragonball has been available in sufficient quantities and how long it took for Sony to get it to market. At that rate, it doesn't look like Sony will have a OS5 unit out until late fall/early winter (and it will probably be in the NR70 form factor which a lot of us don't want).

"Summer" can mean the end of August and it wouldn't be a first for Palm to miss a deadline. So to all those people holding their breath for OS5, consider the T615 as a holdover because it looks like you're going to run out of air...


RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:16:10 PM #
>>but take a look at how long the 66MHz Dragonball has been available in sufficient quantities and how long it took for Sony to get it to market.

I think the 66MHz Dragonball was announced at PalmSource wasn't it? Sony put it in the NR series which was announced, like - a month and half later. Seemed pretty quick to me.

RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:26:51 PM #
66MHz CPU is a very good improvement.

It is amazing that how people don't pay attention
to CPU speed on Palm.

I own a Vx and M515. The difference on both
Palms make a huge difference to me. I won't
go back to a Vx after I use M515.

A faster CPU makes many applications pratical too,
Like maps, some games, etc.

In my opinion, T650 is a big improvement over T615.


RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:24:00 PM #
OS 5 is just gonna allow Palm and Handspring to catch up with Sony. what will OS 5 offer that Sony doesnt already offer? Hi res screen? multimedia? faster processors? better sounds? OS 5 wont be anything new. just buy a sony and be happy.
RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:53:20 PM #
Sony is first with 66 mhz. Of course they had to wait a little bit for the price of the CPU to come down-they want to make money you know.
RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:41:11 PM #
> just buy a sony and be happy.

Get a clue--not everyone wants what Sony is offering, or else Sony would be selling more devices than Palm!

For instance, I want a device with: color, industry-standard expansion, small/light weight, and low cost. With Sony, I can meet at most 2 out of those 4 criteria (color and size/weight)... there's only one Palm OS device at this point that offers all 4 of those--and it's not from Palm, either.

RE: Not so boring...
ssummer @ 5/29/2002 2:52:53 PM #
"I think the 66MHz Dragonball was announced at PalmSource wasn't it? Sony put it in the NR series which was announced, like - a month and half later. Seemed pretty quick to me."

The SuperVZ (66MHz Dragonball) was announced around June 2001. I'd figure by January 2002 at the latest, Motorola would have had sufficient quantity to supply Sony.

"Sony is first with 66 mhz. Of course they had to wait a little bit for the price of the CPU to come down-they want to make money you know."

That wasn't my point. My point was the time it took from the announcement of the SuperVZ for Sony to actually have that chip on store shelves. It took a while and it will take some time with the ARM chips. OS5 may be ready by the end of summer, but I doubt Sony's hardware will.

"Get a clue--not everyone wants what Sony is offering, or else Sony would be selling more devices than Palm!"

I agree with you except that sales is not the best indication of what people want, especially in this complicated PDA market. The regular world still refers to them as "Palm Pilots" (including PPC's). We are all too familiar with this situation:

You: "I can do XXXXXXX with my PDA..."
Other person: *Blank stare*
You: "... err my Palm Pilot."
Other person: "Ohhhh! Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

And to make it worse those sales people at Best Buy and Circuit City aren't the brightest bunch so imagine when someone comes in asking for a "Palm Pilot". They will probably walk out with a Palm and not some crazy looking "Clie" (whatever the hell that is) from Sony. (Unfair) Advantage Palm.


I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 6:46:32 PM #
How the hell is that an "unfair" advatange? Palm was first and they have most of the market. If Sony (or any other maker) really offered what the majority of users wanted then the average Joe would be more familiar with the term Clie or PPC. Palm earned it.


RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 7:37:56 PM #
its not unfair, but Palm has the advantage...its like diapers...most people refer to them as pampers, even though pampers is a name brand...or fridgidair and refrigerators...even I sometimes catch myself calling my sony clie a 'palm pilot'....I am very quickly breaking that habit.
RE: Not so boring...
ssummer @ 5/29/2002 8:30:43 PM #
"How the hell is that an "unfair" advatange? Palm was first and they have most of the market. If Sony (or any other maker) really offered what the majority of users wanted then the average Joe would be more familiar with the term Clie or PPC. Palm earned it.


So just because they were first, they deserve all the credit for the innovations put forth by Handspring, HandEra and Sony? Doesn't sound fair to me.

Fact is, a lot of what makes "Palm Pilots" as popular as they are today has nothing to do with Palm. Sure, Palm laid the groundwork, but it's the "other makers" that built the house and Palm has just been sponging off them ever since.

Take a Business 101 course and you'll quickly learn that market share doesn't always correlate with what the "average Joe wants". You should know better.


RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:49:17 PM #
In Asia, Sony should pass Palm by now.

If the current trend continues, Sony will pass
Palms in north America, and Europe too.

RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 8:43:26 AM #
...its like diapers...most people refer to them as pampers, even though pampers is a name brand...or fridgidair and refrigerators...

Funny....I always called them diapers and refrigerators....

RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 8:44:48 AM #
>"Fact is, a lot of what makes "Palm Pilots" as popular as they are today has nothing to do with Palm. Sure, Palm laid the groundwork, but it's the "other makers" that built the house and Palm has just been sponging off them ever since."<

Ok, that has to be the winner of the dumbest comment of the day award. There wouldn't even have been a house to build if PalmOS wasn't there for the licensees to innovate with! Yes, the other makers, as you call them, have contributed much with their innovations, but in the overall picture, Palm branded handhelds are still the vast majority. To say Palm has an unfair advantage is completely absurd. They worked on PalmOS and Palm PDA's for years before anyone else even bothered to try. They didn't lay the groundwork, they practically built the house. The others just put (very impressive) window dressing on it.

RE: Not so boring...
ssummer @ 5/30/2002 9:27:33 AM #
"Ok, that has to be the winner of the dumbest comment of the day award. There wouldn't even have been a house to build if PalmOS wasn't there for the licensees to innovate with!"

I cannot emphasize the importance of reading BEFORE replying. Try it some time. When I admitted that Palm put down the groundwork, for you to restate it was just wasting everyone's time.

"Yes, the other makers, as you call them, have contributed much with their innovations, but in the overall picture, Palm branded handhelds are still the vast majority."

Your grasp of the obvious is simply amazing. You might want to also READ my comment about market share vs. user wants.

"To say Palm has an unfair advantage is completely absurd."

The average person will most likely think that "Palm Pilots" (the layman's term for PDAs) are made by Palm and that if it doesn't have PALM written on the front then it's not a "Palm Pilot". That's unfair.

When the average person goes into a store asking for a "Palm Pilot", they most likely will be shown a PALM or will feel they are not getting a real "Palm Pilot" if it doesn't say PALM on it. That's an advantage.

Unfair + advantage = unfair advantage. Did I dumb it down enough for you yet?

"They worked on PalmOS and Palm PDA's for years before anyone else even bothered to try. They didn't lay the groundwork, they practically built the house.
The others just put (very impressive) window dressing on it."

Do you want me to give Palm a medal for being the first? Do they also deserve a medal for incorporating everyone else's innovations and not adding anything to the pot? If it wasn't for all this "window dressing" (must be a glass house if you call it just window dressing) we would all probably be using a Palm that was not much more than a Vx with a new choice of color face plates or something...


RE: Not so boring...
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 6:50:15 PM #
but that was part of Palm's plan. They knew that they couldn't think of all the great ideas by themselves. On the other hand they don't want bragging rights-they just want something that works even if all they're doing is copying what everyone else does. Result: a more advanced Palm that doesn't let go of reality (such as battery life, decent buttons, not discontinuing models every 2 months, etc)
Ssummer stop posting so much- ur too damn annoying
abosco @ 6/1/2002 4:03:11 PM #
So Kleenex is unfair because of its marketing techniques to repeat the name to get it stuck in the viewers' heads to say "Could you pass me a Kleenex" instead of tissue. So Jello also has an unfair advantage in the flavored jelatin department too? It's Sony's own fault that they have a different marketing technique than Palm (whatever their marketing technique may be). Kudos to Palm for being the first of its kind and giving it a catchy name. So don't go bitchin about reasons why your precious Sony branded Clie isn't selling as well as Palms. Why don't you ask Sony what products are more important for them and I guarantee you their Clies aren't even in their top 5.

Odds are....

sandbuck @ 5/29/2002 11:19:01 AM #
Just about zero that Palm will ever produce an OS 4,5 or 6 model with built-in MP3. There's no excuse with OS 6 if it runs nativiely on ARM as advertiesed. I would love Sony's features in 500-series case with real buttons.

RE: Odds are....
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:28:39 PM #
There will be MP3 playback support on Palm's OS 5 devices.
RE: Odds are....
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:18:31 PM #
>>There will be MP3 playback support on Palm's OS 5 devices.<<

Can you please offer a source?

All that's been reported is that PalmSOURCE is including multimedia support in OS5. Nothing I've seen has indicated Palm has promised ANYTHING in its OS5 models, let alone MP3 playback.

So please, offer a source, or you'll be consigned to appearing as one of those dumb-ass d**kheads who shoot their mouths off with no rhyme or reason, just ignorance.

RE: Odds are....
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:47:57 PM #
Even if Palm didn't include one themselves, somebody could easily write one.

Who are your sources that Palm will never produce a model with built-in MP3? Does the teacher know you are using the school computer to post foul language?

RE: Free SONY Marketing Research
hotpaw4 @ 5/29/2002 3:09:06 PM #
Many pocket MP3 players just use an ARM CPU and a software decoder. Since PalmOS 5 runs on ARM CPU's, an MP3 player will only require a software port if the CPU performance is reasonable. No DSP required with a high enough MHz pipelined CPU.

RE: Odds are....
sandbuck @ 5/29/2002 7:15:35 PM #
Yes, but it will require a headphone jack built in to the unit. I doubt Palm will do that. Sure a 3rd party could make one to hang off of the univ connector, but that is bulky, un-cool solution.

RE: Odds are....
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:15:25 PM #
> I doubt Palm will do that.

Oh, please! Go buy this device then, since you obviously know what Palm will be doing for their OS 5 devices. We certainly wouldn't want you to think twice about your purchase.

Screen Size

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:28:53 AM #
"The T650C uses the same screen type as the NR series, though it isn't the same size."

How different is the screen size, from the pictures it looks identical to the screen on the T615?

Also does anyone knows the device's tickness?


Wong Fei-Hung

RE: Screen Size
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:41:17 AM #
"The T650C uses the same screen type as the NR series, though it isn't the same size."

This means the screen size of T650C is different from the NR series, not from T615C. I suppose it should be the same size as on a T615C.

RE: Screen Size
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:19:38 PM #
RE: Screen Size
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:10:22 PM #
RE: Screen Size
nXt @ 5/30/2002 1:03:28 AM #
I think Ryan meant....... the T650 will use the same screen type as the NR70 but not the same size.. ie... NR70 screen is 320x480... the T615/650 is 320x320.

nXt's Clie Club
Place To Be For Sony Clie Discussion

New Bluetooth memory Stick ???

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:27:48 AM #
There is a picture on the Sony Japan page that shows a Memory Stick module with with antenna. It is on the page with the ictures of the new device. It is not on the accessory page which does show the regular bluetooth Memory Stick.

Any word on either of these Bluetooth memory Stick being released in the U.S.

Why the new antenna ???

RE: New Bluetooth memory Stick ??? Not
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:23:52 PM #
Sigh.. Look at it. That is not a MS that is a compact flash bluetooth card in the compact flash sled.
RE: New Bluetooth memory Stick ???
Doc Logic @ 5/29/2002 4:16:16 PM #
I don't know when the Bluetooth Memory Stick will be available in a US version, but you can get the Japanese version from Expansys (see

I have used it successfully with a USB Bluetooth adapter. I just installed all the PRC's from the CD (except the Japaneses overlays). I posted my detailed experiences in the Forums.

Now all I need is a cool CDMA2000 bluetooth phone like the LG VX9000 (supposed to be out in June) ...

Anybody see the accessories they have in Japan?

BiffK @ 5/29/2002 12:04:41 PM #
I wish I lived in Japan! I went to WorldLingo and translated the site. There's an accessory page with all sorts of goodies.

The aforementioned Keyboard

Oh well, maybe they'll make it Stateside soon.

-Biff K

RE: Anybody see the accessories they have in Japan?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 12:36:07 PM #
Sony's GPS module is expensive and
can only be used for too short time.

Not very useful.


RE: Anybody see the accessories they have in Japan?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:30:13 PM #
The CF sled supposedly only works with one or two very specific CF cards.

Not very useful either.

RE: Anybody see the accessories they have in Japan?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 2:01:15 PM #
When is the Bluetooth Memory Stick being released in the U.S. ???
RE: Anybody see the accessories they have in Japan?
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 9:02:01 AM #

Such a "sleeve" feature is precisely why the first Ipaqs were so largely criticized. While the Ipaq sold incredibly well, there were still many who passed it up in favor of having a PDA with industry standard expansion (i.e. CF or SD/MMC, or both) built into the unit.


PFloyd @ 5/29/2002 12:53:14 PM #
Essentially very few will be able to keep track of all the models and features of the Sony PDA's.

RE: Essentially
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 1:28:23 PM #
but you arent supposed to. sony only improves their current models when they need improving. how long was the N760 on the market? or the S320? the T600 needed improvment, and improvement was given to it. who the heck has the money to buy every new sony that is released. if you are a happy T600 owner, then why upgrade? you dont need to.

Please just give me longer battery and 320x320

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 3:17:04 PM #
and of course 650cs thin design and im a happy pdageek!!!! please sony please!!!!! we need more battery! its just so frustrating that battery has always been a factor and something no one ever tried to solve.
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
zigzago @ 5/29/2002 3:25:37 PM #
You can't get something for nothing. If you want longer battery life with a color screen and MP3 player then you need bigger battery and give up the thin design.

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 5:07:53 PM #
But with only One and a half hours of countinous use, it's even worst than earlier generations of PKPC!!
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 5:12:46 PM #
What somebody needs to come up with is one of those solar strips you see on calculators. That would solve a lot of problems, hmm?

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 5:57:03 PM #
Theyre going too wild with addon features and ignored the most important part. this is the reason why palm still rules the market. palm sticks to simplicity and more on useability. thats what you call a PDA. not a Personal digital parttime assistant.

its just getting worse and worse... they cant even make one with replaceable battery.

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 6:41:42 PM #
>>You can't get something for nothing. If you want longer battery life with a color screen and MP3 player then you need bigger battery and give up the thin design.

Exactly. So my question is - why not give a little on the 'thin design' and give us a slightly larger battery? I wouldn't mind a couple of millimeters or so extra (.1 inch) if it doubled my battery life.

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
jimrker @ 5/29/2002 7:35:21 PM #
"its just getting worse and worse... they cant even make one with replaceable battery"

If it's just getting worse and worse then why is Sony's share climbing?

Sure - there are trade-offs. But one look at that 320x320 screen and you are hooked.

Jim Kershaw

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 8:24:52 PM #
320x320 is tempting but i will stick with my trusty m505 real organizer. yeah the screen sucks but hey its reliable =) but i can tell you this, my next palm WILL have 320x320. nothign will be in between that (so that means im passing on the treo 90, handsprings desperate act).

Im not anti-sony or palm fanatic. i just want my next purchase to be what i want to be. but keep it up sony...just dont forget battery life please...

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
Recce @ 5/29/2002 10:26:01 PM #
Note that 1.5 hrs of continuous use refer to the MP3 playback only and with display on. You're quoting the worse ever situation or power drainage.

For normal Palm application usage, it should be about same as T615, or about 5 hrs.

"The only easy day was yesterday"

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:26:43 PM #
I just my 505 out of the drawer when the digitizer went out on my T615C. I got the feeling of "trustworthy" using it again. The big stylus, firm digitizer feel, solid buttons. I spent alot of time messing with hi-res in Action names, going back and forth between Handstory and Wordsmith for Docs and memos, adjusting fonts here and there (Thin-Fontfix) for readability. I'm now realizing that the whole time using the 615, I was trying to get it "readable" like the 505, despite the beautiful screen. I'll probably get this T650, but the 5xx series is a classic.
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:01:41 PM #
wow a whole 5 hours? cool.... NOT!

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:08:02 PM #
its not 5 hours, its ten hours....i usually get about 11 hours on a low/med backlight with my t615
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:43:20 AM #
I agree. I want more battery life. F*** the MP3, enhanced speaker, and IR range. The #1 problem with my T615 is batery life.
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:25:48 AM #
Considering the fact that the T650C is powering a 2x faster processor, a decrease in battery life has to be expected.

Even the m515 suffers from average battery life. And an NR70 in a T615C shell will set records for poor battery life, since Sony will have to go with an even smaller battery.

Battery technology is moving pretty slowly compared to the technology of the devices that they are supposed to power -- you can rest assured that what's in your NR/T-series is the best battery solution that Sony could feasibly implement. They want to make the ultimate PDA as much as you want to buy one, maybe even moreso.

Future Palms will have even worse battery life - that much is certain. Just look at PPCs. Or do you think that the battery makers aren't supplying PPCs with their best technology because they hate Microsoft? Or maybe the PPC OS somehow makes the hardware draw 50% more power?

There is no magic battery solution that will make your 3.8" color screen, 66Mhz PDA last as long as your old 2.2" monochrome 16Mhz Palm V. Sorry to say.

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:49:48 PM #
They should at least make the battery user replaceable and offer a thicker battery replacement like some of the cell phones out there.
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:07:44 PM #
m515 average life? Mine lasted 10 hours of continous usage on 33Mhz (on time), standby for 1 month
RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:26:11 PM #
Tests conducted by this very site confirmed that the m515 has a battery life comparable to the T615C. With a brighter screen (compared to the dismal m505) comes a larger power drain. This isn't black magic.

RE: Please just give me longer battery and 320x320
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 4:21:32 PM #
"They should at least make the battery user replaceable and offer a thicker battery replacement like some of the cell phones out there."

EXACTLY! and it will be our problem on fitting it on a case, but at least we have an option! how hard is it to have a removable battery? nokia has done it a long time ago why cant sony do that? the best they came up with is a travel charger! stooopidd

Blah, blah de dah!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 6:41:58 PM #
No "innovation" here. Looks like the T615 was NOT selling at all, so they're coming out with supposed more bells and whistles. In the meantime they've also managed to cut the already absurd battery life of the T615 thus making this T650 one of the lowest battery life pda's out there. This is a pockect PC pda with a palm OS on it.
It's sad where Sony has taken the palm OS, from a simple, clean, fast OS with on pda's that can last for weeks on a charge into a powerhungry, low battery life multimedia toy for techno-nerds who go around listening to their mp3's on a $500 dollar gadget that has to be charged every 2 hours and can only hold 128mb on a propeitary memory stick that you can only use on your OTHER sony equipment all while you look at pictures on the "new and improved" screen or play a game using the tiny, useless buttons or maybe use the handy jog dial to locate a friend's number since you can't use the toothpick stylus which you dropped on the couch and can't find, and while you're at it maybe use the the ever so handy remote control feature to find your favorite movie on the tube but by that time your battery will have run out and the unit will have to charged for the second time that day and on and on it goes. Absolutely Pathetic.
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 7:17:36 PM #
Ha ha, pretty funny!!

Actually, I would very much like the 650 if the battery life were better. I agree with the other poster, make it a little thicker and put in a better battery.

I will say the most of the time it doesn't matter (during the week it's in the cradle much of the day.) But a shorter battery life would be a pain on weekends.

My 760 lasts me pretty much through the weekend, that battery is good enough for me.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
sandbuck @ 5/29/2002 7:19:17 PM #
Rant rhetoric score: 9 out of 10
Intelligence score: 4 out of 10
Old man-Loser score: 10 out of 10

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 7:27:14 PM #
Hey everyone, It's Buck Rogers.

Dear Mr. Rogers,

Can you please do me a huge favor. Since you're like from the future and all that, how's about you tellin them techs over at sony how to power their new and improved Power eating devices (T650, NR, etc) . Maybe they can use some of your super high-tech inter-stellar power generating technology or somethin.....

Anyway, I am ranting because I am upset, I'm also very intelligent (3.8 in college), and I'm no where near being an old man(25 to be exact). SO why don't you get on your space ship and go back to the planet Garcon or whatever. I have a right to speak my mind about a new and improved product that I'm not too excited about.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:24:13 PM #
Outside of the rant, the original poster is right. Sony's only innovations were in the 710 a year ago with hi-res color and built-in MP3 playback. Sony's throwing all they've got (money and R&D) into these devices and it's not bringing them much back as far as market share goes. Businesses like Sony want to be #1 or #2 in a market, and they are struggling to be tied with a couple of others for a very distant #2. Unless something gives before the end of this year, I don't expect Sony to stay in this market much longer.
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:55:13 PM #
Come on. Sony is already no. 2.

They will catch Palm if the current trend continue.

Sony only enter this market less than 2 years.

Palm has worked on this market for 6 or more years.
Success doesn't happen over night. Just like
Jeff's Zoomer is a bomb.


RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:42:01 PM #
Remember, it's not just the US market that counts... I know the US accounts for the majority of handhelds sold but Japan and Europe are huge markets. Australia and Canada are vocal but smaller.

Also, I think Sony has done fine, innovation-wise. My problem, as with several other posters including the original, is that an m100 will do everything I need an organiser for. Vibrating alarms help with this function (as does a louder speaker). Prolonged battery life, slim design, light weight are all I really want. That's because I don't want a multimedia entertainment machine. Those that do can buy an NR70V or a laptop, since they are about the same size and weight.

Of all the products I have seen, I'm most excited about the Treo 180g. Imagine an m100 with a built-in phone! That's genuine innovation! Now if only the cost would come down to that of an m100 ($100) plus a phone ($100), I'd buy one in a shot.

Finally, proof of intelligence is if you can make a sensible point without providing personal information that trolls can come back and hang you with later )

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:02:32 PM #
what are you talkin about the n710 was sonys only innovation? you dont call the NR70V innovative? virtual grafitti, MP3 player, built in thumbpad, built in camera, a REAL speaker, clamshell has done soooooo much for the palm OS...dont deny this.
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:16:26 PM #
"Those that do can buy an NR70V or a laptop, since they are about the same size and weight."

This is really a sign of old man loser syndrome, can you find me a laptop that is the same size and weight of the NR70V??

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:17:49 PM #
Or maybe he has problem with the meaning of "about". To him, the distance between LA and SF is about the same between LA and Tokyo.
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:23:00 PM #
Bottom line is ,and I think this is what the original poster was trying to say, the battery life on this new device simply sucks. I have to agree on that point. Other than that I think he's got a little too much time on his hands.

Just go get an m515 like I did and you'll be very happy. It has fairly good battery life compared to the sony. I keep mine on low light setting and I get one week between charges. It's also light and compact which fits my needs just fine. Stop that ranting, its only inviting more idiot sony defenders to rip you to shreds.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:27:10 AM #

Do you think that PPC makers are just incompetent and simply overlook battery life issues when designing their PDAs? The fact of the matter is that the more powerful the device is, the more power it will need -- thus it ***will*** suffer from lower battery life than other, lesser models.

If you want Palm V battery life, GET A PALM V. If you want a machine with the highest res screen on the market, along with the fastest PalmOS processor out there, PREPARE TO PAY FOR IT IN BATTERY LIFE.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 2:18:30 AM #
I was a long battery champion until I saw an NR70V. Nothing beats a backlit screen. What a difference in terms of usability. My handera was only visible in bright light and I always had to sit under a fluorescent light fixture and adjust the angle of the unit in order to see properly. BTW, I do have 20/20 vision still.
My handera got on average 22 hours of use on 4 triple A's with an average of 45 minutes of backlight use. You could almost watch the battery level drop when you had the backlight on. The NR 70 will go 5 to 5.5 hours of heavy use: but it's continuously backlit.(No MP3 playing at all in use time)

That is a downside but with a car cigarette lighter charger when you are away from home or leaving it in the cradle every night when you are at home, you will be fine and get a full day's heavy duty use out of one full charge. I average 4 hours of Palm use on a busy day. I use batterylog to monitor the actual "on" time.

If I remember *correctly*, my PalmVx was only a little better than the NR70 but it was not much better: I still had to charge it every night to ensure enough juice for the next day. It would go for 2 or 3 days, but only if little used.

I agree somewhat with alot of the poster's points. I do hope that there will always be a market for long lasting units and even for black and white, but once you taste the clarity of a bright and hi-rez screen it will be difficult to go back. Perhaps after a few more months with the NR70 I will wax nostalgic for the "good old days" of disposable battery units that lasted a week.

One thing is for certain though: batteries will get smaller and more powerful and processors will get smaller and more efficient. 10 years from now we will be complaining about a whole new set of things with regards to PDA's. It's inevitable and irreversable that more and more will be packed into PDA's.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 2:18:59 AM #
I don't think they can hear you Mashoutposse. Yell louder. People need to look at the battery life problem in the perspective of a laptop owner. You would think years and years later that laptops can last all day. Well they can if you get the lower powered laptops with transmeta crusoe chips and have a main battery and 2 secondary batteries. However there is no such option for PDA's. Someone should sell a battery sled for the T650C (and other PDAs) so that they can have the same battery life as a Palm V and feel like an IPAQ with a dual PC Card sled. A Nice brick an inch thick with batteries that can go foever. *smirk*
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 5:56:09 AM #
Sony didn't just bring hires. That wasn't enough so they came up with hires+ with virtual grafitti. So when PalmOS 5 comes and everyone will have 320X320 screens, Sony will still be ahead of the game. They'll probably even come up with cooler things like 3D hardware chips or something just to be ahead of everyone else.
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 6:13:58 AM #
batteries will never catch up with 400 mhz cpus with 128 megs, hires+, mp3...and if they ever do don't worry. they'll throw in wi-fi, 3d graphics, a tiny hard drive, more gigahertz and megabytes...
RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 8:21:41 AM #
"Sony's only innovations were in the 710 a year ago with hi-res color and built-in MP3 playback."

Hello? Have you seen the NR70V?

The 650 is obviously meant as an update to an already excellent design. I'd say 66 MHz CPU, MP3 playback, and the brighest, most vibrant screen you can get in a PDA (the same as the NR70 sans virtual graffiti) are worthwhile improvements.

Also, it's the only 4.x ounce PDA that can play MP3s.

My question is about battery life. The 5.0 ounce Toshiba e310 PPC reportedly get between 2 and 7 hours of battery life. Anyone have first-hand experience with it compared to the 615, which supposedly gets between 5 and 11 hours?

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
ssummer @ 5/30/2002 9:05:21 AM #
Geez, it's funny with all this talk about the trade-offs of battery life vs. bright, hi-res screens that no-one has mentioned the N760/610. Sure it's a tad thick, but it still has one of the best and brightest color screens ever put into a PDA and great battery life.

Yeah, yeah I know it's discontinued but there are still plenty of new ones out there that can be had for a price close to the new Treo 90...


RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 9:12:57 AM #
>"what are you talkin about the n710 was sonys only innovation? you dont call the NR70V innovative? virtual grafitti, MP3 player, built in thumbpad, built in camera, a REAL speaker, clamshell has done soooooo much for the palm OS...dont deny this."<

Why shouldn't I deny what isn't true? The fact is, most of these innovations had already been done by various other licensees. Sony merely copied them and put it all in one PDA.

Virtual Graffiti: Handera did this a full year before Sony.

Built-in Thumbpad: Handspring did this in the Treo already.

A real speaker: Ever hear of the TRGpro? This has been out for years. Handera also kept said feature in their 330 model.

Clamshell Design: I fail to see this as a desireable feature, but since you don't... While Sony's model may be the first PalmOS device with a clamshell design NEC, HP and others already had clamshell designs on WinCE devices years ago.

MP3 Player: Sony gets credit for a PalmOS device that plays MP3's, but again, this had already been done on other OS's.

Camera: Is this really anything more than a "gee-whiz" feature? maybe. The only real innovation here however is that Sony made it part of the PDA itself. Eymodule and PalmPix were snapping pics with Palms long before Sony did this.

Add to this the fact that Sony continues to insist on using a proprietary expansion format (MemStick) over industry standards, and I fail to see anything compelling here except the screen, which I admit is really nice.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
gaardii @ 5/30/2002 9:48:38 AM #
Something that people should bear in mind is that the Sony models are being marketed as "Personal Entertainment Organisers" rather than as the traditional PDA. The remit has changed, so when comparing battery life between different makes and different models, think apples and oranges.

The charge that Sony isn't actually innovating anything (or at least only little) won't stand - sure Handera has had virtual graffiti for yonks but it was only available to the consumer in a form factor that resembled a brick. And it weighed almost the same too. (Apologies to Handera owners for dissin' your machine - no offence intended). Sony is doing what a lot of Japanese companies excel at - they miniturise technology developed by someone else. I truly doubt that the reason PalmInc (or whatever its calling itself today) has shown a distinct lack of innovation is because they are waiting for batteries to become more powerful.

Gordon from Edinburgh
*I can see blue sky from my window*

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:30:03 PM #
> sure Handera has had virtual graffiti for yonks but it
> was only available to the consumer in a form factor that
> resembled a brick. And it weighed almost the same too.
> (Apologies to Handera owners for dissin' your machine -
> no offence intended).

Offence greatly taken since your info is wrong. The HandEra 330 is essentially the same size as the NR series. Except the HandEra 330 is shorter by almost an inch and weighs considerably less.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 4:58:48 PM #
"The HandEra 330 is essentially the same size as the NR series. Except the HandEra 330 is shorter by almost an inch and weighs considerably less."

The Chevy Impala is essentially the same size as the BMW 7 series and weighs considerably less. This doesn't mean that its aesthetic qualities are on par with the BMW. Granted, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you fail to take into consideration that plastic (handera 330) weighs less than magnesium (nr70v). And as for being shorter, last time I checked the handera 330 doesn't have an integrated camera.

RE: Blah, blah de dah!!
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 11:20:19 PM #
and the NR70 doesn't have a compact flash slot or a voice recorder. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by saying how the NR70 is not aesthetically pleasing or that the NR70 is a brick. Anyhow, your bouncing from one made up story/excuse to the next doesn't prove anything except for your ignorance.

Comparison Screenshot w/ T610/NR70

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:55:59 PM #
RE: Comparison Screenshot w/ T610/NR70
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 4:48:16 AM #
nice - the reds seems bright and practically jump out of this photo when compared to the 615.

Sony needs inovation.

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 9:59:31 PM #
If Sony wanted they could inovate. They only need to change the OS.

Sony should use LINUX! or at least Pocket PC. That's the best posible convination. Linux provee Grafito Virtual y tambien mas programas en las gradas. usen Linux y Nombres de aacion para que vean.

University Of Puerto Rico
Computer Engineering Department

We use and endorse Acition Names DateBK and linux!

RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 10:08:49 PM #
get a zaurus. does that mean sharp innovates?
RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:57:47 PM #
and how many apps are for linux on handhelds? Sony knows what it's doing. Look how Playstation 2 is kicking Xbox out of the ballpark
RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:59:16 PM #
Linux platform in PDA is so fragmented. I wonder if you have program in Linux. Most of the users of linux are network admin. Right now, there are very few programs in linux in Sharp Zaurus. Please the URL of your Linux program if done. I doubt that you have not. I guess you are just a first year college student who is trying to learn programming. Most of Palm User have already considered Sharp Zaurus but it doesn't useful programs like Avantgo or Plucker. Do you programming first and return when you have done a linux apps in PDA, Okay?
RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:20:14 AM #
The Zaurus is a nice PDA. The OS is really nice on it, and it is a perfect balance for someone looking for a more advanced Palm OS, and a stable PPC. :) I seriously think that Linux will gain popularity, just as it is on desktops.
RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 3:44:51 AM #
As a CLIE and Zaurus owner, I would say that Zaurus users tend to write their own applications (yes, I'm generalizing). I doesn't take long to learn QT programming, and it isn't hard to port some program into QT either. Considered the fact that Zaurus has only been introduced not long ago, you wouldn't be surprised if there are not much applications available.

Still, it's a great machine.

RE: Sony needs inovation.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 4:50:41 AM #
>>>I seriously think that Linux will gain popularity, just as it is on desktops

Actually linux has been effectively stalled on the desktop - and most Linux vendors have basically admitted that it isnt going to takeover the desktop market either. Popular as a Server OS and for power users but too difficult for most people. I like Linux - but it will never grab a majority share of PDA market and it will never takeover on the desktop. The question then, becomes: as the number 3 PDA OS (assuming Symbian doesnt become no.3) will there be an adequate supply of software to satisfy those who adopt the platform?

I should have bought a Palm

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/29/2002 11:47:17 PM #
I have a N760 but sometimes I wish I had bought a m505 instead. Why? Because the N760 is no longer in the market.

I don't mind that Sony innovates fast, but I don't like the fact that a newly released PDA is taken out of production after just a few months.

At this rate of change, which company will produce accessories for the Sony PDAs? I have visited malls and computer shops where there are tons of accessories for the m505 form factor, but just a handful (if at all) for the Sony N series, lesser still for the T series. I know that I will not buy all accessories that are released anyway, but isn't it great to have a choice?

Then, there is the issue of support. Can I trust that Sony will suport/repair an out of production device once the warranty runs out?

Yes, the screen is great, and the MP3 playing capability (without add-ons) is unique. But now I realise why 80% of PDA owners I know own a Palm. For the normal consumer, the wide range of accessories available make the Palm PDAs simply more attractive.

If you don't believe me, just think about PalmOS and PPC OS. Doesn't the wide range/choice of software make the PalmOS more attractive?

RE: I should have bought a Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:00:34 AM #
thanks God you didn't....

First of all, what is the purpose of your purchase of N760? Do it do anything less than your expectation? If it does, then, N760 pass the first (and the most important) test.

Second, accessories. True, Clie has less accessories than Palm has. But again, would you buy "all" the accessories if you had brought a Palm?

As to why there are more people buying Palm than Clie, I have no clue and cannot explain it at all. My very biased opinion is that there are some psy'l factors involved.

Anyway, just try to make PDA work for you, not the other way around! Enjoy!

RE: I should have bought a Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:36:26 AM #
Clies are hard to get/buy solely marketed in Japan and USA and the power supply is 110 not good for other countries. Good lately Sony selling in other countries like Australia which is 220volts power supply. I like Clie but I bought m505 since they are not available in Australia in November last year. I would like to buy Dragon MX1 or MX2 Sony Clie (Palm OS 5.0) later on. I hope Sony would release simultaneously the Clies.
RE: I should have bought a Palm
PFloyd @ 5/30/2002 12:44:35 PM #
I have an M505 and I use the SD, keyboard, serial cable and charging usb hotsync cable. I'd rather have a Sony NR70/V. I love 'em. One thing that makes me resist the Sony is the accessories that I have that work fine on other's newer Palms. I can and do share them. I do feel that if I were to buy a Sony I'd have to buy everything I could need in the lifetime of the unit right away while they're available. If I do decide I need more memory I can get an M515 and I'm set as far as my charging cable, etc. go.

BTW, Vaja has some beautiful Sony cases now.

RE: I should have bought a Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:04:17 PM #
I have the m515 and bought it purely because of the Xircom Wireless Lan module! Now where on earth can I get that for a Clie??? (I also have a T615 but gave it to my younger brother)
RE: I should have bought a Palm
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:05:24 PM #
Sony Clie has not been confirmed to run on Dragonball MX processors yet. Except Palm (they are going for Texas Instruments), no other licensees has announced their processor supplier.

I'm holding out for 900 mhz pda.

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:34:41 AM #
In a fewer more months this model will be history.

RE: I'm holding out for 900 mhz pda.
bcombee @ 5/30/2002 1:32:45 AM #
I think those are called Cybikos... they communicate back and forth over the open 900MHz spectrum, though their processors and screens leave a lot to be desired.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: I'm holding out for 900 mhz pda.
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:12:21 PM #
next palm would only run at about 200mHz. don't hold your breath.

is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:09:31 AM #
OK, I have seen enough of pro and con of this upcoming new machine. To be honestly, I am not that excited. HOWEVER, as a Clie T615 owner, my eyes are set on the KEYBOARD instead!!!

... dear T-series owners, are you excited at all???

RE: is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 1:28:03 AM #
Psion is also a good machine. I was temped to buy a REVO(?) couple of months ago. But anyway, we all have different needs, right?

... don't stay drunk for too long. Bad for your health -)

RE: is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???
cpwoo @ 5/30/2002 4:09:18 AM #
I am torn. I have used small keyboards for old PDA (whether they deserve to be called PDA is a separate question) such as HP OmniGo 100 and Sharp Wizard (which did have stylus... I forgot the model number), but I never got used to feel of the keyboard.

Question for me now is 1) should I wait for ThinkOutside's keyboard that was promised for Q2 release (but haven't seen it confirmed)? or 2) just buy this keyboard?

RE: is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???
bookrats @ 5/30/2002 1:24:16 PM #
Frankly, it looks to me like a removable version of the Treo keyboard/keypad -- tiny little keys that you have to hunt and peck with.

I'm still holding out for the Stowaway keyboard, though it sounds as if that's being delayed until Q3. Some of the comments from Think Outside makes me wonder if Sony has refused to part with technical info needed to write a keyboard driver for the T-Series/NR-70 connector.

Given that Sony's making their own keyboard, that could explain part of their reasoning.


Jeff Meyer

RE: is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 11:45:02 PM #
Have you looked at the keyboard layout, though? Tab and Caps Lock are on the right, and the Enter key is where the right-half of the space bar normally would be. Ick.
RE: is there anyone exciting about the KEYBOARD???
jimski @ 6/2/2002 12:12:33 AM #
BTW, the new Micro Innovations Infrared keyboard works great with a T-615 and NR70V. No wires or connectors to deal with. I too was waiting for a keyboard solution, but September is a long way off.

Hopefully, by then Bluetooth devices (and Sticks) will flood the market, and the Targus keyboard can collect dust on store shelves. They should have put this keyboard out weeks after the T-415 hit the store shelves, not nine months later.

Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 9:19:20 AM #
Like all Sony PDAs, it's another toy. How anyone can rely on such a device for REAL day-to-day operations is beyond me. I used a T615 for a few months and would categorize myself as a light user. If I forgot to charge the damn thing ONE TIME at night, I was looking at minimal battery power the next morning.

MP3, picture viewing, movies on a PDA? Joke. I always go back to Datebk4 and Handbase and my Palm IIIxe manages fine with these apps. Plus I don't have to worry about my PDA dying due to battery drain when I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Sure Sony has created some exciting products, but one must wonder: where has the original Palm philosophy gone? The Palm OS works great for the key apps that originally turned us on, the apps (and their customized brethren) that are launched by the four buttons. The new Sony devices might just as well be WIN CE devices. That's certainly the feeling I ended up with four months after dealing with the T615. It reminded me of the empty feeling I had when I demoed an IPAQ for a few months. All show and no go, games and diversions that tended to draw attention away from the real reason I got a Palm in the first place: to get organized and make better decisions with info at my fingertips.

I leave these Sony devices to those of you who need expensive toys that keep you occupied when you're on the plane or train, or when you want to tune out reality. This seems to be the real attraction -- providing people with a device that allows them to tune out the sights and smells of reality the same way a full-sized PC does. Now you can spend 24/7 glued to a color screen and you don't have to FEEL any connection at all to the flesh-and-blood world.

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
batsai @ 5/30/2002 10:54:59 AM #
>How anyone can rely on such a device for REAL day-to-
>day operations is beyond me.
>The new Sony devices might just as well be WIN CE

Why? At its core, the T615 is a Palm OS device! This means it shares the same qualities as it's predecessors of being very user friendly. Sure it has a lot of extra features, but it's up to you whether or not to use them. If you had so much dislike for all the extras, why didn't you get an S300 series Clie or other entry level handheld? In terms of "real day to day operations," the T615 has one of the easiest to read screens, ESPECIALLY for the built in applications. The audio capabilities for which you show so much disgust also provide for alarms that are actally useable now.

This may surprise you, but not everyone uses a PDA the way you do. I personally really enjoy using the MP3 and picture viewing capabilities of my Clie. As to battery life, had you done any research, you surely would have found that color screens draw more power than monochrome ones. For the T615, Sony promises about a week with average use (about a 1/2 hour a day). It's hard to believe that you could completely drain the battery in one day using datebook4, address book, etc... Perhaps you were dabbling in some of those "diversions" you find so disdainful? My last thoughts on the subject of battery life: What's the big deal about dropping the thing in the cradle before you go to bed???? Is it such a big deal? I don't understand.

>MP3, picture viewing, movies on a PDA? Joke.
>I leave these Sony devices to those of you
>who...want to tune out reality.

If Palm, Handspring, Sony, Handera, etc... thought like you, we'd all still be using Pilot 1000's! I for one am glad for any innovation Sony tries to bring to the market. That doesn't mean I like or need all the features they add to their PDAs, but I try to be open-minded! The built in applications work just like the ones on your Palm IIIxe! I don't understand why you think it's like a PocketPC the T615 still has the traditional trappings of a Palm OS device, but with several improvements- (hires launcher, jog dial) that make for a much more streamlined user experience. Finally, I don't understand what you mean about using PDAs to "tune out...reality." Most people get a PDA for the same reason you do, to enhance and organize their life, not tune it out. Sure, my T615 is a toy, but it's also a tool, one I wouldn't want to live without. I depend on the built in adress book and date book as much as I enjoy the occasional game of Bejeweled =)

>Now you can spend 24/7 glued to a color screen and
>you don't have to FEEL any connection at all to the >flesh-and-blood world.

Well, if using a color Clie offends you so deeply and personally, you can always get a paper planner at Wal-Mart for a couple of bucks =)

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 11:04:11 AM #
I bought an NR70V for a few reasons, none of which are to "tune out reality".
My eyes seem to have lost their acuteness and I was always adjusting the angle of my Handera to maximise the available light. The NR70 screen is stunning by comparison and I can read all my todos from arms lenght if I have too.

I was enticed by the faster processor which makes all my wonderful and simple and well liked apps operate almost instantaneously on most of their functions. This is a major improvement in my opinion.

The camera has just recently proved itself useful: I had to do a site survey and had to write down the specifications glued to the face of an electrical panel. This was a full page of text which would have taken me 15 minutes or so to write down while standing. So I took a picture of it instead and trascribed the text from the comfort of my office.
Also, it is so easy and fast to snap a picture and I always have my unit with me that I am finding myself snapping pictures of all kinds of work related stuff for reference. It is also easy to take pictures without "looking" like you are doing so, as such, you do not draw any attention to yourself.

All else is fluff.

I do not use the MP3 function at all and do not even know how to use it.

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
iain.collins @ 5/30/2002 12:11:14 PM #

Well Welcome the _World Of Tommorrow_, please try to keep up.

Your clearly not reading enough Transmetropolitan or Neal Stephenson.

We *else* did you imagine all is all for? The beneift of humanity or some other left wing tree hugging hippy crap?

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 12:44:30 PM #
> My eyes seem to have lost their acuteness and I was
> always adjusting the angle of my Handera to maximise the
> available light.

and are you the same person who elsewhere in the discussion was bragging about how your vision is 20/20? I've never seen problems with lighting and the HandEra 330 except in dim single source lighting, and only without the backlight on.

> This was a full page of text which would have taken me
> 15 minutes or so to write down while standing. So I took
> a picture of it instead and trascribed the text from the
> comfort of my office.

and from a blurry 320x240 image just how much of this full page of text was accurately transcribed?

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:21:58 PM #
Sony considers their PDA to be a 'Personal Entertainment Organizer.' If you want a strictly work-based PDA, get a Palm/Handera.

The only thing that this machine lacks is a Palm V-lik batery life, which should be EXPECTED since all of the components are top-of-the-line (66Mhz proc, mp3 DSP, highest res screen on the market, polyphonic speaker, etc.). Not to mention that it's damn small.

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
jimski @ 5/30/2002 5:25:29 PM #
Before I jumped to a Sony, I practiced being a "power user" with my Palm Professional, Palm III, Palm VII and Palm VIIx.

After jumping to a Kyocera Smartphone (I got tired of paying a cell phone AND Palm bill every month) that I couldn't use as a power user (no accessories like a camera or keyboard, small and blurry screen, etc.)I decided that I needed a new device.

Still determined to maintain battery life, but not wanting to carry much bulk around (remember, I still needed to lug the Kyocera around for Internet access), I chose the Sony T-415. Size and battery life were good, but screen...let's not go there.

I picked up the T-615 the day it came out as the color (my first time-what did I know) and screen resolution were absolutely fantastic. This was a hard choice as I was still without any accessories, but the 16MB of memory were important to me. I finally found a keyboard solution (serial cable and iBiz keyboard) but tried for months to find the Sony Stick Camera (still miss my Palm VIIx and PalmPix). Every site I visited showed it as backordered.

When the NR70V appeared, there was no looking back. Great color, big screen (virtual graffiti), 16MB RAM, 66 MH Proccessor, a built-in camera, a built-in case and a built-in stand (clamshell design) to use with my iBiz keyboard. I have tried the MP3 player and keyboard once or twice and they are nice, but I couldn't care less if they were there or not. By the way, my car has cruise control and I have only used that one or twice in two years. Should I look for a car without it next time?

As I said, I consider myself a power user and the NR70V is definitely not a toy. I use Pendragon Forms and Think DB to manage several dozen databases. I use Docs-To-Go to manage files, DayNotez to manage my journal and sync with Outlook XP to manage everything else. I use Mapopolis to keep from getting lost when traveling and PalmPrint, InStepPrint or PrintBoy to print documents on the road when I visit any of our 8 facilities in North America. I also take photos of competitors designs when doing store checks (without anyone even knowing I am doing it). Oh yeah, I do have a few games, but almost never (couldn't care less about the Sony button design) have any time to look at them. I agree that the battery life leaves something to be desired, but have learned to adapt (I keep the contrast at near minimum and have no problem viewing in any kind of light), charging the unit every 2-3 days.

By the way, my so called toys have helped me to become a VP in my firm and double my salary in the past five years. As I have paid for every one of these devices (never even asked to be reimbursed) fortunately there is always a line of co-workers waiting for a slightly used, discounted PDA.

So get with it. If you could afford it, you would buy one of these "souped up" PDA's too. FYI - It takes money to make money.

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 9:28:43 PM #
"and are you the same person who elsewhere in the discussion was bragging about how your vision is 20/20? I've never seen problems with lighting and the HandEra 330 except in dim single source lighting, and only without the backlight on."

Duh...the Handera backlight drains the battery at a worst than a Pocket PC while listening to MP3s. Of course I am talking about readability without the backlight on, any unit with a backlight on will be more much more readable in dim light.

I never said the Handera had a problem with lighting: I said "I" have a problem with lighting: usually, while indoors, I have to angle my Handera in such a manner as to capture the light in such a way that it lights up the screen. I no longer have this "lighting" problem now that I have an NR70.

RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 8:49:16 AM #

Congratulations to you on your upward advancement, with the assistance of the Sony. However, if I had your life, I'd probably jump off the nearest cliff I could find.

Personal preference, I guess, but that kind of dedication to work and a metal-and-plastic PDA turns my stomach. Sounds like you're on the road all the time and sounds like your professional advancement is the primary goal in your life. If that makes you happy, congratulations. I'd rather be riding my bicycle cross country and taking out my Palm IIIxe only when absolutely necessary to record some journal thoughts.

Take money to make money, as you say. However, in my experience, those obsessed with making money are usually soulless automatons living programmed lives dictated by large corporations who have convinced said automatons that money and material possessions are the key to happiness.


RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 4:04:15 PM #
I use my palm IIIc in a simlar fashion. However, the pitiful amount of free space left on my machine tells me daily that I have to get a new modern unit.

I was going to get NR70V until people started to talk about the battery life. If you are, indeed, a power user, and you still recharge every 2 or 3 days, maybe the quality of the battery is usable, in my case.

Jimski, how frequent and how long do you use your dream machine?


RE: Another Sony TOY that assists in tuning out reality
jimski @ 5/31/2002 10:18:57 PM #
In response to the last post, when I am in the office, about .5 to 1 hours per day on average. When out of the office (another site, show, seminar or otherwise) it is more like 2-3 hours per day. I typically leave my laptop at home for any trip of two days or less. Exceptions occur when my day is filled with meetings and I am tapping out notes. These are the days when I really wished the battery could last a bit longer.

I just picked up the BC10 battery charger (using AA cells)and it seems to do what Sony says it will, charge my NR70 in 30 to 60 minutes depending upon how drained it is.

I do keep the contrast pretty low and even with my poor eyesight the display is better than anything I have seen. If you keep the contrast around 20-25%, I am guessing about 6+ hours, but with it turned up to 75-80% (default setting after reset) you will burn up the charge in 3 hours flat.

Coming from someone who was really used to the two AAA's per month plan, this has taken some getting used to, but the features make it worth it.

Responding to the earlier post, I think you missed the point. My PDA has kept me organized enough to keep track of every little tidbit of info I will ever need, giving me lots of extra time to relax at the beach condo and mountain home. I am not your upwardly mobile kind of person (2 jobs in the past 24 years) but whatever I do (work or play) I always use the best tools and give it my best shot.

Now where is that Bluetooth Stick I ordered last week?

NR70 is definetely NOT bloated

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 10:53:20 AM #
I keep hearing comments about Sony making Pocket PC clones (UHHHH!) with bloatware and destroying the palm platform blah blah blah etc...

Just to set the record straight: Sony is using the Palm OS 4.1. This OS combined with a 66mhz processor and you have a Palm on steroids: completely unlike the Pocket PC which is SLOW and bug ridden by comparison.

It's almost like night and day, the difference in speed. Datebk5 is instantaneous. On my Handera there was a nanosecond delay in all functions.

Just though I would say it: It's still the same old much loved Palm operating system.

minuta changes - what is up Sony??

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 11:02:17 AM #
Yet another markerting strategy (ploy) from SONY -
I am really tired of SONY. Wait a bit longer won't you + add more functions to each mocel that you market...rather than putting out 10 PDAs in 1 year...making the prior ones seems obsolete.
I purchased 2 of your PDAs now + won't buy another for at least 1-2 years...thinking another PDA maker next time I am urge to update what I already have in my bag.

willing to wait -

RE: minuta changes - what is up Sony??
Beavis @ 5/30/2002 12:20:04 PM #
WTF? It's not like SONY has a gun pointed at your head and is forcing you buy each model as it comes out. The one you have now will continue to function the same way it did when you bought it.

If you think having the latest and greatest impresses most people, you are wrong. Most people will either think your an idiot, but they won't say it to your face, or they think that you have too much money and don't know what to do with it.

RE: minuta changes - what is up Sony??
mashoutposse @ 5/30/2002 1:13:47 PM #
A 66Mhz processor, mp3, and an improved screen are minor additions?

The one thing I love about Sony is that they never rest on their laurels. Switching gears from T615C production to T650C production doesn't entail much for an electronics giant like Sony. So instead of churning out T615Cs, they simply keep the exterior and switch out the guts, giving future buyers and even better unit to choose from. Why keep making T615Cs when you have the capacity to easily switch over to making T650Cs? It's all about putting out the best product possible.

RE: minuta changes - what is up Sony??
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 6:32:20 PM #
Yes you have some good points. I was unhappy that sony did not use the soft graphitti design from the N series but to do so I now think would have required them to change the case to accomodate the N series screen size It made more sense to them and I have to agree to keep the 6 series stock cases that they have and put in as much latest version stuff as would fit - eg the 66mhz cpu, improved type of screen and mp3 sound. This is the last and best model of the 6X series. If you want more you will have to wait till this winter for another line.

Sony "PC-izes" Palms

nategall @ 5/30/2002 12:38:23 PM #
just a thought....

in the beginning there was a palm...
pilot ( 4/01/96)
III ( 3/09/98)
VII (12/02/98)
IIIx ( 2/22/99)
V ( 2/22/99)
IIIe ( 7/19/99)
VIIx, IIIxe, Vx, m100, m105, m500, m505, m705 (i got tired of look up date)

what is this showing? (besides the fact that I have alot of free time)

Originally there was ONE option, take it or leave it. No choices.
The next revision did not occur for 2 YEARS!
The first "Option" showed up 9 months later.
The II

the releases are coming faster and faster to market, consumers have more and more choices, the hardware is starting exponential growth, and options are multiplying like bastards!

this is ignoring the Handera, Handspring, sony, IBM and other models for simplicity.

Palms are becoming PCs, multiple options, multiple vendors each with their own "flavor". We have already seen it in the processors (66mhz) and somewhat in the displays (hi-res, hi-res+). This is going to continue with hundreds of models will a pile of options, just like todays computers.

Oh, you want the 320x480 screen with SD slot, 200mhz arm processor, and 32mb ram?
no, make that 64mb ram and a 500mhz arm.

Look at dells line up of computers, each model has multiple configurations and options.

get ready here it comes!

or i could be wrong.

nategall says "blah!"

RE: Sony
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 2:55:47 PM #
ipaq can be modified with 2100ma battery and 256mb internal memory. (it cost an arm and a leg, but possible)

so the point tht it is not doable it a completely bogus. About who need all thos space and power? (you can't never have enough space and power)

Pointless waste of time
nategall @ 5/30/2002 5:03:29 PM #
> so the point tht it is not doable it a
> completely bogus. About who need all thos
> space and power? (you can't never have enough
> space and power)

huh? i don't understand that one...
"can't never" ... let see, double negitive, so... you "can"?

my point was that I think that Palms are going to come with many many options. Each model will come with 50 configurations, and models will begin to blur together.

nategall says "blah!"

RE: Sony
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 5:44:53 PM #
forget hardware specs. Just look at the different form factors: the standard Palm form used by Visor, Clie T series, the Clie NR series which is more like a really tiny laptop, the treo with keyboard but much smaller, the samsung phone which has a virtual touchpad and graffiti, the next kyocera phone with the POTS keypad...some will have virtual graf and others won't. It would be interesting to see PalmOS built into answering machines and other wired phones so that every phone in your house or office can be a smartphone.

Sony doesn't innovate??!!

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 5:06:03 PM #
Am i hearing this correctly? Before I begin, let's all understand the meaning of the word:

According to Webster's, Innovate means, "To bring in as new to introduce as a novelty as, to innovate a word or an act."

While I personally would not purchase the T650 (as i'm perfectly content with my m500), I think some of the "Sony doesn't innovate" comments are a bit unfair. The idea of a Palm OS device with an built-in mp3 player, high res color screen and trivial as it seems, the jog dial, back button and hold button were never considered on a palm os device. And the new NR70V! If I had the cash, I'd get it simply because it's something I've never seen done before with the OS.

Sure individual features could be found on other devices (handera had the jog wheel and mp3 playback was a springboard option for visors), but having them all on a single device without having to pay for a $100+ add-on.

For those of you who complain that Sony is bringing too many products to market, let's consider this scenario:

Sony puts out the n710/760 and there are some takers who like high res and built-in mp3. Sony then puts out the t615 and there are some others who like the form factor and don't need built-in mp3. Sony then combines the best features of both (high res, built-in mp3 and form factor) to reach an entirely different audience. If you're one of the people who bought the earlier models, then great. But i don't think Sony is naive enough to think that they can go back to that well for every new product.

When I first got wind of a Vx replacement from Palm a while back, i was really excited because i liked the form factor but what i really wanted was removable storage. Then when the m5xx series was introduced, i was a bit disappointed because i thought they would do something cool with the design, but quickly got over it because it had removable storage. What's the point of this anecdote? It's that with Clie's, i'm always wowed by the new designs in such a short period of time. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. but you have to admit, they don't give up. They have the courage to try something different whereas, palm goes back to the old formula. Granted, it works now, but eventually people will want something new, and then, it might (keyword MIGHT) be too late.

The more people who use Palm OS devices, the better. Imagine a world where Sony put out PocketPC devices. Would that be better? In terms of excitement, you have admit, Sony's done some cool "innovation."

xzaver @ , Commenting on A few things.

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/30/2002 11:55:17 PM #

" Why the hell didn't Sony use the screen with virtual graffiti? With that. this device would have been awsome- AWESOME! I was looking forward to the features you get with virtual graffiti eg full screen apps display, keyboard function, and best of all customizable skins!!
They should have followed through on this. Now I may just decide to wait and not buy this. "

So they can suck in your and everyone elses Wallet allong with your Ideals.

" Yet another markerting strategy (ploy) from SONY -
I am really tired of SONY. Wait a bit longer won't you + add more functions to each mocel that you market...rather than putting out 10 PDAs in 1 year...making the prior ones seems obsolete.
I purchased 2 of your PDAs now + won't buy another for at least 1-2 years...thinking another PDA maker next time I am urge to update what I already have in my bag.

willing to wait - "

Yes Wait for what you want , Don't let sony force you in with design and "Eye Candy".

"Like all Sony PDAs, it's another toy. How anyone can rely on such a device for REAL day-to-day operations is beyond me. I used a T615 for a few months and would categorize myself as a light user. If I forgot to charge the damn thing ONE TIME at night, I was looking at minimal battery power the next morning."

I disagree completely with this. , You need to make the PDA work for you , And As someone mentioned Sony Isn't marketing a PDA are they ? , NO. There marketing A new Breed of "PEO" A type of "Pocket Entertainment Organizer".

"MP3, picture viewing, movies on a PDA? Joke. I always go back to Datebk4 and Handbase and my Palm IIIxe manages fine with these apps. Plus I don't have to worry about my PDA dying due to battery drain when I'm in the middle of nowhere."

UNFORTUNATELY -You are more right then you think.

It is a known fact that large companies like to hold back months sometime even years on there releases and leave the "Good Stuff" for themselves and Gov. Agencies :o(

And Sony Is probably playing all sides of the fence :o(

SONY's Mentality = I will Keep the good stuff for myself , And the public can wrestle in the goooie Cream Corn.

Palm Is leading the way in the Belated hunt for the Green , A crazy kind of "Garilla Warfair" ( So to vaguely speek )

Posted by: jimski @ 5/30/2002 5:25:29 PM
So get with it. If you could afford it, you would buy one of these "souped up" PDA's too. FYI - It takes money to make money."

You have a big f**king nerve telling people to "Get With It" , What company do you run Toys R US ?

Idealism and Strategy Makes money , Not the Other way Around.

"The Zaurus is a nice PDA. The OS is really nice on it, and it is a perfect balance for someone looking for a more advanced Palm OS, and a stable PPC. :) I seriously think that Linux will gain popularity, just as it is on desktops."

Scince We have the Ability now with "Q." (Not sure of the name of the app so I won't attempt to spell it) to Emulate Palm OS on the Zarus the rules have changed.

You go from Apples + Oranges + Kiwi >>> Apples + Oranges >>> A Kiwi that can be all 3 :o)

Wich is ok for some , But for someone were size Matters most You need to subtract from the equation and Take out any large alternative to a PDA.

That Leaves you with all the known Smaller PDA's **Cough**Cough** scuze me , POE's. ;o)

" 2CM IS A LOT!!! It's obviously about space. Its not only about the larger jack for the phones, it's also about the circuit board that translate the wand for the clie. With the small space, improved battery life and screen there is very little to work with. Also as a mid/high end unit, it should have at the very least what the other "audio clies'" have. "

Hell 1 CM is enough to make me scream sometimes regarding a PDA.
It's all about size for some , No one wants to carry around a 500$ Flash Light.

Man I wish they would have not discontinued the REX line :o/ , NOW THAT PEOPLE WAS ONE ****ING SMALL PDA !

"" What somebody needs to come up with is one of those solar strips you see on calculators. That would solve a lot of problems, hmm? ""

Hrm... Solar Cells in a PDA , Good Idea.

I know for a Fact that there is a Recharger for one PDA Model that looks like a battery pack , And it uses Solar Cell Technology.

Maybe something worth looking into , Ey Sony ?

""" Im not anti-sony or palm fanatic. i just want my next purchase to be what i want to be. but keep it up sony...just dont forget battery life please... """

No One could have put it better or any clearer!

This is the best Mentality to have If you currently own A PDA , Or hell Even If you currently own A PC that can Emulate one.

One thing is for certain though: batteries will get smaller and more powerful and processors will get smaller and more efficient. 10 years from now we will be complaining about a whole new set of things with regards to PDA's. It's inevitable and irreversable that more and more will be packed into PDA's. """

Yes they will but so will the price. :o(

"""Posted by: gaardii @ 5/30/2002 9:48:38 AM """
""" Something that people should bear in mind is that the Sony models are being marketed as "Personal Entertainment Organisers" rather than as the traditional PDA. The remit has changed, so when comparing battery life between different makes and different models, think apples and oranges.

The charge that Sony isn't actually innovating anything (or at least only little) won't stand - sure Handera has had virtual graffiti for yonks but it was only available to the consumer in a form factor that resembled a brick. And it weighed almost the same too. (Apologies to Handera owners for dissin' your machine - no offence intended). Sony is doing what a lot of Japanese companies excel at - they miniturise technology developed by someone else. I truly doubt that the reason PalmInc (or whatever its calling itself today) has shown a distinct lack of innovation is because they are waiting for batteries to become more powerful. """"

If I try to sell you fruit but I tell you its a vegtable but It tastes good and better than some of the other peoples "fruit" , Would you buy it anyways ?

Ofcoarse You would .
When was the last time the "Cool" factor mattered in buying a brand of Computer ?

O wait ?
" Dude your getting a squash " hehe :)

When It will come down to buying a PDA the Palm INC factor is looking more and more apealing to me.

This is probably why the Vx and V held there value over this past year. And I bet that They will continue to do so this year.

""" Posted by: batsai @ 5/30/2002 10:54:59 AM """
""" All else is fluff. """

mmmmmm Fluuffff.

RE: xzaver @ , Commenting on A few things.
jimski @ 6/2/2002 12:36:12 AM #
Naw, just a simple Engineer in a Design firm. My point was that you need to continue investing in "yourself" to excel. You can use an old, grungy PDA to keep track of things, but may find yourself using it less (due to memory limitations, poor resolution or contrast, speed or functional limitations)looking for other alternatives to manage things (like paper planners and yellow pads) or you can look for a device that will give you the edge.

I agree, Sony could do a lot better. Built-in Bluetooth would have been nice as would a Universal plug-in rechargable PDA battery that would allow users to carry enough spares, keeping the size and weight of the PDA down and permitting the unhindered use of all these new features.

But in contrast, I think Palm has been pretty slow when it comes to innovation.

My CEO always reminds me, when you get to 70%, "go for it". We can fill in the blanks later. Being first to market is critical and Sony continues to lead in this area (at least that's my impression) even though it means another new model every few weeks. I think that's better than introducing new devices with technology that was featured in 199...

RE: xzaver @ , Commenting on A few things.
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 10:28:09 PM #
Ceep your comment to yurself jackhole. Youre Drunk my slad tossingg friend. Longloff my psIon.
RE: xzaver @ , Commenting on A few things.
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 10:30:12 PM #
hjimski, you are so righdt on my friend. These sack lickrs are childrn. Long liff my sIon.

Xscale Processor vs ARM

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 1:27:17 AM #
Since there has been mobe to go to Xscale more powerful processor and low power processor.

Wondering when Palm devices is making that plan. ARM processor has been out for 3 years and Palm Devices has just began to move.

It would be a killer if Palm OS run on Xscale.


RE: Xscale Processor vs ARM
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 8:00:53 AM #
There is a lot of confusion about ARM based processors and I would like to clarify some things:

Actually for handhelds(palm and PPC) there are 3 types of
ARM processors.

1)The XScale is an ARM based processor produced by Intel.

2)Current PocketPCs are using Strong ARM (a very power hungry processor also produced by Intel).

3) The processor Palm is going to use is not the same ARM as the one PocketPC actually use. Palm is going to use a different design called ARM 7. ARM 7 is just as efficient as XScale ARM but suited to different applications and is available from different manufacturers. ARM 7 is actually used on many Cell phones and some MP3 players.

I strongly belive that PalmSource made the right desicion when choosing ARM 7 over XScale. ARM 7 is more compact and power efficient than XScale ARM or Strong ARM.

Bill Wallace
Computer Engineer

xzaver @ CS
I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 10:40:04 PM #
Sorry Bill maybe you jumped the gun or was a little hasty (After all its very late ).

You are right about A couple of things , However the Current ARM Processors are being produced by TI. Not Intel. :o)

It's all good though :)

RE: Xscale Processor vs ARM
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/1/2002 6:44:52 AM #
Current Strong ARM processors used in PPC are made by Intel. Just look at the specs for current pocketPCs: Intel Strong ARM 206MHz.

Other ARM processors like ARM 7 come fron different manufacturers.

RE: Xscale Processor vs ARM
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/11/2002 5:50:08 PM #
I want notice.
Xscale can be used palm's cpu.
There is evaluation board of Xscale for palm os.

So where is the 802.11 support????

I.M. Anonymous @ 5/31/2002 10:17:57 AM #
C'mon Sony give us options BT or 802.11 built in!!!!

Oh it has CF sled, let me guess, it will only work with Sony CF cards (coming soon)!


RE: So where is the 802.11 support????
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/2/2002 9:42:42 PM #
RE: So where is the 802.11 support????
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 10:32:32 PM #
Cmon sonee. Giv ti up. Blue toeth is not eagle doo. Lon liff my psioonn.

640x480 resolution or more

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/2/2002 1:40:19 PM #
Anyone considering the oqo

RE: 640x480 resolution or more
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/7/2002 10:33:32 PM #
Hav never seen it run, hab joo? No srenn shots, i doht thin it exits. My rectum hutrs. Wheres my PsioN


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