Comments on: Memory Stick Duo Coming in July (Updated)
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RE: I wish they would release a memory stick first...
RE: I wish they would release a memory stick first...
RE: I wish they would release a memory stick first...
RE: So.........
So, if every Memory stick manufacturer on Earth stops producing the old Memory Stick in favour of the Duo, you can still use all the existing machines that have the old memory stick slots. Relax friends.
The Duo is a good thing -- I have seen pictures on a device that has 1 Memory Stick slot & 1 duo slot -- the duo slot for storage, the memory stick slot for camera/GPS/Bluetooth.
RE: So.........
It looks pretty cool with the adapter too.
nXt's Clie Club
Place To Be For Sony Clie Discussion
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
News Editor
RE: So.........
how much smaller will the memory stick duo make handhelds anyway??? I hope they arent gonna be ridiculously priced like the original memory stick was when they were first released...
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
And anyways so what, they keep upgrading and making their products better... why would you want to buy an old [insert product] anyways?
RE: So.........
You're right. Sony should stop improving its products and just release the same crapola for years on end. Hey, it worked for American car makers for decades until the Japanese car mfrs showed up. Ah, but of course Sony is a _Japanese_ mfr itself. Guess they'll just keep on innovatin' and I'll keep on buyin'. Hope your happy with your Emerson.
To everyone else,
Will the Duo be any quicker? Will the adapter cause any slowing of read/write from the already unimpressive speed of the full size MemStick? (I couldn't find enough info on the Memory Stick PR site and the Babelfish link isn't working, if the answer is there.)
RE: So.........
-16 million regular Memory Sticks sold (36 million sold lifetime)
-1.9 million Memory Stick DUOs sold
-24 million regular Memory Sticks sold (60 million sold lifetime)
-7.2 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (9.1 million sold lifetime)
-60 million regular Memory Sticks sold (120 million sold lifetime)
-30 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (39.1 million sold lifetime)
Doesn't look to me like they're going to phase out the regular sticks. Again, the DUOs are strictly for cellphones (at the moment, anyway).
Here is a graph of this sales forecast, straight from the Sony conference:
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
Is it just me or is anyone else sick and tired of this baseless form of bitching whenever Sony introduces a new product?
Dude, you need to get a grip instead of a gripe.
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
As for Sony creating phones, take a look at
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
RE: So.........
Look around, its not just Sony who is trying to do this. Any of the electronics manufacturers are trying to come up with what is going to be the next best thing.
Why? It has little to do with trying to innovate, and more to do with things like: Market Share, Profits, Revenue, MONEY!!
If these companies did not come up with something new, they would cease to exist. If there was nothing new, none of the Sony maniacs would have anything new to buy and Sony would not make money. At the end of the day, these products are just commondities. Most people in developed nations already own things like a TV, VCR, Camera, etc, so unless companies like Sony create new formats (so called innovate), there would be no reason to buy anything new.
So regardless of how much complaining or moaning anyone does, these companies will continue to produce new looking products and new formats. How else can they stay in business.
RE: So.........
And Sony dont make cellphones ? What rock you been living under.
broken link.
RE: broken link.
Here it is in the original Japanese:
News Editor
RE: broken link.
They check the referrer property of the http request to make sure that referrer is This makes sure that people using babelfish visit the main babelfish page and is a standard mathod of eliminating deep linking. It most likely still works for you because the translation is cached in your browser.
RE: broken link.
then manually put in this address:
What's Wrong With This Picture?
but current Memory sticks will become obsolete. I mean the people that have already spend their money on Memory Sticks won't be able to use them with newer Sony devices(cammeras, handhedls, etc.).
This sucks.
RE: Obsolence.
CLIE Moderator
RE: Obsolence.
Stupid moronic comments like those make PIC forums unfriendly and barbarian like. I think the guy posting these things is the University of Puerto Rico Linux Troll.
Ed please remove those uncivilized comments.
Not Obsolet
The max MS is 128M now, and max MSD is only 64M.
I think the MSD to MS is like SD to CF in some way.
RE: Obsolence.
The DUO is the smallest memory card on the market -- only 85% the size of an SD card. This makes removeable memory feasible for small mobile phones.
RE: Obsolence.
"The company plans to introduce a 256MB card by this year's holiday buying season, and a 512MB card in early 2002.
Additionally, the company is targeting a 1GB card by the end of 2002, a 2GB card in 2003, and a 4GB card in 2004, which can hold an entire DVD-quality movie. "
So, in no way can SD be compared to MS Duo, neither can it be thought as inferior to CF...
RE: Obsolence.
-16 million regular Memory Sticks sold (36 million sold lifetime)
-1.9 million Memory Stick DUOs sold
-24 million regular Memory Sticks sold (60 million sold lifetime)
-7.2 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (9.1 million sold lifetime)
-60 million regular Memory Sticks sold (120 million sold lifetime)
-30 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (39.1 million sold lifetime)
Doesn't look to me like they're going to phase out the regular sticks. Again, the DUOs are strictly for cellphones (at the moment, anyway).
Here is a graph of this sales forecast, straight from the Sony conference:
RE: Obsolence.
RE: Obsolence.
RE: Obsolence.
Oh, please, you might try posting that again when there are about as many MS *devices* as there are CF ones (even if you constrain it to ones with PalmOS drivers on the HandEra compatibility page at, and MS capacity and price point both *actually* fall in line with CF ones.
Until then it's folley to hold projections of the future up and say that MS can't be referred to as "inferior" to CF.
In terms of *expansion* one can still do a whole lot more with a 3 year old TrgPro and it's CF slot, than one can with yesterdays Clie. That will certainly not always be the case, but it is today, and no amount of projections change that.
RE: Obsolence.
Come on manufacturers.... get a grip. Stop making things faster better smaller and cheaper. While we're at it, let's get rid of electricity... my old gas lanterns are useless.... Wonder if the original poster is getting the message yet... It appears that his brain is certainly obsolete and hey prefers sticking his foot in his mouth and flapping his gums.
CLIE Moderator
Keep in mind MS-ROM will have a lower price tag than MS, and its not intended for consumers to purchase, its meant for the music industry to mass purchase keeping the cost down, its the idea where the music industry can use MS-ROM to distribute music, one added advantage is its weight, shipping costs will be down per number of albums sold.
first of all solid state is more reliable than CD which can be scratched, and they are smaller in size,
keep in mind, Sony's DUO idea is great, and no the full size memory stick is not going to be phased out, the physical size of the cases will allow a bigger IC chip to be incased. One example is Smart Media, because of the physical size they are reaching their limitations until new technology becomes available. Both SD/MMC and the DUO face the same problems, physical limitations while the full size memory stick doesn't have this same limitations. One reason Compact Flash is so widely accepted its larger physical size has allowed lager IC chips to be used (older lithogram technology) while keeping prices down.
So unless there is some serious break through in the manufacturing techniques for solid-state memory, they will never be able to match the costs to manufacture CD/DVD media. When you do a 1 to 1 comparison on volume, CD/DVD media will always win out. 1 million CDs will always be cheaper to produce than 1 million solid-state ROM chips.
Regardless of shipping, handling, and all other related costs, MFG is the biggest to consider.
CDs made in China are fractions of a penny.
So not until a newer storage media comes along, one cheaper to mfg than CDs or DVDs, will you see a change.
One thing you must always keep in mind when talking about standards, its often not what is more convenient, whats better as a technology, but at the end of the day its whats cheaper. It all revolves around money.
Look at Beta and VHS, Beta was better, but VHS was cheaper and easier to make. Who won?
But why a proprietary format?
But what actual advantages does this new format have over the other already established media formats (like SD, MMC)? NOTHING. Its just a way for Sony to make money on a new proprietary format.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
MS has much more functionality than stupid archaic SD.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
RE: But why a proprietary format?
Future Sony PDA's may be designed with only the smaller Duo format, while the older devices can use the MS or the Duo with the adaptor. A couple of tricks I can see them doing with the smaller format is dual slots or horizontal slot positioning, both of which are near impossible with the size of the MS. Another option is to use the extra physical free space for a larger battery (hint, hint).
RE: But why a proprietary format?
-16 million regular Memory Sticks sold (36 million sold lifetime)
-1.9 million Memory Stick DUOs sold
-24 million regular Memory Sticks sold (60 million sold lifetime)
-7.2 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (9.1 million sold lifetime)
-60 million regular Memory Sticks sold (120 million sold lifetime)
-30 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (39.1 million sold lifetime)
Doesn't look to me like they're going to phase out the regular sticks. Obviously, to meet those sales projections, Sony will have to keep putting out devices that support the bigger card! Again, the DUOs are strictly for cellphones (at the moment, anyway).
Here is a graph of this sales forecast, straight from the Sony conference:
RE: But why a proprietary format?
Interoperability is important to me: I share SmartMedia cards between my camera and MP3 player; at the start of a trip they are full of music and at the end full of pictures. Now my video camera needs replacing and my still camera is beginning to fall apart; I will probably replace them with a single device which includes a memory card. Which make, probably Sony or Sharp (which uses SD/MMC), is partly dependent upon Palm OS5 and the "right" PDA because I expect to share memory devices between camera & PDA. My money, my choice.
At home my TV, video player and hi-fi are all Sony because it's easier to get them working together (fewer bloody handsets to deal with) and they have proved reliable.
Am I tied to Sony? Only if I want to be.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
And it sure would be nice to have compatible batteries for all our devices, better still to have a single charger rather than carry one for the cell phone, one for the palmtop, camera, md/mp3 player, you name it.
YET, no one ever seems to complain - so what the is all the fuss about?
RE: But why a proprietary format?
RE: But why a proprietary format?
What is your problem? There's no need to post the same exact long message on more than one thread. Please stop the redundancy.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
>> MS has much more functionality than stupid archaic SD.
I'm not "this guy", but please explain. How so?
RE: But why a proprietary format?
Do we really need multiple posts stating that regular Memory Sticks will be obsolete when that obviously isn't the case?
Do we really need more anti-Sony BS from those who don't know (or don't care to know) the whole story?
"Please stop the redundancy?" I fully agree.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
It's slower than SD to start with, and while I see cool prototypes, at least SD has a single shipping IO device (bluetooth) in the hands of consumers. Again, projections mean nothing. If you're going to say one is better than another, you have to first state the criteria, and measure the results against what can be done today on current hardware. In lab stuff and behind glass prototypes don't add up to a hill of beans in the real world. Real work gets done today, with real viable expansion options that have already shipped.
This projection stuff, and my expansion option will one day be better than yours, ego fluffing/bashing tripe is pointless.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
Where do you get this? SD transfer rates are at 2MB/s and MS is at 2.4MB/s. If you try and post a link to the SanDisk site about technical specs, don't because the 10MB/s transfer rate they post refers to transfer speed from chip controller to memory and NOT card to device. Next time, make statements based on fact not conjecture.
"and while I see cool prototypes, at least SD has a single shipping IO device (bluetooth) in the hands of consumers."
uh...Sony shipped their MS camera module before the SD bluetooth card. Crappy as it is, it is still an I/O device.
"Real work gets done today, with real viable expansion options that have already shipped."
One SDIO device vs. one MSIO device (see above). 1.5% market share (SD) vs. 25% market share (MS). 30 million MS products shipped thus far vs. ??? SD products? Granted a majority of these products are from Sony, but so what? SD is making claims about connecting to a wide variety of products while MS is currently doing that. So what's your point?
"This projection stuff, and my expansion option will one day be better than yours, ego fluffing/bashing tripe is pointless."
Based on your "argument," isn't this comment a bit hypocritical and narrow-sighted as you have pointed out your own "ego fluffing/bashing tripe" as "pointless?"
RE: But why a proprietary format?
and Memory Stick never comes close to reaching 2.4MB/sec on any existing consumer device either. Every speed test I've seen on a PDA had SD faster than MS. Max transfer rates do matter, and SD blows MS out of the water in that respect as well. Your "facts" are more like excuses.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
"Where do you get this? SD transfer rates are at 2MB/s and MS is at 2.4MB/s."
The context is transfer rates on PalmOS devices. You'll get that throughput on exactly none of them. For starters you're limited to clockspeed /4. Now use PalmOS based Benchmark tools. Our current hardware knocks the the knees out of high speed serial transfers. Even there though. I've benchmarked nearly every Palm SD and clie going, except the NR70 which would have an advantage. SD often edges it out on most items tested. However neither of them compare to CF, where you have the benefit of 8 or 16 bit transfers (parallel vs. serial).
Now granted the whole thing will get revisited on ARM hardware. But my comments remain in the realm of what can you do today on current hardware, with current expansion options.
" If you try and post a link to the SanDisk site about technical specs."
Wouldn't, as stated I'm not interested in *anyone's* projections on theorectical hardware. And SD isn't my expansion choice anyway, I'm just saying if I didn't have CF as an option, it wouldn't likely be MS I'd move to next.
"Next time, make statements based on fact not conjecture."
That's a bit ironic, since that's in fact what I am doing. How about YOU do the gruntwork of benchmarking SD on an M515 versus MS in a 33Mhz Clie and get back to me with the "facts"... And we'll compare notes.
"uh...Sony shipped their MS camera module before the SD bluetooth card. Crappy as it is, it is still an I/O device."
Fair enough, I had forgotten that. I can conceed on that point. Now compare to my own preference, CF, where there's more IO options than clie models made, and that's saying something ;-)
"Real work gets done today, with real viable expansion options that have already shipped."
"One SDIO device vs. one MSIO device (see above). 1.5% market share (SD) vs. 25% market share (MS). 30 million "
Again with the SD/MS myopia. CF trumps both.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
If you'd ran the benchmarks yourself on Palm hardware, you'd know what the "facts" were and wouldn't be errantly making assumptions based on theoretical numbers posted on websites and posting objections to the factual claims of others posted here.
RE: But why a proprietary format?
SD Adapter?
How does that work? Seems it would increase SD's viability.
RE: SD Adapter?
RE: SD Adapter?
Duo is a niche card, for niche Sony cellphones. I only see this move hurting Sony if they try and push it into handhelds any time soon.
RE: SD Adapter?
RE: SD Adapter?
You did though state, *why* it would be done. My bias would say, what vested interest do I have in rewarding Sony for needlessly splintering the market anyway? If such an adapter is feasible, then great, turn it around and adapt SD to a MS slot, and do away with MS/duo. If nothing else, at least today, your performance would be better with SD (unless it's the Sony OS slot drivers that are the bottleneck on clies when benchmarked against SD and CF).
Why is it called "DUO"?
There was a theory that these Duo sticks would allow for two of them to be placed in an adapter, then into one MS slot.
The advantage would be combining a Duo memory stick with a Duo peripheral into one classic memory stick slot.
Now that we have more information, it sure doesn't look like this is the case... so why the name "Duo"?
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: Why is it called
RE: Why is it called
Better link for Duo information (in English)
RE: Better link for Duo information (in English)
RE: Better link for Duo information (in English)
In the future, if you want to know more about an article, take a look under "Related Information".
News Editor
you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
Plus the fact that these new Duo sticks start at 16 mb?? what the heck is that all about. Who the heck uses 16mb anymore? 128 is bare minimum and that's the max they ever got with memsticks. Meanwhile CF has gone over the 1Gb mark. SD/MMC is also supposed to get to high numbers (256, 512) sometime soon. This is just like other failed sony experiments such as the betamax, minidisc and so on.
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
Besides, by the time normal Memory Sticks drop in circulation in 5 years time, you may have already changed your device anyway (in today's fast moving tech development cylces, would you really be using the same device in 5 years time or would you have sold it on eBay and upgraded?)
I personally don't like MiniDisc players, but must correct you on your false assumption: MiniDisc is the number 1 music storage format in Asia (Sony's biggest market) which means it is a successful format. Just because Sony failed in marketing the format in the USA does not necessarily mean that the technology is somehow 'bad'. To give you an idea, MP3 compatible MiniDisc players in Asia outsold chip-based MP3 players *worldwide* in 2001. Sony's new proprietary NetMD format (which others like Aiwa have signed up to) means that MiniDisc will continue to outsell MP3 technology.
With 246 companies signed up to develop MS devices, I think it has a bright future. Though, without proper marketing it may die out in next 3-5 years. If anything, MS is simply an alternative to CF/SD. This is capitalism. Let the best storage format win. In the meantime, choose devices with the format of your preference: no one forces you to buy Sony products. If Sony have a particular device then no-one else has, and you have no other choice, then quite frankly, Sony has every right to enforce it's standards upon you. It's up to the other companies in the marketplace to develop competing products to give you choice.
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
If Palm abandons SD and goes for PalmStick, it sucks.
But when Sony goes for MemoryStick, it doesn't suck.
The difference is that Sony also produce Camcorder, Camera, laptop, desktop, and DVD player (coming out soon) that has Memory Stick slots. The memory stick has a purpose -- to interconnect electronic devices. PalmStick will only be used as a storage medium.
Hence, it's wise for Palm to go for SD/CF, while Sony can go for Memory Stick.
Duo stick starts at 16MB, cos it's designed for cellphone for now; since those targeted cellphone can't play MP3, Duo is only used to store phone book/snap shot of photos using the built-in camera. 16MB is quite enough for that.
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
Would you be so ******* kind as to prove this?
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
CLIE Moderator
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
This comment brought to you by the CEO of "Baseless ASSumptions-R-Us." Why don't you READ the article, or READ some of the posts? This is just more of the tired anti-Sony bullsh** that we hear every time they release a new product.
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
It's a fine format, has a good size/MG ratio, but it would seem to me that all of the above could be accomplished with CD-RW, except that you get about double the capacity. And there are plenty of cheap portable CD players that will read CD-R CD-RW and decode MP3's from them now. A few even will encode/record to them. If size is an issue, there are the smaller diameter disks as an option, and then I guess your capacity is right where MD is.
That said, though, the players/recorders for MD vs. CD-r/RW are an awful lot nicer on the MD side, granted.
Sony owns Aiwa
Um, Sony owns Aiwa (they use it basically as a bargain brand for certain entertainment device lines), so saying that they've signed on to some proprietary Sony format is not a significant endorsement.
RE: you get what you deserve all you sony fools!
Not true, the Sony Ericsson P800 is being released in the UK in October. It will come with 12MB built in memory and a 16MB memory stick duo.
No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
If I didn't own Sony products (no one forced me to buy Sony) then I would not obviously be interested in Memory Sticks. I find anyone who is critical of new technologies somewhat puzzling. In this case, it really is simple, if you don't like it or if you believe it doesn't fit your needs, don't buy the product?! What's there to get upset about? No one is forcing you to buy Memory Sticks or products which support it. Or are you just insecure and are afraid Sony marketing will brainwash you? As an intelligent consumer, make up your own mind and act with your wallet: don't buy a product that does not meet your needs.
As for anyone who says Memory Stick is closed technology, please do some research first. Currently, 246 companies have, on their own accord, signed up as licensees developing products around Memory Stick technology:
In the interest of saving our bandwidth, I've removed this very, very long list of companies. You can see it here:
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
"The New Beetle, with a turbo V6, and now, a memory stick slot!"
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
Prototype cars by these manufacturers carry CPUs which manage everything from your music preferences, air conditioning settings, entertainment preferences, GPS data to even to engine tuning etc.
RE: They are still propriatory!
They are NOT designed or owned by a selection of industry bodies, they are not a 'standard' they are a technology to which Sony owns the rights and is doing so to corner the market for their own ends.
It's very frustrating to here people like you argue that it's not - Sony owns the EXCLUSIVE rights to it! They get to decided who can use it and when. - It's also hard to argue it's better than the other more open technologies such as SD (which is smaller than MS yet currently still has better storage capacity!).
You can 'sign up' to license the technology, but it's NOT an open format - it's PROPRIATORY!
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
They are NOT designed or owned by a selection of industry bodies, they are not a 'standard' they are a technology to which Sony owns the rights and is doing so to corner the market for their own ends."
And SD isn't? Read up on industry facts. Panasonic, Toshiba and SanDisk created the format and is licensing it to member companies. Is it proprietary? Yes, because Panasonic, Toshiba and SanDisk is NOT an industry body. Sure, they call it the SD association, but don't get caught up on titles. The reality is that SD, like MS, is a proprietary format. So get off your "Sony is staging world domination" kick.
The only "open" format is CF.
RE: No one forces you to buy Memory Sticks
> is NOT an industry body. Sure, they call it the SD association,
> but don't get caught up on titles.
Absolutely false. Anyone can be an active, voting member of the SD Association if they buck up the membership fee. The same cannot be said for Sony's proprietary Memory Stick. How much does Sony pay you to keep posting here?
Why not SD?
RE: Why not SD?
Note that the DUO is mainly to be used in DoCoMo cellphones (Japan only at the moment).
RE: Why not SD?
All three formats are in the same exact category. Now compare value and make your choice.
RE: Why not SD?
Sony WILL keep producing regular Memory Sticks
-16 million regular Memory Sticks sold (36 million sold lifetime)
-1.9 million Memory Stick DUOs sold
-24 million regular Memory Sticks sold (60 million sold lifetime)
-7.2 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (9.1 million sold lifetime)
-60 million regular Memory Sticks sold (120 million sold lifetime)
-30 million Memory Stick DUOs sold (39.1 million sold lifetime)
Doesn't look to me like they're going to phase out the regular sticks. Again, the DUOs are strictly for cellphones (at the moment, anyway).
Here is a graph of this sales forecast, straight from the Sony conference:
RE: Sony WILL keep producing regular Memory Sticks
Excellent move!
Sony did what is best for everyone: an adapter for all memorystick devices (so current customers can ALWAYS use the new memorystick duo, nothing about obsolecense) and a much smaller, improved version which allows newer gadgets to shrink in size.
Visor Edge tried to do that, but it was badly executed (instead of making newer "edgeboard modules" and then make the devices, we got devices which use smaller modules before any of those modules exist... and none actually exists even to this day!) Handspring should have released the memory backup modules, and all other modules in Edge format, perhaps with a springboard adapter (even at cost) so that everyone could buy a Spingboard-compatible module, but which also works with the Edgeboard-connectors.
The other thing I thought would have been nice, as an alternative to shrinking sizes is to allow more functionality. E.g. the springboard would have been okay if we could fit, say, 4 "mini-springboards" in the slots... so we could either buy and use the older springboard modules (but can only use one at a time), or newer "mini-springboard" modules (and use them up to 4 at a time). If Sony could do something like that either by using "reserved pins" on their memory stick format, we could actually have devices that sports a memorystick slot, but which could take two DUOs (justifies the name too!), or one traditional MS.
RE: Excellent move!
GPS Memory Stick
...when is the GPS Stick coming to the US?
RE: GPS Memory Stick
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: GPS Memory Stick
two-thirds length
Hi! According to your measurements, the Duo looks like it's two-thirds the length and half the width, not one-third the length.
Slightly pedantic, I know; just trying to maintain the usual high standard of reporting!
RE: two-thirds length
News Editor
RE: two-thirds length
RE: two-thirds length
Hopefully you'll cut me some slack as I'm just getting back from a week's vacation. Getting back in the grind is hard.
News Editor
NTT DoCoMo Thanks Sony For Memory Stick DUO
"Japanese high-tech giant Sony said Monday that its Memory Stick would be used in NTT DoCoMo's camera-equipped cell phones, opening up what could be a vast market for the tiny storage device. "
Please don't post the entire text of articles. It's a violation of copyright law. -Ed
MS duo VS SD/MMC... need info
RE: No Way!!
RE: No Way!!
does this mean....
We need this like a hole in the head.
Yes, we (the market) bit on the original Memory Stick. MS's are cool, I like them. But to push another format that's has no significant functional or physical advantage over an existing, standard format (SD) is garbage.
This is Sony creating another self-serving proprietary format, like BetaMax. To that I say "Sit on it!". I will continue to recommend that my clients steer clear of Sony PDA's if they expect expansion hardware support from anyone other than Sony.
Harrumph! >-(
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
This format is to be used in super-small devices, like Japanese cellphones, where size matters. The fact that the DUO is backwards-compatible with the larger MS slots allows cellphone users to transfer their data to their PCs/PDAs without fuss.
BTW, the MS DUO is smaller than SD.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
Uh... by 0.001 cubic inch. As if we're at not already at a point of diminishing returns.
>Are SD cards compatible with regular sized Memory Stick slots?
No - and it's intentional. It is clear that Sony will never provide or license an adapter to do this.
Tell me some outstanding technical advantage to the everyday user, because I detect none other than the propagation of another proprietary format (MS). Lacking a distinct advantage, I can only conclude that Duo is simply more obfuscation of the media market.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
SD is supported by FAR fewer devices than Memory Stick. FACT. So why change over to SD?
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
So stipulated. However, beyond reader/adapters, MS is supported only by Sony. SD is adopted by many more manufacturers, and device support is coming online at a rate to soon far exceed the choices available from a single supplier.
Anyway, YOUR choice, clearly, is to continue to be married to one manufacturer of compatible devices, forever and ever, amen. I wish you and the missus and your many future children well.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
> has FAR less marketshare than Memory Stick
Since SD is currently on pretty much every brand of PDA now except for Sony, I would say that is the marketshare that counts for the audience here. There are various other devices from major manufacturers using SD as well.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
You write: "But to push another format that's has no significant functional or physical advantage over an existing, standard format (SD) is garbage."
Since Memory stick was introduced before SD, wouldn't it be fair to state that SD is "pushing another format that has no...advantage?" The DUO is another version of Memory Stick that is fully compatible with current MS devices. And if you read the article, it states that the DUO is intended for cell phones, and standard MS will continue to be manufactured.
"This is Sony creating another self-serving proprietary format, like BetaMax."
Self-serving? Isn't the purpose of being in business to make profit? Also, BetaMax is the industry standard for broadcast stations in the US. And while we're on the topic, so was the 3.5 inch floppy, which Sony developed, as with the CD (which was codeveloped with Philips). You don't like one memory format and all of a sudden Sony is the Borg?
"I will continue to recommend that my clients steer clear of Sony PDA's if they expect expansion hardware support from anyone other than Sony."
I'm a bit weary of any "professional" such as yourself who has limited knowledge of the industry to make recommendations on what i should and shouldn't buy.
"Harrumph! >-("
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
And I'm WEARY of the Sony apologists who troll this forum as well as WARY of their objectivity. ;-)
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
In fact, I don't see anything at all negative about this announcement, however, I'd love for you to articulate your fears without the usual "Wah, wah, proprietary" BS. SPELL IT OUT.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
Wrongo. A T615C is my primary PDA, and is sitting 4" away from my left elbow. A 32MB Memory Stick is 2" to the left of it, which happens to be stacked on top of a 28MB MMC/SD card I use for testing.
>so why does this news concern you?
Because as a Palm OS developer with commercial interests, my direct experience with supporting end-users with Clies is endless frustration because they (Sony) refuse to provide or support expansion hardware devices - even the ones that they make but sell elsewhere - expansion devices that add function to my software products on other manufacturers' devices. That their newly-announced next generation expansion format is intentionally incompatible with the rest of the industry perpetuates this cycle. I'm tired of it.
Personally? I love the Clie's form factor as well as the Memory Stick's size; MMC/SD gets lost in my pocket. It's the support, or rather, it's lack that frosts me.
RE - Wah-wah Propriatary.
Let's use the magic ball, and instead of saying SONY, we'll say HANDSPRING.
HANDSPRING develops a 'bold new' PDA interface standard, deliberately stepping away from established technology and standards, and retains licencing and control rights while allowing others to produce products compatable with it (Under licence).
Companies develop to this new standard. Much R&D/marketing money is spent. Products are released.
HANDSPRING changes or devalues this standard, and revokes all the licences, in an attempt to drive the market to it's new products.
Companies have products they can no longer find buyers for because consumers, in fear of being orphaned, have migrated to a new standard or have decided not to purchase new peripherals for their orphaned system, instead opting to wait for their next system for perhipheral purchases.
Companies with heavy product debt and a product that is now no longer profitable either:
A> Go bankrupt.
B> Get the hell out of the PDA market.
C> Move to product lines where they don't change interfaces every other week.
RE: We need this like a hole in the head.
LoL if you go on the street and say how MS is proprietary and how Sd is open standard, remember to cover your face or put on some makeup, you don't want to look stupid in your real face..
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I wish they would release a memory stick first...