Comments on: Palm OS 5 Goes Golden Master
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RE: Sounds good
(Self-confessed Palm Geek)
Great article.
RE: Sounds good
I'm hoping that with integrated Bluetooth modules now shipping in quantity for less than the "critical" $5 price point (in fact TI recently had a new release that their new Bt chip will be <$4) that this will be as common as IrDA is now!
RE: Sounds good
RE: Sounds good
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
It should be standard on high-end devices this fall, and nearly ubiquitous on Palm Powered Devices by this time next year.
RE: Sounds good?? Battery life??
New handhelds
I'm chugging along on my m500 that I bought for 200 GBP (300 USD), and at the time the 505 was about 100 GBP (150 USD) more...however the new 515 is even more expensive than the 505! Similarly I've now seen the Sony NR70V in London going for £430 (650 USD)!!! The Peg 615 was around 300 GBP...a lot less. At this rate I'll NEVER upgrade.
When you look at other areas (mobile phones, walkmans etc.), these are often superceded by a superior model for around the same price (or less). It looks like Palm handhelds seem to be competing with Pocket PC's in one area anyway - price!
RE: New handhelds
RE: New handhelds
That is a Tablet PC. This is a blend of the PDA and laptop that is very usefull. A larger but still lightweight and more readable color touch screen with hard drive storage with builtin 802.11b for wirelesss Web surfing off a network access point and MS Office type applications both at home and outside is going to be the next big thing in my opinion.
RE: New handhelds
Price Creep? Not really...
RE: New handhelds
RE: New handhelds
Get a Palm, which gives you maximum convenience with OK usefulness. Or get a laptop, which gives you maximum usefulness with OK convenience. A Tablet PC is the worst of both of them.
RE: New handhelds
"The Palm Vx was released in October of 1999. It cost $400. The m515 was released a month or so ago. It offers twice as much memory as the Vx, an SD slot, and a color screen. "
I find that pretty sad. As much as i love palm, really, in 3 years, we've made color better than 256 colors and added an expansion slot.
Ain't a heck of a lot in additions.
I think the aggressive roadmap that has been put into play because of devices from Handera and Sony should have been there from the beginning.
Becasue when it boils down to it, all of these pdas are exactly the same. Some have smoother fonts and color, but aside from physical appearance, none offer functionality better than the others do (the Handera and NR70 aside).
RE: New handhelds
When are you guys going to settle down and do somthing intelligent and make the accesories at least standardised in some form.
For me no Golden Master unless it uses the standard accessories I am now using with the 515. Bet you even the leather cover with the stylus slot will be a different size.
Result wait a couple of years before considering an upgrade.
Message to Sony and Palm...
I am very excited. As an owner of a Pilot 5000, PalmPilot Professional, Palm V, Palm IIIc, and Palm m515, and (for my wife) a Sony T615 I am very excited for the ARM handhelds that will be arriving late this summer or fall.
My intention is simple: I WILL BUY the best SLIM (ie. Palm V like) design with a 320x320 (I would prefer 320x480) color screen, FASTEST ARM processor, flash ROM (because we all know OS 6 is where its at, but don't get me wrong... in all truth I'll buy a OS 6 unit then too...), lots of memory, and a decent expansion card system.
Palm let me make this clear: I HAVE ALWAYS been loyal. The Sony was for my wife, but I have been jealous. You can't screw this up now, because if you give us some ugly m515 type unit with a 320x320 but dim screen, only 16 megs of RAM, and the slowest ARM processor you can find... and if Sony gives me a 320x480 screen beauty of a screen, 32 megs of RAM, and a much faster ARM processor... I WILL switch. Get it right guys because I want to stay loyal, and I want to stay with SD cards.
The time is now folks... "Palm Generation 2" is here. My money is at the ready. Now who is going to be man enough to saddle up to the plate with a unit worthy of my dollar?
Have a lovely day...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
I have owned a PalmPilot, a PalmPilot Pro (now with my wife), use a Palm VII for development, and carry a Visor Deluxe as my daily driver.
Yes, I am a power user (because after all EVERYONE who reads PIC must by default be a power user).
I want a device that is fast, and has the memory to store my notes and calendar information. I want to add accessories to my Palm to expand it, and have the OS have support for those accessories.
I do not want to be forced to upgrade every 6 months.
I am looking forward to OS5, but am quite happy with 3.01H, and 3.5, and will probably wait for 6.0.
That is the ZEN of Palm. Simplicity. You get what you need and do it efficiently instead of including everything and the kitchen sink.
My existing devices do everything I need. Colour would be nice, and the ability to hook into my Bluetooth phone would be great too, but they are not show stoppers. While I am a POWER USER, I am also a consumer, and rapid release of devices outdated every 3 weeks is keepng my away from upgrading at the moment.
I'll be waiting for a stable OS, in a platform form factor that looks like it'll be around for awhile.
Roll on the new OS's, but please make them stable - THEN I'll upgrade.
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
So swallow your pride and make the jump. Be a fan of good quality PDA's. Thats the only way things get better for consumers.
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
still got them all? :)
my collection stands at 35 these days - mainly pre-release beta units, and stuff i got for testing/preview. all in all - i still dont use a Palm for day-to-day purposes. yes, i am sick.
// az
Personal Collections
Heh, I'll have to send the same request to Yamada "Hacker Dude-san" Tatsushi, who may have the largest personal collection of PalmOS devices at present...
--- Dan
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
Is there NO justice? :)
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
RE: Message to Sony and Palm...
I still don't know the answer... OS 6....
I'm definitely going to buy an OS5 handheld anyways, the difference is I want to know if I should buy an OS5 handheld that I know I'm going to replace when OS6 comes out, or if I should wait for an OS5 handheld that I'll be sticking with and upgrading to OS6...
What's Wrong With This Picture?
RE: I still don't know the answer... OS 6....
Sony innovation
The Upgrade Equations
If 1 is TRUE THEN CONSIDER Equation 2
2. 2*Price(66MhZMOTOR) > Price(ArmPalm + New Software)
MOTOR = Dragonball based 66MHz processor
ARM = ARM based OS5
At last I have synthesised my thoughts on what to do for the initial release of OS5 ARM_PALMS.
RE: The Upgrade Equations
RE: The Upgrade Equations
RE: The Upgrade Equations
RE: The Upgrade Equations
Real glad...
RE: Real glad...
I have faith in capitalism and choice, despite the zen of palm orcs.
RE: Real glad...
Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
I think that sums it up.
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
If your Palm is bluetooth enabled you can always change the Palm as long as you have a small blue tooth aka Ericcson etc. All this without changing the telephone which can stay hidden in some jacket pocket while you surf the internet. I know the disadvantage is carrying two bits of equipment.... Oh well I guess I would like my GPS unit to be built in as well as the 2Meg Pixel minumum digital camera all into one device .. we live in hope.
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
The same thing applies to smartphones.
RE: Wanna see what da smartphones gonna be like
Nah, that's when you pop out your Bt headset :)
One of the drawbacks of the component-ized approach is the number of devices you have to recharge...
Palm OS5 Devices $350 and up
RE: Palm OS5 Devices $350 and up
Both OS 4 and OS 5 run at least 80% of the same applications. At this point, OS 4 runs more than OS 5 does. This means that OS 5 won't kill off OS 4. There will still be inexpensive handhelds for sale running OS 4 and even OS 3 for a while. Maybe years.
OS 5 will be for the high end. The people who demand 360 x 360 screens and mp3 players. The people who'll pay over $350 for a PDA. Everyone else will pay less and get an OS 4 or 3 one.
RE: Palm OS5 Devices $350 and up
RE: Palm OS5 Devices $350 and up
Actually, the lion's share of the PDA market is in the entry-level devices (something like >80% for <$200).
PPC: In yo' face!! PalmOS: Just in time....
A lot now depends on the new hardware that Palm rolls out. Their enterprise focus should not preclude them from adding more memory, hi-res, and multi-media to the next 5-series devices. Sony added mp3, 66Mhz, and 16MB RAM to the T-series with fair battery life. Palm should be able to build the next M5xx around the power-efficient ARM processors, add Sony's features and keep the same battery life.
The Sony feature set (and bluetooth :) ) on a 5-series for $450 will ensure the health and dominance of PalmOS, and move PPC further into the niche arena.
Pocket PC time
RE: PPC: In yo' face!! PalmOS: Just in time....
Palm-the "me too" company.
RE: PPC: In yo' face!! PalmOS: Just in time....
How is this anything other than win-win?
PPC Idiots
(Just a little prediction by me but I think that the first handheld using OS 5 will be Palm and I think it's going to have m515 form, 32 mb memory, 132+ processor, color screen, and while still maintaining the battery life of a week of normal use. Expect great things from Sony too.)
RE: PPC Idiots
RE: PPC Idiots
PPC trolls and their continuing FUD...
You don't say....
The truth: PocketPC2k2 is limited to the Intel ARM processor family and the latest word is that 400MHz XScale devices won't be shipping until the end of July at the earliest. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Fortunately, the PalmOS family of devices have the flexibility to choose from three different families of ARM processors: TI's OMAP, Motorola's MX1 and Intel XScale.
--- Dan
RE: PPC Idiots
RE: PPC Idiots
RE: PPC Idiots
RE: PPC Idiots
Just one more thing that could break any more confusion. PPCs are limited to 400 mhz. Palms are NOT, I repeat, NOT limited to 200 mhz. Palms can have up to 200 mhz processors OR MORE. Which means they can even amp it up to 400 in the future, which would completely blow the PPCs out of the water (considering 33 mhz dragonball is faster than the 100-some mhz ipaqs). Plus, Palm isn't limited to making high-end devices. In the OS 5 has twice the battery life article, it was said Palm could make a 33 mhz Arm. Get a grip, stop trashing.
-Once again, Bosco
RE: PPC Idiots
XScale problems
Toshiba is jumping the gun releasing this device - it is benchmarking poorly and Intel has stated that MicroSoft needs to patch PPC2k2 to work properly with the 400MHz XScale (i.e. it's not "ready for prime-time"). This is presumably why the other PPC licensees are waiting until late July to release their new devices.
Hopefully Toshiba will provide a patch for whichever suckers decide to purchase this half-baked device, but as an e570 owner, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high for any support from Toshiba...
RE: PPC Idiots
RE: T655c
RE: T655c
When will we see a OS5 PDA from sony??? I am sure Palm will be the first to release them, but i am more interested in what sony has in store for OS5....
RE: T655c
OK, I suffer from Clie envy, and I think they will possibily be second out the gate (after Palm) with a OS 5.0 device. I hope it will be a NR70 replacement device (they are now about 2 months old - time to be replaced 8^)) with builtin bluetooth.
RE: T655c
To me, the new T655C kinda confirms that Sony probly isn't very optimistic about having an ARM-based T-series by the end of the year.
Bear in mind that while Palm has been very optimistic (at least publicly) about OS 5, neither Handspring nor Sony made any solid roadmap about their OS 5 upgrades. I think we're making a lot of assumptions here, inculding that OS 5 will be ready by year end and that Sony will release an OS 5 handheld (T-series or not) as soon as Palm releases it.
RE: T655c
RE: T655c
RE: T655c
Multitasking and the new OS
RE: Multitasking and the new OS
Because OS 5 also allows multiple programs to run simultaneously, Cutting Edge envisions a conferencing product that will allow a PDA user to be in a chat window, keep a voice connection going and deliver a document to other participants -- all at once."That's what we want to do, and with the ARM-based processor and OS 5, it makes it far more conceivable to do," Compeau said.
Mike Compeau is Cutting Edge's vice president of business development and product planning.
4K Limit
It seems to me that while all the fancy doodads are being added to the OS like virtual grafitti, like hi-res screens, like bluetooth and 802.11 that this useless and antiquated limitation could be removed for the OS.
Does any one know if the 4K limitation will continue into the 'next generation of Palm devices?
RE: 4K Limit
News Editor
RE: 4K Limit
> i.e. in the memopad and the mail programs, etc.
It is not the OS, just the built-in apps. Maybe it is to encourage you to use 3rd party apps.
RE: 4K Limit
> text field to 4K
Palm OS 1.0 to 4.x limits text fields (w/o special code) to 32767 characters. However, Memo Pad limits this further to 4k.
RE: 4K Limit
Could it be that difficult to remove this limitation. I don't think that the many third party word processing apps and readers for the Palm address this issue. Why, after all these years, must an e-mail that is synced to my Palm be truncated or an memo from Outlook cut off if it is too long. Sometimes the memopad is simply the best place for information. Further, this issue effects many applications that let you attach notes including the HanDBase note field and the note field for the phonebook (limiting the usefulness of any entry like a phone log or driving directions).
I am just astonished that this unnecessary limitation will continue through yet another OS version.
RE: 4K Limit
It's one thing to encourage 3rd-party development and product adoption. It's another to needlessly ship a substandard product which actually undermines its ability to perform as advertized (in this case, sync with a desktop PIM like Outlook).
Another thing I'd love to see addressed in version 5:
- Allow TWO ADDRESSES per contact in the BUILT-IN addressbook. Again, this is something Outlook and PPCs allow, but Palm does not.
Palm really should assume their users are on Outlook and build the custom apps to more closely match those fields and options.
Beyond the OS, I want a device with CF expansion. Will anyone other than Handera do this ;( ?
RE: 4K Limit
Given the discussion on the previous news item, it doesn't sound like very many people care about this. So, possibly not.
Address book
RE: 4K Limit
Might as well throw in a complaint about the inability to assign multiple categories to any item. Which will probably still be around in OS 5 too.
RE: 4K Limit
> Again, this is something Outlook and PPCs allow, but Palm does not.
When I was talking to Mike Mace from PalmSource at the conference in February, he made it clear that the built-in Address Book will never compete with Action Names or DateBk5. It will continue to be an OK way to store your contact information but if you want professional features, you'll have to buy a third-party product.
As he described it, PalmSource area of expertise isn't PIM software. If you want a good PIM app, get one from someone else.
News Editor
RE: 4K Limit
I just want PalmSource to remove the limitations that are built into the OS. The fact that any item can only have one category is an OS limitation, the fact that standard text fields are limited to 4k is an OS limitation. The limitation of a single address in the address book is probably not a limit of the operating system since you can do it currently with a program like SuperNames. However, the additional information will not be synced to the desktop unless a custom conduit is written which would not work with the Palm Desktop or be compatible with the built-in address book. This would, of course, limit the usefulness of the program to a large segment of the Palm user community. Thus for all intents and purposes it is a limitation imposed by PalmSource and until they decide to make accomodations for more than one address entry per contact it will not be implemented.
RE: 4K Limit
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: 4K Limit
It always pays to be honest
except in certain situations concerning
money, politics and feelings
RE: 4K Limit
So what CAN the specs be?
Does anyone know? Heck, I was in class one day and he let me record a 45min arguement and burnt it to a CD for me and it is fine. Will I be able to do this with an OS5 handheld? (NOT a handera?)
RE: So what CAN the specs be?
RE: So what CAN the specs be?
Mpeg and jpeg thought
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
On OS 5 this will be super-fast.
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
I wouldn't be so sure of that. As I understand it (could be wrong), OS5 will not support native ARM code but rather will support emulation. This will greatly reduce the speed advantages of the faster processors that OS5 allows.
I still contend that OS5 will be a disappointment. But somehow I bet Sony will find a way to make a nice flashy PDA out of it. Palm, OTOH, will release a 320x320 PDA that can play mp3s, view pictures and movies. Oops, that's already been done!
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
And yes, OS 5 WILL support native ARM code. You just have to compile the code using an ARM compiler.
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
RE: Mpeg and jpeg thought
what is this about OS6?
RE: what is this about OS6?
RE: what is this about OS6?
RE: what is this about OS6?
Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
> Palm OS applications can run smoothly on the OS 5 under the
> simulator
I got it from the same insider that you don't know what you're
talking about.
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightm
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if your favorite program does fail under OS 5. To do some of the more cool stuff on Palm, you had to do things that aren't "accepted programming practices". But I highly doubt it'll take more than 1 month for any application developer who wants to support OS 5 to port their code over. Look how fast the NV70 support popped up! And it's not even for sale yet!
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
Though your point was valid, I have to point out that NR70/V have been available in store for more than two weeks.
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightm
Before believing numbers like 39 of 50 apps break, understand that Palm has been seeding developers mainly with a debug version of the OS that is stricter than the final OS release. It is designed to ferret out any compatibility issues, even if they won't show up on the release versions of OS 5.
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
Programming help at
RE: Hold on to your 4.x device. OS 5 is going to be a nightmare!
The only people who would pull a scam like the one your talking about is M$, but you probably know that as i'm guessing you work for them.
Wheres the software?
RE: Where's the software?
I don't think increasing the processor speed is intended to improve the speed of current apps. Just about every app I run does everything pretty much instantaneously. Instead, the ARM-based chips will allow new categories of applications, better games, multimedia, and that sort of thing.
News Editor
RE: Wheres the software?
Ie. run top 1-200 application from palm gear as a sample an see how many are running and how many are not.
maybe than PIC can get some respect from users instead of just another rah-rah tech site. Are you protecting the interest of users or Palm Inc marketing?
oh yeah this is in the near future...16 of Oct 4004
....stimulation terminated....
Besides as far as these SA-based Palm devices are concernced. They will be significantly more expensive (even the M515 isn't that far off the cheapest PPC price-wise) so all those PPC-manufacturors have to do is lower the prices at just below palm-OS devices.
Look at the Toshiba e310. It's cheap and runs on the still fast SA-110 cpu. I believe the SA-based PPC's will soon flood on the general consumer market (Asus, Packard bell etc...) not to mention the former topmodels from HP (Jornada 568) who get sold pretty cheap these days while still packed with amazing features. While the XScale devices will be target more up-market. I'm affraid that these attacks on both fronts will give PALM a hard-time. Unless more companies get licences to develop Palm-OS based devices (Which I doubt will happen since Palm wants to keep having a tight grip on their market)
I'm affraid it's a dead end. Don;t shoot me.. I;m a long time Psion devotee and still love the Series 5. But I too am going to get a former top-range HP PPC (Jornada 568) which doesn't cost much more than a Palm M515.
Just see TomTom's Navigator in action and compare with that old Routeplanner/streetmaps-combo on either a Palm or Psion... I'm convinced you'll react just like me.
Run Palm OS5 on a IPAQ
Is this possible ?
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Sounds good