Comments on: Quickies: T665C, Sony, OnBoard C, Spain
SonyStyle Japan has launched My Clié, My Style! to let users share their experiences with their handhelds. There is also a questionnaire to get feedback for the next generation Clié. -Eugene
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RE: Clie could dominate
RE: Clie could dominate
Silverscreen is good but Megasoft is also good, and so are the others like YiShow, Crs-Launcher, Launcher III, and the delayed Launcher X. Putting it on RAM is okay provided it is not the default launcher, and you can change it to another if you want to. Speaking of apps in RAM, there's a lot of them in Sony's 8 Mb FlashRAM (especially NR-70V-Sample pictures, Remote Control, Clie Demo, etc...) but wonder why you can't access them unless you transferred them to RAM.
RE: Clie could dominate
>> Sony's 8 Mb FlashRAM (especially NR-70V-Sample
>> pictures, Remote Control, Clie Demo, etc...) but
>> wonder why you can't access them unless you
>> transferred them to RAM.
Those apps aren't in Flash, they're only on the CD, and you have to install them to RAM or to the MS to use them. Apps like CliePaint and ClieCamera are in Flash, and that's why you can access them right away.
RE: Clie could dominate
And what have they done in that time? They have released model after model, (virtually) each of which has more useless gimmicks than the last. Every few months we are hit with another marketing campaign telling how wonderfull the lastest so-called "feature" is. But what have they achieved? Adding MP3 playback - what's the point of that on a PDA? Strange screen resolutions - tolerable if you write in Chinese, Japanese or Korean (put aside the fact that the problems caused by the code), but not exactly vital for others. This is innovation?
If CLIE is to dominate any market, they will need to consider carefully about what really matters most to users.
They would do better to focus their brainpower on producing handhelds which are smaller, lighter, have longer battery life and bigger screens. They should dump their proprietary expansion medium. Let them also get rid of their software add-ons which compromise the Palm OS's simplicity and stability.
I suppose there will always be people who must have the latest multi-media toy with all the "gee-whiz" gimmicks. (Go to if want to see an example of this.) But those users represent a tiny portion of the market. It would be a pity if their petulant demands led manufacturers to produce models which the vast majority of customers do not want and will not pay for.
RE: Clie could dominate/with that battery life?
RE: Clie could dominate
"Dump their proprietary storage medium"? Memory stick is not proprietary. Others have adopted it and according to the last report I saw, its much more popular than MMC, and growing rapidly. Get real. Memory stick is not going away and this argument is simply not valid anymore. The same goes for all of your other "arguments".
RE: Clie could dominate
RE: Clie could dominate
1) Sony's marketing department never said they are going to dominate, your post started off as a flame, sounds like a flame, feels like a flame.
2) Longer battery life, Bigger screen, Smaller PDA. You are so smart, I thought no one knew this. How are we supposed to make smaller PDAs and have bigger screen, look at all the PDAs today the screen is basically as big as the PDA itself already, that is physically impossible. Also bigger screen and longer battery life, LoL ...
3) And that proprietary expansion medium you talking about has times the market share of the SD card, don't tell me how many companies are supportting SD, all I know is if Sony manages to have 7 times the market share of a so called open standard, then there must be something wrong with the open standard.
RE: Clie could dominate
You can have a bigger screen on a smaller unit by cutting back on the borders around the screen. The unit can be made thinner. The buttons can be relocated. ... Need I go on? The first point is not a contradiction to anyone who uses their imagination. Imagination. Think about it. Isn't that what innovation is really about?
As to the screen resolutions, please consider this: Sony makes units with three different combinations. Which one is the standard? It can't be 320x320, because they brought in something else a few months after 320x320 was introduced. What will it be on the next new model? That Palm will support multiples of 160x160 will be a relief, because the Sony hack for 320x320 (which causes problems, according to developers) can be done away with. As usual, Sony produces gimmicks; Palm creates the solution.
Your bias is interesting, but please do not allow it is stand in the way of plain common sense.
NR70V Returns
RE: Clie could dominate
If you have used WordSmith or even any of the built-in apps in hi-res on the T615 or NR70, you would not want to go back to lo-res. The fact that Sony found a way to go to 320x320 and beyond while still retaining full compatibility with standard apps a year before Palm makes them the innovator, and Palm the follower. Those that use the Sony devices do not consider their beautiful screens a "gimmick".
I am not biased against Palm or anyone else. I'm happy to see them switching to a new processor and supporting higher resolutions in the OS. It's obvious that you're the one that's biased against Sony. If you want to stick with your current device until Palm officially supports hi-res, good for you. If you want to use it now, thanks to Sony and others, you can.
Sony survey creativity
If you go to the Sony survey, there's terms and conditions at the bottom that you have to agree to. These are in *editable* text fields. Hmm, what could we agree to?
RE: Sony survey creativity
RE: Sony survey creativity
This does not only happen on SONY, it's the same for ALL company which lets user leave any format of comment online.
RE: Yippie!
RE: Yippie!
Don't forget PocketC!
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Clie could dominate