Comments on: Quickies: JackFlash for Treo, Action Names, NSBasic, IR Games
iambic is offering Action Names Datebook for a special price of $18 from now until July 21. It is normally $25. -PR
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RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks, Why? / and help on formatting cells!
Most likely it is because they need to update tinysheet font viewing preferences, I'm still having trouble with formatting cells. You know, when you format a whole row to have large font but it still doesn't re-size till you type in each cell and reformat.
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
Personally, I (and obviously others) refuse to do business with companies like this. Will this decision change anything with Iambic? Probably not, but if there are enough of us and it starts to affect their bottom line (which is really the only reason they back-pedaled on the decisions before), then perhaps it might.
To say that all is well with the world... That may be your opinion, but obviously not everyones. :)
RE: Iambick sucks
Tanker Bob
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
They are a good company, and the engineers work hard and try to make the bestsoftware they can. There are only a few left now.
Please judge software on it's own merits.
Trevor Menagh
RE: Iambic sucks
I am very sorry you lost your job, and I hope you find another soon. I hope you find one at an organization with smarter business ethics. But if you continue to believe that only the software matters, you are taking risks.
RE: Iambick sucks
Is Iambic working on PocketPC port of Action Names? I've heard rumors they are.
RE: Iambick sucks
Ted Tschopp
P.S. on a side note, it is interesting how many people who know me from my other walks of life ( and not as a Palm Guy who went out of their way to personally thank me for registering and pointing it at correct site.
RE: Iambick sucks
Hope you're all being consistent in your principles.
BTW I use AN and prefer it to DB.
RE: Iambick sucks
..the real question is when did i last use a Microsoft product that i ACTUALLY PAID for?
RE: Iambick sucks
Then you are not exactly on a moral high ground yourself are you?
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
Somehow, Iambic's seemingly dishonest purchase of a URL doesn't quite seem to belong in the same league as the myriad things that Bill & Co. have done. Let me rephrase the question: When was the last time you purchased anything with a Microsoft logo when you had a choice?
Iambic critics sucks to me
Lets get down to the simple facts.
Number one:
Iambic is a vibrant commercial US based company, employing some of the finest programmers around and by that providing the whole Palm community with a broad variety of simply excellent and sound software for a fair price and is by that helping the tumbling US economy.
If some competitors would succeed in truly harming iambic, it will not bother Greenspan but would be not beneficial to US or the Palm community.
Pimlico on the other hand is doing a single sound (but overloaden) product worth criticizing – datebook.
There claim to work more ore less for the benefit of fat mountain Gorillas is bringing pupils here to tears. This may be a very honest claim. Anyhow. I personally never met a gorilla myself able to confirm that he truly benefited directly from Pimlicos Datebook.
If Pimlico would not exist anymore (the Pimlico freelancers and self declared animal protectors can go the day all mountain gorillas are safe) few of us would be harmed – if iambic would go, it would be one excellent US Company less.
Number two is software protection.
It’s fairly easy to run Pimlicos Datebook forever without ever registering it.
Most of youngsters do – and that is neither fair, not healthy for the software industry.
Iambic on the other side is protecting their and their customer’s legal rights on the product with a sound and an elegant protection system – basically impossible to crack. I like that commercial healthy approach – its only fair.
And THAT is the real reason of the hate against iambic shown here!
And this is the true reason why most of the critics here want iambic to go the way of the Edsel. To have a free ride.
Crooks always want to get a free ticket and are ruining the software industry, the US economy and harming Palm as well.
May your own flame stay with you.
RE: Iambick sucks
I could post links to downloadable cracks of ALL software from Iambic, but I will of course not do that since it would be against the policy and regulations of PIC!
RE: Iambick sucks
They are a good company, and the engineers work hard and try to make the bestsoftware they can. There are only a few left now."
Trevor - Sorry to hear about your layoff, but your arguement isn't with those holding iambic accountable for their conduct. Your beef is with iambic's ethically-challenged management. It is their conduct that caused the backlash against iambic. I'm sure you and your fellows are very talented and work hard. Before all this, I used to recommend iambic products when they seemed appropriate to a user's needs, but now I never recommend them. I won't deal or recommend a company whose management thinks they can tell lie after lie to the user community and that we're too stupid to figure it out.
Perhaps things would change if iambic's management apologized to Bert and the rest of the community for their repeated lies.
Tanker Bob
Hanging out at
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
Your anyhow not doing business with anybody - I'm surte. You now steal software elsewhere but onlythrow dirt at the good guys, Probably you switch now to the really moneyless shareware producers and steal their software from now on. Thats good news for iambic.
Thank you for going away.
RE: Iambick sucks
eccobar is riding on a extreme high moral horse to fight iambic on semantic grounds...
escobar - your not half as shrewd as you think - your a no good bumb and most probably a pirat.
RE: Iambick sucks
I work at a company that provide me with a Palm M515 and software that they PAY for. I'm using ActionNames myself, WordSmith and a few other programs on my Palm. This are all legally obtained software. I even paid for and registered HandStory, and payed for it out of my own pocket!
The friends I mentioned are young people who buy their Palm's themselves, or get them from their parents. They don't think that it's wrong to pirate software, because they are used to doing so with music, programs for their home computer and so on.
I just made that statement of showing links to pirated software from Iambic, because a person posting above stated that this was almost impossible to do. Which is not true at all!!
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
RE: Iambick sucks
Iambic Datebooks is cool
nXt's Clie Club
Place To Be For Sony Clie Discussion
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
Personally, I don't tend to consider the politics of various companies, merely the quality of their products. Else I'd boycott Domino's Pizza for supporting anti-abortion PACs, eschew any company that was around during WWII and traded with Germany, picket any company that disagreed with my personal desire to see all child molesters executed within a week of conviction....
Let's keep our personal politics personal and private, shall we? Or at least allow that simply because others disagree with you, doesn't mean they are idiots, or that you have to berate them about it...
Unless they're Canadians, of course, and then all bets are off.
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
After the apology, I stuck with DateBk5 for another week. But it just didn't meet my needs.
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
It's true that I usually put my dollars down for great value and Iambic datebk is certainly the second best datebook program there is (judging solely by sales; btw datebk5 is the best) but it's going to be a littel hard for me to sleep at night if I buy any of their products now.
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
Gee guy, the whole argument in favor of an unregulated, capitalist economy (the wet dream of every Republican AND their 'sponsors') is that the government doesn't need to get involved because people will vote with their dollars. Now alongs comes somebody like you (you are of course, not alone) to tell us that we shouldn't even do this? I agree that we shouldn't continue to boycott companies for trading with Germany during WWII, but, according to your very clearly laid out logic, we shouldn't have boycotted those companies THEN either. Now, obviously Iambic is not guilty to the same degree as those companies that did business with the Nazis - BUT - they continue to be behave in a bullying, greedy, and unethical manner (check the link thats been posted twice above). People definitely should NOT 'keep our personal politics personal and private' - at least not if they wish to live in a society that is even remotely fair and just.
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
For those of you who never used ActionName, I would suggest you give it a try before bashing it.
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
Maybe this next time around, it won't take so long between versions for bug-fixes and feature requests. :)
RE: Iambic Datebooks is cool
Action Names Overkill
RE: Action Names Overkill
RE: Action Names Overkill
RE: Action Names Overkill
RE: Action Names Overkill--NOT
Why would you not want to categorize your appointments, and then further set them apart by assigning them different colors, font sizes, and linking them up with the applicable contacts to ensure notes are being taken on the right person? The built in datebook can do none of this.
Having alot of contacts does not mean you're a power user, it means you have alot of contacts. What you do in how you organize them along with the integration of the datebook should determine whether or not you are using the PDA to it's full potential.
Same thing with To-do integration, you can organize them in many more ways that having a category, how about coloring them as red, yellow, and green based upon the hot nature of them? Or using a bold font for certain categories so you can pick them out when turning on your PDA?
There's a million uses for Datebk5 (and probably a thousand for AN). It should be one of your most used programs, and I would think you would want the most robust tool at your fingertips, which clearly is Datebk5 (AN comes a distant 2nd).
RE: Action Names Overkill
It is not just Iambics morals ...
It lacks even functionality that the stock Date Book has, like editing apointment in line, also on the stock Date Book you can start writting on the graffity are and a new appointment is created inmediately, but not on AN.
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Iambick sucks